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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Djmohr

  1. Djmohr

    How has gastric bypass effected you?

    Keep in mind those first few weeks can be rough. What I mean by that is you do feel very tired and weak. For me that got better once I was able to get all of my Water, Protein and Vitamins in. I was on Clear liquids for 2 days before surgery and 7 days after. By the end of that first week I was very weak and when I went for my 1 week check in they advanced me to full liquids for a week, then puréed until I was 4 weeks post op. At the 4 week mark I was able to start eating soft foods. That is when I really started to feel pretty good. By week 8 I went to Vegas for 11 days and felt like myself again. I was never actually hungry until about month 4 however I definately dealt with head hunger or cravings. I learned how to distract myself but the hardest part of having weight loss surgery is dealing with head hunger. It is always there and you have to learn to cope with it. Leverage your therapist for some tips.
  2. I am sorry to hear you are having a difficult time and I am very glad that you are meeting with a therapist. I have always said the hardest thing about this surgery is getting your head straight before surgery. Cravings never seem to go away for me. I have had to learn how to cope with them by distracting myself and finding alternative solutions. This is 100% head hunger and everyone deals with it. The good news is, once i began to try some of the foods I crave, I personally found I didn't care for most of them any longer. Your tastes will change. Also yes everyone feels weak those first weeks. For me I started to feel more normal by week 4. I still was exhausted later in the day. That started to change for me when I was able to get all my Water, Protein and Vitamins. It will get better. Hang in there.
  3. Djmohr


    Woo Hoo! Onederland! Ain't that grand. Congratulations!
  4. Djmohr

    How has gastric bypass effected you?

    @@BonnieJo Hi there! Congratulations on taking steps to get healthy. I am 16 months post op RNY. I am down 140lbs with 5 left to go to get to my ideal weight. Prior to surgery I was a mess and chose to do it to get healthy never believing I would really get to a point where I was a normal weight vs. obese or even overweight. Well, I am a normal weight now with a BMI that went from over 44 to 24.5! I had type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, severe Gerd, sleep apnea, anemia and stage 3 kidney disease. All of these diseases are in remission! Most of them with the first 3 months. I have had no complications and I don't get sick unless I overeat. When I overeat I get very nauseous and on 3 occasions have vomited. You learn what to do and what not to do very quickly. For me, this surgery was a breeze. Off pain medication with a couple days of being discharged. I have gone from a size 26 to a size 10! This really was not the reason I had this surgery but let me tell you as soon as I started feeling better, getting to a normal BMI became my ultimate goal. I have never ever regretted making this choice, not for 1 second. I used to live to eat and now I eat to live. food just is not as important to me. What I do eat is. I do not waste what little space I have on crap food like I used to. RNY gastric bypass is the absolute best thing I have ever done for me. I wish you the very best with your upcoming surgery! Feel free to reach out if you have more questions. I would be happy to help.
  5. @@sassyfrass23 I totally understand why you would be so upset, I think I would have seriously cried. I really hope that you get answers on Monday and that everything works itself out. Hugs! Oh, and hands off the donut box! LOL!
  6. Djmohr

    Friday NSV roll call!

    I have noticed this week that size large tops are actually becoming too loose and sloppy. On a bad note I have no clothes that really fit me properly anymore.
  7. Djmohr

    So weak

    I am 16 months post op RNY and I still feel dizzy and lightheaded almost every day. Mine is coming from a low heart rate (40s and 50s) and low blood pressure. I just have to be careful when changing positions.
  8. Djmohr

    Decaf coffee

    Caffeine causes dehydration and can make you hungry.
  9. Congratulations! Keep on going, it will all come off if you stay the course!
  10. Djmohr

    Blockage post op

    I am so sorry that you are having complications! I really hope that things start working out for you soon. How and the heck does insurance not cover your nutrition IVs. Wow, that is just nuts. Hugs....
  11. Djmohr

    GB questions

    I had RNY and did have a drain installed. It was removed before I left the hospital. It was the first time I had a train and I was very frightened. Seriously it does not hurt at all! It just feels weird when they pull it out. I also had one recently for a cervical spine fusion surgery and again, no pain when they removed it. It just sort of tickled when they pulled it out. Loose skin all depends on how much weight you have to loose. For you, because you are younger yours will bounce back better than someone like me who is 52 and lost and gained hundreds of pounds over my lifetime. It also depends on how many times you have lost and gained. Everytime we do that, we damage our skin. Recovery for me was not bad at all. I came home after 2 cnights in the hospital. I stopped taking pain medication the day after I came home. I felt weak for the first week only having been on Clear liquids. I began to feel much better week 2, by week 4 I felt pretty normal. I will say that first night in the hospital was rough and I did not sleep one wink. This was because of the gas they put in your tummy. It makes you uncomfortable and it is hard to get rid of. Walking, hot packs or hot pads and when your bowels start back up gas x. You have to keep in mind I may not be the best judge of this having had many spinal surgeries. Those recoveries take months and years and wear you down. My tolerance for pain is extremely high.
  12. Djmohr


    I remember getting the Pre op medication in my IV before they wheeled me into the or. I remember when that hit me, I like to call it happy juice because after they give that to you you could care less what happens. I remember going into the or and I remember them putting the mask over my face. I no longer remember what that room looked like or even the people. They gave me versad which impacts your memory. Then I remember waking up in recovery and my chest hurt and my mouth was dry. In moments they gave me pain medication and the chest pain became very tolerable. I was up walking as soon as I went to my room. They did not use a catheter so I had to pee really bad so they helped me to the bathroom.
  13. I showered the very next morning in the hospital. I just was not allowed a bath.
  14. Djmohr

    What can I do with...cauliflower?

    I love cauliflower chowder. A wonderful cheesy cauliflower soup and you can add ham or back to it. The recipe is on Pinterest. It is delicious. I also use it for stir fry, puréed, cauliflower rice, cauliflower and broccoli cheese casserole with chicken. It is my favorite vegetable! You can add ham or bacon to cauliflower chowder
  15. Djmohr

    A Victory.

    Keep researching so you are prepared with questions when you go to the meeting. For me it was that meeting that helped me make up my mind. For me, it was a no brainier. I ended up going with bypass because I had severe Gerd and bypass will actually cure that. Within just a couple of months post surgery I was no longer diabetic, no more high blood pressure or high cholesterol, anemia was gone, stage 3 kidney disease was in remission and now my sleep apnea is gone. I am down 139lbs with 6 left to go to get to my ideal weight. I now have a normal BMI and for the most part feel fantastic. My only regret is that I did not do this 10 years ago before I caused damage to my spine and other joints. Also, I have had no complications. Surgery was very easy for me and by week 4 I felt fantastic. The hardest thing was simply getting used to the fact that I no longer live to eat. I eat to live. The best of luck to you and if you have any questions feel free to reach out.
  16. Daisee is right, not drinking enough liquid will literally make you feel like crap. You will become nauseous, dizzy, headaches, tired and weak. If you can you must keep sipping at least liquids for now. I literally had to hold my cup in my hands and take a sip every few moments. It is normal not to be able to drink everything they ask you to in those first couple of weeks but you must do the best you can with it. The swelling will go down as time goes by and it will become easier. Remember it is the Protein that will help you heal. I really hope you feel better soon or they get to the bottom of your issues and resolve it for you.
  17. Djmohr

    Do You Log Your Food?

    I am 16 months post op and very close to beginning maintenance. I believe the reason I have successfully gotten to this point is because I track everything I consume as I consume it, good or bad. This allows me to adjust throughout the day. In the beginning I measured and weighed everything. After talking with my nut she challenged me not to do this because she felt like I have a good handle on portion size after a year of measuring and weighing. I do still measure and weigh nuts and Peanut Butter. LOL! I use myfitnesspal to track my food. It's simple and fast so there is no extra bother.
  18. Djmohr

    Low heart rate

    Since my surgery and the loss of 140lbs I have a very low heart rate. I run in the low 50s and regularly hit the high 40s. I also now deal with positional low blood pressure. I have in fact passed out from this. I have had a full cardiac work up and my heart is very healthy. My cardiologist told me I have nothing to worry about. It has taught me that I need to move my hands and feet before standing up. Also I should say it has nothing to do with exercise for me as I have been restricted to walking since June. There was a thread about this topic some time ago and in talking with my Bariatric Doctor, he mentioned that this is pretty common. It is weird because I had high blood pressure before surgery and took propanol for it. I was removed from that drug about 4 months post op.
  19. Djmohr

    Drinking with meals?

    Honestly this is much harder to do before surgery. I was unable to break that habit until I had my surgery. Now, no problem. The only time it ever bothers me is if I eat something overly spicy or salty. Then I quick sip of Water and I do mean a tiny sip. There is a reason this is one of the golden rules. I believe we had someone on this site earlier today that is 8 months post op and gaining weight. The one rule she wasn't following was this one. We go through a lot of hard work to get this far to let a simple rule like this one derail you. I wish you the very best with your surgery!
  20. Djmohr


    It is definately normal. I swear even 16 months post op I am either constipated or I have diarrhea. There is NO happy medium for me.
  21. Djmohr

    RnY surgery

    Good luck on your upcoming surgery. I hope that all goes well and you have a speedy recovery.
  22. Djmohr


    For me it is hiccups or a big sigh.
  23. Djmohr

    RNY revision

    @@jelaine5280 Welcome! I hope you have a very speedy recovery and can get back on track quickly. Feel free to reach out.
  24. Djmohr

    Eating & Drinking question

    Definately go back to the basics, you are not even a year out and should still be losing. You might try a reset. Yes, food and drink together are a no no forever. Just out of curiosity, what made you stop following that instruction? You might even check in with your nut to see if your diet is on track. I will say that I believe the number 1 reason I personally have been successful is because I track everything in myfitnesspal. I know exactly where my Protein, carbs and calories are throughout the day. Because of this, I make better choices. Honestly it is so easy to get off track if you don't pay attention to what and how much you are eating everyday. Are you tracking?

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