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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Djmohr

  1. I am with @@winklie on this. Get yourself back to the hospital and demand answers and solutions. This is absolutely not normal, something did not go right with your surgery. I am 13 months post op tomorrow. I still can barely eat 1 cup of food at mealtime. I try to get between 1000 and 1200 calories a day and most days have to snack like heck just to get to 1000. Also, you really do need to quit processed foods and focus on good home cooked Protein. It keeps you full a lot longer and gets you the protein needed. You should not be eating Pasta of any kind at this point. Low carb, high protein. Carbs should come from vegetables and some fruit. I am so sorry that this has happened to you and want you to be successful. It has to start back with your surgeon right away. Please take good care of yourself! You deserve to be healthy after everything you have hone through. Please take the time to hold your surgeon accountable. In addition, I would call your nut and ask for a specific guide to your required diet ASAP.
  2. Djmohr

    Dangerous Diet Myth #2

    Nuts, cheese, jerkey better than popcorn!
  3. Djmohr

    Sexy halloween

    I absolutely love Halloween! In fact my husband and I love it so much we got married on Halloween 28 years ago. When we have purchased houses, we chose Halloween to close on them. LOL. It is our lucky number too! For many many years we have had huge Halloween parties where friends would fly in or drive in and stay the week, weekend, whatever they could. We celebrate Halloween in my family bigger than Christmas. My family and friends would also get dressed up for trick or treat, come to our house and scare the neighbors. Our house was called the Halloween house in our neighborhood and we always got a huge turnout, people would drive in from other parts of the city to see it. At our costume parties we always had to dress up and finding great costumes in a size 3x was near impossible.i spent a small fortune on our costume after all we were the host and hostess. Although this is the 2nd year in many that we are not having a huge party, I am excited that I could actually find and purchase a costume in a size large and it will likely fit great. I will say it is kind of sad that we sold our home and moved states so a party this year is near impossible. Hopefully next year! Halloween rocks!
  4. Djmohr

    Removal of thigh skin

    No, but boy can I relate! My legs are getting skinnier all the time but the loose skin on my thighs and by my knees sure is ugly! I would love to horde in on the responses you get.bcongratulations on a great job!
  5. Djmohr

    The Old Me 410 lbs

    Wow! You look fantastic! Congratulations!
  6. Djmohr

    Pistachios! Definitely downfall

    I eat them all the time for a snack. I have just learned to put them into 1/4 cup portions and I count them on my fitness pal. Along with cheese, nuts, jerkey and the occasional piece of fruit , they are the Snacks I focus on. They actually fill me up and keep me full and have decent Protein. I am not a calorie counter although I do track my calories. I more so count my protein and carb grams.
  7. Djmohr

    Making use of the now

    What a great post. Half the battle is being accountable to yourself. I have been using my fitness pal religiously for the last year. I track absolutely everything that goes in my mouth both good and bad. I don't think I will ever stop doing that now because it makes me realize my choices. I believe it honestly helps me to make much better choices in the end. I still weigh daily however I have a talk with myself every morning before I step on that scale. It sort of goes something like this "You know, you likely did not lose any weight since yesterday so don't let this number side track you, don't let it ruin your day" then if I have lost, I am ecstatic, if I have not or if I have gained I usually know it is a simple fluctuation and I usually give my scale the bird and go on my merry way. LOL but I do not allow it to ruin my day. I will say if I have not lost anything everyday for a week or so, I know I am in a stall and will simply stay off of it for a week. Then the next time I step on I am usually ok. I have learned to simply embrace those stalls and stay the course because sooner or later they break.
  8. Djmohr

    Overall Negative

    You are definately letting your fears get the best of you. The good news is that those fears are normal. We all had them. I learned that I really needed to reverse them. For example what will happen if you do nothing at this point? You will continue to gain weight most likely and if you don't already have comorbitities, you will develop them. I know, I did it. I waited and waited and waited. By the time I realized me fear was the problem I developed high blood pressure. High cholesterol, severe Gerd, sleep apnea and worst of all stage 3 kidney disease. All of this from waiting too long. I tried diet after diet to lose hundreds of pounds over the years only to gain it all back and then some. I had my metabolism so screwed up that finally I could no longer lose weight at all. I ruined my joints, especially my spine and that cannot be reversed. I did however cure my diabetes, Gerd, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, sleep apnea and got my kidney disease into remission in a matter of months post op. Don't let your fears stop you! Use them to move forward. Go see a psychologist that specializes in obesity. They can help. Good luck and keep us posted!
  9. Djmohr

    Weight loss stall

    My longest stall lasted a month. For me increasing my calorie count a bit has helped during certain times when I was exercising a lot and barely getting 700 calories a day. However I have had many stalls in the last 13 months and the reality is they will happen and there really isn't a lot you can do about them but realize your body is simply taking a breather. If you follow the plan, the stall will ultimately break on its own. I am only sharing my experience here but I have had quite a few. Also the closer you get to goal weight the more things slow down and you have to work really hard at being patient and sticking to the plan.
  10. Djmohr

    Peanut butter?

    I eat Peanut Butter with my apples a couple times a week but I measure to ensure I don't over do given the high fat content and sugar. This is a slippery slope for me because since my surgery I absolutely LOVE the smell and taste of peanut butter. Yum! It is probably one of my favorite treats.
  11. I can only speak from my personal experience and I had the RNY procedure, not a revision. I also have a high tolerance for pain mostly because I have had 5 spinal surgeries and they are pure hell. Honestly I found that first the first couple of days pain meds helped with initial surgical pain but honestly the real pain mostly came from the gas they pump into your belly for the procedure. Pain meds don't do anything for that at all. They simply don't touch it. the only thing that worked for me was walking walking walking, sipping Water and a heating pad. The other pain I had was when my bowels were starting up again, that can be very uncomfortable but I honestly found that chewing gas X tablets really helped that situation. I took liquid Vicodin the 2 days I was in the hospital and the first day at home. After that I moved to liquid Tylenol and honestly the alcohol in that simply did not feel very good so I quit taking pain killers all together on day 2 home from hospital. By the liquid Vicodin was horrible feeling to my tummy too. It honestly made me not want to take it. It really wasn't that bad but I do know that others really struggled with the pain.
  12. Djmohr

    Bypass VS Sleeve

    The decision is difficult. I ended up going the bypass route because I suffered from Gerd and bypass will cure that problem. The sleeve on the other hand can make that situation worse or cause it in many cases. For me, the bypass was not difficult at all. I have had no complications and am so very glad I went this route. I wanted to make sure I was only going to have this type of surgery 1 time and 1 time only. Now a year out and 124lbs lighter, I would do it all over again in a second. I can eat pretty much whatever I want, not that I do! I am so much healthier. Gone is type 2 diabetes. Severe Gerd, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, sleep apnea. Improved stage 3 kidney disease has gone from stage 3 to simply a history of it! Life is very good after RNY gastric bypass.
  13. Woot woot! Celebrate those victories!
  14. Djmohr

    Failing at the preop diet

    Not executing the liver shrink can be a problem for you come surgery time. I have to be honest (not judging here), I wanted this surgery so badly that I followed my pre op diet to a t. I was on a liquid only, no food for 10 days. I think it would have been harder to execute if I had been allowed a chicken breast or salad like some. I Sam with Dub on this, I would call your surgeons office and let them know you had a stumble, they might suggest liquids only in an attempt to lose a few more pounds by Thursday's date. This liquid diet is both for your benefit and your surgeons. There have been several posters who made it to surgery day, they began the procedure only to be closed back up and told until they lost more weight their surgery could not be performed. I also read about 1 who ended up with an open bypass because the shrink did not happen as it should have. Don't mess around with this, you really want to be safe here.
  15. Yeah! Every doctor I have seen about this has told me not to worry that as soon as my weight loss slowed down, my hair would stop shedding. They were right for sure! After 12 long months of which 9 I shredded about 2/3 to 3/4 of my hair volume. Now, I have short hairs poking up everywhere and the shedding has finally completely stopped. It actually is funny and if I wasn't so happy to see all those beautiful new hairs I would be annoyed because I swear I look like alfalfa from the little rascals! Everyone going through this just really needs to have faith, it will come back!
  16. Love onederland! Congratulations! The further under that 200 number I get, the happier I am and the more sure I will never see it again!
  17. Djmohr

    Old New guy pre op

    Most of time time the first two weeks following bypass is: Week 1 - Clear liquids only SF Jello, broth, Water, crystal lite, watered down apple juice, SF Popsicles Week 2 - full liquids and clear liquids- same as above plus creamed Soups, yogurt, Protein shakes (no more watered down Apple juice) Week 3 - the will move you to puréed if all goes well. You should ask your surgeon for his/her food plan because they all seem to differ but they should give you some idea of exactly what to eat when. In terms of meds, you should try to get yourself the liquid versions for the first 3 months or chewable if you can. Otherwise you will be crushing anything that is bigger around than a pencil eraser. This improves over time but those first 3 months it is pretty swollen in there. I don't use a blender because I buy Premier Protein ready made shakes instead of all the powders. When I had the puréed stage I used either my food processor or I had a nutrition bullet. I have since given that nutri bullet away. The best of luck to you! I hope all goes well.
  18. Djmohr

    Trouble with water

    I had the same thing happen, it is usually the temperature of Water that makes the difference. Especially first thing in the am. I stuck to only room temp water in the beginning with the exception of the am. Then I would actually warm it a little bit. Now it is all I drink with the exception of a cup of hot green tea every once in a while. Even a year out that cold water first thing in the am can cause my tummy to seize a little. I know this because it just happened to me. LOL. It will get better.
  19. Djmohr

    Women only lol!

    @@sleevegirl1991 Definately not from bypass but it sure sounds like it could be fibroids in your uterus. I had that situation that went on for a few years before we decided to do a hysterectomy. We went that route because I was already done having children. Haven't regretted that surgery either LOL!
  20. Djmohr

    RNY undone?

    I had a friend quite a few years ago who had to have hers reversed because she became severely malnourished. (This person did not follow the food plan at all nor did she take her Vitamins ever) This was in the 90's and at that time they did only open gastric bypass. She actually got to a point where she could not keep anything down and would not listen to her doctors. She decided to have the surgery reversed. She weighed less than 100 lbs on the day of the reversal. She was 5'1" tall and started above 300 pounds. She had the surgery reversed and it went well. Within a year she was well over 200 lbs and on her way to back where she was. I only know all of this because I took care of her 5 kids for both surgeries. I lived in her home and saw the garbage she was eating and trust me there was never a Protein shake, or Vitamin around ever. She had a rather large family to feed so they ate a lot of preoackaged foods like Mac and cheese with tuna and Soup in it. (Yuck!) I swear I gained 30lbs in less than a year living with her. Honestly part of the reason I waited so long to move forward with bypass was because of what I experienced living with her. It took me going to classes and doing lots of research to realize how safe bypass is these days when you follow the plan.
  21. This really is normal. Sorry to tell you that but as you now go through all of the changes with food plans you will likely go from diahrea to constipation once you are through surgery and on soft foods. Smile, it really is all worth it in the end. I promise!
  22. Djmohr

    Goal Weight / BMI

    This really is great information. I have been asking many people about this recently. My bariatric team does not focus on weight loss goals or BMI goals. They focus mostly on healthy nutrition and basically told me my body will slow down and stop losing (assuming I continue to follow the plan) when it wants to. That being said they told me that I am ahead of where they would have expected and if I stopped losing now I would am considered successful. I honestly have decided to simply continue the plan and whatever happens happens. I am still losing albeit very slowly. On a positive note my hair finally stopped shedding and has sprouted tons of new hair. Of course it sticks up all over like Alfalfa! LOL!
  23. LOL! The things we are willing to do to get healthy! It is all worth it!
  24. Djmohr

    One month post surgery

    Hi there! Yes it is normal that you cannot possibly eat or drink everything they tell you to right out of the gate and get all the liquids in too. You are still very swollen. I remember fretting terribly about this and when I talked to my bariatric nurse and nut they told me to focus heavily on the Protein and Water and just do the best I could. By about 6 to 7 weeks I was finally able to get all of my protein and water but it required me to have that water cup in my hand constantly. My nut required me to drink 8 oz. of milk in between my meals and I never could get that in at all in addition to everything else. I just really focused on protein levels because that is what will help you heal properly. I promise it will get easier and the good news is you do have some stores in your body to hold you over til you get there. The other thing I had to do was literally set an alarm at mealtimes to remind me that I needed to eat. I was just never ever hungry, oh, how I wish I had that honeymoon again. Trust me down the road it definately changes if you had the bypass. Actual hunger does return but the good news is all it takes is a very tiny amount of food to be full again. Good luck and congratulations!
  25. Djmohr


    I don't, mostly because there is another ready made shake that packs 30grams of Protein, 1 gram of sugar and 160 calories. I then only use 1 per day and with the addition of my food I get to my protein goal very easy. In the end they cost less than Atkins brand and can be purchased in bulk packs from costco and Sam's. They come in 18 packs there.They are called Premier Protein. They have them in chocolate, strawberry creme and vanilla. The chocolate is my favorite. Because they are ready made, they don't have that nasty grit you get from powders and they actually taste great in comparison. If you want to give them a try they also carry them in 4 packs at Walmart and some Walgreens stores but of course they are not as inexpensive if you don't buy them in bulk. My surgeons office recommended them because I could not tolerate the protein powders at all. I do think Atkins is not a bad choice based on their nutritional info, I just think you really get a good kick start with 30 grams if you have one first thing in the am. Hopefully this makes sense, let me know if you have questions,

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