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LAP-BAND Patients
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About cruzinjan

  • Rank
  • Birthday 09/28/1955

About Me

  • Biography
    banded on 2-13-08
  • State
  1. Happy 57th Birthday cruzinjan!

  2. 4 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 4th Anniversary cruzinjan!

  3. I'm in the same boat, no weight loss since early April, but I haven't gained either, so I'm ok with that ! My 2nd fill is July 17th, it is my understanding that it may take several fills to get to the sweet spot ! I was banded on Feb 13th & have lost 32 lbs, but i also know i need to move more.....Good Luck !!! Jan
  4. cruzinjan

    Counting calaries

    Please contact your nutritionist, every Dr has there own specifications. I couldn't eat soft food till post op day 29 thru day 42, Regular food started on day 43 thru day 64, but not to exceed 4-6 oz per meal. Our calories went by the week, 400 cal by week 4, 500 cal by wk 5- thats per day, ect... ! Calories not to exceed 1000 - 1200 for life. Good luck & please contact your NUT.
  5. cruzinjan

    Home and Banded

    Thanks hijabigirl, before you know it you'll be with us on the banded side, good luck to you, jan:thumbup:
  6. cruzinjan

    Home and Banded

    I was banded on 2-13-08 & i'm feeling fine, no real pain, just a bit of stiffness. I also don't remember much, sliding over onto the OR table & that's it. Then i woke up in recovery & went to get my first fluro for placement of the band, drank the barium & all, Stayed in the hospital overnite & was discharged by 7:15AM !!! My only discomfort is burping alot, is this normal?? Take care all & keep on sipping ! Janet :wink_smile:

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