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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Djmohr

  1. Djmohr

    Low Blood Sugar 3 times this week

    I am a bit worried about this myself. I was a type 2 diabetic prior to surgery. I have been testing only once per day at this point which is a fasting glucose. I started out in the low 70's and this past week I am now in the 60's. I guess I should read up on this because I have had the feeling several times that my sugar is getting too low.
  2. Way to go! Keep up the great work!
  3. For me it is nuts! I love them, they are decent protein but i find myself eating them more than I should. My favorite right now are unshelled pistachios.
  4. The good news is I am Italian and had a very thick head of hair. Now it is pretty but thin.
  5. I am with everyone else. I am the cook in the family and my husband eats what I eat for the most part. I sometimes with cook potatoes or rice with our Protein and veggies. I usually will stay completely away from the starch although sometimes I try one fork full. I stay away from Pasta all together because it is one of my triggers. I also do not make sweets, neither of us need these in our house. I then use a vacuum seal system to package leftovers in me size portions and freeze them so I can have a quick lunch or dinner another time.
  6. Hi There and welcome! I was previously on Toprimate for years and it does make you a bit tired. Also, I personally did not see any change in weight loss on that medication. Honestly the thing that works the best for weight loss is moving to a higher Protein low carb diet. how much do you have to lose before you get a surgery date? You might consider going on the liquid Protein diet which can help you lose weight rapidly. It all depends on how much you have to lose and how fast you have to lose it. Good luck and keep us posted.
  7. My new stomach always makes funny noises. It is not painful or uncomfortable but when I eat or drink you can sometimes hear it rumbling. It took some getting used and it has become much more mild. It does not happen all of the time.
  8. I am 4 months post op and it is still coming out. I started losing around 3 months as well. According to my Bariatric team it should hopefully stop soon. The good news is it is just thinning, there are no bald spots. I started taking biotin about 3 weeks ago. Biotin will help with regrowth but it will not stop the dead hairs from shedding.
  9. Djmohr


    Don't be so hard on yourself! We all have tried something that we probably shouldn't have. I know I certainly have. Just get back on the plan and move forward. The good news is you recognize that eating pizza should not be the norm. P.S. I make a fabulous homemade pizza that my family loves. I have tried a tiny little piece and it no longer tastes the same for me thankfully! Homemade pizza was one of my favorites.
  10. Djmohr

    2 Days Post Op

    Congratulations, you are well on your way to a whole new life! Keep us posted on your progress or feel to reach out if you have questions.
  11. Hi there. The most important thing for you to realize is that WLS of any kind is NOT a miracle cure that is suddenly going to make you stop eating crap. I had mine in September, so far I can pretty much eat anything I want. I have not had one episode of dumping yet. Also you can over eat by simply eating throughout the day. Every 30 minutes or so your stomach empties and you can fill it up again. The reality is it is a tool that can help you in your weight loss journey. You have to be in control of what you put in your mouth and the amount of exercise you get daily as well. It is very hard work to lose weight even post WLS. Taking off the weight is not the big issue, maintaining is. This tool simply sets you up for success you still have to make very good decisions to lose the weight and ultimately keep it off. I just wanted to share with you my opinion of reality. I hope this makes sense.
  12. Djmohr

    Weight stall

    Congratulations on your fabulous progress! 50lbs is fantastic! Stalls are pretty darn common and as long as you are following the plan, your stall will break. Everyone hates a stall but there will be many more I am sad to say. My longest lasted almost a month, my shortest about 10 days. I am typically a daily weigher although when I am in a stall I have to remind myself not to get frustrated. Just keep moving forward with your diet and exercise and the stall will break. I would also consider that you are working out a lot which is great but what might be happening is that you are building muscle which weighs more than fat. You might even notice that even though the scale is not moving your clothes might be getting loser. I would guess that you are losing inches. Hang in there!
  13. Djmohr

    Hello from Christopher

    @@cbp0229, welcome and congratulations on your new start!
  14. Djmohr

    Need Protein Help!

    By the way, when you mix it with milk you are trying to get to 8 oz.
  15. Djmohr

    Need Protein Help!

    @@SueWVA, I had major problems at first with Protein shakes. I would describe the feeling the same as you. I called my doctors office and they told me to go get Premier Protein Shakes from costco or SAMs. In addition they had me move to a lactose free milk. They told me to take 1/3 to 1/2 of the Protein shake which is 11 oz. and mix it with the lactose free milk. As soon as I started doing this I was able to get my protein shakes down and was satisfied and most important comfortable. At about 6 weeks I was able to drink a whole shake without milking it down. This might be a solution for you. Good luck!
  16. Djmohr

    Sick ????????????

    Hmmm. Do you think it might be the flu?
  17. Djmohr

    And So It Begins

    You are off and running! The more I learned the more excited I got! Good luck and reach out if you need anything or have questions.
  18. Hang in there! For me the puréed stage was absolutely the worst. No matter what I pureed I hated it. I ended up living on regular yogurt, Protein shakes, cottage cheese (I did not purée it I simply made sure I chewed it until it was pureed in my mouth), chicken broth, carrots that I pureed. I had a very hard time meeting protein goals until I found Premier Protein chocolate flavored. I drank 2 a day giving me 60g of protein. I was so happy to move past that phase but it does take time and trial and error to figure things out. I promise it will absolutely get better! You just have to give your tummy time to heal. The only way to do that is to get plenty of protein and Water. Good luck!
  19. Djmohr


    Congratulations on your great accomplishment! I cannot wait until I can say that as well.
  20. Djmohr

    I've gained and it's my fault.

    @@Lebim, thanks for sharing your story. I too believe if you completely remove carbs from your diet, long term you might struggle. Having been on Atkins so many times in my life, I know that I have to be careful. To your point it is about once in a while and not every day every meal. And of course focus on good carbs. The best thing to do is track your food so you know exactly what you are putting in your body and can manage it a bit better. I wish you all the best in getting back on track. The good news is you have not given up. You can do this!
  21. Djmohr

    Surgery this friday

    I know this is easier said than done but try to focus on the excited piece. All of you have worked long and hard just to get to this point, try not to worry about the things that could happen because they really are more rare than you think. Focus on what it is going to be like when you start achieving your goals. It is such an exciting time and the surgery will be over before you know it. I have learned that staying positive actually helps in healing. I have had a lot of surgeries in my life. When you let the fear or frustration get to you, it takes much longer to heal.We all have a lot of work to do to shed these pounds and ultimately the hardest work will be keeping it off in the maintain phase. The surgery was a piece of cake for me personally and I have enjoyed every minute of this journey. I only wish I would have head to that operating room years ago! Good luck and well wishes for a successful surgery and speedy recovery for all of you that are about to have surgery in the coming days!
  22. Djmohr

    So frustrated

    I had the same problem which ended up pushing my surgery out a month longer than it needed to be. They held me up because the person responsible for submitting forms to insurance was on vacation and did not submit them like she was supposed to. When things seemed to drag on for a couple of weeks I got tired of waiting so I ended up calling them and explaining that my I was moving states and needed to get this surgery scheduled. As soon as I helped them understand my situation, I received a call from the scheduler stating the insurance company had just gotten back to them (within 24 hours) with an approval and she scheduled a date within 24 hours of that. I was very patient and very kind to them throughout the process knowing I would get more with a bit of sugar. It worked for me..... Had I not called to check in, my surgery likely would have been pushed out another month. My process took almost 9 months before I was in the operating room.
  23. Djmohr

    Am I swallowing wrong?

    I remember having this problem in the first couple of weeks as well. Those darn burps can really be uncomfortable. It does have everything to do with swallowing air. Mine definately got better over time.' Good luck!
  24. @@bellabloom, I am so sorry to hear you are having more complications! I hope you get well soon and stop getting the run around from your doctor. It is important that you have confidence in their ability and it is not sounding like this is the case. I will say a prayer for you! Keep us posted.
  25. I still struggle with this. I find I am eating too fast all the time but don't notice it until something gets stuck. I am waiting for the day I really do a number on myself. I try hard to pay attention to what I am doing but I hate when my food gets cold and I still eat so little that it simply goes down too fast. I guess the answer is practice, practice, practice!

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