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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jachut

  1. Jachut

    Lapband-Friendly Meals?

    I eat very normal meals, you wouldnt know I was banded if I didnt tell you. I just dont eat an awful lot. People DO notice and tease me sometimes about how slowly I eat and how I have a small appetite, you know, the male eye roll at women's silly eating affectations. That's the extent of it. I can eat ALL foods, including breads. However a lapband unfriendly meal would be what I had today. We went on a school excursion.That means packed lunch, no facilities to keep food cold, whatever I took had to fit in my handbag. I dont eat Protein bars either. So that meant a sandwich. Dont like sandwiches much, particularly ones that arent full of fresh salad ingredients. I had ham and cheese, on wholegrain bread. Yuck, but its lunch. Trouble is I had FIVE minutes to eat it. I cannot for the life of me shove down a sandwich in five minutes. I ate maybe 1/2 of it and binned the rest, I can fit a whole one in, but it takes careful eating, probably 20 minutes. I wasnt going to risk it in front of my whole class! And I didnt have any Water all day because we werent allowed to drink inside the museum and I couldnt eat the sandwich AND drink the water. But that's once in a blue moon stuff.
  2. Jachut

    Horrified at Australian surgeon

    Sorry, I've got more to say. These threads make me mad. They're so shortsighted, although I realise everyone is entitled to an opinion and you're not necessarily meaning to be offensive by expressing yours. But actually, what other surgeries are there for people with a BMI below 35? And also, I attend Prof. Paul O'brien's clinic. He's one of Australia's lapband pioneers, he's a worldwide authority. And his practice bands from a BMI of 30..... Also, if its so easy to lose weight simply by changing your eating habits and exercising when your BMI is below 35, why didnt YOU do that?
  3. Jachut

    Horrified at Australian surgeon

    Sorry, but you're getting the wrong end of the stick and you're probably getting it second hand and magnified a whole lot. There'd be no NEED for this surgeon to make up a comorbidity and lie about it. No need at all. Because obesity surgery is allowed in Australia from a BMI of 30. I think you'll find most surgeons would apply judicious caution at the lower end of the scale and perhaps screen patients carefully, but obese is obese is obese and WHY wait till patients have serious illnesses. It'll keep our health system much healthier if we're not paying for avoidable disease treatment in the longer term. And anyway, what is WRONG with LAP-BAND® surgery as a cosmetic procedure? Its fairly noninvasive and safe. Yes, its life changing. But I'd suggest having bags of silicone put in your chest is fairly serious surgery and tummy tucks and such are much more extensive surgery that have much greater risks of complications and infection. At least where the desired outcome of LAP-BAND® surgery is purely cosmetic, it does also have the side effect of preventing obesity and related diseases from following! I wouldnt assume this doctor is greedy at all, I think you're taking a very biased view of this, and are very discriminatory towards people who are less advanced int their obesity! And just how the heck would you know what such patients have and havent tried to lose weight anyway? I can assure you, by the time I reached a BMI of 30 at about 30, I had over 18 years of dieting and torturing myself over my weight behind me. I dieted myself fat to a large degree. When are we going to get this through our heads? Dieting doesnt work. We've all failed at it, yet we're all still stupid enough to make statements about others being morally weak because it hasnt worked for them either. I also think you're making a huge leap into assuming this doctor also follows unsafe fill protocol.
  4. Jachut

    Too much exercise not enough calories?

    When it comes right down to it, its all the same information manipulated a zillion ways. I mean white flour - bad carbs right? But really, mostly bad because generally white flour products also contain a lot of sugar and often a lot of saturated fat which equals mega calories - Cookies, cakes, crappy cereals, processed breads, nutritionless Pasta and rice. Its not the *carb* element that's really so evil its the fact that you fill up on nutritionally worhtless foods and THEN your body still demands nutrition so you eat more. Your body doesnt need a lot of fuel after 3pm true, if you're not active then (myself, I tend to exercise at about 6pm). But that's FUEL not carbs. Anythign you eat at 9pm is going to get stored, not burned. Protein, fat OR carbs. There's no magic about the carb element. But by the same token, if you're a night eater and not a morning eater, you burn your stored energy in the morning. I think most night eaters will find they eat a lot of calories at night, more so than if they ate healthy breakfasts and lunches - they get starving and go for high calorie foods, whereas if they ate some Allbran and fruit in the morning and a salad at lunch, they'd eat less calories. THAT's why night eaters gain, not simply because of the time they ate. If you undereat and you're not losing, you will eventually lose. How would people ever starve to death? Starvation mode isnt really what people imagine it to be. I think we need to take all information with a grain of salt. I mean, the high protein low carb message sounded really credible in 1970 and people followed it. But its hard to stick to. Then the low fat high carb message spread. That sounded credible too. All that stuff about high carb foods taking more energy to digest, and the lack of fat and we'd all be magically thin. That hasnt worked (probably becuase people say they're doing high carb low fat but they're really doing high carb, high sugar, high fat!). Now we've come full circle to high protein low carb again. Do we REALLY think its going to be somehow different to 40 years ago? Same with exercise. Cardio was the buzzword of the 70's. Everyone jogged. Now you'd think it was the worst thing you can possibly do to your body and what's the justification? Just look at the fat people crossing the line in the marathons say the strenght training proponents. It doesnt work? Well, no, nothign works if you follow your 21km half marathon with a McDonalds binge. Or this one "look at that stringy marathoner, and now at this Miss Universe, who would you rather look like?" Um, the marathoner, lol. A bit less extreme, I mean I dont want to run every ounce of muscle and fat off my body the way marathoners do, but I have little desire to look like a female eastern European masseuse either! I reckon try what appeals and sounds logical, if it works great, if not try something else, do the exercise YOU want to do and not what the latest scientific theory supports. And take everything those personal trainers say with a grain of salt, they're indoctrinated into current fashion for the most part.
  5. I agree, if you can maintain your diet through that, you're inspirational. You wouldnt have to be a stress eater to just chuck it all in and start when things died down. But you WILL eat comfortably and normally in a restaurant again. You will get to a place in your life when if you have to eat just what's put in front of you for a week, you wont even worry about it.
  6. for mushies or generally? I tend to eat Cereal and fruit kind of things for breakfast, or shame, skip it all together. Mid morning I've started eating a snack simply because I've started teaching and I have a defined break then. I usually have a piece of fruit and the other day I had a small bowl of vegetable soup. lunch is soup, or a salad (with chicken, tuna or egg) or crackers and cheese. I dont usually eat in the afternoon, when I do, its not good, lol, usually its when I'll give into sugar cravings. dinner is meat and three veg - last night corned beef, mashed potato/pumpkin and steamed veg. during mushies I made a lot lentil dahl, soft salads of avocado/skinned tomato/skinned cucumber/chick peas and a can of flavoured tuna, yogurt, soups etc.
  7. Jachut

    Significant weight loss=Better sex life?

    I have to be honest, weight loss hasnt had a positive effect for me in that regard, my libido has continued to decline. Dont get me wrong, I do enjoy sex, but were it up to me, I could easily go months without it. I never feel horny these days, ever. I go to bed at night fairly exhuasted, three kids, full time work in a new career, physically tired from running/exercise etc and I'm also 42, probably premenopausal.
  8. I dont have any, but I've got two banded friends that do. One had her tattoos in places that werent too badly affected, upper breast, shoulder blade and ankle. The other had one on her lower back. Its now on her ass. I dont mean to be smart about it, but it really has dropped, and its deformed. Its just one of those things. Really, to have that happen to a tattoo is I guess as heartbreaking as to imagine yourself thin and end up saggy, baggy and droopy. Its one of those things you have to face if and when it happens.
  9. Jachut

    Starbucks fanatics unite!

    Well, from time to time, you can treat yourself to anything, just account for it. Dont feel guilty, we all need a few treats now and then. But here's a novel idea for your daily fix- does anyone actually sell REAL cappucinos or lattes in the States? You know, the way they're meant to be, not with syrups and cream and such? A latte is simply 1/3 good espresso coffee and 2/3 steamed milk. If you have skim milk, its not an indulgence, its a valuable Calcium providing part of your day with a great caffeine hit. A cappucino is the same, but with more milk froth and a sprinkle of chocolate (negligible cals). Starbucks has pretty much gone bust here because Australia is just much more into European style coffee (we have a particularly strong Italian heritage in Melbourne), but both Starbucks and Gloria Jeans do most of their trade here in real lattes and cappucinos and not in confectionary coffees. Have they adjusted to their market here or are those items also on your menus? Becuase they're great, you can add sweetener if you really must, and they wont wreck your diet. Oh - and they come in cups too, not buckets, lol.
  10. I'm a bad Breakfast skipper, lol. I've become like that as i got older, I NEVER used to miss my breakie. But I've always been a Cereal or toast eater when I do eat. I'm not fond of eggs and such at breakfast time, and since I've been banded, I just dont like toast as much anymore. I can eat bread and toast, and it doesnt get stuck, but leaves me with a vague "uneasiness" that I dont enjoy so I dont usually eat it. So..... usually I get to work first and have some muesli or oatmeal.
  11. Jachut

    Fears of Scarring

    I can understand this, I remember standing in the mirror looking at my stomach the night before surgery and feeling so sad that it was going to be all cut up. I really had quite a nice stomach for a fat person - it wasnt where I stored weight, and it was unblemished and stretch mark free. As it is, there's barely a mark on my stomach now. I dont even think twice about wearing a bikini. The port scar is very faint and colourless now and the other four are invisible, I cant find them anymore. But although I got out of weight loss very lightly skin wise, I could have an absolutely AWESOME stomach with a tummy tuck as its very flat, the skin is just a bit loose. But the scarring really puts me off, same, I cant see the point of the huge ugly scar. Just like you're doing, I am no doubt way underestimating how much the scar would disappear.
  12. The decision should be made based on stomach size, but I suspect its a lot more commercial a decision than that in many cases. I have an older 4cc band and I'm very glad. I had restriction from day one. It was ALWAYS the right restriction at the time, none of this having six fills to even reach restriction nonsense. I dont require constnt fills either, its holding very well for maintenance, and I havent been filled in about 18 months, no plans for any fills in the near future. I've had my band almost five years now. New designs are supposed to reduce slippage, erosion and increase durability, but of course, the problem with new is there's little data to prove any of that.
  13. Since banding I get sea sick, car sick, and amusement park ride sick. I was never like this when I was younger. It has only been since I was banded. It *may* be a coincidence and something that's happened as I get older anyway or it may be band related, but I loathe getting on a boat now and I dont do amusement park rides any more.
  14. Jachut

    From Meal to Meal

    I eat when I'm hungry and it takes however long it takes.
  15. Jachut

    soy vs. whey protein powders

    There is loads and loads of evidence that soy is not good for you in regular amounts. I would avoid soy based shakes if they're going to be a focus of your diet, just as I would avoid drinking soy milk daily. The worry is the hormonal effects a lot of soy can have. And of course, you would want non GM soy. I dont know a lot about it, though, so of course, do your own research.
  16. Well, in all honestly, I wouldnt call myself a "whole foodist" and I'm certainly not vegan or even vegetarian but my personal view on nutrition tends very strongly in that direction. I guess really I'm a "clean eater" more than anything. I try to avoid processed foods and I make things from scratch and definitely dont eat stuff like artificial sweetener or Lean Cuisines. Most certainly I dont consider things like shakes and bars clean eating and I avoid that sort of stuff as well as things like artificially sweetened flavoured Water (WHY? it tastes fine plain) etc. I buy a lot of organic food, and all our produce and meat is organic. But I do like a glass of wine, and today I had a real craving for a pie and a Big M (a pie is an Australian delicacy of pastry and meat, topped with tomato sauce (ketchup) and a Big M is a chocolate milk) so I would never claim to be virtuous - like anything its moderation nmore than anything. I just try to eat well most of the time and to make sure my body gets a good variety of nutritious non processed foods every day and occasionally something a bit more naughty sneaks in. In answer to your question, I think you can certainly lose weight on any sort of diet at all - its all down to calories in the end, but you do it the whole foods way it'll taste better and be much better for you than if your daily intake is a couple of Protein shakes and a lean cuisine!
  17. Very interesting. I would swear its my exercise habits that keep me thin. Many people would call me extreme because I run nearly every day, but in reality a daily 50 minute jog is "moderate" exercise, not very intense. I did much more intense exercise (interval sprints, hard circuit training etc) during my losing phase and as I've returned to full time work, I really just enjoy chilling out in the evening with a nice long run and some good music. So i guess, I've naturally falling into the pattern they're recommending. I never found exercise made me eat a lot more though, but that could very well be band related. I never ever had the results that I had combining the band with running.
  18. You know, they all debunk that base tan theory, but its the one justification I can think of for using tanning beds. i'm not a tanner because i really dont want to look like a leather handbag by 50, but I wouldnt DREAM of going to Thailand in September after a Melbourne winter without some base tan. it definitely DOES give you protection from burning (which is what really causes the damage). there really wouldnt be any reason why it would be dangerous to your band, its just dangerous in general.
  19. Jachut

    Protein to speed weight loss????

    Really, if you think about it logically, the more Protein you eat, the slower you'll lose since protein is calories like any other food group. what you mean is the balance of your diet, yes? Many people do lose faster on a higher protein, lower carb diet. Just play around with it, what is right for you may not be the same thing as what is right for someone else. For me, I lose weight the same whether I eat high protein low carb, or the way I prefer to eat - higher wholegrain carb, slightly lower protein (but still 60-70 g a day) and avoiding saturated fat sources (too many animal products like milk, cheese, deli meat, yogurt, I have all those things in moderation though) and eating good fats like tuna and avocado. the easiest way i find to cut calories from my diet is no eating in between meals, which also tends to nix all the processed carb foods that find their way in (the Cookies, muesli bars, cakes and slices, groan). I think avoiding processed carbs and sugar is pretty much vital for anyone. for me, it just comes down to the basic but boring calories in/calories out equation. As long as I exercise and dont overeat, it doesnt matter much WHAT I eat weight loss wise, general health is another question altogether. Food choices are more important there.
  20. Jachut

    Too much exercise not enough calories?

    I tend to not buy that either, but really, why not give it a really good, honest try? I kid myself that I dont need to eat that much, and that I cant eat that much, but I can certainly pack in the calories with chips, Cookies and chocolate without even thinking about it!
  21. Jachut

    Port in the Shoulder

    I dont eat cold stuff, even if I pour myself an OJ in the morning, I leave it out to warm up for 20 minutes. Port wise, OMG, the shoulder? I dont like the thought of that at ALL. I'm very much your typical pear shape and believe me, there is NO spare flesh above my waist at all. You can see all the muscles in my shoulders and back, and a port there would look like a huge tumour, and it would be uncomfortable becuase it would be covered by no flesh. The only place on my torso where I have enough is the most common place for the port anyway - a bit to the left above my belly button. The one between the breasts appalls me too, I'm very bony there, and it would be very obvious and uncomfortable (you can see my port as it is, only my belly). I really dont know why surgeons put them there, because many women ARE pears and many will get fairly thin on their upper bodies following weight loss. I could hide about 40 ports on my bum, of course, lol.
  22. Definitely keep looking, because the sad thing is once you've started this cycle of feeling bad, sooner or later, your BMI will get to 35 anyway. Better to nip it in the bud now rather than later. Obese is obese is obese, its so unfair to deny the surgery to people who need it.
  23. Same here Fanny, I've been to my doctor once or twice and demanded tests becuase I felt so awful - once I wanted my Iron checked and then when my sister was diagnosed with an underacive thyroid, I was convinced that must be my problem too - I mean, I needed a nap at 2pm every day! Nowadays, I can easily outrun my grade six students, they were all exhaused on camp and I thought it was more like a relaxing holiday! I couldnt even HOPE to get through a full time job and full.time parenting like I'm doing these days in the state I was in five or six years ago. As this is my first year teaching and my first ever camp, my colleagues had been having a great time ribbing me about how exhausted I'd be and they've all been rather put out that I havent collapsed in a heap yet. Quite the contrary, I'm enjoying my fast paced life.
  24. Mine was really vanity - I was feeling awful, old and tired, but that meant to me that I would be a dowdy old woman by age 45, which didnt fit my image of myself. I coudlnt wear what I wanted, look how I wanted etc. So really, I did it equally as much to look better as to feel better. and I wanted to really be able to run again.
  25. Starting to feel old was the reason I got banded. I wasnt as overweight as some but it was really making me feel old, unfit and tired. I feel soooo much better now.

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