Sorry for starting a new thread but need some advice/opinions ('course that's why I'm here!).
I'm going back to work after one week. I feel pretty good, off the pain meds, have a 50/50 desk job. I mean, I work at my desk but I'm up and down a lot from 3rd floor to 1st floor for meetings, observations, etc.
I didnt tell anyone at work that I was having the surgery (well, one co-worker but he doesnt remember). I told everyone I was gonna be on vacation for a week.
My question is...for those of you who have gone back to work within a week or less, was it ok? Any words of advice to get through the week or am I just being stupid? Since I've been at home, I'm really sore if I don't move around after abt 30 minutes or so...I can't really "sit" for more than an hour or two without SEVERE discomfort at the port site.
Sorry for the long post. my doc said she wouldnt release me until I'm ready but I think a week is plenty.
Thanks for any advice you can pass along....:whoo: