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Posts posted by Djmohr

  1. The clothes thing is really a challenge but one I am very happy to deal with!

    I haves dropped 4 sizes and am close to needing a smaller size in pants already!

    I have gone out and purchased a few pair only because I travel so much lately. I just don't want to buy too much because I know I am going to keep losing.

    My calorie intake is between 650 and 800 and I exercise every other day but stay very active on the days I don't. No sitting my behind on the couch all day!

    Congratulations on your progress and good luck with your weight loss goals!

  2. I second the vote for Premier Protein which is sold at SAMs or costco. It is already mixed and sold by the case. In the first couple of weeks I did have milk it down a little because it was a bit heavy for me but in my 6th week I found that I could drink the whole 11 oz. 30 grams of Protein Drink. I have one every morning and it boosts my Protein for the day. In the beginning before I could eat real food I drank 2 a day. The chocolate tastes like good chocolate milk. I cannot do the vanilla, for me it tastes a little too sweet.

  3. I would be very careful with fruit if your surgery was very recent. Your tummy needs time to heal. Fresh fruit especially can be problematic. I was 8 weeks post op before they allowed fresh fruits. At 4 weeks I was allowed very small amounts of canned fruits. Are you on a full liquid diet including Protein drinks? If so, they are what is going to make you feel much stronger.

    Also, it sounds like you could be dehydrated! You can get very sick from that. The dizzy symptom tells me you could be very dehydrated.The most important thing for you is to get Fluid in your body, if that Fluid contains Protein that is even better.

    I was told to focus on the following right after,

    1. Get your water/fluids in. You must stay hydrated - it's hard but do the very best you can.

    2. Protein is key to make you feel stronger

    3. Vitamins are very important or you could end up with deficiencies that will cause problems down the road

    4. Walk

    I know you probably don't want to hear all this, but it is the truth. You will feel better if you can focus on the above.

    I really hope you start to feel better soon!

  4. I know it is really hard when you feel like crap getting your Water, Protein and Vitamins in but they are what is going to make you start feeling better.

    As hard as it is, you really need to get more calories in. I am guessing you feel very weak as well.

    It will get better but you have to try to get more in your body and you will start to feel better. Even if you throw up, wait an hour and start sipping water and protein. Honestly, I started feeling more energy as soon as I started taking my vitamins everyday as prescribed.

    If you are dehydrated it can really make you sick and put you back in the hospital.

    I hope you feel better soon!

  5. @KittyKatt. I am now almost 14 weeks post op. I also had my heart set on the sleeve until I learned that bypass would likely cure my uncontrollable Gerd and the sleeve could make those symptoms much worse.

    I have not had to take any reflux medicine since 30 days out and the best part, I don't get reflux or even heartburn any longer! I even made homemade stuffed peppers, stuffed with ground beef on wed. I was able to eat a very tiny portion and even the green pepper! No heartburn or Gerd!

    Woot woot! That dish used to cause me to be up all night long with reflux.

    Once you get through recovery, you are going to be so glad you did this!

  6. @@KittyKatt, I am very excited for you! RNY has been the best decision of my life. I am only taking 1 prescription now and that is a thyroid replacement as I have hypothyroidism. I was taking 5 more before surgery!

    As far as Vitamins go I take the following vitamins at the requirement of my surgeon: 1 Multivitamin, 3 calcium chews, 1 Vitamin D, and 1 B12. The B12 is only required weekly but I take it daily as it gives you energy and any extra is released in your urine.

    I have not had any issues with Iron at this point but if that happens, I wll need to add iron and Vitamin C.< /p>

    I will say taking vitamins is not a big deal and I would trade that for all those crappy meds and day of the week.

  7. It definitely sounds like a lactose that is causing the cramping. There are a lot of options to help with that. Lactaid works great and I think tastes better to me than regular milk. Almond milk is another.

    You will find your taste has actually changed and you will have to try different things. You will probably also find there are some things you used to hate that you now love.

    For me, I hate anything that is sweet (thank goodness), I don't get sick from it but it tastes so bad that I have to spit it out. Also unfortunately I cannot eat eggs, and I loved them previously. If I even smell them my tummy starts to spasm.

    Dont get discouraged, just keep trying new things one at a time.

    Good luck and hope you have a great holiday!

  8. My husband who turned 55 today suffered from Afib for about 3 years before he saw a new cardiologist. In March the cardiologist told him there is a surgical cure for AFIB. In March he had cardiac ablation. It worked and he is AFIB free and off all of those meds. When we go on vacation, he takes a prescription of zaralto and Fleckinide just as a precaution. If he were to have AFIB he would take these meds until we came back home. He has not had any episodes.

    For several years he was told he would just have to take drugs for the rest of his life. That is not true.

    The only thing he takes now is an aspirin.

  9. I can relate to both the cold and the sore rear! I live in Minnesota and let me tell you, I have had a heated blanket in my living room since 2 weeks post op. I am always freezing. My behind gets sore, what the heck! I have lost about 65lbs so far but I still have some junk in my trunk, I do not understand why my butt hurts. I have a 6 hour drive home from Wisconsin to Minneapolis tomorrow and my rear is already sore????

  10. I am sorry you both are feeling so bad! I am guessing it is the emotion as well as the stage you both are in. I think you need to give it some time and remember why you both did this in the first place. Be patient with each other and your new tummies. I am guessing you might be grieving your old life a little. I do know it will get better but it will not be the same as it was. I am guessing you both knew that going into this process. Just take one day at a time and try to stay positive. As you begin to feel better and make progress, you will see that we are not crazy! LOL

    Good luck!

  11. You really need nothing other than a change of clothes, a hair brush and your own tooth brush. They will give you a toothbrush but the are really bad ones. I also brought my IPad because I would go crazy without it. I would make sure you have reading glasses if you need them. Also I used lip balm because my lips got so dry.

    They prefer you use their hospital gowns so pjs are not necessary. They have to be able to get at your iIV easily. They will also provide robe and footies that are slip proof.

    Other than that, you really need nothing.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
