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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Djmohr

  1. Djmohr

    Crazy diets

    I went on a low fat diet. Of course I had no idea what the heck I was doing. There was very little Protein, tons of carbs but focused on low fat. I lost 60lbs in 4 months and my gallbladder! My doctor told me that because of my fast weight loss my gallbladder decided to produce so many stones that they had to do an open gallbladder surgery. I still remember the surgeon telling me to be careful, that I was likely to gain all the weight back and then some. That's exactly what happened. I gained that 60 back plus 40 more! I then tried so many other diets that caused me to lose and gain. I finally decided that I simply could not diet anymore or I would end up weighing 500lbs. That was about 2 years before I had bypass.
  2. Hooray! I am so glad you had such a great experience! And you didn't gain! Congratulations!
  3. Djmohr

    Bypass vs. Sleeve

    I originally planned to have sleeve surgery and ended up going the route of bypass for two reasons. I had severe reflux and learned that bypass would cure it and it did. Secondly I wanted to have 1 surgery and be done with it. Given bypass is the gold standard and has years of data behind it I decided to go for it. I am very thankful that I did as it cured so many comorbitities in the process. I don't have any side effects. I take Vitamins every day (4 of them) instead of taking numerous prescriptions for all my comorbitities. By the way, sleeves take the same vitamins. The malabsorption factor actually helps you to lose the weight, it is not a side effect. It is very effective and my prescription strengths went down not up as a previous posted called out. Both surgeries are equally as invasive. The sleeve removes 90% of your stomach which means it is not reversible where the bypass is. hair loss can happen with both surgeries, some people have this issue and some do not regardless of the surgery you choose. I lost a lot of hair but it came back, all of it. Loose skin happens with massive weight loss regardless of how you lose your weight. This is not caused by the type of surgery you choose. I am now 17 months post op. Down 143+lbs, 1 lb from goal. I fit into a size 8 jeans from a size 24/26. I have never dumped and it only happens to a small percentage of people. Yes my hunger came back but it is not the same and when I do get hungry a few bites and I am full. I am a good cook and if I taste my food too much while cooking I will get full before I even get to dinner. Bypass is the best thing that ever happened to me. I thank god every day for the doctors and nurses and dietitians that work in this field. Without them this wouldn't be possible. Oh by the way, I have not been able to exercise for nearly a year now do to issues with my spine. The best I can do is small walks. I control my weight with mostly my diet. Because I have had bypass this is totally possible.
  4. Djmohr

    Food for Travel

    I would definately pack some protein bars, shakes and jerkey just in case you have a hard time for some of your meals. I have not been there in years but what I do remember was overly expensive junk everywhere. This way you can have a few good quality options handy. I hope you have a great time!
  5. Djmohr

    Vegas, Baby!

    @@Sharon1964 I hope you have a fantastic time in my favorite city! I wish I were going too! Enjoy!
  6. I guessed it as soon as you described it. Many times it is caused not by Protein but by too much Calcium or not the right kind of calcium. I hope you get it taken care of soon and your pain is better! Hugs!
  7. @@proudgrammy definately rocks! She is a great cheerleader and is very inspirational! You go girl!
  8. @@bugsy72 Hi there! Congratulations on getting healthy! I am 17 months post op and just a pound to go to get to my ideal weight. I am down a total of 142lbs. I lost a lot of weight in those first 6 months fairly rapidly and then I slowed to between 5 to 10lbs per month with many stalls along the way. What happens is your body adjusts along the way and the closer you get to goal, the slower the weight loss happens and the harder you have to work to keep it going. I am one of those people that have had to fight for every pound because I am also restricted from excercise and have been since June 2015. It just means you have to be very diligent about what you put in your mouth, of course having a tiny really helps you do that. I have learned that if I stay under 1000 calories a day with 70 grams of Protein and below 70 grams of carbs I will lose. If I am somewhere above 1300 calories I gain. If I hang between 1000 and 1200 I maintain. Maybe when I can be more active I can add more but realistically I have a hard time getting above 1200 calories anyway, not sure if that will change down the road but I am well fed at that 1000 to 1200 range. Not sure if that makes sense but that is how it worked for me.
  9. I guess you need to ask yourself are you hungry? Really? Or are you simply falling into old behaviors. Trust me, I have to do this every single day many times a day. Your carbs are quite high given you just had surgery and are in the weight loss phase. As far as eating dinner, you should not skip meals but maybe starting tomorrow focus on reducing Snacks or choosing a snack that will stick with you longer. sugar free chocolate is not a good option. It won't kill you but there are choices that will keep you fuller longer. I had to stop eating yogurt because for me it is a slider food and I am hungry again pretty quickly. I will usually snack on cottage cheese or chicken salad or lunch meat and cheese. Those tend to stay with me longer. Also I noticed that Protein bars that have Peanut Butter in them stay with me for a very long time.
  10. Djmohr

    Pain on left side

    Pain on the left side is pretty common following bypass. If you are really concerned give your doctors office a call. Hope you feel better soon!
  11. Djmohr

    My consultation...

    I am looking forward to your update! Hope all goes well for you.
  12. I had a very hard time with raw veggies following bypass. I was 6 months post op before I could eat salad or raw veggies of any kind. My nut told me this is common. Now, I love me some salad!
  13. Prayers and hugs. I hope all goes well!
  14. Glad to hear everything went well and you are back on track! Congratulations!
  15. Djmohr

    Constipation Help?

    I am 17 months post op and still have this problem. I saw a gastroenterologist yesterday for some tests. I was taking 2 stool softeners with laxative twice per day and still am not going regularly. I eat plenty of fiber. I have not gone since Friday. He put me on a medication called Linzess and said it will work much better than all that other stuff. I just took my first dose so I don't know how it will work yet but I am hopeful.
  16. Djmohr

    Girl Scout Cookies

    @@Inner Surfer Girl Thin mint flavor please! I hate this time of year and I know my hubby will bring them into the house. I also know I can control myself. My husband went out yesterday and came back home with a lemon meringue pie. A whole friggin pie! Now of course I can control myself but he should not have it either. Today, said pie left with him and is headed off to work where his coworkers can eat the dam thing! I told him he was grounded too!
  17. @@VSGAnn2014 I got mine when they first came out. The stainless steel one with the Milaneese loop. The small 38mm but it has been updated with the latest updates. @@lifeofblair I have my fitness pal on both my iPad and my phone. Every once in a while my iPad don't sync but all I have to do is open the activity tracker on my iPhone and it will then update for me. If you have trouble I would give apple a call. I have only had that happen once or twice. I am not sure why yours isn't syncing
  18. I have the watch and use my fitness pal and have no problem. You don't need a special subscription. You just have set the watch app on your phone to show my fitness pal on the watch. Then go into my fitness pal settings. Select steps, add a device and add your iPhone. It works fantastic for me! I have the watch and use my fitness pal and have no problem. You don't need a special subscription. You just have set the watch app on your phone to show my fitness pal on the watch. Then go into my fitness pal settings. Select steps, add a device and add your iPhone. It works fantastic for me!
  19. @@noonie79 I was 4 weeks post op and it lasted 2 weeks. I have had many since my longest being 28 days. Just stick to the plan and it will start to move again. You are still losing inches and your body is simply adjusting. I have learned there really is nothing to do but follow the plan.
  20. @@j16 I must have missed the post where you said your Bariatric center told you 120grams of Protein per day. That is ridiculously high and not necessary. Especially if you have a history of kidney problems. I would challenge them. My Bariatric center has the same goal for everyone: 1 gram for every inch you are tall minimum. Now you can have more but it is not required. Honestly i would never be able to eat enough to hit that goal.
  21. I have stage 3 chronic kidney disease and have had RNY 17 months ago. I have to be very careful not to overload Protein yet meet the minimum daily requirement which is 1 gram of protein for every 1 inch in height. For me that is 70 grams of protein. I rarely go over that. I eat meat but my pouch is pretty restricted so I get a lot of my protein from small amounts of meats, cheese, Peanut Butter, Protein shakes and milk. I have a Protein shake for Breakfast, protein with good carbs for lunch and dinner and I have to have 2 Snacks to meal my protein goals. My snacks are generally chai tea made with milk, Apple with peanut butter, cheese, lunch meat, shrimp or maybe a very small amount of nuts. From the moment I was allowed puréed foods my nut has had me following a balanced diet. I have good carbs with every meal. I don't eat protein first but follow a 2 bites of protein for every 1 bite of good carbs. This has worked very well for me both from a health standpoint and weight loss standpoint. I am 1lb away from goal having lost 142lbs. My stage 3 kidney disease along with all my other comorbitities have been in remission since the first 3 months post op. This can be managed quite well and you are asking great questions! Good luck to you! Feel free to message me with questions.
  22. Djmohr

    overeating like crazy

    I had a food funeral the day before my pre op as well. We went to Buca di Beppo and I had my favorite spaghetti with meat sauce and meatballs. I have loved spaghetti since I was a little girl. Guess what? Not anymore. I literally cannot stand it now. I hate the texture of al dente Pasta which was the way I have always cooked it. I don't like how it tastes and I especially hate how it makes my pouch feel. Most people have a food funeral. Just get back on the plan now. Good luck!
  23. If I could go back to my twenties and have this surgery I would do it in a heartbeat. Here's why, the longer you carry that high of a BMI, you will do damage to your body that cannot be reversed. Take it from me, I am 52 years ago and have damaged my spine and joints so badly that I am in chronic pain every single day. I have had 6 back surgeries! Don't wait, run! More yo yo dieting will only make your obesity disease worse. It is a metabolic disease and the cure is weight loss surgery. Best of luck! Feel free to message me with questions!
  24. If I could go back to my twenties and have this surgery I would do it in a heartbeat. Here's why, the longer you carry that high of a BMI, you will do damage to your body that cannot be reversed. Take it from me, I am 52 years ago and have damaged my spine and joints so badly that I am in chronic pain every single day. I have had 6 back surgeries! Don't wait, run! More yo yo dieting will only make your obesity disease worse. It is a metabolic disease and the cure is weight loss surgery. Best of luck! Feel free to message me with questions!

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