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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jachut

  1. Jachut

    What motivates you?

    Yeah, its so much easier if you love what you're doing. I really WANT to run. It takes no willpower to do it. I always had a desire to do it, I've always been pretty athletic and liked sport and exercise so I had it a bit easier than someone who didnt grow up active and good at sports. But I've learned to love it more as I got fit becuase to go out for a run now doesnt hurt, it doesnt feel band, its not pushing myself along the pavement with my lungs about to burst, my heart beating right out of my chest and my head about to explode. Quite honestly, a run to me feels like a pleasant walk would to the next person, if the weather's lovely, I"m somewhere where I want to see the scenery etc, I'll think hmmm lets go out for a nice run the way someone might think a stroll sounds like a good idea. Its easy, it makes me feel good, etc. That comes with real fitness. The challenge of training for longer races or trying to better a personal best, the fun and atmosphere of race day, the feeling of truly being a "runner" all work for me too. Unfortunately, not everybody finds something they love that much. And in that situation I still say its MUCH easier to force yourself to do something for 45 minutes than it is to control your eating for the rest of your life. If I had a choice between going on a diet or exercising to lose weight (unfortunately it takes both!) I'd choose exercise every time. You just do it and its over with. Dieting is all day every day forever.
  2. I didnt vote because its not that I cant handle milk. But milk often makes me nauseous now since surgery. I never ever would drink a glass of milk, ergh. But since surgery, a cappucino or latte often makes me feel slightly sick. But its entirely possible that its not the milk, but the strong espresso used to make it. I handle instant and regular brewed coffee with a dash of cold milk just fine but every now and then a milkier one will make me nauseous.
  3. I didnt need anything apart from the post anaesthetic effect (and I'm pretty sure I got some morphine in the IV post surgery). But once I was off the IV I never took anything, I really wasnt in any pain.
  4. they'll band from BMI 30 in Australia.
  5. Jachut

    Is anyone NOT exercising???

    Its really quite the most spectacular dummy spit I've seen here in a while. Since we're attacking ideas, not people, I find the idea of someone claiming to have the life experience of a 50 year old whilst actually behaving like a 5 year old quite intriguing. As I do the idea of someone throwing a tanty because people DARE to assume they can understand anything about her circumstances whilst at the same time she presumes to know what it is like for someone else to be pregnant or what it is like to be fifty years old. Pot, kettle anyone? What a shame this thread turned so nasty. There's a lot of good advice in here, but I have a feeling none of it will be taken on board.
  6. Here's my stomach, again, this pic keeps getting posted everywhere. I hate posting pics, I feel like a show off but I know that it really did help me, I wanted to know these things, so anyone tired of seeing my midsection, just dont look. You cant really see so much in the picture, but the scarring and the port are visible, but not obviously neon LOOK AT ME, I'M A SCAR AND A WEIRD LUMP visible. The port is just a vague lump the scar has lost its colour and is not too obvious, but I figure I've got a huge brown birthmark on my right thigh, that nothing could ever cover, I've got various lumps, scars, freckles and moles all over the rest of me, what does a little scar on my tummy matter?
  7. Jachut

    TO MUCH of a good thing?

    Its a risk with any weight loss and also the stones arent always cholesterol based, you can get Calcium based ones from too much Protein. Or just because, some people are just prone to them. Hope you're feeling lots better.
  8. My healthy weight range is 63 to 79kg. I'd been 78kg for a long time as an adult, and I knew I was still a bit too fat at that. I'd gotten down to 72 once or twice and knew that was better but that I could still afford to be leaner. So I set 70kg as a goal, and I got there, and a little bit below, but I always had a kind of secret desire to be about 65. I really have struggled to go below 68 to 69 though, I think I"m done. It was never ever discussed with my doc, they just want to see you get out of the danger zone. The nutritionist told me I'd never be able to do that, that it wasnt a realistic goal. So in short, I could remember being this weight or that and knew how I felt and that having felt fat all my life, lower down in my healthy weight range would be good for me.
  9. Its entirely personal, you have to figure that one out yourself. I lost well on about 1500 a day which is a lot for a female. Then again, the charts all say that at my height and weight now, with the activity I do, I should be eating about 2,500 for maintenance. Trouble is, I'm also maintaining on about 1800. So if I went by the charts I'd be a bit rotund again by now!
  10. Jachut

    Lap Band and Hair Loss

    Not really.....but the condition of my hair really did suffer about 12 months in, it was really horrid for a while. Dry, breaking, frizzy. I've read enough on here over the years from people's descriptions to heartily believe it isnt Protein deficience that causes hair loss though but more likely overall nutritional imbalance. People ALL say help, my hair is falling, out I'm eating tons of protein, but its still coming out. Most bandsters on this forum are told protein first, and drink Protein shakes and in general eat WAY more protein than Australian bandsters do, yet they still have problems with hair loss. I would say, eat your protein, as you've been instructed, but also make sure you get the full range of other nutrients (and here is where I believe cutting out all carbs is problematic because wholegrains provide a valuable range of nutrients), take a good Multivitamin, take all the "hair vitamins" you like such as Biotin or a hair, nails and skin formulation, make sure your Iron levels are good (because lack of iron can cause hair problems too) and hope for the best. However, it can also be hormonally induced, and just as a result of the changes in your body with a large weightloss, but your body does recover from it. I had to get a pretty major haircut and I spent quite a few months spending a FORTUNE on hair products, but over time, my hair improved and its better than ever nowadays. Its a pretty rare bandster that goes bald or near to bald, for most people its really quite scary but they dont lose all their hair. It just doesnt look its best for a while.
  11. Jachut

    5K, 1/2 marathon, marathon anyone?

    Well I'm a lurking Dec 05 bandster but I'm still trying to get there, two and a half years after starting running. I've done many many 10K's but I've been extremely cautious in building distance, I just am so afraid of getting injured and not being able to run at all. The other weekend I ran 14K but have since had to baby my knees as I had a bit of an ITB strain. I am planning on doing mine in October (Melbourne Marathon) but I have a softly softly approach, its something to work towards very slowly. It takes the body a LONG time to build the strength and toughness to handle the distance. Cardiovascularly I could do it tomorrow, I can run for two hours with no problem at all, barely get out of breath. But its the joint soreness and muscle strains that get me. Like you, I'm not really built for it. I'm tall and lean, like a runner but I'm a freaking biomechanical nightmare. Wide hips, one leg longer than the other, stuffed sacrum from pregnancy, flat arches, inward rolling feet. Lol. Good luck, take it slowly, build up sensibly, listen to your body. Before long, you'll be inserting orthotics, buying $300 running shoes, wearing 2 bras and strapping every joint on your body with the best of us. Then you can call yourself a runner!
  12. Jachut


    pretzels here are a little crisp baked snack, typical pretzel shape but crunchy and come in a packet like chips. They had a franchise out here that did the big soft bready type pretzels but it didnt do well here. But I did just eat 2 laughing cow cheese wedges. I buy them for the kids' lunchboxes, but man, I love those things.
  13. Jachut

    nawing pain at night

    My guess would be hunger too - for the first six months or so I felt hunger as quite strong crampy pain. I also got lots of random stomach aches, some that would last for 24 hours, and would hurt into the roof of my mouth or jaw. Over time, they went away, never get them anymore - unless I eat ice cream or something really cold.
  14. Jachut

    Pick a rant topic, any topic!

    I'd like to send a big pppffffft to the person who hit my car two weeks ago at the traffic lights, gave me his details and they turn out to be FALSE. I have the registration number you prick, so expect a visit from the police. A cheque for the $550 it will cost to respray my bumper will be fine thanks.
  15. Probably. I still have D cups but they are down to my navel now, sigh. They really are totally ruined and are going to require reconstructive work. Thank goodness its all I need, but I really need it. Next year. DH is very keen for me to do it, he likes boobs (as most men do) and I now have a very nice pair - for a 90 year old! I have a total of six years of breastfeeding and three pregnancies behind me too though, that makes a difference, and nature never blessed me with pert boobs in the first place. I've seen others lose weight and their boobs are perfectly fine. Size wise I couldnt be happier, if I lose a little more size as you often do with a lift, I dont mind being a C. I'm not really one for wanting large breasts, I just want a nicely shaped pair.
  16. Jachut

    Long and slender or tiny and powerful?

    The only big toy we ever bought, had a silicon sleeve in sparkly neon orange, over the inner workings. You could take that bit off. I found it in Eliza's kinder bag. She was taking it for show and tell, she thought it was one of Daddy's fishing lures. That one went in the bin. It wasnt any good anyway. Plain there's all kind of things you can do with a GI Joe. Too bad he doesnt have batteries!
  17. I would do exactly that, go back to the first doctor with your new information. I dont know that you can necessarily trust the second doctor anymore than the first, he might just be after more of your money. I'd even go and see a third surgeon! You really need your wits about you with these things, but you also need a hefty dose of luck when you're relying totally on someone else's expertise. I'm sorry it hasnt quite worked out the way you would have wanted.
  18. Honestly, I wouldnt bother. After surgery is SO different to before, well it was for me. I wasnt hungry at all and found the liquid diet absolutely easy, was never even remotely tempted to cheat. I know everyone doesnt find it quite so easy but I think its safe to say it will be WAY harder without the benefit of surgery and the fear of messing up your surgery. Why put yourself through it? Use the pre op period to start an exercise program and practice healthy eating so that you're healthy and strong for quick recovery! That's a doable, positive step.
  19. Jachut

    do things change?

    The thing to remember too, is that if you end up with foods you absolutely cant eat, very often, you wont be sitting pining for them. pizza for example. Yes, I can get it down, but it takes a lot of work. It causes discomfort. It goes cold while I'm eating it. I now shudder at the thought of pizza, there is no way that a piping hot pizza just delivered, sitting on my kitchen bench tempts me in ANY way. And i used to like pizza. Ditto McDonalds and Subway and any of those other fast foods. I can eat them if I have to and its the only choice, but I dont actually desire them or like them anymore. Its no skin off my nose to imagine never eating them again. Same with bread. Whilst I eat it, its no longer something I care to overindulge in. Your tastes will definitely change.
  20. Jachut

    Pick a rant topic, any topic!

    Lol, some good ones here. One thing that pisses me off is myself! Why, when I know the limited time I have, when I know how much stress being disorganised causes me, do I persist in stuffing round on the computer all day or wandering round the shops window shopping and having coffee. It is 4 weeks into semester 2, I've barely even opened a textbook and am getting stressed about getting behind. So why havent I done it? I dont know, I just dont want to. Why are the Breakfast dishes still all over the kitchen when its 4.pm? Why do I only suddenly get a burst of motivation at about 5pm? Then I've got to clean the entire house, get dinner on the table and get a run in all in a 2 hour window when I've had ALL day! I really piss myself off sometimes.
  21. Jachut

    Anyone tryed situps ?

    Wait six weeks or so till you're completely healed, then proceed slowly and listen to your body. Its unlikely you'd do any damage to the band as that's sewn to your stomach, but your port is attached to your abdominal muscle and it needs to be healed up before you do that sort of stuff. But now, I do plenty of strenuous activity, lots of running and situps, pushups and weights and I've never had any problem at all.
  22. I had 2 and a half years with no trouble at all, but the more fills you get, the less leeway you have for band fluctuations and just recently, following a plane flight at the same time as having my period, I got really too tight for my comfort, although I was nowhere near not being able to swallow Water etc. I could eat but it was uncomfortable, and I wasnt eating well. The point, Dadymon, is obviously to restrict how much you can eat. But the band is not an exact science and what often happens is you get too tight, and you start eating badly - you cant eat the solid Proteins, fruits and veggies easily and you start to get by on ice cream, chocolate, fatty things that are small and easy to eat and doing that, you can take in WAY more calories than when you eat more food but make better choices. I was not having sliming or PB any more than usual (which is pretty rare for me) because I eat very carefully and listen to my body, I dont push it with things that I know dont agree with me and I stop the minute I feel a signal to. So no pbing, but I realised after I'd not eaten a piece of fruit in about a week that I was too tight and would be better off with some fill removed. Now I can eat way more, but I can also make better choices, so as long as I use some self control and dont eat the chocolate or ice cream but choose healthy foods instead, I'm better off allround. so you can be too tight even without vomiting and reflux or inability to eat solids at all. Its a personal thing, the level of restriction you're prepared to tolerate, what sorts of healthy foods you can eat etc. For me, I dont need to be that tight as I'm not even trying ot lose anymore and I feel loads better with just .2ml taken out.
  23. Jachut

    Unfill Question

    well my doc doesnt advocate the liquid diet after fills, he just says to be careful, so no, I didnt do a liquid diet at all after my recent .2ml unfill. But I found it to be like a fill. Small immediate effect,then about a week later, I noticed how much easier it was to eat, how much hungrier I was and how many more really healthy foods (as opposed to sliders) I could eat. None of which led to weight gain thank goodness. I dont know why I got so tight, one of those things I guess. PMT, plane flight etc all happening round the same time.
  24. Jachut

    do things change?

    I eat bread and Pasta, and have all the way through, but not tons of it, like georgia girls says. I think wholegrains are a healthy part of a healthy diet and I wouldnt cut out an entire foodgroup by choice (restriction sometimes makes that decision for us). But I dont base my entire diet on loads of bread, pasta, Cereal and processed carbs the way I used to. As to what happens at goal, I have loosened my band a little as I got a little bit too tight suddenly. My weight went up a tiny bit (3lb) and that's come off again now.
  25. That should have been explained to you to make sure you know why you have to do it. During the healing phase, the stitches holding the band to your stomach heal and the body also forms scar tissue around them which further cements your band in place. So it is important to avoid making the stomach do a lot of churning and heavy work which it has to do to digest solid food. liquids dont have to be churned up so much. That's why you do liquids to mushies to solids. If you eat solid food too early you are placing yourself at increased risk of a slip further on down the track as the band may not be positioned properly if you cause it to move. So its important not to eat too early. If you must taste, spit it out.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
