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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Djmohr

  1. Djmohr

    Pre op diet

    You are almost to the finish line! You will be able to eat hot wings again once you are back on regular food so it won't be the last time. I just bake mine until crispy and then use Louisiana hot sauce. It is one of my favorite things to eat. I pull the meat off the bones and skip the skin. You can get to the end if you made it this far without cheating.
  2. Djmohr

    Blood pressure drops

    Yup, my blood pressure has been running very low for me. 110/56 Unfortunately I take a very low dose of propanalol to prevent migraines. As soon as I stop that med my migraines come back with a vengeance. I have tried other preventatives and this one seems to help the most. Thankfully I have not felt so dizzy that I fall or pass out, I simply get dizzy and then it passes.
  3. Djmohr

    17 days post op with complications

    Honestly no. Keep pushing on your surgeon. The only thing I could think of that might give u the dizzys, bed spins and headache is dehydration. Are you getting 64oz. Of liquid in at this point? I would definately keep calling if you are getting your fluids in. The left side pain is pretty standard. Good luck, I hope you feel better soon.
  4. Djmohr

    Can I be alone?!?

    Honestly I would have been fine home alone. In fact my second day home my husband had to leave out of town for a day. Everyone is different and I have had some pretty big surgeries so this one was a piece of cake for me. I was home by Thursday and off pain meds by Friday. The big pain comes from that gas they put in your tummy. Pain meds don't help, only walking, heating pad and lots of sipping water seem to help. Oh and gas x helps too!
  5. Djmohr

    Pre op vitamins

    They did not start me on vitamins until one month post op.
  6. Djmohr

    starting to freak out

    Don't freak out. You sound like you are very well prepared. You might take some big deep breaths and try to relax now. Your surgery is going to go great because you are so well prepared. They will give you good instructions when you leave the hospital and everything should be good for you. Nice work. Take a nice hot bath and try to relax. Good luck, warm thoughts coming your way for a speedy recovery.
  7. Djmohr

    February 16th was my RNY

    Congratulations! I have been told by my nut that I must get in at least 75grams of protein daily. I try to stay between 75 and 90. I just cannot eat more than that.
  8. Djmohr

    Things they don't tell you

    LOL! I can honestly say the only one I was not told about was number 1! I would add that your new tummy makes a lot of noise when eating or drinking. Other people sitting close to you can sometimes hear it.
  9. I am just 5 months post op and I have lost 82 so far. I have another 60 to go. It does slow down after the first couple months but I have been losing on average 3 lbs per week. I can live with that.
  10. Djmohr

    help please lol

    Have you tried premier protein? You can get it at SAMs or Costco. Chocolate is the best flavor in my opinion. I did not get that recommendation until 2 weeks after my surgery. I wish I would have had them during the pre op diet, it might not have been so hard.
  11. Djmohr


    I suffer from migraines. Ugh! I would get them every single day prior to surgery. As soon as I went on the liquid Protein diet my migraines stopped and remained that way for the first 6 weeks post surgery. We stopped my preventative meds at that point. I was taking Topomax and Propanalol daily. We started by reducing propanalol until I was taking none. Then waited a week and reduced the Topomax until I was taking none. I then started getting migraines again about every 3 days or so, sometimes even closer together. I had about 3 weeks where I had a migraine almost every day. I went back on Propanalol, just a very small dose nightly. That seems to have reduced my headaches and I maybe get one once per week now. I have DHE injectable for when that happens and it definately works. I just give myself a shot and 30 minutes later it is gone. My neurologist is hoping they will go completely away after menopause which I am right smack in the middle of.
  12. Can you have some chicken broth, sf Popsicles, sf Jello as well? Most liquid diets you can. I remember being very hungry and so sick of the sweet from the Protein drinks that I needed something else. I called my surgeons office and asked for advice on something a little savory. They recommended that I get mrs. Grass chicken noodle Soup but strain out the noodles. It tasted like heaven and helped me survive all those sweet Protein Drinks. I lived off the protein and chicken broth for the remainder of those 10 days. To me the prep diet was one of the hardest stages but I took it one day at a time. i tried hard not to think of how many more days I had. Once I got past day 4 it got much easier. Keep your eye on the prize and you will do great!
  13. Djmohr

    How to survive

    The best advice I can give you is to take it one day at a time. Shrinking your liver is very very important to a successful outcome. If they get in there and cannot get past your liver 1 of 2 things will happen. They will either execute an open bypass surgery or they can cancel it. Not to be mean but the reality is you have to stop the 3 things you mention above anyway to be successful. Carbonation of any kind post surgery can and will stretch your pouch. C02 is the same gas they use to expand your abdominal cavity to do the surgery. It is best to stop that now, you have enough to worry about post surgery. Sandwiches go away too because of the bread, you will find other ways to get your sandwich in. Things like using vegetables instead of bread, like lettuce. Lastly snacking on chips/crackers will undo your progress. You will find the ability to snack but it will be Protein based. If you are truly ready to go through weight loss surgery, you will have to make lifestyle changes that your nut is asking you to make. It is in your best interest. The good news is after surgery, you will not be as hungry and that will give you time to get used to eating right. You crave what you eat, so if you eat protein and vegetables you will crave it. If you eat a lot of carbs you will crave them. Carbs move through your system faster making you hungrier. Proteins keep you satisfied longer. I know you can do this if you are committed to getting healthier. Good luck!
  14. Djmohr

    How many calories?

    Hi there. Honestly my nutritionist told me not to worry about calories at all. Focus on Protein. I do however use my fitness pal to track my foods so I happen to know how my calories have tracked over time. In the first 8/10 weeks I was consuming around 500 calories a day. Then my body went into starvation mode and I stalled for about 3 weeks. I was told I needed to get more protein in and reduce the time I was exercising. Now I typically eat 1000 or slightly less calories a day. The important thing is to stick to the allowable diet and you will make progress. Good luck!
  15. Djmohr


    Hi there! I had planned on having sleeve and was switched to bypass after learning that the sleeve could make my reflux worse. I am so happy I had bypass. All of my co-morbitiies are gone now. I am off medications with the exception of hypo thyroid replacement. I feel fantastic! It is hard work and a new way of life. I think both surgeries require a lot of lifestyle change. The most important thing you can do for yourself is feel very comfortable before you go in. You must have a positive attitude in WLS or you will struggle to make the necessary changes. Good luck on your upcoming surgery!
  16. Djmohr

    Which surgery?

    @@JacksdadShane, I would suggest meeting with your bariatric team and go over your health issues. The reason I say this is you may get your heart set on one surgery only to find out another will actually solve your issues better. For example, if you suffer from reflux/Gerd, the sleeve can make this problem worse where as RNY can cure it. It is so important to take your personal health issues into consideration with your surgical team before deciding. Also I would not get overly concerned about the rerouting issues that everyone talks about or in the case of sleeve where they remove part of your stomach. They have these surgeries pretty well figured out by now. That is one of thee reasons you see less bands being performed. I have seen quite a few bands have to be revised to bypass or sleeve on this site. Keep doing your research because it is important that you are fully informed and comfortable with your decision. I had planned to do the sleeve and after research on line and meeting with 3 different doctors I was switched to bypass and have not ever regretted it. I wish I would have done it 20 years ago. Good luck on your decision and certainly keep us posted.
  17. @@tattooedmum72, you definately need to talk with your surgeon. Here's the thing, the sleeve can make reflux even worse. Most patients that suffer from reflux or Gerd are moved over to RNY for that very reason. RNY gastric bypass can resolve all of those things you listed. I was dead set on going with the sleeve and after I was told by the bariatric team that the best surgery for me was bypass because of this issue I was initially devastated. I met with my gastroenterologist and he confirmed that I would be making a mistake and would possibly be looking at a revision to bypass down the road. I had my RNY completed on sept. 29. I left the hospital with no medication for diabetes. Within 30 days I was removed from nexium, cholesterol drugs and high blood pressure drugs. I have never regretted making the decision to bypass. I only wish I would have done it a lot sooner. There is a reason RNY is the gold standard. Please do all your research so you only have to go through this once. There is a ton of it on this site and of course leverage your bariatric center, if in the end the only option is sleeve because of your scar tissue issue, then make sure your surgeon has a solid plan to address the reflux issue before moving forward. Good luck to you, I hope all goes well. Regardless of what you choose it is absolutely positively worth it!
  18. Djmohr


    Someone else said this on an earlier post. You might be comfortable now and think your proportions are right for your height. I know because in my early 20s is when I really started to pack on the lbs. what you don't realize is that as you age comorbities become a big factor in how you feel. It absolutely will catch up with you and do damage. Some of that damage can be reversed and some cannot. The older you get, the harder it becomes to lose. Pretty soon all your labs start coming back poor and before you know it you are in trouble. I wonder if fear of surgery and fear of how your life will change is what is causing you to question yourself. I would make one recommendation to you and that is you MUST be ready to make these changes or they won't work. I would suggest talking with a bariatric phsycologist, they may be able to help you work through this. When u go to your first consultation, I might suggest asking for the name of the psychologist so you can begin discussions now. You personally must be ready and you should do this for yourself not anyone else. Good luck and keep us posted.
  19. Djmohr

    Best scale

    When I had my surgery my husband went on Jenni Craig. They sold a scale there and I love it mostly because it is very accurate and matches what my doctors scale says.
  20. @@shmily, you look fantastic! Great job. I hope I am as successful as you have been. Congratulations!
  21. Djmohr

    Warming Up to Water Exercise

    This was a great video. I love water exercise, my joints don't hurt in the water. In terms of putting on swim gear, that is always embarrassing but I am getting pAst it the more weight I lose. I also figure none of these people know me so who cares, right!
  22. My first consult was in December 2013 and I finally had surgery sept. 20th. Exactly nine months almost to the day.
  23. Djmohr

    Starting to Panic!

    Try taking some airborne, it might help keep the worst of it away. So sorry this happened but you definately don't want to have major surgery when you have a cold especially if it effects your respitory system like most colds do. Hang in there and let's hope it goes away fast!
  24. Djmohr

    Appeal finally filed!

    @@Kiki1313, thank you so much for the kind words. i have learned so much from all of the folks on this site. I like to give back! If there is one thing needed for success after WLS it is a positive attitude and a lot of encouragement from your family and friends. I think to think the folks on here are like family and they all certainly understand what we are going through.
  25. What causes these ulcers and is there anything that can be done to reduce your chances of getting them? My doctor removed me from all reflux meds after the first month and I seem to be doing fine. I would prefer not to take medications. I am more or less wondering if there are foods I should stay away from. Any thoughts?

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