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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Djmohr

  1. Ok, I had to google Tim tams and now I want some! I have pajama day at my work! LOL.......
  2. Djmohr

    Penicillin post 5 month post op-----ouch!

    I would immediately call the doctor to get a different solution. I am allergic to many antibiotics penicillin included. Although penicillin causes a more severe reaction, erythromycin causes me to have the same symptoms you have indicated. I would not take another dose until you talk to the doctor. There are many other antibiotics they can substitute that won't hurt your tummy. Please do this quickly because until you get antibiotics going you are contagious and you will get sicker. Strep requires antibiotics, it will not go away on its own. I know this because my husband just had it and as a youngster I had it quite frequently.
  3. Djmohr

    Very Lazy Stomache

    I hate to say it and hopefully I am not the norm but I am 18 months post op and I have to use stool softener with laxative twice daily to be able to go. If I even miss a single dose I don't go for 3 to 5 days. I talked to my GI Doctor about it and he prescribed Linzess but honestly that doesn't work well either for me. I gave that medication a try for 3 weeks and it didn't help. So, I am back to taking my stool softener plus laxative twice daily.
  4. Djmohr

    Chronic Constipation

    I am 18 months out and still struggle daily. I have been taking 2 stool softeners with laxative in them twice daily. Recently my gi doc gave me a prescription for Linzess. It sort of helps but it's expensive and many insurance companies won't pay for it. I don't think I will renew that prescription because the stool softeners with laxative work better. Miralax and regular colace without stool softeners don't help me at all. I get plenty of Fiber and drink well over 60 0z. Of Water everyday. If I have a day where I am under 60 oz. I don't go for a couple days. It really is one of the drags about WLS but I would rather deal with this than weigh 146lbs more than I do today.
  5. Djmohr

    2nd Surgery

    I had RNY sept. 2014. In June of 15 I had a 3 level cervical fusion (huge surgery), nov. 15 I had another spine surgery, in February I had shoulder surgery. To say I am sick of recovering is an understatement but I fared well with all of them. Unfortunately I still have a lot of pain.
  6. Djmohr

    Vets: What Are You Eating Today?

    I am 18 months post op and at goal. B: premier Protein shake S: 3 fresh strawberries L: 1/2 cup 1% cottage cheese with a few canned peaches S: cheese crackers D: homemade shrimp fajitas with 1/2 tortilla S: Kozy shack chocolate pudding This is a typical day for me although the dinner protein at dinner and lunch changes out. Also if I don't have strawberries I will swap that snack out for a small apple and a tablespoon of Peanut Butter.
  7. Djmohr

    6 months

    You look fantastic! I would bet you feel better too! Congratulations!
  8. @@luvbnme I am so sorry you are having a hard time. It has to be frustrating for you. In terms of your senses being more sensitive, that did get better for me. Those first few months are rough and I do remember the smells and tastes being out of whack. Has the doctor provided any insight as to why you are vomiting so much? It would help to know where you are at with your food plan. Does everything make you vomit or just certain things? Are you able to get Water and Protein shakes down and keep them down? For me, once I was able to really get after the protein and water I started to feel better and be stronger. I hope you get better soon!
  9. Djmohr

    Pretty dinner plate?

    I always prepare a pretty, balanced plate of food. You are not crazy! We eat with our eyes first. My nut also taught me from the beginning that I need to eat balanced meals. She does not believe in Protein first. She believes in 2 bites of protein to every 1 bite of veggies or fruit. I always end up with leftovers on my plate because I have very good restriction. I wish I had a dog! LOL!
  10. I am so sorry that you are struggling. I can totally relate! In June I had major spine surgery, November another spine surgery and in February shoulder surgery. Of course this all began happening while in the sweet spot (under 1 year) for my surgery. My doctors put me on meds that cause you to gain weight and of course my ability to exercise has been impacted greatly. I was still able to get to goal although it took me a lot longer and I really had to be careful on my diet. I did have to limit my carb intake greatly although I have always eaten whole fruit. Not everyday but just about every other day. Someone mentioned fruit being empty calories. That is not true. There is huge benefit to eating the whole fruit and fruit is a part of a balanced diet. My nutritionist has required that I eat fruit, even in the puréed stage. So many nuts have different plans. Anyway, I just wanted to wish you the best of luck, hopefully your stall will break soon. My longest was 28 days and that was when they put me on steroids following spine surgery. Hopefully just changing some things up in your diet will help break the stall and you will be back on track! You can and will do this, just keep working with your nut. Good luck!
  11. Djmohr


    My program does not allow for calories in beverages with the exception of milk or Protein shakes. I have so little room to get my protein and have a hard time wasting my calories on juice. If I want fruit and veggies which I always do, I eat the whole fruit and take advantage of the fiber which is critical after this surgery. Are fruit and veggie juices on your plan?
  12. Djmohr

    More critical of facial features after WLS?

    I can totally relate to how you are feeling. I agree with so many of the posters here though. Your pictures show a beautiful face! Seriously! I find that I am so critical now of everything about my face and body. I am not sure why. I guess when I was fat, I did not care. Now that I am normal sized I find myself constantly looking at flaws. I don't know why we do this to ourselves but one of my Bariatric nurses pointed this out about how we begin to pick at ourselves. She had RNY too and suggested giving yourself time for your brain to catch up with our bodies. Work with your therapist on this. They should be able to help you work through it. But rest assured, what you see, the rest of us do not. You look fantastic both your face and your body!
  13. It does take some time to figure out which meds will be impacted. I am also on a biological injection called Stelara every 8 weeks. Anything given via injection or patch seems to work better. I do miss my NSAIDs and have had to go back on narcotics for real pain control. I am unwilling to use NSAIDs at all. Of course they always want to give me steroids for my spine in but that causes my psoriasis to come back with a vengeance. Now I am also hypothyroid and then medication had to be lowered because of my massive weight loss. I have now been on the same dose for a year but have lost a significant amount of weight since the last change yet I do not need more synthroid. We suspect I may be malabsoring that too. Once you get them all set and your diet remains consistent it normalizes.
  14. Djmohr


    I am 18 months post op and yup, every single day. My husband and I have named her the grouch pouch. She loves to make noise any time I feed her or give her any liquids. It does seem to be noisier when they are milk products. I don't think it will ever go away.....have fun with it!
  15. RNY is designed to malabsorb. I would just like to clarify this for people because it really can be confusing. It is not a complication or cause of the surgery. I have never thought about the rate of malabsorbtion nor have I heard that term used. I did spend quite a bit of time on this with my surgeon and nut because initially I was very worried about this part of bypass. It does in fact depend on many things. Medications and nutrients are malabsorbed in different places. For example we will always malabsorb Calcium because it apparently absorbed in a different area within our new digestive system. Protein on the other hand is less impacted. There is some belief that malabsorption lasts forever which is why we must take Vitamins for life. The body does adjust some to this. My own personal experience is that I definately malabsorb some of my medications. I am on cyclosporine which I take for a few months a year for severe psoriatic arthritis. When I weighed 310lbs I would need to take 200 milligrams a day and it would clear me up quickly. Now I am 164lbs and recently had to go back on it. We started with 100 for a month when that didn't budge it we moved to 200 and now I am up to 300 and it's barely touching my psoriasis. Same thing with pain medication. I take it and had to have it doubled and then it barely lasts for an hour. Now we moved me to a patch and that seems to work much better. Why are you interested in the rate?
  16. Djmohr

    Would you move where has someone died?

    The way she died makes a huge difference. I would not have a problem with someone passing from old age in their home. In fact my mother n law passed away from old age in her home. I was there with her when she passed. Since then I have both been in the house hundreds of times and even slept there many. Yes, I thought about it but everything was fine. Now, if it were the scene of a grisly murder, I personally would pass. That's just me....good luck!
  17. Djmohr

    So ashamed smh

    As others have said, you know what needs to be done. Start with the 5 day pouch test and get back to the basics as @@Babbs has listed. It worked before, it will work again. Sometimes we simply let bad behaviors back in, it is so easy to do. No time to shame yourself......it's a waste of your time and effort and honestly can lead to indulging in more overeating or bad choices. I have absolutely no doubt that you will get back on track! Best of luck to you and we are here if you need us!
  18. Djmohr

    Rough Visit

    Don't let the tiny one get to you. Obviously she is a bit unprofessional. As someone else said focus on the content and yourself. You know what you need to do to get those pounds and more back off. Focus on good high quality Protein and vegetables. Stay away from sugar, Pasta, rice, bread and potatoes for now. Start walking everyday, move your body more everyday. Drink lots and lots of Water and stay away from sugary drinks. I know it sounds like a lot but you really can do this if you want it bad enough. Obesity is a disease, a metabolic disorder. Many doctors that do not specialize in this area don't get it the only long term cure for obesity long term is surgery and a lot of major life changes. To be successful your mindset really has to change and be ready for the changes that come with this surgery. If you are gaining, you are likely not doing what you need to. Trust me, every change you make is well worth it!
  19. Djmohr

    Revised from the VSG to the Bypass

    @@Titaniumsleeved2014 Congratulations! I hope that you are recovering well. I had the bypass in sept. 2014. It took me awhile but I just reached my goal having lost 146lbs. I would be happy to share my experience and I can help with questions. You can either message me directly or simply post your questions here. There are many of us on this site that can likely help.
  20. @@sallo Time for honesty here.....I honestly cannot relate. I was one of those people who was sick with several comorbitities and wanted this surgery so bad that I cried when I found out I had to wait 6 months to get it. During that 6 months I worked on building good habits like documenting everything I put in my mouth good or bad. Adhering to a higher protein, low carb diet. Eating my food slowly and chewing like crazy. When my surgery was delayed because someone screwed up sending in my paperwork I cried for a whole day. When I was 6 months post op I learned I would need a 3 level cervical spinal fusion. At the time I had been exercising an hour every day doing cardio. I was terrified that I would stop losing weight because I knew my recovery would be a long one. I also knew that I would have to really be careful about my food choices knowing I would have a lack of exercise and my honeymoon period would be coming to a close. Since that time I have had 2 more surgeries on my spine and shoulder. I had to really stick to the plan and walk because that is all I really can do for myself. I thank god every single day for the nurses and doctors that gave me this great tool. I refuse to squander my chance at a normal healthier size. Well, yesterday, 18 months post op, I reached my ideal weight goal. It took me longer and I have to work hard every single day. Please realize that you are already self sabotaging yourself. Why are you wasting your chance to become healthier. I promise, all the change is well worth it. I am glad I cannot relate to you at this point. I really would like you to see this as a great opportunity instead of a give me. It really will bite you in the ass later. I know many who have gained all or most of their weight back and those people never really got on or followed the plan. Best of luck to you.
  21. @@Yodelania Welcome back! I just wanted to mention the 5 day pouch test is really not so much about how much weight you lose in those 5 days but more about getting back on track. It helps you to reset to when you had surgery. I know that if I ever regain and I anticipate it, I would do the pouch test just to get back on track. The best of luck to you! I know you can do this because you once reached your goals. You can remove the bad habits that allowed you to regain. You already know what you need to do.
  22. Djmohr

    Fear of eating out and dumping

    @@Thecloude1 Don't let this fear rule you. You will learn quickly if you are going to dump and what causes it. Most people never experience dumping, it is a small percentage of people who do. When you go on your trip, bring along some things you might need. I always travel with ready made Protein shakes, good quality Protein Bars, cheese sticks, jerkey, nuts or seeds in prepackaged portions. When eating out early on I stuck to things like cottage cheese, fish, chicken and stay away from sugary or fatty foods that might cause dumping. Yogurt. Keep one thing in mind, when you order yogurt in a restaurant it is usually full fat, full sugar. I have had yogurt make me uncomfortable for a while. Occasionally the higher end brunch places with have lovely plain yogurt with berries. the only time I ever get sick is if I eat too much of something that could cause a person to dump. So what I mean by that is if I were to have a treat like ice cream, I know that if I eat more than 3 or 4 spoonfuls I am going to be very uncomfortable for a while. I won't get sick but I get a very heavy feeling. I also get this from things like rice, bread, Pasta.....so I simply stay away. I can however have a piece of toasted bread without getting that same feeling. Now keep in mind I am 18 months out and at goal so I am allowed to eat some of these things in moderation. In the first 12 months I stayed completely away. I hope this helps. Have a great time on your trip.
  23. Djmohr

    Calories and Carbs

    @@GSleeve822 I had bypass 18 months ago so I don't know if this is different for sleeve patients. Within a few weeks I could drink Water and by drinking I don't mean gulping. I can now drink a 16 oz. bottle in a few minutes but I had to learn not to gulp because even now that air in my tummy can be painful. I try to avoid getting a burp stuck. That makes me feel very uncomfortable. But yes, you will be able to drink water like a normal person.
  24. Djmohr

    Calories and Carbs

    @@GSleeve822 I had bypass 18 months ago so I don't know if this is different for sleeve patients. Within a few weeks I could drink Water and by drinking I don't mean gulping. I can now drink a 16 oz. bottle in a few minutes but I had to learn not to gulp because even now that air in my tummy can be painful. I try to avoid getting a burp stuck. That makes me feel very uncomfortable. But yes, you will be able to drink water like a normal person.
  25. I am so very glad you are doing so well post surgery! Congratulations!

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