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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Djmohr

  1. I am with everyone else on this. Verify that it really was the hospital and then many of them are willing to work with you on a payment plan if you owe another 3K or 6K, whichever is right.

    I can totally understand why you are freaking out. I certainly would be as well. Just make sure you are not being scammed.

  2. Hi there and welcome!

    Congratulations on your surgery and your recent weight loss. There are more good things to come! Although the first 2 months are the hardest in my opinion because of recovery and getting used to the whole learning to eat thing, they are the most exciting as well because weight loss seems to be much faster during those first few month.

    I too had bypass in September of 2014, I am just 22 month post op. I have lost 152lbs and and currently maintaining between 158 and 162. My goal was 165 and I honestly never thought I would get to goal. I thought I would consider myself lucky if I met the average of 70% excess weight loss but once it started coming off and I started feeling better I was bound and determined to get to a optimal weight for my height and improve my mobility. I have been able to do that and if I can do it, anyone can.

    Welcome to the losers bench!

  3. I am so sorry to hear you have had such problems. Personally if I were you I would try again with perhaps a different surgeon and I would suggest looking at one of the other surgeries like sleeve, bypass or duodenal switch.

    Because of your size you would want to look at a surgery that is going to allow you the safest surgery that is going to give you the best chance to get to a healthy weight.

    This is just my opinion but I would do it even if it meant having an open bypass, sleeve or DS.

    I wish you the very best of luck and I really hope you are on the road to a healthier life soon. I never would have believed life could be so much better until I had bypass.

  4. Hi and Welcome!

    I am 53 years old and had bypass 22 months ago. Like James, I had many other surgeries that were much more painful. I recovered quickly from this surgery but most of the pain will come from the gas they pump in your belly. The only way to get rid of it is to walk, sip on fluids, using a heating pad or hot packs while sitting or laying and once your bowels start producing gas, gas x works to help alleviate that as well. If you have ever had tummy surgery, gas pains can be quite painful but they will pass especially if you walk and drink consistently.

    As I said, I am now 53 and have lost almost half my body weight. I lost 152 lbs and I currently weight 158. I can hardly believe it some days. I went from a size 26 to a size 8. I am 5'10".

    2 weeks ago I had my first plastic surgery to remove my sagging arm skin.

    I feel about 25 years younger, have more energy than ever and am loving life. All my comorbities are gone: Diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, sleep apnea, stage 3 chronic kidney disease in remission. Severe and I do mean severe acid reflux has been completely obliterated!

    Prior to surgery I coughed and coughed every single day for well over a year from acid. NO MORE.

    I still struggle with damage done to my spine and shoulder joints but let me tell you I feel so healthy it's crazy!

    Best of luck to you and feel free to reach out with questions!

  5. I am with James on this one, you may be advancing sooner than your tummy will allow. I struggled terribly on pureed stage. I would gag and puke and I (now) I believe it was more of an aversion to pureed meats, eggs and fish. I still 22 months later have an aversion to eggs because of the pureed stage.

    I would still with Soups, cottage cheese, applesauce, cream of wheat, Protein shakes. Anything that will slip down vs. have to swallow.

    For me it took some time before my pouch even appreciated meats of any kind. I could eat fish fairly easily but even shrink was difficult.

    By 8 weeks post op, most if not all my swelling was down and then I was able to start eating ground beef, ground chicken, soft juicy chicken breast in a mushroom gravy, thinks like that.....another month down the road it got easier and easier.

    But my suggestion would be to go back to creamy Proteins like cottage cheese, yogurt, refried Beans, unsweetened applesauce, and definately Protein Shakes at this stage. Premier Protein for me were the best because they had a whopping 30 grams of Protein and only 1 gram of sugar. I had to actually add lactose free milk to them in the beginning so it would take me almost a whole day to drink 1 shake.

    Best of luck to you and I promise it really does get better, if for some reason you can't get even softer foods down like I suggested then there is more going on and you might have a stricture. I would check with your doctor if that becomes a problem.

    Your tummy just needs a little longer to heal and honestly it will be better for you in the long run.

  6. Welcome! Which surgery are you considering? There are a lot of folks on here with a good cross section of bypass, sleeve and Lapland. There are even some balloon and DS patients.

    What questions do you have? I am a bypass patient post op 22 months. Originally I was going to get the sleeve but because I had severe reflux, it was the right surgery for me given bypass cures that.

    Feel free to message with questions or post them here, you have many people that will try to help you through it.

    Best of luck to you!

  7. At about 5 months out, the max my surgical team gave me was 1/2 of food if it were all chewed up.

    The danger of eating without knowing is that many times, Bariatric patients get comfortable with eating more than they should and it backs up into the esophagus which is not good. There are studies on this.

    It is very very unlikely that you stretched your pouch however how long is it taking you to eat an average plate of food? My guidelines prefer that i eat slowly but not to take longer than 20 minutes and never ever eat longer than 30. Because your pouch can also start emptying at that point thereby allowing more food than you need to be consumed.

    Lastly, are you drinking with your meals? The reality if you are is that you could be pushing foods out of your pouch faster and thereby making more room and creating more hunger.

    These are just some ideas that could be the culprit.

  8. Hi There,

    I am so sorry that you are having such pain. Did your surgeon give you pain medication to take? Sometimes you have to take that as direction exactly on time to get your pain under control.

    If it is not working for you, call your doctor immediately. My doctor actually met me on a Sunday in the parking lot of her office to provide me with a new written script following plastic surgery. I have never had a doctor do that before but she did and boy was I grateful.

    If they cannot help you today, you should go to the ER where they can help you get your pain under control if it is that overwhelming.

    With bypass so much of it is caused by that gas in your tummy. In many cases the pain meds won't work alone. I had to get up and walk a lot and when I wasn't walking I would use a heating pad on my belly. I also used gas x tablets because your bowels begin to work again and it is really tender in your belly so you have surgical pain, gas pain from the surgery and actual gas. The 3 of them together can be overwhelming for a day or two.

    While you are in pain, take deep breathes through your nose and out of your mouth several times. It will help you get control as well.


  9. @D'Sleeved

    Looks like you are ready ready ready! Good luck on the pre op liquid diet as well. If you haven't done that before, the first couple days are the roughest and honestly if you focus 1 day, 1 hour at a time it will be over before you know it and you will be in surgery.

    Keep reminding yourself of why you are going this, it makes it all worth it when times get tough.

    You will do great!

  10. Sorry. YUCK!

    As you can tell, I did not do well on pureed foods. I lived on yogurt, cream of wheat, cottage cheese and Protein shakes.

    I also cannot eat bean and that is a really good source of Protein for those on purée stage. Most people talk about that and ricotta bake. Maybe if I had done baby food I would feel differently.

    For me it was an aversion to the texture. Yuck. LOL. I could not wait for that phase to be over.

    Best of luck......

  11. I was going through menopause at the time of surgery, still am. My emotions were off the charts. You have to remember there are other hormones at work as well and it is normal to simply have mood swings while going through such a significant change in your life.

    For many food was there coping mechanism and now that is gone so it is only natural that it happens.

    At least that is what I have been told and what I experienced.

  12. costco. My favorite store. The store you cannot get out of for less than 200.00 and most times a lot more.

    Premier Protein Ready Make shakes - about 3 or 4 times a year they have 5.00 off a case and I stock up

    Fresh Fruits : Strawberries, Apples, Cherries, Watermelon (I always have fruit)

    Fresh Vegies: Baby cucumbers, Lettuces, Mushrooms, Carrots, baby peppers

    Olive Oil

    Tilamook Cheddar cheese

    Gruyere cheeses

    Cooked Shrimp from Deli area

    Ground Beef

    Beef Tenderloin

    Black olives

    Wonderful Pistachios

    Frozen veggies

    chicken and beef stock when they have it

    Tomato sauce for cooking

    I love costco for their fruits & Veggies and some of their meats.

  13. It is not the normal. When you say your fluids are good are you really getting a good 64oz in? If you are then maybe give your doc a call because if you are well hydrated you should be ok.

    Keep in mind you also had major surgery just a couple of weeks ago so you are likely just feeling the effects of that but I would call to be sure.

  14. @@RJC5197

    They removed your stomach or its is still in there, just bypassed a portion of it. If it's truly removed, like sleeve hunger should not return. Also it looks like you just had your surgery in May. You still have some time before the nerves reconnect


    I know you think you are feeling hungry but it is impossible at this stage. It is more likely that you are actually more dehydrated than you think or it is head hunger. Ask your surgeon about it.

  15. @@Mrs. Riddle

    Congratulations on both your next steps and the birth of your child! I have to say, I do love your point about bypass and getting back on track.

    I have talked to several people who lost their way and started again as if it was the day after surgery and were successful in losing their weight.

    To your point you just have to be willing to work a little harder.

    Best of luck and keep us posted on your progress.

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