Hi everyone.
I've been lurking for quite a while, reading all your positive messages and thought-provoking questions. I thought it was about time to stop by and introduce myself.
I have just begun the process of lapbanding. I spoke to my GP about it a week or so ago and have my first consultation with the surgeon at the end of the month. I admit I'm nervous, but more about the surgery than the banding. I'm terrified that I won't come out of the anaesthetic.
Like most of you, I have dieted on and off since I was a teenager. I estimate that I would have lost about 80 kgs over the last 17 years or so, but I have put that all on again. I guess I make lots of bad food choices, don't exercise and eat too much.
Anyway, I have hit my highest weight (142kg) and know that I MUST do something now or face some pretty serious consequences.
Well... I must say that I've never introduced myself in quite that way before, but there you go. LOL!