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Everything posted by Djmohr

  1. Djmohr


    Wow, you are doing fantastic with sipping and calories. Honestly I was not able to get beyond 400 calories for the first 4 months. Your nut is right, until you get to be around 10 month to a year, you simply don't have to worry about calories. Just focus on Water, Protein and Vitamins. The only reason I even knew what my calories was is because I was tracking using my fitness pal. Best of luck to you!
  2. Djmohr

    Fever after postop

    @@cubano143 I am sorry to hear you are not feeling well.Make sure you stay on top of that. If it goes higher, call your surgeons office. Given tomorrow is Friday I would stay close to that thermometer. The first week post op is the toughest. I allowed myself to get dehydrated and ended up dizzy and weak. When I finally realized I was not even coming close to my Water I started sipping every few moments literally. Sip lots of liquid, get up and walk a lot an keep taking your temperature. Take care of yourself!
  3. @@WitchySar I am so sorry you are having such a tough time. I really hope that you don't give up and keep working through this. I promise it is worth the work in the end. Is it possible to call that doctors office that rescheduled you and explain your situation? Maybe they would be able to get you back in sooner. If you have to go the Mexico route, then I would work hard to do that. This is what I mean when there are people like this who have to fight tooth and nail to get this surgery. Please don't give up. Understand that this could give you a whole different life. Is there anyone that can help you with the phone calls?
  4. @@jess9395 I had to do the same thing and it does help a little but I also have very severe mid spine issues which makes even sitting in a straight back chair impossible. My tailbone actually requires that I sit on one cheek or the other if not using a double coccyx pillow. Of course doing that is not good for my upper spine. Recently my myofacial therapist suggested that I have adult onset scoliosis due to degenerative disc disease. It does all make sense given the fact that I used to be 5'11 and I am now 5' 9 1/2. I seriously don't know what I am going to do about it but will be speaking with both a plastic surgeon and an orthopedic surgeon in the next few weeks.
  5. @@UalreadyKnow I will message you directly so we don't hijack their post.
  6. Djmohr

    PreOp Diet

    I lived on good quality chicken broth made by me. When I got to the pre op diet I seriously would have failed if not for that. I was not allowed anything to eat, just Protein shakes, sf drinks, sf Popsicles and broth. Thank god my diet was only 14 days. I can remember the first 3 being the hardest and by the time I got to the day before where I could have nothing but Clear Liquids my brain was like mush! LOL My husband simply didn't get that I seriously had brain fog and I can remember jumping down his throat telling him I was going to remove his food and put him on this liquid diet just to see how long he would last. Well about 6 months after my surgery my hubby wanted to begin losing weight and his doctor suggested trying the same diet just to rid himself of his sugar/carb addiction. He however could have a 4 oz. piece of chicken and a salad with low fat dressing. I had to laugh because he literal could not make it through day 1 and apologized about 1000 times for his stupidity when I was on a 14 day liquid only diet. It is hard to do but if you keep yourself really well hydrated it makes it easier. Honestly....then just take 1 day at a time. Don't think about how much time you have left on the diet. You will be at surgery day before you know it. Good luck!
  7. Djmohr

    3 week Post Op HELP!

    Hi there and congratulations on your new tummy! The best advice I can give you is to measure everything especially in the beginning when it is hardest to tell if you are full. Your surgeon likely gave you his guidelines for how much to eat. You really don't need any more than that so get out the measuring cups and the food scale. Use a small salad plate instead of a regular size plate. Use baby spoons and forks and pay attention while eating. As someone else said, put the fork down in between bites and chew your food. It takes 15 minutes or something like that for your brain to catch up with your stomach. Eating slow was the hardest thing for me but I learned how to do that and now it's amazing how much less I eat because i can recognize the fullness. That comes from being mindful and taking your time. Best of luck to you!
  8. Good Morning Veterans! I am in the process of researching the use of essential oils in my daily routine. Honestly this is because I am suffering severe menopausal symptoms. I must get 50 hot flashes per day where I feel my head is simply going to combust, then of course comes the soaking of my clothing, the racing heart in my ears, and yes all the bs emotions that come with it. That does not include the night sweats in which I am soaked from head to toe. I have the air in our house at 66 and a fan blowing on me while sleeping and another fan next to where I sit in the living room. When I am not flashing I am frozen to the core given I have lost all of my fat which I am greatful for. The other night I went to the movies with some friends and had to dress knowing that would probably have several flashes. I brought 2 blankets with me and a personal fan. LOL. My husband and friends thought I was insane but I knew what would happen. The emotional crap for someone like me who doesn't cry easily is insane. For example, I was watching an episode of Buffy the vampire slayer which I have seen about 20 times. All of a sudden I am balling like a big baby. WTF!!!! I am not usually a cryer so this actually then pissed me off. It's all kind of funny when you think about it but geez already I need some relief from these symptoms. Of course it does not help that I have a lot of arthritis issues going on that won't allow me to get really moving like I want to. I exercise everyday for almost an hour a day but it is low impact, more stretching and strengthening exercises. Next week I will be taking Water therapy classes as well. Anyway, I reached out to a friend of mine who swears by these young living essential oils. She is my age and has been through a lot. As we were talking she asked me what medications or Vitamins I was taking so I explained that I am on several vitamins for life given my RNY surgery. I plan to ask my Bariatric team about this as well but I am wondering if anyone on BP is using essentials oils in their life and also if anyone has used them to replace certain vitamins? If you are using them, have you seen benefit in your overall health? Have you seen changes in your blood work? My blood work has been spot on other than my thyroid so I don't want to do anything that might mess that up. After speaking with my friend, she made a few recommendations to deal with some of the pain, energy and menopausal symptoms. Thoughts?
  9. @@OutsideMatchInside Thank goodness someone gets it! Too bad the others don't get this is not about a piece of bacon. This is about helping others. It's everyone simply excusing the behaviors and worse yet, telling her to ignore her doctors orders and move on. Yes, we are all human but when you go through months/years of preparation and in the first week that's what you do? I don't know about you but honestly I was devastated everytime someone gets on here and they are denied by their insurance and cannot pay out of pocket. I remember being so I'll that my doctor told me I had one foot on a banana peel and one foot in the grave. I just don't get squandering your 2nd chance in life. And for those of you saying well, maybe I wasn't that sick...I ask then why did you have this surgery? Then we have newbies that simply disregard doctors orders and even worse yet, give some new person medical advice that you know they want to hear. What the heck??? We are not doctors nor do we know why her doctor has her on a liquid diet for so long. She was a revision, right? Why didn't the first one work? I don't know this nor does anyone else but maybe, just maybe there is more to the story. Others read this and assume that oh, 1 tiny piece of bacon didn't hurt her so I would probably be ok too? This is not all about the OP. This is about people who have not had the surgery yet, or just had it or have not even gotten to their goals giving the OP advice to disregard doctors orders. Some people want to hear those words.....and will act on it. Too bad if people think I am being mean. I think I am being upfront and direct. Read whatever you all want in to that but someone has to shake some sense into those that just don't get it. Ok.....I am officially done ranting.
  10. @@gettingsleeved1 I have been squatting for almost a year now, it has not made any difference what so I ever. I have also been in physical therapy since December twice weekly and sometimes 3 times weekly also exercising at home in between. It has made ZERO difference when it comes to my butt or my tailbone.
  11. I see a plastic surgeon on the 11th and I cannot wait. So far, I have found nothing covered and was looking at brachioplasty, tummy tuck and a breast lift with augmentation. Those are definately no covered and it looks like it will cost right around 22k for those 3 procedures here in Wisconsin. I am also considering doing something with my butt. I literally have no butt and what seems like no muscle there. When I sit or lay on my back my tail bone sticks out so bad that I have to use 2 coccyx pillows, one on top of the other because one is not tall enough to give my tailbone room. I am seeing a orthopedic surgeon as well so I will either end up having all or part of my tailbone removed or if insurance covers it, maybe consider a butt implants? I do not have enough fat left on my body todo a butt lift. Has anyone else had this issue with their tailbone protruding so far that you cannot sit or lay on your back>?
  12. @@determinedtolive Love your surgery story. It is exactly what I am talking about. I am not sure that people realize how dangerous it is to go off plan to such a degree. Then they wonder why they are in the ER bleeding and back in surgery. Yes, that happens. There are many stories on here of people ending up back in the hospital from everything to dehydrating themselves all the way to ripping their tummies open. Thanks for sharing your story and from a doctor no less.
  13. @@SiSSi829 At the end of the day, you are the only one in control of your actions and behaviors. I know your post was directed to @vsganne2014. I am not sure about her but I remember those first days, weeks, months exactly. I will never ever forget them. I know how scared I was, I know that I may have even 2nd guessed my decision because I was weak and exhausted. I was even tempted to go off plan. So, I began reaching out to people like @vsganne2014 for help. And you know what, I listened because they knew what it was like. They lived it and they knew what mistakes might actually cause a problem, as an example...eating bacon. You may not like the tough love approach and I understand that. Try to get past that and learn from people who lived it. Honestly we are trying to help you guys but if you are not willing to listen or we hurt your feelings, too bad. If we get through to a few folks that are going through the start of their journey, then it's worth it. At the end of the day, we believe in what we have done because as we followed instructions the weight came off, our health got better allowing us to be here for our children and grandchildren. If you don't want to listen no one can make you. Clearly you don't listen to your doctor or your nut so what exactly are you looking for??? Someone to tell you it is alright to go off plan and do what you want? Well, you got that to from people that don't know or have yet to live this journey or haven't reached goal and may never. If you think it is hard now, just wait until you can eat whatever you want because trust me, the honeymoon will end quickly and you will be right back where you started. I am RNY 22 months post op. I literally can eat anything I want. I know the moment I eat chips that tomorrow when I get on the scale I will show a gain. Yes....just from some chips. Do that more than a few days in a row and guess what, I am up 3-5lbs and freaking out. This is because I never ever want to be that sick 310 women who has diabetes, severe gerd, high blood pressure and stage 3 chronic kidney disease almost at a point where I needed dialysis all from eating whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. It is time to pull up your big girl pants and do what you set out to do. For you, for your children for whatever reasons you started in the first place. It doesn't matter to us who you do it for, just get yourself healthy. If that seems mean to you, then I am sorry but it really is the truth and I think if you think hard about it, you will realize that doing what you are supposed to is the best thing you can do for yourself. I applaud those willing to provide an honest kick in the pants because sometimes it is necessary.
  14. @@emz37 Hi there! Well you honestly have already taken the first step! Welcome or welcome back! You have done well and can get yourself back there again. I know you can because you already have done it once. Right? You have already had great advice. I just want to say that I notice when I take a break from documenting what I am eating, I gain a few pounds, hop on the scale, freak out and then go back to the basics. I just started maintenance in March and I am still trying to find my happy medium but I figure as long as I always go back to the basics I will be successful. 64 oz Water 70 or more grams of Protein Limit bread, Pasta, rice and sweets Plenty of good carbs like veggies and fruits Moving my body as much as I can Eating slow and being mindful of when I am truly full No drinking with your meals Limiting calories in beverages to 0 Tracking everything I eat and drink in an app like Myfitnesspal Tracking my progress Setting mini goals that get me back to where I need to be If you do these things, you will get right back to where you were. Best of luck and leverage us. I know that I learn from other people's experiences! Would love to know how your are doing Along the way. Deb
  15. Djmohr

    Pain in stomach

    Please take care and keep us posted. If you need anything or have questions you can message me directly if you want, just click on my picture and compose a message. Please take care of yourself!
  16. Just keep sipping approved liquids and get up and walk as much as you can. It is the gas they used that causes most of the pain. Honestly the only thing that gets rid of the gas is moving it through your system. That pain get even worse when your bowels start working so walking is best. The pain killers will make you so sleepy which keeps you from hydrating and walking as much as you can. Try using a heating pad on your belly which helps provide comfort and also gas x tablets help with your bowel gas pain. The first couple of day are the roughest but I promise that pain goes away the more you move around. I know that sounds crazy but having 6 abdominal surgeries have taught me that. Honestly you heal much faster from a laparoscopic surgery but I swear that damn gas they pump in you makes it worse than an open surgery. My gallbladder was an open surgery and I had a lot more surgical pain but did not have the gas pain that RNY brought. Walk walk walk, sip sip sip and be good to your body. Take care
  17. @@VSGAnn2014 Well said! Congratulations on your getting to goal and maintaining it. How did you do it? Oh, that's right YOU FOLLOWED THE PLAN!!!! I say, let them eat cake or bacon in this case.....LOL
  18. I was what I would describe as a slower loser because of my inability to exercise as aggressively as I would like. It took me a full 18 months to get to my ideal weight. The last 20lbs were brutal and took really hard work and focus on my part to make that happen again because I was not allowed to exercise like I would like to. I lost 151lbs over all. I weight 159 now so almost 1/2 of my body weight. At the one year mark I had lost about 115. I also had a 28 day stall at the 7 month mark and as you know this is quite common. Personally I refrained completely from setting any time limits on my loss. I simply kept mini goals along the way and celebrated with new clothing or something nice to keep me motivated. I never ever used food as a motivator either. I am the type of person that knows if I put a time limit to something and don't hit it, it can be demotivating. Your are doing fantastic! Slow and steady really does win the race and definately builds much better long term habits. Best of luck to you!
  19. Djmohr

    Pain in stomach

    I would say if you are really in a lot of pain give your a surgeon a call back quickly and let them know you are going to head into the ER. At least you can get peace of mind or if something is going on, you get it taken care of. It is VERY important that your surgical team know that you are headed there because my experience is that the ER doesn't always know what to look for with us. They cover the basics. This way your surgeon can guide them. Hope you feel better soon.
  20. This site is here to help people through this really tough transition. It is frustrating when posters get upset because people give them the straight skinny on the things that can happen. The reality is we all need to be kicked in the butt when we don't follow the plan or when we simply disregard what our nuts or doctors tell us to do. Honestly there may a reason why her doctor and nut both have her on a month long liquid diet following this surgery. If anything she should get a second opinion but no one should be telling her to disregard her surgeons instructions without having an MD and her complete medical history. So much can go wrong when you have part of your stomach removed or rerouted and without understanding her MDs reason for putting her on a liquid diet, no one has any business telling her to do anything else besides to follow up and challenge her doctor or look for a 2nd opinion. Incidentally if I were her doctor I would have told her the same thing. Maybe there is a history of her not following instructions that caused problems to begin with. WE DONT KNOW! There are many experienced people on this board that are frustrated with the fact that people come on here and expect To get permission for something they themselves know is bad. I am NOT scolding @sisi829, my words are pointed directly at those that give her permission to go off plan without understanding the other side of the story. WE ARE NOT MD's and for the new folks just beginning this journey, many of us have experienced bad stuff that can happen. What's worse is WLS is already looked upon negatively and every single person who has it and doesn't follow the rules may likely be unsuccessful down the road adding to that negativity. For me, Losing 1/2 my body weight literally gave me my life back! Got rid of life threatening illnesses and literally saved me! That being said, I am a rule follower and believe that you will be more successful if you do what you are told. To have WLS seen as a negative because people choose to ignore the important instructions that help them to be successful is absolutely MORONIC! I am prepared and just in the mood for the backlash my post brings.....bring it on!
  21. @@James Marusek That is very interesting and I am glad to hear that starting with a lot of research and reading is the way to go because that is what I am doing at this point. I am also glad to hear that being a bypassed, you have not had any ill effects which was my biggest worry.
  22. Djmohr

    My work here is done

    @@Kindle I hope that you have a change of heart and at least hang out in the veterans forum. I understand how frustrating this is and myself dropped off for about 8 weeks just to regroup. The reality is there are stupid people who clearly are looking for a magical bullet and don't want to do the work. In the end, they will be one of those that do not succeed and that will be their own doing. It's certainly sad that they will add to the idiots who end up making WLS so scary to those that need it. I hope you will stay with us and wanted to tell you that I have really appreciated the advice and your straightforward approach!
  23. Djmohr

    In a bad depression slump...

    Hi there! I am sorry you are feeling so bad. The most important thing is to get your depression under control and to work with a physiatrist or therapist that is familiar with WLS. They need to understand the malabsorption issues that comes with RNY. It takes time to get this right so be good to yourself during this time. It takes time also to get to the point where food no longer becomes the center of everything that we do. At first we all miss that food was the center of our world but as you progress, you find other things that help you through. This is easier said than done especially for someone who suffers from depression. I have had very mild bouts of depression over the last few years mostly caused by medications to control my physical pain. I have to work really hard at staying positive and that is not always easy but I know when I do, I feel better about the food thing. This is just what has worked for me but following the food plan and ensuring I get a good balanced diet that does include good carbs really helps me. I am not sure where you are at with the original food plan given to you but it might help to dust off your instructions and see if you really are on top of it. If you are on top of that then great, if not you might try that. If more weight comes off, you might start to see a higher momentum that will drive you to a more positive state. Take lots of warm baths and be good to yourself but the first thing is get to a therapist who understands WLS patients. Hugs.....
  24. Djmohr

    Identity crisis?

    I think what you are feeling is normal and we all go through it whether you are 30 or 50. Once we start losing the weight, we feel younger and certainly more vibrant. I do think people that we knew tend to act differently especially after seeing you for the first time after such a significant weight loss. I don't believe it is me changing as much as they are not sure how to act around us. I spoke to a friend last night for 2 hours. We have not seen each other in about 15 months. When she saw my new pic on Facebook, she said she could not even comprehend that it was me. Apparently my thin face no longer looks the same. As we talked and talked, she said Deb, you are still the same you and I miss you so much! I said I only shed another whole me but my personality is still the same, I promise. So many times people that once knew us as a heavy person who hid behind dark clothing and tried to stay inconspicuous think that deep down everything has changed. Well, in mycase that is just not true. I might be more confident in the way I look and I might show up in vibrant colors but I am still in here. I think it all just takes a lot of time and some women that were not your friends are now find you as their competition. We are simply not used to that feeling.
  25. @@James Marusek Thanks so much for your response! How did you get comfortable mixing them? There are so many to choose from and I think I will try a few to deal with my symptoms for now just to see if I get some relief. I am curious how people such as yourself learned so much that they are confident mixing. My friend does the same thing. If they work for me, I will definately take the time to learn and get good at it. Thanks again!

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