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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Djmohr

  1. Djmohr


    I have tried these but for me they behave exactly like bread. I can eat one or two bites and it hurts. I stopped buying them. If I have bread it's usually a whole grain and it has to be toasted well done.
  2. I am a gastric bypass person too. My hunger came back at the 4 month mark but it really does feel different. It's not that gnawing hunger that it used to be and I can make it go away with just a few bites of food or a cup of milk. If you are bypass it will return but it will be different. Some people are lucky and it doesn't come back for a very long time? I also will say that being full now is very different from being full prior to surgery. I swear I used to stuff myself so darn full before surgery that I would literally feel sick. Now, I am satisfied with so little and will stay that way for a long time as long as I am earring Protein dense foods.
  3. Djmohr

    Scary straight

    I think we all stumble and have days where we don't make the best choices, I know I do anyway. The important thing is that you recognize it as you have, and do something about it before it gets away from you. I have always promised myself that if I get off track I will go back to the beginning. I would start with the 5 day pouch test and begin again as if I had surgery yesterday. I will say however that the closer I get to goal, the more I want it. I recognize that I have had to work way too hard to lose this weight and get healthier. I have been restricted from exercise since June and prior to that I did 1 hour of cardio at least 5 days per week sometimes 7. In June I had major spine surgery and another in November. I have another shoulder surgery coming up in February. When all of these surgeries started in June I was terrified that I would stop losing and begin gaining weight. I am one of those people that look at food and I gain. I have had to work very very hard on my diet to ensure that I continue to lose. The head games that come along with that can be overwhelming. I had had to learn little tricks so I don't focus on head hunger. For example I must keep my hands busy constantly so I have been crocheting like a crazy woman. I have learned to suck on those little sugar free icebreakers if I can't get my head straight. I have also started drinking hot teas. They are satisfying, sf and help to fulfill my liquid intake. These for me are coping mechanisms that have helped me be successful in losing while not allowed to really exercise. To lose I have to be below 1000 calories and around 70 to 80 grams of Protein. I stall between 1000 and 1200 calories and I gain if I go over that. I track literally everything I put in my mouth which helps me hold myself accountable and more importantly make better decisions. Yes I have had days where I will eat pizza or a piece of cheesecake but I account for them earlier in the day by making good choices. I also don't allow that to be the norm, it is only once in a while. Also, I really don't tell myself I can't have that, I simply plan for it in my diet that day. I believe if I abstain it will only become a diet that I cannot follow long term. This way, it just became my new lifestyle.
  4. Djmohr

    Self sabotage

    @@Txn26 First I want to say good luck with your surgery today! I hope you have a speedy recovery. I also want to say that you are brave for both recognizing and admitting that you struggle to follow the plan. This surgery will definately test you and it is a very good idea that you see someone to help you stay on track. The toughest part of life after WLS is the head games. I have a lot of will power, seriously my husband is always reminding me of my stubbornness. When I set my mind to something I get it done. There are times during the last 2 years that have tested my resolve and most of the time I win. There are times however that I stumble and when I do I am very hard on myself because of it. My advice would be to seek that advice, you are worth it! Having WLS really is all about changing your life for the better, the surgery just helps you to do that by limiting the quantity of food. you still have to drive. You have to eat a well balanced, high Protein diet. You still control how often you eat. Many fail because they think the surgery will automatically cause you to lose weight and it will for a very short while. Believe me, that window is really short so leverage that time to change your habits. Continue to hold yourself accountable as you did here. If you do that, you will be successful. YOU ARE WORTH IT! Good luck today!
  5. I am 16 months post op and there are a few foods that I cannot tolerate and wish I could. 1. eggs, I have tried every which way to enjoy eggs again, every couple of weeks I try again because as time goes by I have noticed that foods that didn't work do work after some time. By the way, salad was a food that I could not tolerate at all. It felt like the lettuce and raw veggies would just pile in there. I kept trying to work with salad because I loved my salads. At about 8 months post op we went to a Japanese restaurant and I tried once again a few bites of the salad and everything changed! I have been eating salad ever since! It is my favorite meal but you have to make sure you add good Protein to it. 2. Sandwiches. I just cannot do bread. It gets gummed up and takes up all the room in my pouch. I miss burgers most of all and I don't like eating them without the bun. I simply avoid sandwiches completely. 3. Bread. The only way that I can eat bread is if it is very toasted. Most of the time this really doesn't bother me but every once in a while I will have a piece of toast and I am fine. 4. Pasta. This is a good thing for me because I am Italian and pasta used to be a staple in our household. I can eat a very small amount if it is almost over cooked in a soup but on its own it does not sit well. 5. Anything overly sweet even if sf. Artificial sweeteners gag me. I think this is a taste aversion issue and I am thrilled about it. If I do indulge in a treat every once in a while it is usually cheesecake that is real sugar and not overly sweetened. If I bake for my family I cut the sugar way back in recipes. 6. Ice cream. I think the combo of sugar and fat in ice cream or custard really gets me sick. This is one food where I can handle a bite but any more than that and I am miserable. It used to be one of my favorite foods and now I don't care if I ever have ice cream again. The good news for me is with the exception of the egg, these are not foods I should eat on a regular basis anyway so it's an added plus. My advice to folks that are struggling with certain foods like salad and meats is to try them every couple of weeks. As your body changes you may be able to eat them again. Most meats were like this for me. I am still limited when it comes to pork and certain cuts of beef. I can eat the tenderloins with no problem but if I try a regular pork chop or even a ribeye steak, I don't tolerate it well at all.
  6. @@chadhcanterbury Hi there! I am a 52 year old female who had RNY gastric bypass almost 16 months ago. I was 310lbs when I started, 303 on surgery day. I am currently 172lbs and 7 away from my ideal weight. I am no longer overweight, I have a normal BMI. When I began this journey I had type 2 diabetes, severe Gerd, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, sleep apnea, stage 3 kidney disease, anemia and I suffere from both psoriatic arthritis and osteo arthritis of my spine. I had my surgery on 9/29/2014. When I left the hospital I was removed from all diabetes medications as the 10 pre op diet helped to normalize my blood sugar. At the 1 month mark I was removed from high blood pressure, high cholesterol and Gerd medications. At the 3 month mark my a1c was normal and most importantly my stage 3 kidney disease was in remission. At the 6 month mark all of my tests were normal and my a1c was phenomenal. The only regret I have is that I did not do this sooner. I waited too long and have severe arthritis of my spine because of it. I don't get dumping syndrome unless I overeat. I can pretty much eat whatever I want with a few exceptions like eggs, bread and Pasta. They just don't sit well with me. I never had complications post surgery. I will say that since surgery my heart rate and blood pressure runs on the low side but my cardiologist tells me this is good not bad. I sometimes have to be careful about standing up too fast. I feel fantastic and went from a size 26 to currently a size 12, soon to be 10.
  7. By the way, I came back weighed myself and was down 7lbs! I have yet to go on a vacation and gain weight. I went on an 11 day cruise and lost 5lbs.
  8. I went to Las Vegas for 10 days when I was 7 weeks post op. I was down nearly 60lbs and feeling fantastic. I was able to fit in the airplane seat with no extender, I walked for miles and miles and had more energy than my family members. The toughest thing is to stay hydrated. When you are traveling and not paying attention this can get away from you. Carry Water with you everywhere and make sure you are sipping constantly. Bring some Quest bars with you just in case you cannot find anything that will work for you in the restaurants. The reality is, you won't be hungry anyway but finding some cottage cheese or scrambled egg is not to difficult. You may be on soft foods at that time so a nice piece of fish or chicken breast might work too. Just realize that you literally will only eat a bite or two and you will be full so if you can share, you should. You will become a cheap date! LOL!
  9. Djmohr

    Calorie Target

    Oh and I get between 1000 and 1200 calories a day and 70 to 80 grams of Protein. If I increase my calories above 1200 I gain. If I go above 1000 the loss is extremely slow, maybe 1 or 2 lbs per month. I have a feeling this will be my new norm.
  10. Djmohr

    Calorie Target

    I am down 138lbs, 7lbs from goal. I am positive my flat tire will not go away without surgery. I am a normal weight for my height but if I lost all my loose skin from this massive weight loss I would likely be on the low end of the BMI chart.
  11. Djmohr

    Dry hair/hair loss

    Everyone is different with the hair loss issue. I lost about 2/3 to 3/4 of my volume. I got all my Protein, Water and Vitamins since the very beginning. I took Biotin from the beginning. My hair started falling out around month 2 and did not stop until my weight loss slowed way down which was the end of month 12 post op. During that time I had lots of regrowth happening so while I was losing it a lot faster than it was coming in. It simply shed, no bald spots. It also has been coming back with a completely different texture. My hair is actually coming in with more curl. I had body before, now I actually have curl so I find myself straightening it. I saw numerous doctors about this issue and everyone of them told me that it would stop when my weight loss slowed way down and they were right. At month 12. I even stopped taking biotin because I am not sure it did anything for me. I also have hypothyroidism and my TSH has been great although we did have to lower my dose after I dropped the first 80lbs. By the way when it comes back in you are excited to see it however it is so annoying! My hair sticks up everywhere. No matter what I do I cannot stop it from sticking up. I look a little like alphalfa! LOL!
  12. Djmohr

    Do i qualify for the surgery ?

    You will qualify for sure. The best way to get started with this is to call your insurance company and find out their requirements. Many of the larger ones require that you use a Bariatric center of excellence. Your insurance company can provide you with what facilities are covered and what your requirements are. Please don't be surprised if they tell you that you have to go through a supervised duet for 3 or 6 months. That really is the norm but I promise you it is well worth the time you put into it. Once you have the name of the Bariatric center of excellence or a doctors office that handles Bariatric surgery get yourself to a live information session right away. You need to learn everything you can about the surgeries so you can make an educated decision about which one to go with for your health concerns. Then, spend time on different on line forums learning from people who have had experiences with either the sleeve or bypass. There are tons of threads on this site comparing the two surgeries. Leverage your doctors knowledge of your health to help you decide. Good luck! By the way the only thing I regret is not having this surgery sooner. I am 52 and my obesity caused very severe arthritis of my spine and other joints. That cannot be undone. Sooner vs. later!
  13. Djmohr

    100 pounds gone

    Yay! Congratulations!!!!
  14. Djmohr


    I use a straw everyday. The big issue is that you are careful not to suck air. It hurts like hell when you get a burp stuck so you will do it once and never do it again. Even now after 16 months post op, if I have a burp it hurts.
  15. Djmohr

    Post Op Treat

    I did! At 8 weeks post op I went to Las Vegas for 10 days. I had the time of my life. I could walk anywhere. I was down nearly 60lbs in those first 8 weeks. I felt like a whole new woman. Congratulations and I hope you have a blast on your trip.
  16. @@kaydeemacc Glad to hear you called the doc, I hope those meds help you. I do want you to understand that the most important thing you put in your body right now is fluids. If I were you (my opinion only), I would go back to step 1. Clear liquids and I would focus on sipping all day long. Little sips but literally every few minutes. Dehydration will create this vicious circle in which you feel like crap. Once you go through a day or two of sipping those liquids, then add back in full liquids which will help get your strength back. I would not go off plan and start eating soft foods because you are dehydrated. Liquids first.....then puréed and a week or so later then soft foods after your doctor clears you. You will not die from not eating for a long time but you can die from dehydration in a much shorter period of time. The nausea will in fact continue until you get dehydrated. If you feel like you cannot get a handle on your fluids go to the hospital so they can give you IV fluids and get you back on track.
  17. I have to say that I love my Apple Watch for heart rate monitoring specifically. I have found it to be extremely accurate plus it keeps your history right on your iPhone. I had an issue with low heart rate, I was able to compare the results of my Apple Watch directly with a halter monitor. The Apple Watch is right on. In addition it has many other fitness features that work fantastic. On top of that, you can get your messages, answer your phone and use Apple Pay very easily from this device. I absolutely love it! You can find brand new ones on eBay fairly reasonable. I gave up my Fitbit her for the Apple Watch and I would never go back. Just my two cents.
  18. Djmohr

    Reducing Reflux

    Before surgery cucumbers, green peppers and bbq sauce used to keep me up all night!
  19. Djmohr

    Wow, getting excited

    @@Nurse_Lenora Congratulations! I have to give you a lot of credit, I could not do the liquid diet for that long. I did well on it but geez, 10 days later I swear my brain was not functioning at 100%. Granted I got so sick of the cloyingly sweet Protein shakes and everything else I was allowed was clear sf liquids.
  20. I had bypass in sept of 2014. In the hospital 2 nights. I went home with liquid Vicodin and stopped taking it the very next day. Pain was very tolerable for me most of it coming from the gas they pump into you, as soon as that left my body I started feeling good a little everyday. I will say that I felt pretty weak for the first 4 weeks mostly because it took me that long to get my Water and Protein in daily. By week 4 I was feeling close to normal. By week 8 I went to Vegas for 11 days and I was fantastic. I will say the biggest difficulty is to keep your hydration up. That hydration decides how well you feel. Seriously people underestimate the importance and then wonder why they are nauseous, have headaches and feel weak. For me it took holding that cup in my hand and sipping constantly because you don't drink normal for a while. To get 64oz in you you gave to constantly be sipping in between eating rolling that 30 min. Before and after rule. Just make a good solid plan to stay hydrated and I think you will be fine. Congratulations and good luck!
  21. Djmohr

    The Big Day

    Good luck today! I wish you a very safe surgery and speedy recovery! See you on the other side!
  22. Djmohr

    Lets talk scales....

    I have a Jenny Craig scale. It has many different functions but the only way I use it is to get my weight. LOL! If I were to buy a new one I think I would go for one of the blue tooth scales that will literally post your weight to your iPhone. But really, I just haven't felt like I need to spend the money, my Jenny Craig scale works great and at least I got something out of all the money I spent there! LOL! I certainly did not lose weight, hated their nasty food that cost an arm and a leg.
  23. Djmohr

    Well THIS is new.....feeling vain.

    Yay for you! It really is a strange feeling isn't it? I seriously went through something similar as I have made my way through the weight loss phase. It is a confusing feeling but you have earned it! Congratulations on your progress and I hope you have a fantastic time with your friends. I am green with envy on the beach though. I sit here in Wisconsin where the temp this morning is: -8 My next trip in a couple of weeks will be to Minnesota where it has been colder there than in Antarctica. I really hope you have a fabulous time and really enjoy your new found health and body!
  24. Djmohr

    The thrill is gone

    This worries me all the time. I am so close to maintenance and worried about motivation. Right now the weight loss and my shrinking size motivates me everyday but I am so close to goal and even wondering if I should consider lowering my goal just so I can stay motivated. Are there tricks for people like me who don't have the ability to focus on marathons and tons of exercise. I am so limited with my spine and joints. I have psoriatic arthritis and osteo arthritis of the spine. I am tired of this disease sucking the life out of me. I really miss being so active. I miss working out for an hour a day but I don't know how long before I can get back to that. One of my doctors said I may not be able to. I am really hoping that after shoulder surgery in February, I can begin swimming. This is the one place where I don't feel so much pain. When we move to Nevada we plan to buy a house with a swimming pool and jacuzzi. Swimming might be where I start and I seriously cannot wait! We plan to move in late April, early May. Any other ideas for activity based goals for someone with severe arthritis? I already do walk as much as I physically can right now. I want my life back!!! Thanks for your help guys!
  25. Djmohr

    Help! Appetizer idea needed

    What about a spinach artichoke dip with veggies as the dippers, you can also include some nice light tortilla chips that others could leverage. Make this a hot dip. I am clearly hungry right now.

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