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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Djmohr

  1. @@moothz What the heck! What hospital were you in? I need to make sure I never go there. This is the first time I heard of a hospital not treating ones pain properly following such a big surgery. You poor thing! I can tolerate a lot of pain and I do mean a lot. I have had 6 back surgeries (yesterday I had another one). Several other big surgeries as well. There was only one time where I had a terrible nurse following a back surgery who was too busy and rude to ensure my pain was under control. They gave me something that was not working. I requested that he page my surgeon and he refused. I remember crying all night. In the morning I requested I speak with someone from the hospital so I could lodge a complaint against this nurse. They send a patient advocate to my room immediately and I told them the whole story. After being discharged I had several other people from the hospital call me to apologize and let me know they were dealing with that nurse. He apparently had some issues and his patients were clearly suffering. I have had so many surgeries in my life that I knew this was not right, in fact I usually get scolded for backing off pain drugs too quickly. With bypass that first night I did not sleep at all. Mostly because of the gas pain but they gave me good pain drugs, gas drugs, nausea meds, hot packs. Their whole goal was to make me more comfortable. I am so sorry you had such a terrible experience. Everyone knows that the better you control pain the faster you heal. Hopefully you gave your surgeon a piece of your mind.
  2. @@Dallas Powell I am glad to hear you went back and hopefully will make some progress. There are some things you can do and should do to help with your weight loss in the meantime. I hope you don't take this the wrong way but I am going to be straight with you. Obesity is a metabolic disease and as you know the surgery is only a tool to help you. Not eating all day completely screws with your metabolism. If I learned anything at all in the last year, you must, must, must eat 3 meals a day to keep your metabolism moving and balance your blood sugars. You also honestly have to change your thinking around "the diet". We don't diet at all, we actually learn to eat differently, healthy and it is for life. We cannot simply stop when we reach goal or the weight will simply pile back on. These steps are so important to getting past this disease and getting obesity into remission. The commitment is truly for life. There are basic rules that help each of us who have had bypass become successful, I am not sure if your doctor gave you these instructions but based on what you have said so far, I am guessing not. 1. Hitting your daily Protein goal is a must. 1 gram of protein for every inch you are tall 2. 48 to 64 ounces of sugar free liquids daily. This includes Water, Soups, etc. 3. No drinking 30 minutes before and after you eat 4. No alcohol for first year 5. No carbonated beverages 6. A food plan that is high in protein and focused on good carbs like fruits and vegetables. Stop eating processed foods, sweets, bread, Pasta, rice especially during the weight loss phase 7. Move your body as much as possible, every bit counts. 8. You must take your Vitamins. Usually Calcium citrate, Vitamin d, b12 and a daily multi vitamin. These are critical for bypass patients.
  3. Djmohr


    Pumpkin egg custard is a good one that you could try if make with stevia or Splenda. And because of all the eggs it is protein!
  4. Djmohr

    The thoughtless comments

    Lots of communication required to keep you both sane. I will usually make a Protein and 2 good carbs (veggies, fruit, salad). I always engage him in what those good carbs are so he helps make the choice, if he chooses not to engage then he gets what I choose. I will always ask him do you want a potato or some rice or are you good with the menu as is. About once maybe twice a week I will make a starch that is all about him. Before surgery every meal had a starch, in fact I am Italian and I think I made Pasta or rice dishes 3 to 4 times a week. After a year of the new plan he really has come along for the ride and even though he himself is still obese it is not because of our meals. It is because of his snacking habits. He Snacks on crap all evening long. Also he tends to run out and grab crappy lunches.
  5. Djmohr

    What can I do with...sweet peppers?

    I vote for stuffed peppers. I use a meatball base (ground beef, ground pork, onions, egg, a very tiny handful of minute rice, salt, pepper and a splash of tomato sauce). I am a year out and close to goal so i include that rice but you don't need to. Cover them with tomatoe sauce and bake until that pepper is completely cooked. I just had them the other day. They are delicious but they fill me up in just under a half cup.
  6. Djmohr

    Ice cream?

    @@sarahbethemails Ice cream and sherbert is a slippery slope. Something I did not even attempt until I was 6 months out. Sherbert has way too much sugar in it. Ice cream honestly works a bit better but what I have noticed is if I behave and literally eat about 2 to 3 ounces, I am ok. If I indulge in say a whole scoop I get the absolute worst pain in my intestines. I mean doubled over in the fetal position. The longest this lasted was 12 hours. Ice cream and cheesecake are about my two favorite sweet treats. I have learned to simply eat a couple of ounces and it totally satisfies my craving. I will say that I plan this. In other words I track every morsel of food I put in my mouth and if I choose to have ice cream, I make sure that my overall carb count is below 100 for the day, my Protein is on track and for me, my calories will land below 1100. The other thing about ice cream is there is actually some protein in it where sherbert there is not. At your stage, I would be very very careful about testing the waters so soon.
  7. Ouch! Today I had surgery to remove an implanted neurostimulator from my spine. It was an old one and had the leads secured to my spine so I now have 2 old scars opened and one brand new one. They had me so hopped up on drugs I cannot sleep at all, every time I fall asleep, I feel like I am suffocating. So here I am on BP.. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. With less pain medication.

    1. freelee


      Djmohr, I have been thinking of you and saying a few prayers too. You are such a ray of sunshine and support to so many on this site that to know you are going through a rough time is disconcerting to me. Please keep us posted on your progress. I hope your recovery is as quick as your weight loss has been successful! Best wishes.


    2. Djmohr


      You guys are very sweet. I am having a really rough time tonight. I felt so much better this morning. Hubby is calling the doctors service to see if we can get something a bit stronger. I a, guessing that won't happen until tomorrow given everything has to be physically handed to you these days.


      Thanks again everyone for the well wishes and hugs. This is bumming me out a bit and that usually doesn't happen with me


    3. Daisee68
    4. Show next comments  249 more
  8. Djmohr

    Pickle joy no more?

    Love love love me some pickles!
  9. Djmohr

    Just a little venting

    How rude! Just remember what goes around comes around. Karma is a bitch! P.S. I would have to boot my husband in the rear. Mine is the opposite, he will actually go out of his way to make sure I am comfortable. Sometimes to the point where I get embarrassed. I have a very bad back and he is so considerate. I am pretty lucky that way.
  10. @@talkingmountain I have this problem as well. Now I will say that premier Protein chocolate is the only kind and flavor that I can tolerate and because it is so packed with protein you only need a couple. I bought a case of vanilla and literally could not drink it. Had to give it to my son.
  11. Djmohr

    I Have Accepted That My Tummy

    It's weird. I have handled chicken right from the beginning but give me an egg and it is all over for me. Who knows why! I just keep trying though.
  12. Djmohr

    I ate bread! Successfully!

    I still haven't found a viable solution for bread. They all make me feel like yuck. Crackers, no problem. Tortilla chips no problem but even soft tortillas don't work. I am kind of glad about this as I would definitely have a hard time with choices if bread were one of them.
  13. It also could be that you are severely dehydrated which can cause the nausea. I would certainly call my surgeon to rule out anything more serious but you must start drinking fluids immediately if you can.
  14. Congratulations on your fantastic progress! You look terrific and probably feel pretty great too. Oh, and do not believe that you are done losing, yes, we slow down but if you stick to the plan the weight will continue to come off. Good luck!
  15. Djmohr

    Pre - op diet changes

    I eat 3 tiny meals and 2 to 3 Snacks just to get all my Protein in. I am pretty restricted depending on what I eat. I will say your nut is right eating several small meals a day really benefits your metabolism and obesity is a metabolic disease. I used to skip Breakfast and lunch and then I would eat a huge dinner and garbage all night long. That is how I ended up morbidly obese. I really wish I knew then what I know now about nutrition. You must not skip meals if you want a normal metabolism.
  16. Djmohr

    Diarrhoea 8 weeks post op

    Honestly I still have trouble switching between constipation and diarrhea. I don't think I have had a normal BM since I had surgery. I believe it is part of what we deal with now.
  17. I am not familiar enough with the correct diet one should follow with the lapband. I am pretty sure it should be similar to other WLS. High Protein, low carb, low fat It sounds like you definitely have a much bigger appetite than you did a month ago. Who do you get your fills from? Can they give you a food plan to follow that fits with your type of surgery? Might you need a fill currently?
  18. Djmohr

    Looking for Post-Op Track(ing) Stars

    The only way I would be where I am is by tracking everything I put in my mouth good or bad. It allows me to make much better choices.
  19. Djmohr

    What's everyone eating for thanksgiving?

    Last year because I was only 8 weeks post op, I made what my son and hubby wanted, ham. Not this year, I am making traditional thanksgiving dinner: turkey, gravy, stuffing, sweet potato soufflé, mashed potatos, green bean casserole, Brussels, cranberries and pumpkin pie. I will likely have a small taste of everything with an emphasis on turkey. After tasting everything I will be probably past full so I will likely not touch the stuffing or pie. Don't really need to go there.
  20. It actually makes me crazy how much food restaurants put on our plates. We wonder why/how we got here. I do not understand why they don't make the portions smaller and charge a little less. Yes, I get that they are worried about turning enough tables to make their businesses profitable but I have to believe this somehow needs to be regulated. My husband finds it necessary to finish what is on his plate and then because I can only eat a very small amount he sometimes goes after mine. I have had to get very on purpose about getting to go containers when I am served my meal so he doesn't eat two meals. We share when it makes sense but most of the time we do not make the same choices. I make healthy choices and he does not. I am very worried for his health and usually refrain from eating out because of it but of course you cannot always do that. I guess the good news is, we never ever ever eat at fast food dumps any longer at least not if I am with him.
  21. Djmohr

    A true mans NSV

    Isn't that a great feeling! I used to be the heaviest in my family (hubby, and 2 sons). As of 2 days ago I weigh less than all 3 of them. My youngest son who is a very healthy young man and exercises regularly and is a fashion hog is now excited about shopping for me. He is so particular about his clothes and dresses very trendy, I can hardly wait to see what he comes up with. It should be very interesting.
  22. Djmohr

    6 month checkup today!

    Congratulations! Things do slow down as you head into those last 30 but they don't stop. You just have to be patient and stick to the plan. You will be there soon!
  23. Djmohr

    One Year

    Nice job. You have made significant progress in the last year! I have just 14 left to go myself to get to an ideal weight for my height and body type. Sometimes when I look in the mirror I cannot believe it is actually me, other times I still see the fat lady. It can be very consuming but slowly my brain is catching up with my body.
  24. Welcome and congratulations on your surgery. From your stats you look like you are doing fantastic!
  25. @@terrydumont46 I am so surprised to hear your doctor has you focused on calories vs. volume and Protein. I am just shy of 14 months post op and really have to work hard to get 1100 calories in. I don't worry about it right now because I still have more to lose and hit my protein goals everyday. The crazy thing is, I am still pretty restricted so I have to have 3 meals per day and 2 to 3 Snacks to even come close to 1100 calories. I often worry about when I get to maintenance. I know I will need to add to stop losing but I am not sure at this point how I will do that. I plan to address with my nut. The only reason I know my calorie count is because I track everything that goes in my mouth, good or bad.

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