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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jachut

  1. Jachut

    Slider Foods oh NO

    I had .2 taken out of my band and it feels like I've gone from good to nothing restriction wise. I was just a bit tighter than I felt I wanted to be for maintenance (didnt like the thought of living that restricted forever) but I wish I hadnt mucked around with it now. I am loser at 2.8 now than I was when I was 2.8 the first time, and I can eat normal quantities of food- Cereal AND toast for Breakfast for example. I've not gained, I've been super duper careful and kept up my running, but I want to put .1 back in. Those tiny fills and unfills definitely make a difference. But I think back a few weeks and I was doing the samething. Avoiding good foods because they were hard work and eating crap, which is why I had an unfill. So I'm not sure what I ought to do at this point. If I can just trust myself to choose the right foods, my fill level is not a problem. But I have appetite again, and I want to eat between meals etc. I've been resisting but I have this lapband, why should I have to work that hard at NOT eating? Eating cereal and toast poses no problem if you're not gaining and I do still eat a carb based diet - that works for me. Its just this mindset of I shouldnt be able to eat that much. Yet I burn it off, so why shouldnt I? I dont know. This is harder than the actual weight loss part for me.
  2. Lipo doesnt tighten the skin and for women it wont get rid of cellulite either. It simply removes what fat is under that skin. The skin does recover somewhat, but if you have loose skin left over from weight loss, lipo wont remove that. One would imagine that if Manatee's surgeon has recommended lipo then that means there are stubborn fat deposits left over there.
  3. You definitely should be happy! You lose what you lose at the rate you lose it, I think. What has become abundantly clear from my own experience, and from a few years of hanging around here, whilst I firmly believe that our weight is our own responsibility and down to our own choices, many of our bodies do not function the way they *should*. Not that we should believe the old "its my hormones" excuse most of the time. But for example, I'm 5ft 10 and 154lb and I run for an hour a day. All the charts, no matter where I look, say I should be eating at least 2,300 calories a day to maintain my weight. Yet I know I cannot get away with more than about 1800 to maintain this weight. Despite exercising so much. It just doesnt add up, it is patently wrong. But that's how it is. So there's some truth in the fact that I used to cry that I didnt know why I was fat, I didnt eat any more than most other people. Its true, I didnt. But it was too much for me and that's all that mattered, and it was still MY choices that determined what I weighed. So it is for you. If you cut down to 1000 calories a day and lose 30 lb in six months, even though the math just doesnt compute, that's simply how it is for you. You can add more strenuous exercise, you can cut back your food intake if you have room to do so, but there's only so much you can do, your body will follow its own plans. Be happy, 30lb is a great weight loss and there'll be more to follow. It doesnt really matter if it happens slow or fast.
  4. Good luck. I'm in the same place. If I want to get my lower body looking the way I want it to, then I'm going to have to be skin and bones (and probably boobless) up top. It's just my build. I was going to have a breast lift anyway, but I think I might start thinking about some lipo. Skinwise, you're probably better off being male and never having had babies, I suspect lipo wont do me any favours loose skin and cellulite wise, but if it could just get rid of that really annoying muffin top it would be worth it. Sooner or later, you have to accept what nature has given you and decide if you want to tamper with it. We cant all diet away to nothing and scrawny chicken necks and hollow eyes are not really what we're aiming for.
  5. Jachut

    cookies are the enemy..help me jesus

    I simply cant have cookies in the house. I cannot stop until I've eaten WAAAAAY too much, as in the whole darn packet. They will always be a problem food to me, they are always what I choose to binge on if I feel like a pig out, I just have to avoid them as much as possible.
  6. Jachut

    goal weight

    Seriously? You havent met anyone that's 5ft 10 and 154ish? Therein lies the difference probably. Its quite normal in my world not to be overweight. I truly am not the kind of thin that would occasion comment or even envy! I'm just, well, "normal". I'm not thin enough that I can wear absolutely anything for example, and although I'm now brave enough to wear a bikini, I have to lie still so bits dont fall out, lol. You can only see the bones that are supposed to show, like collarbones and knees, its not as if every rib and vertebra is sticking out. Go for the hundred, you'll look fabulous! And feel fantastic!
  7. Jachut

    Can you exercise too hard??

    Once you're healed you should be right to do anything you like as hard as you like.
  8. Jachut

    lapband=deceit and bullsh**t

    Sounds like yet another case of medical mismanagement and patient non compliance to me. All these sad non success stories seem to have the same factors - doctors who promise miracles and patients who simply do not understand that the band is nothing more than a tool, that they have to exercise, eat less, build up to restriction gradually and change the WAY they eat and the foods they choose. Yes, it takes work. Everything worthwhile does.
  9. Jachut

    pros and cons of exercise

    With the amount of weight you lose with a lap band, compared to what it is truly possible to build muscle wise, the scale will go down. Your result with dieting and curves is not an indication that you build lots and lots of muscle, more that the diet wasnt working and you didnt lose a lot of fat. It takes really hard work, heavy weights working to exhaustion and LOTS of it, not half an hour relatively light sessions such as Curves to build pounds and pounds of muscle. Curves is primarily an aerobic toning circuit not a bodybuilding one designed to add significant weight in muscle. You simply dont build 3lb of muscle in a week, that old "oh, it must be muscle since I just joined the gym" is a bit of a chestnut, its really not true. Overtime, if you get really fit and muscular and dont gain fat, you will probably weigh a LITTLE more, but its not that easy to pack on 12lb of muscle, particularly for a woman. What tends to happen early on is you retain a lot of Fluid due to the damage to your muscles which makes you weigh more. Overtime, burning more energy and improving your fat to muscle ratio cannot help but to make you lighter. There's no cons to exercise, only pros.
  10. Normal, lol. Also, when I go to the physio to get my lower back worked on, I'm absolutely black and blue all over my front on the hips next day. Having someone pushing on your back when you have no padding on your front really does some damage, even lying on a massage table! And I get cold really easy. And I cant sleep on my side in bed anymore without a cushion between my knees. My knees are too bony and it hurts to lay them one on top of the other with no fat to pad them. I also cant get a spray tan even on my collar bones, lol. The hollows above and below my collar bones are really deep (I've got NO fat on my chest at all, that's one part of me that IS scrawny) and the spray tan doesnt get it in there. I have to top it up myself.
  11. Jachut

    goal weight

    I'm 5ft 10 and 154lb and it is not too thin! I'm a perfectly healthy weight, right in the middle of the healthy weight range actually and its NOT that thin! People seem to have a really warped view of this, it drives me nuts - not that I'm offended, just mystified. Is it because although in Australia our obesity levels are similar to the US's, severe morbid obesity is quite rare, most people are just "a bit obese", so that normal weights dont look so small to people? You would describe me as tall, perhaps willowy, maybe elegant, but truly, you wouldnt say I was "skinny" or "slim". I'd need to lose another 20lb to be that. Its absolutely NOTHING like model thin, believe me. I really think there must be a basic perception difference between our two countries because people are always saying on here that normal healthy weights are "too skinny" or "scrawny" and I just honestly dont get it. It must just be a difference in norms and what we've grown to accept as normal between our two countries. So I truly dont see why you wouldnt go for the 100. And I really dont particularly see what business it is of the doctors to be telling you that you'll stop here or there or anywhere in betwen either. He may reasonably warn you that losing 100% of excess weight is challenging, but setting your goal weight FOR you, I just think that's weird but that's another thing that seems to happen all the time according to what people on here say. I set my own goal weight!
  12. The portion control is a big thing for me, I was always a healthy eater for meals, with a big sweet tooth in between. My trouble was I would be "good" all day and then eat a healthy but ENORMOUS dinner because I thought I could afford the calories or if I did break out, I would eat tons. My eating still follows the same pattern, but the portion control is enforced somewhat. Oh, you can get round it. Eat a bit then eat a bit more later. You can eat Cookies all day. That's the hard bit, you have to work on that. And my band doesnt make me run! You know. The salmon analogy is a really good one, very true!
  13. Both very common and totally normal. Many people cant really eat in the morning at all if they get their restriction right for night time. And getting tighter at period time is very normal.
  14. Its hard isnt it? I dont complain a lot about it on here because I am afterall at a perfectly healthy BMI. But I'm currently 70kg, occasionally I dip as low as 68.5. My real true goal that I never really told anyone coz everyone always bangs on about being realistic and not getting "too skinny" medical professionals included, was 65kg. I just CANT get there. I've been slightly overfilled in an attempt, now I'm unfilled a bit and having to work quite hard to stay where I am at 70. I'm doing Lite N Easy for a few weeks - that's a 1200 calorie a day home delivered program. Its the only thing that always worked for me. At this point I need strict calorie control and whilst I'm a good, healthy eater, I absolutely suck at measuring, counting and weighing and depriving myself. To have it all sitting there, and that's what I eat and nothing else works brilliantly for me, even when I was fat (I just regained every time I went off it!). So this is my last ditch all out attempt to get to 65kg. If this doesnt work, I vow to accept my perfectly healthy 70kg for once and for all. I figure I'm unfilled enough now to actually eat all the food and if I find it hard to maintain the loss (if I lose any, lol) then I will have a teeny fill since 5kg or so will make a big difference on my body now, certainly enough to loosen me up substantially. What will probably happen is that I wont look any better, I'll just look saggier!
  15. I'd get some out. DH was recently overfilled just a tad, spent a terrible night with heartburn and reflux, could barely eat and had some out the next day.. Felt immediately better, then over the last 3 weeks, his fill has really kicked in and tightened up, we were just thankful he had a bit out or he would really have been in trouble!
  16. I've got a great lunchbox (Fit n Fresh brand) that has an iceblock thing that fits inside it, there's a space below and 2 smaller containers sit on top. I can take a sandwich (tuna, lettuce, and avocado for example) and some carrot sticks and dip, or a small salad, some yogurt and cut up strawberries, any sort of combo like that and it stays cold for hours and hours. I just eat it in the lectures or tutes. I also have a small thermos to take coffee in, I get sick of having to buy lattes and cappucinos, you cant just get normal brewed coffee anywhere these days. That does me, I usually throw an apple or something in my bag too.
  17. Jachut

    Fueling exercise

    I dont focus on Protein. That's purely an American thing, they never tell you to do that here in Australia, so I never have. Oh, I eat protein of course, but its not my only focus. I eat plenty of wholegrain carbs, two serves of fruit and probably three differnent vegetables every day. Protein foods I eat in moderation, smaller serves of meat, cheese, yogurt. I need carbs for the energy. I cant function on a low carb diet. I run an hour four or five times a week. I eat wholegrain bread, a serve of Cereal and probably some potato most days of the weak, if not bread,then wholegrain crackers etc. Sometimes have Pasta for dinner. In other words, I eat a pretty "normal" diet. It certainly hasnt stopped me losing weight, in fact I've been very successful at it.
  18. Its up to you. I had .2 removed a month or two back and the difference it made is astounding. I wasnt "overfilled" but I was tighter than I was comfortable with and saw no need to be that tight for maintenance. I have had to work VERY hard to maintain my weight since then, I havent gained but if I went with my appetite I would regain some weight - not all of it, I still have restriction but I'm certainly thinking about putting .1 back in. I'm at 2.8 now, 2.9 felt just a little loose, but 3.0 was too much. I think I'll go back to 2.9. Maybe. Its down to you and your choices. I certainly think long term is healthier for you and the longevity of your band to be looser rather than tighter but its a fine line between what you can manage before you begin to gain. Even if I'm not gaining through sheer determination, I certainly couldnt lose anything at this level, I'd be way too hungry.
  19. Jachut

    Not a Success Story

    I dont blame you! How can a surgeon say "you will die on the table". Sheesh, I get the strong feeling from things people say on here that some of them need lapbands on their egos. Without doubt, a lot of these sad non success stories come with a strong undercurrent of medical negligence or mistreatment. I dont understand how you can vomit enough to ruin your teeth for a whole YEAR without something being done for example! Or how you can not have something like lupus picked up beforehand, what on earth is all the bloodwork you have done FOR? Its ridiculous. Then you hear people who say they were overfilled with huge fills first go, or that they were overfilled and then underfilled and had to wait months to go back becuase of the cost of the fills or their doctor simply wouldnt listen to them, etc. Lots of these sad stories simply come down to mismanagement of the band. Now I'm someone who would have been at the surgeon's door yelling my head off about it,but many wont take that path. I think the band would work for more people than it does if there werent so many doctors out there on the bandwagon so to speak for the money, who obviously dont really care much about the plight of the obese, and certainly dont want to put inthe personal effort to treat the mind as welll as the body. They want it to run to a formula, you put in THIS much fill at THIS date, you follow THIS diet, it works or I scrub you off my records. There's no care to counsel (oh, just refer you off to someone else, when its your DOCTOR you need the relationship with) or to guide! We have to remember a lot of these guys are surgeons, plain and simple and the surgery is the only bit they're interested in.
  20. I didnt have any problems getting out of bed a few hours after surgery, but lifting myself with the thingie hanging down over the bed. But then I popped half my staples out after a caesar jumping around the room, lol, I was quite mobile after that too. But the lapband was MUCH less traumatic than a caesar- my ability to move after my caesar was more down to the copious amounts of pain meds they kept forcing on me, I couldnt feel a thing!.
  21. You can drink alcohol in moderation too. Wine (particularly red) is actually good for you in small quantities. I eat whatever I fancy depending on what type of restaurant it is. I can pretty much guarantee I'll always avoid the bread and garlic bread though!
  22. Jachut


    No problem - most of my runs are 40 minutes to an hour, so anywhere between 7 and 12kms or so, depending on the route I choose, and I do that four to five times a week.
  23. Jachut


    Correct me if I'm wrong but when you're hypoglycaemic you need to keep your blood sugar stable and level as its prone to dropping. That means you need to eat regularly and to eat things that will keep your blood sugar level - Protein and low GI carbs. Eating something high GI or very sugary will give you the classic sugar high followed by crashing low, and you eat sugar when you are low to bring you back up. So proper eating should prevent bad hypoglycaemic episodes - and proper eating means avoiding sugar, yes? It means oats for Breakfast over fruit loops? Or am I completely wrong?
  24. Jachut

    Shoe Size Disappointment

    I would say that was true for my feet too - I would have had a wide fitting had they been available but they're just not common here in Australia. Now I can fit my feet into more dressy shoes than I could but they're still wide. And 5 year old Eliza's teeny little feet look like little squares too, they're just as wide and shapeless as mine. But I was a size 10 and am STILL a size 10, just can fit into more size 10's kind of thing.
  25. Jachut

    Watch that stress

    I'm so much better at managing stress (my running helps a lot) but after 3 weeks of working three jobs with DH away, and 4 units ongoing at uni, my eating habits did get worse and worse and did involve one evening of take away, ice cream and Cookies, wine too! Those foods really DO soothe you when you're completely overwrougth, and I still have a tendency to fall back on them. I try to take each and every time as it comes though and more often than not I dont fall back into old habits. Day to day stresses I certainly dont respond to with a box of cookies anymore. But three weeks of sustained pressure was enough to crack me.

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