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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jachut

  1. Jachut

    What Peeves you?

    Oh, did you see the Seinfeld episode on Package Rage? That was so bloody funny. How often does it happen when you cant get something out, those plastic bubble packs are the worst, you need a hacksaw to get into those. And all the twist ties on kids toys, AAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH. Not to mention cutting yourself on the perforations trip on the cling wrap box. Package rage, for sure. It would be justification for homicide.
  2. Jachut

    What Peeves you?

    Oh, I"ve got another peeve today. I took Eliza to her swimming lesson this morning. She's about to turn 4 and has just started. But in her class of 4 there's one little boy Ethan who's uncontrollable, one of those really distracted, busy kids that just has to be constantly admonished to pay attention. And a little girl Michaela who just howls the entire time and needs constant attention too. I'm paying $70 per month for four swimming lessons and I feel like my child is not getting the attention and instruction she needs and has a right to because of these two high needs children in the class. I dont for a moment think that they ought to boot these kids out of the Water, but surely, two high needs children in a class of four is a bit much?
  3. Jachut

    What Peeves you?

    Like in the middle of this thread say, when someone posts "I am getting the lapband in Lithuania and would like to know what doctor you used"? That drives me mental, lol! But I think people dont know how to start a new thread.
  4. Jachut

    Are You Correctly Filled?

    Yeah, I know how hard it can be and my comment obviously got your back up, but truly for the band to work, you have to develop it to some degree. Its how the band works, you have to work with it. You know that. I'm here and I have that self control *now*, but its taken me 14 months of hard work to get to that point. 14 months of saying no to Big Mac's *most* of the time and I dont really want one anymore. You dont have to be perfect you know.Truly, I think when you're trying to beat compulsive overeating, moderation is easier than an all or nothing approach. You dont have to never ever eat pizza again, you just have to learn how to fit it into a healthy diet. For sure, you might need another fill - I only think too tight to have anything but Protein shakes in the am. is too tight for ME, not necessarily for you. I said I wouldnt tolerate it, but if you have to to get a level of restriction that personally you can work with, then that's the way it is. I like to run, I need to fuel my body for that, so I keep my band looser to allow me to eat enough. I only lose 2 to 5lb a month, but for sure it was faster than that at the beginning, I've never been a fast loser though. Do you exercise? It will take up the slack between getting the right restriction and having too many calories to lose as much as you want.
  5. Jachut

    What Peeves you?

    Hehehe, the underwear thing. Underwear is singular to me - as in "why does men's underwear cost so much less", not "why do men's underwear cost so much less" like someone said above. And you dont say a pair of underwear. Underwear covers all - jocks, socks, bras, undies etc. You dont put on a pair of underwear, you put on a pair of undies. That sounds really strange to me, but that must be an American thing becuase I hear it all the time on telly and on here etc. I'm probably the odd one out, lol.
  6. Jachut

    Weight Gain

    Not yet, though I've stalled plenty of times. With running an hour a day, five or six days a week plus having a band, even the most major indiscretions dont show on the scales. As long as I run, I know I wont regain my lost weight.
  7. Jachut

    Obsessive Exercising and Weighing

    Yeah, I do have a rough idea of how many calories I'm eating - an entire lifetime spent dieting means you know the calorie count of nearly everything, lol. As well as WW points!
  8. Jachut

    Aussie food thread

    Oh, Chris's Greek Yogurt, mmmmmmmm (makes obscene orgasmic noises, lol). That stuff is divine. I've got a rather naughty habit of those gourmet yogurts, thick natural yogurt with the fruit in them that you mix up. You know, the ones that are like $4 a pop. God they're good. Actually toast would be the hardest food for me to eat for some reason, it kills me. If I feel like a toast fix, I have some Ryvitas with a bit of philly and jam or just Peanut Butter. I love Ryvitas. I had rice cakes yesterday for lunch, they went down really well too.
  9. Actually I think I need another fill but I'm still losing very slowly. I know my calorie intake is not too high for me, but I still find I can eat too much at one time. Yesterday for me was Breakfast - 2 weetbix with about a tablespoon of muesli over the top, skim milk lunch - 2 rice cakes with curried egg and rocket, a muesli bar and an apple (that's too much at once, i think). dinner (out for dinner) a caesar salad (ate half) a few bites of lemon tart (left the rest) 2 glasses of wine.
  10. Jachut

    Fitness/Exercise Ball, anyone?

    Check out www.collagevideo.com, and use their search function, there are a lot of DVD's out there.
  11. Jachut

    What Peeves you?

    Oh parking lots ARGH. We have one locally that's a "homemaker centre" big fabric store, loads of furniture stores, a bike store, curtain place, white goods. Whoever designed the carpark is a bloody idiot, no doubt about it. Its all over the place. You get in your car to back out of your spot. YOu look behind you. You look right. You look left. You look diagonally one way. YOu look diagonally the other. YOu back out HOOOOOOOOONNNNNNKKKKK! You nearly get wiped out because there were so many possible directions from which a car can come at you that by the time you've checked them all, you have to start again! Its like someone took a big blank area and just randomly threw traffic islands and garden beds at it, with no thought at all as to traffic. What on earth is wrong with a few aisles up and down?
  12. Jachut

    Last stand before the band

    The hardest thing about the whole process was being honest with myself that dieting just would not work - as it hadnt the previous 100 times. I had quite a public last stand here, I did lose 6kg of course once the first six weeks is over, the bad habits creep back in. I still have to do the work to lose but I know with the band and my new exercise habits, I wont regain what I've lost. Everyone, absolutely everyone advised me to "give it one more try". I didnt want to waste another minute of my life being fat and miserable. Even more - since I was a BMI of 35 - I didnt want to ever become morbidly obese. It was bad enough being just plain fat.
  13. Jachut

    Aussie food thread

    GNC has quite a range of protein shakes - many flavours. You can even buy it in containers almost as big as a barrel!
  14. Jachut

    Aussie before and/or After pics

    Here you are, I found an after, but I really dont have any befores on the computer. That was in December, I've only lost oh, 2kg or so since then, so not much has changed.
  15. Jachut

    Melbourne Chat Thread!!!!

    Bugger Valentine's day, its girls night tonight. I'm going out and leaving Doug at home with the kids. Sixteen years of marriage will do that to you, roflmao! Its his fault. He's such an accountant - there's never a card or a pressie for anything because its a waste of money according to him, and so I called his bluff! He was quite put out lol, mainly because he knows he'll be asleep when I get home so I wont put out, tee hee. Then again, maybe I ought to poke him and prod him and wake him up like he does to me!
  16. Jachut

    Aussie food thread

    Oh, yeah, Protein shmotein, lol. Of course we need it, but I think when you eat it first as a hard and fast rule, you miss out on a lot of other things you need. I'm glad we're not told that here. I used to eat everything on my plate individually, now I try to get a little bit of everything on each forkful to make sure I eat equal quantities of everything. But I often dont serve myself rice or potato these days becuase I know I wont fit it in. I cant start the day without carbs!
  17. I never too a before photo and I've never really posed for an after photo either, these are the best I have I really MUST get someone to take a photo of me in a pair of my old jeans, its freaking hilarious. My 4 year old fits in them with me, with room to spare!
  18. Jachut

    Aussie food thread

    Good idea, I think we're very blessed here with the range of fresh and healthy food we have and we dont seem to eat as many packaged foods. Liquids - I was told anything that goes through a straw. I started off with what I'd read on here, Protein shakes, V8, Water, juice. I was disoriented and passing out within 3 days, so I ditched those and I was just blending real food - I even had my Christmas dinner in liquid form! If it was a roast, I just added plenty of stock until it was liquidy, spag bol went with a can of tomatoes to soupy consistency, I made the vegetable and lentil Soup out of one of John Tickell's books and mooshed that up, and kept up with the juice and water, generally had a fruit/Optifast smoothie with some Allbran or a Weetbix in it for Breakfast. Over the 3 weeks I was on liquids, I transitioned from very soupy to thicker. But boy, mushies were soooooooooooooo good! A few things I ate a fair bit of were salads of chick peas or 3 bean mix, chopped skinned cucumber & tomato, avocado and a can of flavoured tuna, no need for dressing with the flavoured tuna. Had thicker Soups and anything that the family was having for dinner blended up with extra liquid to mushy consistency. Did a batch of mashed veges with pumpkin, potato, carrot, broccoli and whatever else, mashed with a tiny bit of cheese, and gravy, yuuuuum, um what else - oh lentil dahl but the bucketful, delicious! Scrambled eggs too. After that I found the transition to solids pretty good and I've been very lucky that I dont have any problems with any foods so I can eat anything.
  19. Jachut

    IPod Questions- windows media player

    You should be able to synchronise it to your device, that's how I do it - rip it of my CD's and onto Windows Media and then onto my MP3. Along the top bar there's a "sync" button, you press that, it instructs you to select tunes from whatever playlist and you have your ipod connected - you can click the little "edit playlist" tab to pull up a list and as you mouse click on songs, they are added to your sync list and then you just press the start sync button and it does it all for you.
  20. Jachut

    Aussie before and/or After pics

    Hehe, I bought stuff at Supre and I"m 39! So if that's not mutton dressed as lamb...... I bought the XL though and at my very skinniest, I'll still be in a L.
  21. Jachut

    Sex before marriage?

    Ah *puts hand up* - Eliza started kindergarten a week or two ago, the schedule has been a bit mad as they're easing the kids into it. Dont they realise 3rd kids are raring to go? Anyway, it finished at midday on Monday, at 12.15 my phone rang, "ah, Jacqui? We've finished, where are you". It was the kinder teacher, lol. No mother of the year award for me either I guess.
  22. Jachut

    Obsessive Exercising and Weighing

    Yes, I agree with that - 2lb a week is fantastic. Even less than that is fantastic, real weight loss is a slow process!
  23. Jachut

    Aussie before and/or After pics

    Yes, of course, Photobucket. I tried that Irfanview one when it was mentioned on B2G and it buggered up our entire computer, something went horribly wrong. I'll have to take some after pics too, I'm not into cameras very much as you can tell. I never take the camera and I dont take enough of the kids, when I do take them I download them from the camera to the computer (or should that be upload, lol) and that's all I ever do. I have never ever had one single digital photo printed or saved onto a disk. I do have a pair of fat jeans that look freaking hilarious now, like clown pants, I'll get someone to take a pic of me in them!
  24. Jachut

    Obsessive Exercising and Weighing

    I dont count calories, log anywhere, follow any rules either. I eat what I want to, when I am hungry, until I am not hungry anymore. If I go out a bit or its my birthday or its Christmas and I have a few days where there's a bit too much grog and good food, so what? I get back on the bandwagon when I can. Its worked for me and food no longer rules my life. I didnt get the band to be obsessed with food. Now, exercise, ah, lol. I love running, I am utterly addicted to it, I would never give it up, I get mad with my husband when he comes with me and pikes out and wants to walk, I do it six times a week, I want to run faster, further, etc. I think about it, anticipating my next run I dont take time off for holidays, I just run wherever I am. Am I "obsessed". Well yes and no, I'm obsessed because I want to be, but I dont get stupid over it. If I cant go, I cant go, if its pouring rain, I wouldnt run through an injury, I take rest days and easy days and I"m realistic with my goals. I'm not forcing myself to do anythign and I dont commit more than an hour or so a day to it. Its something I'm passionate about and love doing and it really completes me and is an important part of my life so I'd call that a good obsession. Its just a pity everybody cant love exercising so much, because it makes ALL the difference to weight loss. However I beg to differ on the weighing thing. I dont know a single woman, naturally slim or not who is not obsessed with her weight, doesnt weigh often and doesnt panic if the scale is up. All my naturally slim friends do this as much as I do.
  25. Jachut

    Aussie before and/or After pics

    You look great. I cannot work out the blasted pics on this site. My photos are too big, I'm a complete dufus with photos - I know I can resize them but I dont know how and I'm too impatient/dont have enough interest to learn. So I never post pics. They always work fine on MSN but not on here. Plus I never took any before pics!

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