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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Djmohr

  1. Djmohr

    I won't regret this...right?

    I had RNY to get healthier. It was the only reason. I had type 2 diabetes, severe Gerd, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, stage 3 kidney disease and severe migraines almost every other day. All I cared about was extending my life so I would not die at an early age like my mom did. Within a few weeks of my surgery many of my comorbitities were in remission and I was removed from all mess. I got well fast! My severe migraines went from every other day to maybe 1 every 6 weeks on average. No more diabetes, stage 3 kidney disease, Gerd, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and sleep apnea. All gone! The I started to notice how great I was starting to look. I went from a size 26 jeans to a size 12 which are now too big, I have to go shopping for 10's. I never ever thought I would ever care about clothes shopping but once you realize you can walk into any store and buy clothes, that becomes exciting and fun. I try stuff on just because I can! I have never regretted it for 1 second, going in for my surgery felt like Christmas morning and I am serious about that. Sure I was nervous the whole week before but mostly it was because of the change I knew was coming. My only regret is that I did not do this 15 years ago before I did all this damage to my joints and spine. Best of luck to you!
  2. Djmohr

    people not educating themselves

    I am always very surprised at how little information is given to patients that do not have their surgeries done at Bariatric centers of excellence. Most insurance companies require that you use one but there are still some out there that do not. The pre care and post care of a center of excellence is outstanding. Mine literally gave me a 3 ring binder (my bible). It told me everything I needed to be doing day by day, week by week, month by month. It described the 3 different surgeries, the risks and benefits associated with each one. It had a section for each specialist you meet with and a special section for the 6 month supervised diet. Then it provided a huge list of sites to get even more information. I knew exactly what I was getting into from day 1. In addition, my center of excellence made me literally sign a contract stating I would not drink alcohol for the first year and that I would follow all the rules required of someone who has WLS. I also agreed that I would get my labs checked twice per year and take my required Vitamins. I feel bad when I hear about people not getting this level of care. I cannot imagine going through this without all the data. I also met with bariatricians, Bariatricpal nurses, Bariatric physiologist, and a nutritionist every month leading up to surgery, I was beyond educated and would love to see that every patient is but it just seems that is not a requirement of some insurance companies.
  3. Hi everyone! I am currently 14 months post op and down 134lbs. I am 10 pounds from my goal and beginning to think about getting some help for some big problem areas with loose skin. I live in Pewaukee, Wi, which is basically a western suburb of Milwaukee. I wanted to start looking for plastic surgeons in my area that specialize in massive weight loss. Honestly I a, having a hard time finding the best way to locate and more importantly review some of these doctors. There is a lot of work that I ultimately want to have done but for now my biggest, most embarrassing problem is my upper arms. I had very very large arms and I have lost a lot of weight in them but still have both fat and a lot of hanging tissue that is making me very self conscious and embarrassed. I would like to get something done with these soon but want to vet out a good surgeon so I can feel comfortable with a doctor. I would not consider Mexico. I am wondering if you can give me any advice on how to begin my search and what sites to use for looking at reviews on a specific plastic surgeon. I appreciate your help! Deb
  4. I am uneducated when it comes to plastics. Can someone help me understand why ensuring that he is a microsurgeon is important so I really understand how to respond? Does that requirement change depending on what type of surgery that is needed or should it be a requirement of any surgery and all plastic surgeons and if so why. Thanks so much for your help! I am doing a ton of research but this was the first I heard of this question. Thanks so much!
  5. Djmohr

    Dare I Ask?

    I have learned so very much about what I never ever want to go back to. I believe inside I am the same caring, compassionate person I was before except I am happier and much healthier now. My husband and I are like Mutt and Jeff, we always have been. I love that now when he is being sassy in a fun way I can actually chase him and catch him! (He of course hates this! LOL) My youngest son is very much like my husband, a smart mouth but a mamas boy. He too realizes I can chase him and catch him because I have done it to his shock and amazement. Guess I must have been so big I could barely get around. I remember feeling like that. When I started this process the most important thing for me was getting rid of all my comorbitities so I could feel better. I honestly was not focused on how I looked at all. I simply wanted to feel better. That happened so rapidly and now it is all about how I look and mostly what I can wear. I used to hate hate hate shopping at all. Now I could spend the day in dressing rooms trying on clothes. Last Friday while out looking for a sweater dress, the dressing rooms at Macy's were a mess. People trying on clothes simply left them all in the dressing rooms. I took 10 dresses in with me thinking I would struggle to find one that would fit me (my fat brain at work). I tried on those 10 could have bought them all but didn't. Then, I started going through the clothes in the dressing room just so I could try on more to see if they would fit. I could try clothes on all day everyday because I look great in clothes again! Every once in a while I have to try on a pair of my original pants that are still in my closet to remind me how big I actually was.
  6. I have my first consultation on December 30th with a surgeon here in Milwaukee who has great reviews. I found him on Realself. Thanks everyone for that suggestion. I also am waiting to hear back from another.
  7. @@Daisee68 What you are feeling is perfectly normal. It is the sucky part of going through a lay off. I really hope that you slept last night and feel better today. Hugs
  8. Djmohr

    Silly Rant!

    Wow! You lost that weight so quickly and you look amazing! Congratulations! Don't worry about those lousy 2 lbs they will come off and then some.
  9. Djmohr

    Please analyze my stall

    The last thing I would say is are you truly tracking and measuring your food? You would be surprised at how telling this one habit truly is. You may thing you are getting the right nutrients but only a tracker like myfitnesspal really calculates all of this for you. In the beginning weighing and measuring your food and Water is critical. Track everything good or bad so you know your Protein, water, car and fat count for every day. I will say I am very very surprised that you can eat jerkey at 7 weeks post op. That is sometimes ok for a small snack but to eat that as a main source of protein is not good. Too much salt which will cause you to retain water. 1 percent cottage cheese is a much better option for good protein if you cannot find a shake that works for you. It also keeps you fuller longer. You must focus on protein and water and know exactly what you are really getting in. Exercise is likely not the culprit although it is helpful. I know that I have been restricted from exercise since April yet my weight keeps coming off. The most i can do is some walking but having had 2 back surgeries since June, my back don't allow a lot of it.
  10. I would wait until you meet with your surgeon. They likely will suggest bypass over sleeve mostly because the sleeve can make reflux much worse and in some cases require a revision to bypass anyway. I had planned for the sleeve but ended up going with bypass for that very reason. I am thrilled that I did. This surgery cured my reflux completely among other things. In terms of using aspirin, I am not sure. I do know that we are never allowed NSAIDs again. These surgeons really do a great job of finding alternatives to medications so if you are taking aspirin for a reason, they may be able to tell you what can be taken in its place. The bigger question with be if you are taking it for a heart condition they will want a clearance from a cardiologist before moving forward. I have read about many patients getting through this with heart conditions, this surgery helps your heart in the long run but it depends on the condition.
  11. You can do this! I am right there with you. For some reason I gained 2lbs over the last 5 days. Now I know the math does not make sense but I do know I have been nibbling on things I shouldn't have giving my body extra carbs I do not need. So today, I am back on track. No naughty stuff for me because I simply don't need it and really don't even like it. Good luck to you!
  12. My Bariatric team is located in Minnesota so that makes it hard. I went out on real self last night and found a few surgeons in my area and have requested consultations. We will see how it goes.
  13. @@Daisee68 Good morning! I hope today is a good positive one for you. From my experience there will be good days and bad days. I swear getting Layed off is like someone dieing, you really do go through some of the same emotions including sadness and anger. The best thing you can do for yourself is realize you are young, beautiful both inside and out and you are very intelligent. You will land on your feet and can even come out better off. Try not to let yourself get down and if you need to make an appointment to see your therapist sooner.
  14. Djmohr

    Finally got new bras!

    I have never had large breasts but certainly nice ones. I was a full C cup most of my life. When I was young and thin, my boobs always looked great, then in my late 20s I really started packing on the weight. My boobs sort of disappeared mostly because my tummy got bigger and bigger. Now, I have lost 134lbs and my boobs look good in a good bra but basically are empty. LOL! About 5 months after my surgery I walked into a Victoria's Secret. (Secretly I coveted the idea of all those beautiful bras). At that point I had gone from a 46C with an extender to a 38c and honestly I could have maybe even gone to a b cup. LOL! While there I found one of the best bras for giving me back my fullness. I have since spent a lot of money on beautiful bras and panties. I do not miss my cacique at all, Now if I could only find panties that give me some junk in my trunk! LOL, I literally have lost my entire butt. I have a hard time finding jeans that fit right because I have no butt, a 30 inch waist and unfortunately I have a lot of loose skin on my tummy that cause me to wear bigger pants than I need so I a, always hiking them up. But, I would not trade my new thinner body for anything! I can always get a breast lift and augmentation, have them put a little junk in my trunk and do a tummy tuck.i have no idea how I will pay for all of this but by golly I will figure it out!
  15. Djmohr

    Heartburn or acid?

    I unfortunately cannot answer this question but I am curious about DS. With DS, is there supposed to be a risk of increased heartburn or reflux? I did go online to research this a little and did see some information that indicated that You could be at a higher risk for Gerd with this surgery. If I were you, I would give his surgeon a call and get instructions. I really do wish you both the best of luck and hope this resolves quickly. I had the RNY surgery because I had such severe Gerd that I literally was coughing violently for over a year. Gerd can be very destructive if that is what is happening so please get it treated. Please take care of each other!
  16. Djmohr

    Please analyze my stall

    @@Madamoisele I am a little surprised that you have been able to eat up to 800 calories so fast after surgery. Usually the restriction is so tight that to get in 2 to 3 ounces of food is not easy. It might help if we understood what you are eating and drinking and how often. Are you eating 3 meals a day with no snacking in between? If you could provide a little bit more info, we would be happy to help. Stalls do happen but really analyzing your intake would help us help you. Hang in there!
  17. Djmohr

    Meal ideas

    eggs actually sit very heavy, make me nauseous and yes I have thrown up from them. Sugar for me is ok unless I eat a lot of it at once. Fat for me is fine as well as long as I don't eat a lot at once. I can have a few spoonfuls of a dessert but if I do much more than that I will get sick. The good news is I don't like anything overly sweet and most recipes I make I cut the sugar in half or even more.
  18. Gosh everything you are describing sounds like severe dehydration and even low potassium. Did they test for those things? I am guessing yes. If it were me, I would have someone get me to the Bariatric surgeons office and not leave until they got me some answers. Even if they say it's not from that, they are usually excellent at looking for the culprits. Please take care
  19. It is really really important to educate your husband about the disease called obesity. It is a metabolic disease that actually works completely against you losing weight and keeping that weight off permanently. Yes, people lose through diet and exercise but most gain it all back and then some. As you get older you actually begin to have problems losing by at all and suddenly 250lbs becomes 300 and 300 becomes 400. Education is the absolute key to helping him understand you are trying to live a longer healthier ice. By the way, you will work harder than you ever have in your life following weight loss surgery. You literally condition yourself to think about every morsel you put in your mouth and every moment you are not active. It is a life of trial and error and an incredible commitment. If you take him to your Bariatric team and ask him to attend the classes, he might just become more educated about what you are dealing with. He may understand that living the way you do now is literally killing you very very slowly. Also, this disease can be hereditary so if you can learn and teach your children maybe your children won't make this disease worse for them. Every time we yo yo diet, skip a meal we make the metabolic disorder worse. As far as sharing with anyone outside your family, wait until your education is so solid that you help educate others. People don't understand this disease and choose not to. It is not as simple as diet and exercise. Good luck to you!
  20. I would definitely try the auto route. That way if you need it, it adjusts for you.
  21. Djmohr

    90 day diet questions....

    Hi there, I had the bypass 14 months ago. Yes, they make you jump through a lot of hoops, mine was a 6 months supervised diet which actually turned in to 9 given all the testing required. If you are most worried about showing that your BMI has been over 40 for the past 2 years you can have your medical records pulled from the docs in your previous state. Is there a reason you are working with your general doctor and not a Bariatric center of excellence? Those centers know exactly what to pull and how to pull it. Usually your Primary care physicians really don't know what to do when it comes to this approval process and in some cases can actually screw things up. These days most insurance companies require a Bariatric center of excellence for that reason. I am guessing you have the exact requirements from your insurance?
  22. Djmohr

    So Ready For Positive Changes!

    Hon, I feel so bad that you are going through all of this with the kids and ex. We will always be there for our children. I swear they never seem to leave home for good and we all know that if our children need us we will be there. All that being said, you absolutely have to draw the line or you will be taken advantage of. For me that line would be drawn at his now girlfriend and child staying with you too. Honestly I would first sit your ex down and say, I care about you but we are separated and ultimately headed for a divorce. I understand that you are not feeling well but, you must have other family that can help. I need to focus on both our son and myself. If I don't focus on myself, I won't be here to help anyone in the future. Give him a short window to get his act together and move on. That means the car too. You would be held liable if he gets in an accident and you knowingly let him drive your car. What may seem convienient now, could be very inconvenient and costly if something happens. This is stress you absolutely do not need. Then I would sit my son down and tell him how much you love him and are thrilled that he is getting clean help him understand what you are willing to do to help him but what you absolutely expect in return. Explain, you are not well and need to focus on getting well. That means he can stay there but he needs to prove he is putting away money for his own place. It also means that his girlfriend and daughter cannot sleep there. Give him some parameters around her visiting. Tell him you love him and hope he understands that you need to get well too and this is what you need to make that happen. Then, you need to stick to your guns and focus everything you have on you. Changing to this new lifestyle is not a small thing at all it takes a long time to make these changes and a lot of trial and error. I wish you all the best. I know you can do this. You must get healthy!
  23. Djmohr

    Picky Pouch

    This honestly is pretty normal, certainly for bypass. My nut warned me about the need for non over cooked meats or using low fat sauces and gravies with your meats. I am 14 months out. The only real pork I can eat is pork tenderloin cooked to slightly pink and rested before slicing. I love chicken but it too has to be cooked just to temperature and I usually need a sauce with chicken. I cannot order fish in a cheapo chain restaurant that usually cooks it to death. Yes, my pouch is picky but when it gets some good, moist Protein it is so very happy afterward. Because of this I prefer to cook 99 percent of my food at home but if we do go out, I am pretty picky about where we go.
  24. Djmohr

    Need some help ladies!

    This is definitely a tough one. It also depends on whether or not you become a fast loser or a slow loser. I was very fast in the beginning and then at around 6 months post op, everything slowed way down. I will say I dropped from a 26 to a 16 in 5 months. I had bypass and I do think bypass patients tend to lose faster in the beginning and then it all evens out. Not sure what surgery you are having. If you can get 2 sizes and return one, that would be best.
  25. For me, I was and am still shocked at how little food one needs to survive. I am still surprised at how drinking a lot of Water makes me feel better including my skin. I am absolutely shocked every time I go shopping and could literally fit into any clothes from any store. I used to be so limited in what I could wear. Tomorrow for the first time in 15 years I will be going to buy a dress. Yes, a dress! I want a sweater dress that I can rock with my new boots! I never ever would have put on a dress previously! Then on Sunday we will be visiting my son who is taking us to Benihana for dinner where I will rock that dress and my new boots!

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