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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Silver01

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  1. Silver01

    Where are the November Sleevers?

    Hello All. I haven't posted in a while, thought I'd catch up. I'm 11 weeks post op and have only lost 23lbs! My weight loss has stalled and I'm getting discouraged. My doctor said that because I didn't have a whole lot to lose, the weight will come off slowly. I weighed 213lbs pre-op. In a two week period I've only lost 1 lb, but I guess that's better than gaining.
  2. Silver01

    Where are the November Sleevers?

    Sheena, I would seek medical attention for dehydration if u feel that u can barely stand or lift up your arms, rapid heartbeat, excessive thirst, dizziness, dry sticky cotton mouth or extreme tiredness. These are clear signs of dehydration. Also low urine output and urine darker than usual. I haven't experienced dehydration with the Sleeve but have with another surgery. U will definitely know something is terribly wrong and u need to call the doctor.
  3. Silver01

    Where are the November Sleevers?

    Hi Sheena. Glad to see you're doing ok although frustrated. I too was at that point of not knowing how I was doing. I surely was not getting all of my liquids, protein or vitamins in at first post-op. I don't see how all the ones that say they are, are doing it. My stomach/throat wouldn't allow it, was still sore the first two weeks. It is imperative that you stay hydrated so it's key to drink as much as you can tolerate. The drink schedule I see posted from the other sleever is good but may not work for you just a week or so post-op. I am now 7 weeks post-op and I still have problems getting it all in. On a positive note, I am doing great on regular foods, I have only lost 16lbs so far but I was only at 213lbs when first started so that's awesome to me that I'm now under 200lbs. Something that I haven't been in 10 years.
  4. Silver01

    Where are the November Sleevers?

    Hi Sheena. Glad to hear you made it thru surgery and are doing well. Also glad that you're able to do full liquids soon. I had to wait a week...VERY HARD! Yes it's going to be a task trying to get those liquids in at first but as time goes, it gets much better. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!! I am week 5 post-op so I'm able to eat most of my favs. Just got done nibbling on some sweet potato soufflé.... Yummy!!
  5. Silver01

    Where are the November Sleevers?

    Hi Sheena. I went back to work 10 days after surgery. I did that because I only have two weeks paid sick time off. If I had to do it all over again I would've taken at least two more weeks off. I was tired and felt drained which surprised me because I have a desk job. I thought I could do it but it wasn't good. By the time I got home from working 8 hours I could barely stay OUT of bed, let alone cook dinner and spend time with my family. Honestly it was rough the first 3 weeks after surgery for me. I know everyone is different, this was just my experience. I am now on solid foods, 5 weeks post-op and it has gotten a whole lot better. Make sure u get all your vitamins, liquids and protein in after surgery. It is very hard to get it all in with your small new belly but it's key in helping you feel half-way back to your normal self sooner than later.
  6. Silver01

    Where are the November Sleevers?

    Hi Toccora. I was sleeved back in October and I have to agree with u, I have this new ailment of acid reflux as we'll and I've NEVER had any problems with that before. Hopefully it's just temporary. I am on week 5 post-op and eating solids now and one would think all of those lil issues would have subsided by now. For the last two days I've been taking Prevacid and have had no heartburn/reflux at all. You have to take one pill a day for 14 days of the Prevacid, so kinda wondering will the reflux come back after the 14 days.
  7. I know I should and thanks for your words of encouragement. But you're absolutely right, I don't want to damage my sleeve. I only ate the skin (weird, right?) and threw the actual meat away, which never would've been the case previously. Other than that incident, things are going ok. I'm still not getting all of my water and protein down yet. In the midst of trying to take all the vitamins and prescribed meds it's a little overwhelming to try to get everything in. I know I have to keep at it and be grateful that I'm at least at the stage where I can eat more things. I thought I would jump off a bridge during the liquid phase.
  8. I'm 10 days post-op and I'm doing ok, won't say great. I'm at the puréed stage now but find my mind wanting bad things. Today was in Publix and bought 6 small chicken wings. I sat in the car and peeled the skin off and ate it just to get that taste. It went down fine but I don't know why I'm still crazy over foods that got me here in the first place. I agree, the hunger pains are not there but the cravings are. Also I'm feeling kinda weak most days and am questioning why still on day 10.
  9. Silver01

    Where are the November Sleevers?

    Hi Yes I am taking two weeks and a few days. Not sure if I'll be ready to go back when time. I ventured out today to the nail salon because I got tired of laying around but was exhausted by the time I got back home. Didn't do anything but sit for mani/pedi. I know I'm not getting all of my liquids. It's easier said than done especially with trying to get all the protein in and the multivitamins and prescribed meds. It's overwhelming. I'm not going to complain though, I know the end result is going to be great!!
  10. Hi. YES, I find that I'm very dehydrated at night and sweating in my sleep. I wake up to wet pillows. I am 8 days post-op from Lapband to Sleeve conversion. And also find that I'm very cold even when temps are normal.
  11. Hi. YES, I find that I'm very dehydrated at night and sweating in my sleep. I wake up to wet pillows. I am 8 days post-op from Lapband to Sleeve conversion. And also find that I'm very cold even when temps are normal.
  12. Silver01

    Where are the November Sleevers?

    Hello. I'm an October Sleever actually. Just joined this site today. I am 8 days post-op from Lap-Band to Sleeve Conversion. My doctor was able to do both at the same time, thank God! Things are going well so far just tired of the liquid diet, ready to move on. My post-op visit is next week, really looking forward to finding out how much I've lost, decided not to purchase a scale to keep from over-obsessing about the weight. I feel pretty light though, Lol! I'm at home another week so if anyone has any questions about my experience, I'm free to chat.

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