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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Djmohr

  1. Djmohr

    Soooo, I messed up

    We all slip! Give yourself a break, pick yourself back up and move forward on the plan. You will feel much better once you are back on track. Good luck!
  2. Djmohr

    Not losing weight

    Yes, this is normal. You will have weeks where you lose nothing and then all of a sudden your body starts releasing weight again. Sometimes several lbs per day. It will slow down after a couple of months but if you stick to the plan it will continue to come off. I am 16 months post op and still losing on average 8lbs per month. This is why it is not a good idea to set a date to reach goals. Your body dictates how it will lose and it is different for everyone. The key is sticking to the plan.
  3. Djmohr


    I do have this happen occasionaly. I cannot explain it but what works today for food might not work tomorrow yet it could work again next week. Also when I have one of those days, I pretty much try going back to Protein shakes to ensure I get as much protein as possible. It is weird but I have read posts from others who experience the same thing. I hope you feel better soon!
  4. I don't know if the word obsess fits for me but living in this new lifestyle requires me to be very diligent and planful. So I am always planning what I am going to eat, finding new recipes that will work for my high Protein, lower carb diet. food is still very important to me, it just looks different. Before I was guilty of mindless eating not really caring what I ate. I ate a lot of processed foods, fast foods, junk foods. The recipes I made were laden with Pasta, rice, bread. I no longer eat that way and honestly don't do well with spontaneous eating. I may not plan a week in advance but I definately plan a day or 2 in advance. Grocery shopping is different too. I actually make a list and go to the store vs just mindless shopping for what looks good. I log my food. I no longer weigh everything as I am definately very aware of portions. My nut felt confident that I had an excellent handle on portion sizes so although my logging may not be perfect, it is fairly close. If I am guilty of anything it might be shorting myself on portions and rarely can I clean my plate. So I guess if planning my food, budgeting my nutrients and logging everything is obsessive then yes, I am obsessive. On the flip side, before surgery I was not obsessive. I simply ate whatever I wanted without even realizing how bad it was in regards to nutrition. I was a morbidly obese person who was actually malnourished because of my food choices. Most people don't realize how often obese people are actually malnourished!
  5. I think you are so sweet! I feel the same way, I am just in awe when I see the transformation of everyone! Especially the folks on this site. They have all become family! I am looking forward to seeing yours when you are ready. If you click on my profile you will see my before and after pics. @@Cervidae, You look stunning! Congratulations!
  6. Djmohr

    Trouble with Starches

    My tummy is very sensitive to starches. I can eat potatoes with no problem but of course I limit them. Bread has to be toasted well and I can only eat a small amount. Regular non toasted bread makes me ill. Rice and Pasta make me very uncomfortable even with just a bite or two. I have also tried cake once or twice since surgery and it just gets gummy and makes me feel like crap. So for me unless it is something crispy, I just don't tolerate it well.
  7. Djmohr

    Cottage Cheese

    Cottage cheese pancakes are awesome! A bit hard to deal with but delicious! You can pull up the recipe on Pinterest. I think I eat cottage cheese 3 times a week for lunch. I use 1% at my nuts request. I eat it plain, with a tiny bit of fruit. I have mixed a small amount of cinnamon in it. I have mixed taco seasoning and a little cream cheese with it, added tomatoes, lettuce. High Protein taco dip. Use different veggies for the chips. Whatever you like.
  8. Djmohr

    Stumble at the finish line.

    First, congratulations on such a great job!!! You should be very proud of yourself. I always caution people about setting goals that involve losing a certain amount by a certain date. Weight loss just doesn't work that way. There are too many stalls along the road and for some people, setting a timeline can be demotivating.
  9. Yes, yes yes. You are likely eating too fast, not chewing well enough and may even be over full. Burps hurt like heck. I just had it happen tonight and I could not finish my dinner which means I am short on Protein.
  10. Djmohr

    It's finally done

    Everyone's tolerance for pain is different. I am someone who has had multiple spine surgeries so the bypass for me was just uncomfortable for a couple days. It all depends on ones tolerance, how tired or sick you are before surgery. Pain can wear you down and then it's less tolerable. Also hormones and all the changes make a difference too.
  11. If they are soft I can't handle them but if made crispy I have no problem. This is the same way I tolerate bread, it has to be toasted well.
  12. Yay! I am glad you can get on the books asap. I know what was supposed to be a 6 month process took exactly 9 months to the day for me. Hopefully you will have a date very very soon.
  13. Djmohr


    @@kjwrn Hi Kelsie & welcome! Congratulations on making your way through the process. It certainly isn't easy but it is so worth it. My process took 9 months from start to finish and honestly with the exception of the last month, it flew by. That last month was like pure torture. Feel free to reach out with questions if you have them. Like you, I don't have a lot of friends outside my home but I have a whole world of friends on this site.
  14. Djmohr

    Pain post op

    Congratulations! I know when I had my surgery I really had no pain, it was uncomfortable because of the gas they use in your gut. Then when my body started working again that was uncomfortable but it took a week before I had a bm and I ended up having call the doc about it. They had me use a dulcolax suppository. Then as soon as I did go, I ended up with diarrhea until I started puréed foods. It is normal for it to take some time to go to the bathroom. Honestly it is also my only complaint. I really struggle with constipation even now 16 months later. I take a stool softener with laxative twice a day.
  15. Every doc is different. I was on clear liquids only for the first 7 days, then full liquids for another 7 days and then puréed for 2 weeks. Then I was released to soft foods until I was 8 weeks post op. At 8 weeks I was fully released to a high protein, low carb well balanced diet.
  16. @@sassyfrass23 I am so thrilled for you! I knew it would happen but those darn hoops are a pain. Did you get a date yet?
  17. Djmohr

    Vitamins and supplements

    @@Pedro Valle-Inclan It is normal for the first month following recovery for you to hold Vitamins. It is all about your new tummy healing and the fact that you have some Vitamin stores built up in your system. This is exactly why they don't test you for the 6 months. It is really important that people understand it is so important to get your vitamins and Water. I had a friend (Peggy) who had gastric bypass surgery about 29 years ago. She thought she was doing so well because the weight was coming off fast and she was feeling pretty good. I lived with her at the time and I know for a fact that she never once took vitamins or focused on Protein. In her defense she was not given detailed instructions like you get today with Bariatric surgery. What she ate, never changed. She had 5 kids and did not have a lot of money to buy good protein and veggies. Their main meal was macaroni and cheese with canned tuna in it. They ate Pasta probably 5 days a week. She was nearly 400lbs and about 5.5. After a year and a half she was down to 97lbs and severely malnourished. Peggy almost died before they went back in and reversed her bypass. Back then they did open bypass and I remember it vividly because I lived upstairs and took care of her children for 3 weeks while she was in the hospital. Within the first year post reversal she had gained over 150lbs back. Yes, she was still malnourished but now overweight again. She never exercised, never took a single vitamin nor did she ever focus on protein. She was critically ill. I got married, moved states and lost touch with Peggy after that so I don't know what ultimately happened but she was very ill. Can you imagine losing all your weight, becoming too small and then gaining it all back? I always wonder and believe that had she been better focused on her diet and vitamins would this have happened to her? Peggy is one of the reasons I waited so long to have this surgery. I spent months researching and understanding my role in Bariatric surgery success. I vowed I would follow instructions to ensure I did not put my family through my getting critically ill.
  18. Today is going to be a better day for my attitude!

  19. Djmohr

    New Friends?

    I have had a couple of "friends" who have basically changed the way they behave around me. I am not sure why but I suspect it is because they are no longer comfortable around me. The two friends I am speaking about are both morbidly obese themselves and they know I had bypass. These friends also made it a point to tell me about every single person they ever knew who had the surgery and gained all their weight back. And shared horror stories about complications. One of them works in a hospital. This happened when I shared I was having the surgery 2 years ago. As my weight started to come off, my hubby and I were usually left off the invite list. This is a couple who we were very close to and my hubby grew up with him. When he got married we became a pretty tight group. So, we made it a point to invite them out a couple of times recently. Neither of them said one word about my drastic weight loss or gave me a compliment. When we go out to eat I can always find something on any menu to eat but they are clearly uncomfortable around me. I try very hard not to act differently or be a pain because of what I eat. I think I am a reminder that both of them need to do something themselves but choose not to. We never ever talk about my weight loss or the surgery itself. I do think there is some jealousy but it is really uncomfortable for me to be with them because there is a big elephant in the room. It's a bummer because this is a great couple to hang with. My hubby doesn't get it either, he knows something is different but doesn't realize it has anything to do with my weight loss. We have tried to do activities that don't involve good and it's still not the same. When we were all fat, we would have a great time. Now it's strained and weird.
  20. I'm hangry today! I think I have had a gallon of water and cannot seem to get a handle on it. I haven't given in but I am hungry and angry that I am hungry. Hangry!

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Would you like a hancry? That's handkerchief suitable for absorbing tears.

    2. Djmohr



      Well, now I know why I was hangry! I usually consume between 1000 and 1200 calories, 75 to 80 grams of protein and less than 90grams of carbs.

      I didn't log my food until after dinner last night mostly because I was in a funk all day. Although I hit my protein and water goals I only consumed less than 800 calories so I actually was hungry. Being 16 months out, that is simply not enough for me and I refused to give into snacking.


      That explains it.

    3. mmrennau


      Hi- Djmohr its been a while...I am 8 months out now I hit around 1200 a day but with working out ( I power walk ALOT) I NET anywhere between 800-900 calories MOST days 3-5 days a week anyway. The other days Im at 1200 cal... which is still going to have us losing weight at anyway. How many pounds left to goal? Are you going to start maintaining? you look fabulous BTW Hope all is well on your side. :)

    4. Show next comments  183 more
  21. This article does a pretty good job of comparing both surgeries. http://sassesurgical.com/bariatric-surgery/laparoscopic-procedures/mini-gastric-bypass/
  22. Djmohr

    Vitamins and supplements

    I know this much, Vitamins and Protein are critical to a WLS patients overall success. Not taking them against doctor recommendations just isn't very responsible. Both bypass and sleeve patients require long term nutrition management. There is a reason it is for life. Given the sleeve is so new and there is not a lot of data, I hope irresponsible patients who end up with complications don't skew the real data. Those that do follow doctors orders. My two cents!
  23. Djmohr

    Vitamins and supplements

    I take b1 and calcium in the am Multi Vitamin & d at bedtime The only 1 that don't fit into a pill organizer is the calcium and I just have a process. I get up in the am, stop at the cabinet grab my calcium which is the first thing I take. Down the road I will have to add b12 back in but that is taken once per week.
  24. Djmohr

    What can I do with...Brussels Sprouts?

    @@LipstickLady No, not the trash next to the cottage cheese?!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
