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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Djmohr

  1. I found for that first 5/6 weeks it was hard to get beyond 400 calories in a day and I continued to lose daily. By the way 1 lb a day is actually not a slow weight loss, that is rapid weight loss. You will begin to slow down so don't be surprised by it or let it discourage you. You have to be careful about letting the scale get the better of you.

    I was told by my nutritionist that at about 6 weeks your new tummy is pretty healed and part of why I was still only at 400 calories was because I was afraid and not always eating my full portions of food. At about 8 weeks I was able to start getting my calories up to about 600 per day and I am at 12 weeks now. My calories average 700. I exercise every other day(cardio) for 30 minutes. On those days I have to actually increase my Protein so I have an extra shake.< /p>

  2. I am in my 12th week post op and I feel like I have a whole new life. I am off every single medication now. No more diabetes, no more high cholesterol, no more high blood pressure. I CAN and do exercise regularly because my joints do not hurt as bad as they once did. I no longer have cravings for sweets at all, thank goodness! I currently do not suffer from dumping either so I have tasted sweets, they simply taste horrible to me.

    I eat much healthier because that is what my new body craves. I am down 4 sizes already in clothing and close to getting into the next size.

    Everyday I wake up I have more energy than I can remember having in the last 20 years.

    I thank god everyday for this gift and never have I regretted it even for one second. It was a lot less painful than I was anticipating and that was only for a day or two.

    Good luck! You are going to do great and you will be happy you made the decision to get healthier!

  3. Glad to hear you guys are doing so well! Congratulations and welcome to your new life! From here on out it gets exciting to see how different you begin to look and more importantly feel.

    Get lots of rest so your body heals and stay hydrated once you get home!

    Good luck and keep us posted!

  4. Definitely don't let yourself get frustrated, (easier said than done, right)

    The thing that seems to work best is working the plan that your surgeon gave you:

    - drink your Water

    - get your required Protein

    - don't drink 30 minutes before or after you eat

    - stick to the diet plan

    - exercise as soon as you can

    If you do these things the weight will continue to come off without any problem. You will go through stalls every once in a while while your body tries to figure out what you are up to but it will figure itself out if you work the plan.

    Good luck, you are doing terrific!

  5. Just curious, what triggered you to take that drink last night? I am not certain that anything will happen but it might be important for you to understand why suddenly after all this time you took that drink and then took it too far.

    I have several family members including my son who are recovered alcoholics. I know that it is a fight everyday and understanding your triggers are as important in fighting the war with food as it is with other addictions.

    It might be worth it to talk to your psychologist.

    Good luck, I am praying that everything goes well for you!

  6. It could be what you are eating as well that is causing you to throw up as well as how fast you are eating it. When introducing soft foods I learned I had to try one new food at a time and go very very slow. I still have trouble with ground beef and eggs of any kind and I am 12 weeks along.

    Fish and chicken works great for me. But I have to really take my time and stop as soon as I think I am getting full.

  7. That is my understanding as well. When I read that people don't do well on the pre op diet I just cringe. Many don't realize they could be sabotaging themselves. That diet is not only to get you used to the post op diet but mostly to shrink your liver.

    My surgeon actually told me that when he first started performing this surgery he was not convinced that this diet would do that much so quickly to improve the size of ones liver. He said he quickly learned that it can make a significant difference in the outcome of a laparoscopic procedure vs. an open procedure.

    He then said he decided he was going to try the liquid diet himself just so he knew what his patients would be going through. So for 10 days which is his requirement he did it as well.

    To answer the other question about testing, I asked this question of my surgeon before surgery. They told me no, they try the laparoscopic procedure and if they cannot maneuver, then they will go to an open surgery.

    Hope this helps.

  8. Beni, I have that same experience with egg and I am 12 weeks out. For some reason I eat egg and I just get instantly sick to my stomach. Occasionally I try to sneak it in with other stuff in small amounts but I think it is just too heavy. The weird thing is my pouch loves chicken and fish. Sometimes ground beef but sometimes I have trouble with it and it can ruin my day. food can be frustrating. I also get board eating the same things. Lately I eat a lot of cheese, fish, chicken, yogurt, oatmeal and Protein Shakes. And I can eat almost all vegies.

    It has gotten a lot better as the weeks have gone by, you just have to take your time and if a food doesn't work try again a week or two later.

  9. It is best to try to get rid of the caffeine now vs. waiting until you are recovering. You will have enough to deal with at that time.

    Start by going half caf now, then all caffeine free after a week. someone said it earlier but it will be easy to take something for your headaches now. Post surgery taking headache medication is a pain in the pouch! The liquid burns and crushing tastes horrible.

    Also, the narcotics they give you for pain control can sometimes actually cause headaches so I would not count on that to deal with caffeine withdrawal. It's best to try to deal with it now.

    Good luck!

  10. I started walking as soon as I was comfortable which was about 1 week post op. I walked everyday for 30 minutes min. About 6 weeks post op I began cardio every other day. I started out at 30 minutes and within a week was at an hour. I then hit my first stall and was stuck for nearly 3 weeks. Both my trainer and nutritionist and others on this site thought I was eating too little and exercising too much. I was told that given my daily caloric intake of 500 - 700 calories that I should really stick to 30 to 40 minutes of exercise. I just started that in the last week and I have dropped almost 4 lbs since. I guess I learned a very good lesson....I either needed to eat more which for me was not possible or back off some of my exercising time because I could not make up the calories lost and my body went into starvation mode and stalled.

    Probably more than you were asking..... Good luck!

  11. Hey ladies congratulations on such great progress! That first time you try on clothes you could not get into before is so darn motivating!

    In terms of Protein drinks that don't suck, have you tried the Premier Protein shakes they sell at costco or SAMs? chocolate is actually the best. 30 grams of Protein and only 1 gram of sugar. I have tried so many and it is the only kind I can tolerate. I have spent a lot of Monet on powders. Ugh!

    Good luck to you!

  12. Hi there! welcome to the site! It looks like you might be from Minnesota? I am as well.

    You are definitely deserving of getting yourself healthy and that is how you need to thing about it. The yo yo diet thing got most if not all of us to this point. We always end up gaining it back and then some.

    I am excited for you!

    Where are you having your surgery done if you don't mind my asking? I had mine done at Methodist hospital.

  13. Hi there. Not sure about your clinic as many of them vary. I was allowed specific Protein drinks. Premier Protein was one brand on the list thank goodness because they are the best in my opinion.

    The only other things I was allowed to put in my body was clear broth, sugar free drinks like Gatorade or crystal lite, sugar free Popsicles, sugar free Jello.

    Mine lasted 10 days and on the last day it was clear liquid only no Protein shakes.

    I will tell you after all that sweet a good broth becomes your best friend. My doctors office told me to either make broth homemade using lots of good chicken and plenty of veggies and strain it or buy mrs. Grass chicken noodle Soup and use the seasoning packet and the egg and throw the noodles away. I went with mrs. Grass and it was very tasty and took that nasty sweet away when I got sick of it later in the day.

    V8 would not hVe been allowed on my Liquid Protein nor homemade smoothies with veggies/fruit in them. Usually your clinic will give u a very specific list to work from.

    I have seen some people on here actually get to eat a small meal once per day. I was not allowed to.

    I had no complications and my surgeon stated my liver had shrunk nicely which made surgery very straight forward. He stated that the liquid diet had done its job.

    Good luck! The first 3 days are the hardest, just take it one day at a time.

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