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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jachut

  1. I was the same, I ate all the time and never got hungry. Now that I dont do that, I do get truly hungry at mealtime. But its normal hunger and you'd expect to feel that. Hunger shouldnt be worse in that you're completely starving all the time, apart from that bandster hell period. If you're that hungry, its time for a fill!
  2. Oh dear. Lol. My SIL did the same to her dishwasher, unintentionally. She had one of those Fisher and Paykel dishdrawers and its intererior was very oddly white plastic. Every other dishwasher I've ever seen in my life had a stainless steel interior. Anyway, it was a very whizz bang, expensive, fancy dishwasher six or seven years ago when they first came out. But one meal of spaghetti bolognaise and the inside was forever orange. I notice they now have stainless steel interiors. Just be sure you dont wash your *new* pants with any other clothes and dye them as well!
  3. Of course it gets better, dont worry! After you're all healed up, you will be able to eat socially again, you'll eat with others, hopefully choose the healthier options and simply stop when you're full. Maybe I was lucky, i didnt have too many food issues aside from plain overeating and being greedy and apart from volume, my eating habits were reasonably healthy. So I find now, my life is exactly as it was before, I eat the same way but less. I leave half of a restaurant meal on my plate (and they're not as big here in Australia as they are in America, lol). But I eat whatever I want to in all sorts of situations.
  4. I'm sorry to be blunt, but to do that without your surgeon's say so is just out and out crazy. You are risking your band. The transition diet is there for a reason - its to allow your stomach to recover and the band to heal into place - so that its held firmly where it should be. You may *feel* fine. But it wont feel so fine if you have your band slip somewhere down the track because of what you decided was OK in the first few weeks. Every surgeon differs, so I wouldnt say that because i had liquids for three entire weeks that the next person should have to. But solids after 9 days isnt on any regime I've heard of.
  5. Even for a 5ft 10 female ........ I was darn fat at 200 .... rolls round the stomach, big floppy boobs, dimply thighs. Heck, I was still pretty darn fat at 180. At 150, I've STILL got weight I could lose. I'm no longer overweight, but I could stil reasonably trim off 15lb or so (without becoming underweight). It also depends totally on your body type. I'm meant to be skinny, I'm finely boned and muscled and I just dont carry any excess weight well. There's no point for me calling it curvy or anything - its fat. It may not be on someone else.
  6. yes, well and truly, my belly is flat and quite muscular. but I'm pear shaped. I never had a lot of belly fat to begin with. It could just as easily be me posting Have you lost your thigh fat? To lose and get a flat stomach, all I've really done is run and engage my core with circuit style strength training - I havent been as consistent with this as I have with running - I have never specifically dont abdominal exercises like crunches as I firmly believe them to be a complete waste of time. You get a flat stomach by having a very strong core, which you dont develop by performing only one isolated move - which is why the hula hooping would be GREAT for your abdominal tone - complex moves involving all the muscles! And you lose all fat, including belly fat - with a combo of cardio and strength training and there is LOTS of evidence showing that interval style training is more effective than slow cardio - forget that old fat burning zone myth. However, you do need to work up to it! Other than that, you have to learn to appreciate your body shape. You're usually either an apple or a pear, and whilst you can get very lean and have a flat stomach either way, its harder for apples, just like I will never have a great ass.
  7. I'd hazard a guess you've gradually begun eating easier foods to get round the heartburn, throwing up issue too and that once you can eat well - fruit and veg and lean Protein - again, it probably will have a good effect on weight. And of course, if you dont already exercise regularly now is a great time to start!
  8. Jachut

    ???s for "Slipped" band patients

    Um, the band has ALWAYS been sewn into place! But they did change the sewing technique a few years back, perhaps that's what he was referring to. even so, its not an Iron clad guarantee. Bands still slip. But statistically its a low risk.
  9. Jachut


    Nah, dont like piercing and dont like tattoos. Neither would put me off a guy if I really liked him though, same as not being perfect looking wouldnt put me off. It sounds cliched but barring someone who really turns your stomach, as occasionally people do, its not about looks. DH doesnt have any either though, and I agree I wouldnt be happy about him going out and doing it.
  10. Yes, my doctor said this to my husband. His second fill was done by a locum, who removed all Fluid first, checked then refilled with some extra. DH ended up way too tight. When he went back to our doc, who had returned from overseas, he tut tutted and said it is NEVER recommended in his practice to do this becuase yes, it places unecessary stress on the band, but also because its a prime reason why people react badly to fills - it causes irritation of the stomach, more so than just adding a tiny amount of fill on top of what's there. He says you should never remove fluid unless there's a reason to check. This was well over a year ago. It seems common practice in the US though.
  11. Jachut

    Explain this to me

    We have different sizings but the same principle, a 12E is the same thing as a 14D. the D cup in a size 10 is not the same as the D cup in a size 18 - the term A, B, C, D etc is really more of a measure of the proportionate difference between your rib cage measurement and your actual bust measurement, not a measure of the VOLUME of your breast, if that makes sense.
  12. Jachut

    how has your body changed?

    Good and bad, lol. On the bad side, I can more clearly see the effects of age and multiple pregnancies - empty breasts and slightly loose stomach. On the good side, I am muscular, I have discovered that I have a really lovely shapely upper body - my arms, shoulders, back, all nicely muscled but very feminine and you could slice an apple on my collarbones. My lower half, not so great, lol. But not bad. I can feel how firm and strong my body is, in a way I never could even at 14 or 15 years. Most of the changes have come from exercise - losing the fat has just meant I can feel and see them.
  13. I eat the same way I did, only with portion control and without between meal Snacks. I appreciate the wisdom behind eating 6 small meals a day but the truth is for me, I dont stick with it, I just keep eating. I'm better to just BAN eating between meals and not do it. So 3 meals a day - I normally cook from scratch and I always did, and basically healthy meals so my family routine has not changed at all. For breakfast I eat things like oatmeal, cereal, toast lunch sandwiches, salads, Soups, or dinner leftovers dinner - meat and 3 veg type meals (roasts, barbecues etc), Pasta dishes, soups, lots of vegetarian meals. I will occasionally have junk food - a takeaway lunch or dinner, I like a glass of wine at night and very very occasionally will have some chocolate or ice cream after dinner.
  14. Oh gosh yes - even four years banded when my appetite and food intake has normalised a lot from the early days i find it amazing what people can put away and how FAST they can eat. I like eating as slowly as I do, it makes food much more enjoyable. What amazes me more though is how I can do the exercise I do, eat about 1500 to 1800 calories a day and not be stick thin. All the charts say at my actitivy level, height and weight I should be eating about 2,800 calories a day! There's no way I could, I got fat on eating less than that.
  15. I couldnt eat a whole one but there's not much that's great about freezer food that comes in boxes anyway. Much much much better to cook from scratch without the salt, additives and chemicals and buy things like decent meat and not what they scrape off the abbattoir floors, lol.
  16. Jachut

    Goal weight?

    I dont think 125 for 5ft 2 is at all unrealistic - I'm 5ft 10 and 150 and I'm not bony skinny, scrawny or anorexic looking, I'm nicely covered, in fact I still have a big bum!. You should aim to stop where you feel good, at the end of the day that's what matters. But dont sell youself short by saying "oh, I've had 4 kids, I couldnt weigh that again". You hear SO many heavy people discount healthy goal weights becuase they just cant imagine them and truly, its not only quite easy to get to a BMI of well under 25 if you eat and exercise right, but its also pretty easy to stay there. I dont have to even think about it these days. So if you dont want to stop at a higher weight, dont. And you cant really solve the sag problem by remaining overweight, if its skin only sag and not skin and fat sag it'll be easier to hide. Skin only sag doesnt show as a muffin top or a bulge. It really only looks bad when you're naked. I learned that when a surgeon showed me pictures of true skin only pannuses, when I went to get my saggy old bosoms looked at. Those are THIN, they're just long curtains of skin. Most of the before tummy tuck pics you see are still full of plenty of fat and it would be possible to lose a lot of the bulk in them by continuing to lose weight. Not that you should have to, why NOT just cut it all off and be done with it? But the point is, you're not solving a lot of problems by remaining heavier if that's not what you want. My boobs are a case in point. There's no fat in them, they're just skin, they are pretty tragic. But it hides well with a good bra and even with a good bikini top. I still had boobs 30 lb ago but I also had cellulite, rolls on my tummy and love handles. I look much better overall at 150 than I did at 180. However, if you feel good, and believe you look good at a certain weight, you're happy, healthty and can maintain it, then its a great weight for YOU. I think charts are a bit overrated. I'm 42 and I dont see that as any reason all not to weigh less than I did 20 years ago (by about 10 lb) - nor do I see any reason any reason not to be fitter and stronger, and to continue to become more so. I fully expect to be running 10kms at 70. Why on earth let age get in your way?
  17. Gosh, that's awful and very traumatic.
  18. Jachut

    Hernia in belly button?

    Not this type - but losing weight made me aware I have hernias at each end of my caesar scar. When they became visible, I suddenly noticed them. I pressed on one and SQUELCH - it was disgusting! they look like two golf balls under the skin, its weird. I saw my doc when i went for a pap smear (just the gp, not a gyno) and she said "oh, dont worry about it". But I think I'll follow it up becuase hernias of course can strangulate and if its squelching, its obviously bits of my guts poking out (disappears when I like on my back)! Plus it looks awful. I also notice that after I've been on my feet all day or done a lot of running they ache.
  19. Jachut

    Ring Sizes

    Really? That's interesting. it just bothers me because on my other hand I have my grandmother's engagement ring which is a gorgeous platinum and diamond number and then I have these yellow gold rings - lovely rings and the setting is nice, but they just dont go with the rest of the type of jewellery I wear.
  20. Why not combine lifting weights with cardio in one workout? There's tons of stuff on the net - things like turbulence training, but basically, standing round hoiking dumbells for isolated muscle exercises isnt that efficient - whole body compound moves (like squats whilst pushing a barbell above your head) ARE. Pushups, pullups, dips, lunges, THOSE are the moves to focus on. Do them fast and hard circuit style and dont waste your time on the gym machines, and i guarantee you'll TORCH the body fat. It really really works. Do it at an intensity that almost makes you puke. Use heavy heavy weight and low reps and work fast - your heartrate will go through the roof. For cardio - long and slow builds endurance, which is fine to a point. Any overweight person will find they shed weight from doing that when they've been inactive. But eventually your body becomes efficient and do too much and you do tend to compromise muscle. Instead, do interval workouts - shorter time, shorter distance but with sprints and recoveries. It just about makes you puke but it really works. Do this on your non lifting days. I agree, the days of running for hours on end, or cycling and working easy in that "fat burning zone" (total myth that one) are well past. Even though I lost most of my weight running relatively long distances, I needed to switch over to get the last of it off. And I can still pull out a 10km run whenever I feel like it, I dont need to do it 4 times a week to maintain the endurance. But I burn more fat working short and really HARD. But hard is the key! It needs to just about make you puke.
  21. I hope your mum recovers well. My mum had a mild heart attack nearly 2 years ago at 66, and she was a little overweight, but we have a family history of high blood pressure and heart disease on her side. She's recovered really well, lost about 30lb and walks a good 5 miles a day as well as playing golf and going to Curves. Like you, its made me realise what a great thing I have done for myself, health wise. My surgery was mainly about appearance because I was healthy but I felt at 38 I was getting older, and I was really worried about what sort of shape I'd be in by 50 if I continued to gain. I knew I couldnt avoid health problems forever. Not a day goes by now that I dont feel absolute exhilaration at my physical condition and capabilities. I run along the road grinning like an idiot usually.
  22. Jachut

    2 years out and need to talk

    To be honest, I think its a part of any weight loss surgery experience. After four years with my band I find the same. I have sat on perhaps 10lb more I'd really like to lose for 2 years now, and I cannot lose it. I could lose it if I dieted. But I'm useless at it, just like before surgery. I last a day or two and then fall off the wagon. I havent gained, becuase I'm a really dedicated exerciser, I think god about 20 times a day for that. I never miss a session and I work REALLY hard. I do very very intense circuit training and interval running most of the time and when I'm being "lazy" I might just go out and run, steady pace, for 45 minutes a day. That keeps my weight absolutely stable. But like you, I wish I could get going again to lose like I did in that first year. Even though everyone tells me I dont need to lose anymore, that 10lb would be fantastic. I dont know the answer, there's not enough you can do to shock your body into losing when you've already been on a low calorie diet for 2 years, your metabolism has adjusted, you dont need as many calories to survive in a day as you once did, and you probably need less than other people your weight you have never lost weight. So it comes down to hard slog.
  23. Jachut

    Ring Sizes

    Mine has been made smaller 3 times now, nobody ever mentioned anything to me about a number of times you could do it! But it needs one more adjustment. However, its yellow gold which I no longer wear anymore, I got talked into it in the first place because white gold was "immature". My MIL, dont ask, stupid cow. How my ring is any business of hers I dont know, but I also have an antique
  24. this was discussed on the vertical sleeve forum and I made a comment that it wouldnt work and boy, the poster got offended. Someone's trainer had recommended it so it MUST be true right? Think about it though. The damage is ALREADY done to your skin. The collagen bonds in your skin are ALREADY broken by being overstretched. The stretchmarks are ALREADY there. How on earth can wearing something tight prevent what has already happened from happening? Post surgical compression garment support healing and prevent new damage to the skin, but if you've stretched it out and broken its internal structure there's not a damn think you can do about it now except start to love yourself sags and all and save for surgery. But you may be lucky, you might not have done much damage, your skin might snap back, it certainly can and does on many people after pregnancies and there might not be a lot to show for your temporary overweight status. Depends on a lot of things but mainly choosing good parents is the best tactic. I hope that doesnt offend you as much as it did the other poster, but its just the truth, plain and simple. You dont need a medical degree to know it either. But obviously, it cant hurt either and if its worth it to you to try, then do! Same with creams and lotions and such, they're all going to make your skin nice and smooth and look better anyway.
  25. Jachut

    Super personal BUT I have to know. . .

    Well, nothing changed for me (and I've never heard of this being the case at all to be honest) - but I cant see a downside for you - either things stay the same, and you sound like you had no problems or they get a bit tighter. Which is hardly going to have a negative impact! I'd say its all good, whatever the case. I mean how many of those stupid man jokes have you heard about "hey doc, could you just put a couple of extra stitches in there" crap they go on about after we're lying there exhuausted having just delivered the fruit of their loins? I think we can assume tight is good :-)

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