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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Thenewnic

  1. Thenewnic

    Two weeks from today....

    Surgery is Friday for me and I feel ALL of those concerns. I have this utterly horrific fear of dying on the table and then having a leak, AND THEN not losing weight is a constant worry. I'm literally scared to death... but also excited and hopeful.
  2. Thenewnic

    Going home!

    Congrats!! Sounds like everything is going well.
  3. Thenewnic

    No pre op liquid diet

    My surgeon doesn't require a pre-op diet unless your BMI is greater than 50. I didn't have to but I did anyway just because I know your body does better during surgery if you lose weight for morbidly obese patients. I am required to do all clear liquids the day before surgery.
  4. Thenewnic

    Check in: Week of Nov 17th Sleevers!

    @@JennsinCA and everyone else this week...sending prayers and well wishes to you all!!! I'm nervous for my day this Friday. Please keep us updated and share any advice regarding your experience. <3
  5. I'm 11/21 also!! Congrats and sending tons of well wishes!!!
  6. Thenewnic

    Today is the day!

    Hugs!!! Sending you well wishes and prayers.
  7. Thenewnic

    What? a normal BMI..What is normal to you?

    Jenn1.... I so want to be where you are in five months!!! You should be so incredibly proud of yourself. First for making the decision to have W LS and then obviously sticking through it to be at the point you are now. Thank you so much for sharing your update. My surgery is this Friday for the sleeve and this is just one more post that gives me hope. CONGRATS!!!!!!
  8. Sending you lots of well wishes and prayers !!!! I'll be right behind you on Friday. I can't stand the wait....lol it's like a kid at Christmas.
  9. Friday is VSG DAY!!!! (EEEK)

    1. ProudGrammy


      good luck bud - the start of your new life is right around the corner

    2. Thenewnic


      @proudgrammy -thank you so much!!! You've all been a real inspiration along my journey!!!

  10. My profession requires me to make public appearances throughout the year. I'm already sick with worry on how to address my WLS. I will get asked (as sure as the world turns..lol) and not sure if it's better to get IT out in the open now versus fielding questions all year long. Unfortunately, I won't have the luxury of telling someone it's not their business because I have to worry about public image. That's also the reason I'm terrified of sharing my choice to have the sleeve and dealing with negative feedback openly.
  11. Thenewnic

    Day 1 Liquid Diet

    Hey Jen The first few days are the hardest, but then it goes easier!!! Much luck and success!!!
  12. Hi My mother worried about the same thing prior to being sleeved three years ago. It was tough for her probably for the first six weeks and then she was back in the kitchen cooking with my father like they always have. She is three years postop op and has maintained 140+ weight loss. Looking back, I actually feel bad because she even cooked Christmas that year and had just completed surgery within like three or four months. She's my hero. Much luck in making your decision.
  13. Thenewnic

    Using PB2 on Liquid Diet

    My doc says yes. Bought some yesterday and love to add to my Premier Protein Choc. shakes.
  14. Thenewnic

    In sitting Pre-op hell....

    Seashelles, first off... big hugs!!! I was actually about to post something regarding therapy. I'm seeing a therapist who specializes in bariatrics. I know I'm going to need the support to deal with my emotional eating disorder. People need to remember that the sleeve is just a tool and will not fix your relationship with food that you had before the surgery. Even if I never crave food again after the surgery, which would be a dream come true, I may substitute an old eating addiction for something else. I'm hoping therapy is just one more tool that can help me achieve long term success!!! Best of luck!!!
  15. Thenewnic

    Shakes long term?

    My mom is 3 years post op and continues to substitute two shakes a day for meals. She's maintained her 140+ weight loss and directly contributes her success to keeping her shakes in her meal plan. I plan to keep to liquids as long as I can. BTW...I attended a WL support group with her this week where she shared this with the members. I was amazed at how many sleevers who no longer substituted Protein shakes. It seemed like it would easier in the long run...
  16. 11/21 I actually don't start my official diet until next week, but decided to start a week early to get used to the protein shakes. So far I've found that the Premier pre made chocolate shakes are the only ones I like at this point. So glad your hubby is supportive!! Mine is coming around, but cooks as a hobby and hates to lose his taste tester for now...lol
  17. Thenewnic

    Coconut water?

    Thank you so much for posting. I love coconut water and this is such great news to know for my surgery scheduled in a couple weeks. Glad you're doing well!
  18. Hey Lauren, I'm a November sleever too!! I'm struggling right now with the liquid diet. How's it going with you?
  19. Congrats!!! Hopefully that will relieve some stress.
  20. Thenewnic

    November 18th anyone?

    11/21 for me...so close to yours. I started my preop diet early and have my preop class on Monday also!! Good luck!!
  21. Thenewnic

    What would you do?

    I'm scheduled on 11/21 and admit to having the same worries and missing Black Friday shopping. HOWEVER, I reminded myself how I didn't come this far to let a stupid Ol turkey and shopping that I don't need to do get in the way of a lifetime goal. Next year I'll be the healthy one at Thanksgiving and I'll go shopping on Black Friday and maybe for once buy myself something. I know it's hard. I have three kiddos myself and a huge family that loves to Celebrate and eat on Thanksgiving. Hopefully it will be pretty here in the South and I'll walk while they all eat. Sending a ton of hugs your way.
  22. @@mt_hi_liner, @@imsoglad56, @@bikrchk, @ Thank you guys so much for your reply!!!
  23. Surgery scheduler called me tonight (bless her for working late) and I'll be VSG'ing it at 8 am that day. After all this time, receiving that phone call was surreal. Afterwards I had a complete and total freak out. Is that normal?? I'm ready...but I'm scared out of my mind. I go Monday to receive all of my after care instructions and diet then I'm ready. I've completed all of my pre-op. My plan for now is to find a therapist to work with me on my food issues as I go. A friend swore to me it was key to her keeping the weight off and also a life coach. Any other suggestions to help transition into a smoother and less stressful post op???

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