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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Djmohr

  1. Djmohr

    I've been approved!

    Hooray! Congratulations!
  2. Djmohr

    Peanut butter and crackers

    @@sarahbethemails I eat regular Peanut Butter. I stay away from anything that is reduced fat. Peanut butter is one of my favorite Snacks. Although I do eat crackers on occasion, I have found the the perfect eating implement for peanut butter is a delicious honey crisp apple. The carbs from an apple are much better for you than the carbs from a cracker and the Apple has natural Fiber. I measure my peanut butter to ensure I get 1 serving or even a little less than that. And of course I peel my apples because I do not tolerate the skins. Depending how far out you are, this is a good healthy snack with good Protein and good carbs. good luck and enjoy!
  3. I know the waiting can really make you anxious especially when you are as ready to go as you seem. I personally would give them a call and kill them with kindness. Explain that you are trying to make plans around your date. As I am sure you are. I am certain you have been through a lot to get to this point and the way you are feeling is normal. I made the mistake of waiting almost 3 weeks then finally called and up the nurse that processes the insurance packets had been on vacation and never submitted mine to insurance at all. I got pissed and explained that I needed to get my date in for that year (last year). I spent the morning crying because I wanted to get going. She apologized up and down submitted to insurance that morning and by 2pm I got a call back with an approval and a date for my surgery. Then I spent the afternoon crying happy tears. I really wished I had called that first week. I would call. Good luck and keep us posted on your date.
  4. Djmohr

    Anyone try jalapeños peppers?

    What is interesting is prior to surgery I did not do spicy. Now, I crave spicy all the time! It all depends how far out you are. I would not try it until I was cleared for regular foods. For me, that was 8 weeks post op but even then I am not sure my tummy would have handled it well. It was about 4 months post op before I really started to eat things like jalapeños. Just go very slow.
  5. What a great week so far for me! This is the first time in months that I have lost 5 lbs in 1 week. I am now so close to my ideal weight. I have 16lbs to go and my BMI is 26! Life is really great!

    1. jane13


      Sounds like you may be a couple of pounds away from goal on New Years!!!

    2. Djmohr


      My goal is to get to goal by January. I usually don't like to set time goals but that date has been in the back of my mind now for awhile. If things continue to go well, I will make it.

      Thanks everyone!

    3. freelee


      I'm sure you will do it! Congratulations.

    4. Show next comments  258 more
  6. Almost everyone stalls. For me, I stall a lot and then things start moving again, also a couple of days would not be considered a stall. In the beginning weeks following surgery you lose quickly and then somewhere around week 3 your body takes a breather. This is perfectly normal and can last a few days and sometimes even a few weeks. It is simply your body wondering what the heck is going on before it releases more fat. This will happen over and over and will get longer and more common the closer you get to goal. The best thing you can do is simply stay the course. Follow your food and exercise plan that the doc gave you. The stall will break. This can make people who weigh frequently a little bit crazy. I have always weighed myself once a day first thing in the am. I have to get my head in the right frame of mind to realize I am not going to lose weight every single day. When I get into a stall, and have lost nothing for a week or 10 days I stay off the scale for a while. Give yourself a break! I am sure you are doing fantastic! Congratulations on your surgery!
  7. I am so very sorry to hear this. Your surgeon only wants what is best for you. Give yourself some time to heal and then go back at it. Hugs!
  8. Djmohr

    First Restaurant Dinner Out?

    I was 4 weeks out and had salmon. I had to take it very slow and made sure it was cooked medium rare so it was delicious. I maybe was able to eat an ounce and a half. My son ate the rest.
  9. Djmohr

    Your thoughts?

    I can only speak from my personal experience. Having bypass does not mean dieting forever, it means you will be required to change how you eat and what you eat forever. No more diets, it is just how you operate. In the beginning bypass ensures you follow a high Protein, low carb diet. It almost forces you to by sheer design. You actually feel better when you eat good quality protein and good carbs like vegetables and fruit. If you eat too much sugar, processed foods, bread, rice, Pasta, you actually feel like crap, so you learn what makes you feel good and that is what you eat. You also learn that the right nutrients make you feel better as well. Now, as time goes by you can eat pretty much anything you want, by this time hopefully you have learned a lot about nutrition and what makes you feel good. You will have built good eating habits. Having a few bites of something you crave like chocolate, ice cream, pie, etc is not going to kill you but it is a slippery slope because if you start to do that on a regular basis several times a day, you will start to gain weight and break all the good habits you hVe built up. I am 13 months post op today. I can eat almost anything I want. When I have tried a bite of a chocolate chip cookie, it is actually gross. I have found that I just simply don't care for crap food any longer. I absolutely refuse to eat fast food of any kind, it tastes terrible, I just cannot stand the taste of processed foods so I simply don't buy them. My one vice, I still love cheesecake so every once in a while I will buy a piece of my favorite and will eat 2 or 3 bites and put the rest away for some other time. But this is a special occasion only. I buy this because if I were to make it that whole cheesecake would be in my home. I am not stupid enough to do that to myself. My point, there is a lot of change that comes with having bypass. I do not diet. Instead of living to eat, I eat to live. Food just isn't that big a deal anymore. I still enjoy eating but for me I enjoy eating foods that offer me the best energy and those that make my tummy happy. I hope this makes some sense.
  10. Yes, you have hit the jackpot. You have a stall happening and your exercise building muscle is actually heavier because muscle holds on to that Water. These stalls can be very frustrating but I promise, it will break. Just stay the course, follow the plan to the letter. I know when I hit my first stall (there have been many), both my trainer and my nut told me the same thing. Back off the exercise by 15 minutes, increase my caloric intake from 500 to 700 using Protein rich foods and stay off the scale if it was going to make me crazy. I have since learned to stay the course and it will all work out.
  11. Djmohr

    Excited and nervous

    Good luck on your surgery today. Stay positive! Everything will go great and you will soon be on the road to recovery!
  12. @@sonandonubes It likely don't really have anything to do with your gallbladder. From everything I have read and am also experiencing these last 20 lbs are very difficult and you have to fight for every one. I will get stuck for weeks at a time and then lose a half pound then get stuck again for a couple of weeks. I am now just 17 lbs shy of my ideal weight and of course anxious to get there. I realize it is going to come off at its own pace so I have decided to simply follow the plan and know that it will come off, Good luck!
  13. Djmohr

    Need support...

    I swear the first 3 or 4 days are the worst, once you get through them you really don't seem to care any longer. In fact I could not drink all the Protein shakes that I was allowed to by day 4. I will say that good quality chicken broth saved my life, I sipped on that constantly and helped with the thickly sweetened taste of all the Protein Shakes. Just focus on one day at a time and you will get through it. I will say that by the end my brain was not as sharp as it usually was. I can remember how frustrating that was. My husband and I were paying the bills. I was writing the checks and I kept goofing them up. My husband griped at me about my mistakes and I remember literally yelling at him. I said "let me take all your food away for 10 friggin days and then see how sharp your brain is!!) I think I also called him a jackass! LOL! We both started laughing and since then he decided he would try the liquid diet just to see if he could do it and to lose a few pounds. By 4pm on the first day, it was all over for him. He said, I cannot imagine you doing this for 11 days straight. I laughed and said, you just have to make it through the first 4 days and from there you really don't care so much anymore. Best of luck to you! Keep your eye on the prize!
  14. Djmohr

    Weight gain Pre-op

    I f I had gained any weight during my six month supervised diet I would have been denied immediately. I was not required to lose, just not allowed to gain. I might suggest jumping on the liver cleanse diet right now. It will literally only add a few days to yours and honestly it is not that hard and the pay off to your liver will be great. I know mine was 10 days of liquid only. I lost 17 lbs in those ten days. I was shocked how well I did and how I tolerated the program. You definately want the safest surgery possible. This is just a suggestion, I certainly do not know what your insurance requirements are and they are all different.
  15. Djmohr


    Just hang in there. My blood pressure was up and down during the 6 month supervised diet. In the end it will all work out if you follow the plan. I will say, and you probably already realize this. Having WLS requires great patience. Patience is required every single step of the way and at every phase. Keep your eye on the prize! That is my mantra, I live by it every single day.
  16. Djmohr


    I would absolutely make my own and give it a try. Ground beef can be tricky in those first few months following bypass. Sometimes depending on the meatball, I still struggle. They need to be pretty soft or they hurt my chest.
  17. @@MarciaN You have a tough decision to make and of course no one but you should make it. I was a habitual yo yo dieter so my opinion is based only on my own personal experience. I have lost hundreds of pounds over the years (I am 52) only to gain it all back and then some. At first losing weight was easy for me so honestly I'd I gained some back, no problem I knew I could lose it again. The problem with that thought process is we do not realize what we do to our metabolism by yo yo dieting. As I got older that weight got harder to take off and was usually put back on in a shorter period of time adding even more weight. Then by the time I hit 48 years old it simply would not come off at all. It did not matter how little I ate or how much I exercised, i would lose 10 or 15 pounds out of the gate, get stuck and then give up. This was difficult to accept because I am a stubborn woman and have great will power. The heavier I got, the worse I felt. I literally destroyed my joints and particularly my spine. Then of course all the comorbitities come on and pretty soon it is just a vicious cycle of trying regaining and getting fatter. I ended up with a huge list of comorbitities including stage 3 kidney disease. my situation is a classic case of metabolic disease that I brought upon myself. It was never going to get better without surgical intervention. When asked if I ever regret having bypass, my one response is I only regret not doing it 10 years ago. I truly truly mean that. I am now 127lbs lighter, 17 lbs from my ideal weight. I am thrilled I did it every day. I should also say, I literally destroyed my spine and unfortunately there is nothing that will take my pain away or resolve my severe arthritis. My only advice would be don't let it ever go so long. If you get the weight off leveraging your new plan, great but work your butt off to never again let your weight or metabolism get out of whack. I wish you the very best in your decision!
  18. I love these posts about diet myths! Keep them coming!
  19. Djmohr

    (Ladies Only) Pretty panties

    I was just going to suggest the exact same panty as @lipsticklady. Obviously there is no perfect solution but these are as close as I seem to be able to get. I buy the microfiber ones as well as I found the in all lace at Victoria's Secret. They are very pretty.
  20. Djmohr

    Pistachios! Definitely downfall

    @@Dub I actually buy my pistachios at costco. They have the wonderful brand already shelled pistachios in bulk. They last quite some time and are significantly cheaper than buying them in other stores. I don't like their other Kirkland brand nuts, I buy my other nuts on occasion from buddy squirrel nuts. I used to work there about 28 years ago. They do their own roasting and everything is very fresh. I will say these are a special treat because they are ridiculously expensive.
  21. I was so excited when I got on the scale this morning! 1. I lost 1.4lbs yesterday 2. I hit one of my goals and surpassed 125 lbs lost! Only 19 pounds from my ultimate goal!

    1. borg/assimilated


      Wow, you have done well! 125 pounds, you've lost a whole person. Nice.

    2. Djmohr



      I de died to start crocheting again to keep my hands busy. Since then I have noticed that I have a whole lot less head hunger going on and therefore my snacking has changed dramatically. I still snack but I noticed my calorie count has dropped from 1200 per day back down to around 1000 to 1100. Also of course when your hands are so busy you are burning more energy. I am still restricted and having another back surgery on 11/16.

      That really is the only thing different to speak of.

    3. Lexigurl82
    4. Show next comments  258 more
  22. Djmohr

    What Your Halloween Plans?

    Instead of eating the stuff, we will be getting dressed up and scaring the crap out of the kids! It is a family tradition that is usually followed by Chinese food take out. That will not be the case this year at least for me........
  23. Djmohr


    Still cannot eat them without feeling sick. Although I try every couple of weeks, last week I tried poached, although it stayed down, I felt yucky after. I miss eggs!
  24. Djmohr


    @@Finding myself again Welcome and congratulations on getting approved! Prayers for a safe surgery and speedy recovery!
  25. Djmohr

    One more day!

    I am so happy and excited for you. Best wishes for a safe surgery and speedy recovery! P.S. I am so happy that I went with RNY! I would not change it for anything. You will do well given how prepared you are.

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