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Everything posted by Jachut

  1. Jachut

    Cottage Cheese Thighs

    Mine improves when I pull it up too. I'm quite thin now but still have it, its just part of being female and 40 I think. I'm not sure I would go to such an extent as a body lift to cure it, when nearly everyone has some anyway. The lucky people that dont have cellulite tend to be more apple shaped people, and then they have other figure problems that I dont have to fight, so we all have our good features to show off. I just stick my chest out and hope nobody is looking at my bum, lol! Tanning does help it to look better, but please fake it. I'd rather have cellulite than skin cancer and look like I'm 100 years old at 40.
  2. Jachut

    Ladies with large chests...

    I wore an underwire bra home from the hospital too. I would never wear a non underwire bra, they just dont give you as good shape.
  3. Oooh yuck - on your COLLAR BONE? Sheesh, I have no fat there whatsoever now, it would look absolutely freakish. Seriously, you can see the ribs in my chest, a port there would look disgusting. And my collar bones has hollows above and below it, I'm not sure where a port could even go? I like mine where it is - about 2 inches up and across from my belly button. I'm thin, but you cant see it unless you're looking for it and I happen to have a bare stomach, you definitely cant see it under the most fitted of tops. And it is not interfered with my the waist of anything I wear.
  4. It never fails to sneak up on me, I had a fill on Monday, jsut a teeny top up, I"d half hoped it would mean I'd finally get under 70kg but had thought oh, well, that did nothing, here is where I"m meant to be. Then today I suddenly realised I've hardly eaten anything and could barely eat a bowl of Soup for lunch. It doesnt kick in WHAM so suddenly I'm tight, but they always tighten over the following week.
  5. Jachut

    Stuck and blacking out

    It hits me that way too. I can get quite stuck and slime profusely and its OK but on the few occasions that I have PB'd my guaranteed warning that it will come up is that my legs go weak and I see black spots, like I'm about to faint. I have an instant when I think I'm going to pass out and then up it comes.
  6. I agree Georgia Girl - and I would hope too that if you get to your healthy BMI that people dont then say you were "lucky" or intimate somehow that your personal circumstances made it possible for you but they dont have it quite so lucky. Because that understates how much grit and determination you will have had, and just what huge mental changes you will have made to make it there. Because, and this is my entire point for even making comment on this thread in the first place, it is never OK to criticise anyone fat, but it seems very OK to make these kind of assumptions about those who are not, and even though people deny they harbour such prejudices, it oozes through everything they say! Just as it may be quite justifiable to say that thin people (or even "less fat" ones like I was when banded) dont understand what it is to be morbidly obese, I would argue that the morbidly obese have forgotten or never experienced what it is to be normal weight and they make all kinds of unfair assumptions about it. I think we need role models of all kinds too - and I have no problem with the Dove campaigns, my only comment on it was that historically "real woman" campaigns have not proved successful in enticing people to buy products and that I dont personally feel moved to buy Dove products when I see the ads. And I just think that if anyone really looks at magazine ads and believes the model really looks like that, they've got way more problems than poor role models. Seriously, who is that thick? We KNOW they're airbrushed, made up, posed. Who really thinks that that's the standard they need to live up to? I feel truly sorry for anyone who does. Personally, I have a bit more inner fortitude than that - and I did when I was a teenager too. I really dont think blaming the media and the "unrealistic images" it portrays is any more than an excuse. But those Dove women are FAR more role models than any emptyheaded Hollwood star - seriously, I dont see how you can call a woman like Queen Latifah, who has an army of hair stylists, make up artists, fashion stylists, loads of money and time to devote to her looks, a role model. She probably is desperate over the size of her ass and would change it in a heartbeat if she could, we do need role models for larger women, but that woman is every bit as airbrushed and sanitised as anyone thin! I have no issue with her weight, I have issue with the fact that she's no more "real" than the next hollywood star just because her thighs are bigger. Truly, in my mind its not a fat v thin argument, and I dont mean to make it so. I just think its very prejudiced to decide someone is role model material simply becuase she's bigger - as if that automatically makes her a nicer person, a more real person, and someone worthy of your admiration.
  7. Jachut

    Lost 100 Percent!!!

    Congrats. You've lost 100% because you've truly made the mental changes, you can hear it in what you say. I think the fat mentality is the hardest thing of all to overcome. Well done!
  8. You can certainly do it without realising it, and you dont have to do it with "bad" foods either. Everytime I think about lunch and think, nah, wont eat that its too hard, I'm eating around the band. the thought of eating tuna and salad on a sandwich may be like thinking of eating a house brick, but I know that if I eat that until I'm pleasantly satisfied then I will not be hungry again for hours. But instead I think I'll just have a yogurt, its easier. That's eating around the band - because I'll be back looking for food in an hour's time and that's when I'l think its not mealtime so I'll just have a couple of Cookies.
  9. Jachut

    Low carb/low fat - Sugar/sweetener

    I just eat what I want in smaller portions. I dont count anything, calories, Protein etc, and I dont really believe a high protein, low carb diet is particularly healthy. As far as sugar goes, I gave it up in tea and coffee when I was about 16 and it was easy. It takes 2 weeks tops, and you get used the non sugared taste. But I woudnt hesitate to just use a bit of real sugar in moderation. I think there's some people, particularly PCOS sufferers who seem to do loads better by really cutting out carbs. In which case its sensible to do so, but for a lot of people, it just isnt necessary and they certainly dont tell you to do it in Australia, it really is an American thing.
  10. Jachut

    ideal naked weight vs. clothed weight.

    Good for you. It is pretty intensive on your family isnt it? I feel selfish a lot of the time, its hard to devote so much to yourself. We're going on a big holiday end of next year too. I've been on this weight loss thing, and studying full time for the past few years and my DH is getting banded in July. We figure the kids will need some attention sooner or later.
  11. Jachut

    Getting an un-fill during vacation??

    It *does* depend on how tight you usually are too. Its easy for me to say dont do it, but I'm not tight in the first place, I *can* go out and enjoy a vacation.
  12. Jachut

    BMI vs. body fat percentage

    Hmm, I thought it was 20 to 25% for adult women? Anyhow, whichever, its a good case in point. My body fat level is 25% on the knocker. Which with a BMI of 22 is a good indicator about how your BMI can be low, but your fat content higher. I'm not a muscular person, despite exercising hard and regularly. I'm finer built. Which means that could I achieve it, it would probably be perfectly healthy for me to have a BMI of 19 or so. Its so individual. We've had all those heated debates about BMI but someone with a BMI *could* conceivably have no more fat than I do, therefore be no less *ideal*. But then again, they could have a BMI which places them overweight and a body fat level that still has them well and truly obese. Everybody is different.
  13. Jachut

    BMI vs. body fat percentage

    Body fat is more accurate than BMI and its what really matters. Its entirley possible to have a "healthy" BMI and still be too fat, just as its entirely possible to have a higher than ideal BMI but be very muscular and not fat at all. That said, for the average person, BMI is a pretty good indicator of body fat status. People tend to use the old "muscle is heavier than fat" line, when in reality, for most average people, doing average exercise (which can include working very hard) they are just never going to have so much muscle that it throws their BMI into an "overweight" status and I asked my doc specifically about the previously obese people having a higher BMI because of heavy bones and he scoffed at it. He said, yes, our bones are dense as a result of having been heavier, but it would account for a few lb maybe, not significant weight. The main reason why previously obese people dont get to a "healthy" BMI is multifold - heavier bones, lots of extra skin for sure, but mainly an inability to live on few enough calories to maintain that lighter weight - for some unknown reason we have to eat LESS than normal people to maintain the same weight and its just not maintainable for many. So for most people, BMI is a good enough indicator. Chances are if your BMI is 28, you are overweight. Not that you have heavy bones. But that said, I do agree in entirety that you can be slightly overweight and much healthier than someone who's much thinner, AND to be only slightly overweight after years of being morbidly obese, that's quite an achievement.
  14. Jachut

    ideal naked weight vs. clothed weight.

    You know what? I think you look great. But its what YOU want to look like that counts. But I really do think that bit of abdomen you have is just loose skin. My stomach is the feminine version of that. Underneath its rock hard, I'm strong, but I despair of the little bit of pooch and the way its not beautifully flat and smooth. Yet with my stomach and with yours, thinking of cutting it open and scarring it to fix just that little problem is a bit daunting. I personally wouldnt do it. The trouble is, I think we're conditioned to think of loose skin as a big hanging pannus. Whereas some of us end up in a skin that's maybe 1/2 a size too big in spots, and we dont recognise that, we think its fat, gotta lose more. You're not fat, not in the slightest. You look just right, not too thin, not too fat. And believe me, you're harder on yourself than anyone else would ever be, I do that too. You have a nice body. Like a normal person. That 2 extra inches on your waist, its not affecting your cardiovascular risk. Its not fat packed around your organs, its just skin.
  15. Jachut

    I'm an exercise dummy!

    Huh? Lol, I jsut get up in the ads and do bits of housework.
  16. Jachut

    fat burning exercise

    I think its also important to have your goals clearly focussed here too. If you're really intense about it all and want an EXCELLENT result and will not settle for any less than looking like Gillian from The Biggest Loser, then you do need to seek out these nutritional and exercise theories. If, like me, you just wanted to be thinner, you like a fairly feminine body without big muscle development (although you need adequate muscle and not too much fat) and you found something you loved, then you CAN discount them and go about your own merry way, going for a run every day like you love to do. I dont want six pack abs and bulging biceps so I really dont give a rats about reading how the way I like to exercise is a waste of time. It worked for me and continues to. I dont really care that I could burn more fat in 20 minutes by doing something different because I love the process of an hour long run. I dont WANT to cut my exercise time short. So its individual really. All the theories have their merits depending on your goals.
  17. That's great that the fill is working Bel!
  18. Jachut

    I'm an exercise dummy!

    You have made a fantastic start! You'll find so many differing opinions on exercise, but I really think we've made it more technical today than it needs to be. What you need is lots of cardio and some strength training to keep maintaining your body's lean muscle as you lose weight. You've got the cardio bit down, just continue to push and challenge yourself. Try not to read too much about fat burning zones and the like, just remember that some days do a longer, easier session and other days work harder by putting in intervals (like your short jog in the middle of your work). Try to do cardio about five days out of seven. For the strenght training bit, if you're a bit of an exercise novice, you would do well to either join a gym where they do a program for you or see a personal trainer for a few sessions. But basically what anyone will start you out on is working your body's biggest muscle groups - thighs, buttocks, abdominals and back/shoulders. If you can pick machines that target those then even 3 to 4 exercises is enough to start with, just pick the heaviest weight you can manage to do 3 sets of 12 with, making sure you're muscle is almost failing at the end. Good luck!
  19. Me too, the joys of being pear shaped. OK, so I'm much less different top to bottom, but my middle half, below the waist and above mid thigh, just isnt that pretty and isnt ever going to be. At a normal weigh and BMI and without loose skin, I could use a full body lift. I have a fat and saggy bottom, the backs of my thighs are dimply and my inner thighs are mush and STILL touch, despite having a low BMI now. But none of it is so terrible that I could possibly justify the expense and risk of a body lift, although I will definitely go for a little lipo just to get rid of the saddlebags. I dont mind being pear shaped overall though. Its a normal, feminine shape, programmed by nature. I feel great showing up my upper body and I dress sensibly for the lower. What more can you do really?
  20. You've probably got better restriction now than you will have for quite a while again, if ever. Post op I had great restriction, now 2 and a half years later, I can easily get in 1800 calories a day, just fine for maintenance. Dont worry, you will be able to eat 1000 or so without drama, more likely it will be sticking to it that's the harder bit. It can take several fills to get there.
  21. Well said Turler, you've made my point exactly without offending half the board in the process. Some people are just tiny, becuase they are. For the record, I am NOT one of them, although that is probably framed by my own surroundings, in Australia to see someone 350 or 400lb would be pretty darn unusual. I just think if you want understanding, empathy and to forever be rid of people judging you on your appearance, then you cant turn around and treat someone who's naturally tiny, petite or thin the same way, which is what comes out a LOT here, whether you intend it or not, its a very prominent tone in what's written. My point of arguing is not to cause a fight or poke a bit of fun, its to try to get people to question their attitude - I really think its a detrimental one that stands in the way of losing weight. Its like people draw a line in the sand and below a certain size, you become not valid anymore, or you must be indulging in unhealthy practices to support it. Now of course that will be met with howls of indignation, but if even one person can manage to really observe their thought patterns, perhaps it will be helpful.
  22. Jachut

    Breakfast ideas please

    Why is bircher muesli "weird"? I make it all the time!
  23. Jachut

    Getting an un-fill during vacation??

    Definitely not. Seriously if you were going to do that why even have gotten a band in the first place? that's not the way to use it, and you have to come to believe that having a good time is not dependent upon being able to eat lots - having a good time is seeing your parents, no matter what you are able to eat. And if you're at a sweet spot, you'd be absolutely nuts to mess with it. Its a different matter if you're tight and going overseas and wont be near your doctor and are thinking more about preventing trouble than you are about scoffing the entire smorgasbord. Dont mess with it, you'll only gain weight and you wont feel good about having done it at all.
  24. Oh boy Brandy, did you *really* just say that? I can believe you would bring up someone's unfortunate death and hint that the evil desire to be thin was the reason for it. Look, I think people can be role models for all sorts of reasons other than based on what they look like and I also think people are beautiful just because they are, and some people are just not blessed with being attractive - fat and thin has little to do with it. But what irks me, and what I dont see to be able to say succinctly is this whole "the whole evil thin world is against me" attitude that so many here seem to have. Its got very little to do with empathy, its got a lot to do with that victim attitude and truly, without being nasty, smart or derogatory, I really believe its why so many peopl ehave weight problems. They seem truly unable to look deep within themselves, say "I have an eating problem and I just dont want to exercise". Instead they fluff around the edges: "oh, society has given me an unrealistic role model", or "our daughters are getting fatter becuase they're being given unsuitable role models, its got nothing to do with the crap I put on the dinner table and the way I let her watch TV for ten hours at a time". Putting someone like Oprah up on a pedestal is not the way to deal with it, working on your own self worth and your own responsibility for the shape you are in is. Now we've all taken steps in the right direction here, of course we have, but many people just dont seem to truly own it. Truth is size 16 IS just fine if its truly what you want to be, but you cant just call that the new "beautiful" and suddenly half the population isnt fat! Do you get what I mean? Brick wall, meet head.
  25. Jachut

    Weight Watchers

    The thing you have to decide with WW is when you're eating the 29 points is it hard to stick to and are you hungry? Then you get a fill and as you lose anyway, you wont have 29 points! But if you're not hungry, eating all your points and losing, you wouldnt need a fill, would you?

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