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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Djmohr

  1. Djmohr

    Weaning off CPAP

    I have been on the lowest possible setting for 12 months now. On occasion I will fall lasses on the couch or bed for a couple hours and not put it on. My husband tells me (very excitedly I might add) that I no longer snore even without the machine. I was wondering how one simply stops using it, I slept with it religiously since the day I got it. I am tempted to simply stop using it and see what happens. I too hate sleep studies and in fact have never actually slept in one. I simply dose once in a while.
  2. This is really so true! Thanks for sharing!
  3. @@losing_the_band, WOW! I would report them to your insurance company.
  4. Djmohr

    Newbie and it's great!

    Welcome & congratulations! It sounds like you are over the recovery hump and well on your way.
  5. @@recordsmom, I am so sorry to hear you have a delay in your surgery. It is good news that they found this issue now though. I hope all goes well with your cath and things get back on track for you. Once you get through this and then have your WLS, your diet will change and hopefully keep you from having further heart issues. I will say a prayer that everything goes well and you get to move on with your surgery. Keep us posted!
  6. Djmohr

    Newbie here

    Welcome and good luck to you! When you start your liquid diet keep your eye on the prize. The first 3 days are the worst, on the 4th you get used to it. Just take it one day at a time. If you need anything or have questions feel free to reach out. Get ready to enjoy the rest of your life!
  7. I would call your insurance company and ask them for a bariatric center of excellence. My insurance would not cover it unless I went to one. I had an absolutely fantastic experience with mine. This might help you get a better outcome. I am so sorry you are going through this. In member feeling very emotional and any small thing that delayed me would get me so upset because I was so ready to do this! I was excited for surgey, you certainly don't want to be dealing with incompetence. And you want excellent follow up post surgery. Good luck to you, I really hope you find a doctor you are comfortable with soon.
  8. I remember being so stressed out because they give you a list of what you are supposed to eat and drink every hour there was something. I simply could not do it, my new tummy was swollen. I would get do full after just a few bites. When I had my check in, they told me even though I was not able to get it all in, that it was normal and I was doing great. At about 8 weeks I was finally able to truly get in 1/4 to 1/2 cup of food at one sitting. I promise it will get better in the coming weeks. Just make sure you are staying hydrated and you make what you are eating Protein rich. Those vegetables will get in there down the road a little. Good luck, you are doing fantastic!
  9. Djmohr

    Weight Lost!

    @@cmblackmon35, congratulations on your loss so far, you are really doing great! I would be very careful about putting a goal out there like losing 25 lbs per month. The reality is you are likely not going to lose that much per month after the first month. It slows down after you get back on regular foods. I have been losing on average 2 lbs per week and that means some weeks I will lose absolutely nothing and other weeks I will lose 5 lbs. If you put that much pressure on yourself you might find yourself really dissappointed which can be demotivating. I think I have seen other revision folks on here as well and they have said with revision, you sometimes lose at a slower rate. I would follow the plan and enjoy life a bit, if you do that the weight loss will simply happen for you. You really are doing fantastic!
  10. Djmohr

    Sugary Drink Pictures

    And this is why the only thing I drink is water! Besides having that little bit of actual fruit once in a while tastes so much better than a glass of juice.
  11. Djmohr

    11 weeks 48 lbs gone

    You look positively fantastic! Great job getting to this point and welcome!
  12. Djmohr

    Thyroid vs weight stall

    I would definately go back to the endocrinologist and make them double check. That is an awful big drop in your dose. I have had hypothyroidism since I was in my early 20s. After dropping my first 30lbs I had to go from 150 to 137. I just had it rechecked last week to rule out if I was still getting too much because I am losing a lot of hair. We confirmed twice now that my dose is right. My endocrinologist is checking me about every 8 weeks now.
  13. Djmohr

    Too much weight loss

    @@eal098, hi there! I believe you would be very thin given your height. I am wondering how many grams of Protein you are getting in now? Getting 85 should not be hard. I use Premier Protein ready made shakes which have 30grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar each. I drink one right when I get up in the am. I then eat yogurt with high protein granola for Breakfast a couple hours later. I then make sure I have protein & good carbs (vegetables or a little fruit) for lunch and dinner. If I snack I choose protein Snacks such as: cheese, nuts, beef jerkey or lunch meat. If I find myself short on protein ( I use fitness pal to track) I will then grab a second protein shake later in the evening. I would definately track your food if you are not already doing that. Good luck gaining a bit of weight! (That sounds very strange saying too!)
  14. Djmohr

    Gas pain!

    Walking is absolutely critical to move that gas out of your tummy. When lying down use a heating pad, it really helps. Als gas x chewables or strips will do you a lot of good. Like someone else said, try to back off pain meds, the do not help the gas pain and they make you very sleepy. This is your first big hurdle, you have to push yourself hard. Last but not least, you must sip sip sip all day long to stay hydrated. That can also cause you to feel sleepy, lightheaded and nauseous. Good luck to you!
  15. Djmohr

    Very confused!

    I had RNY and can eat anything I want without getting sick. Just because I can doesn't mean I should. I would not worry about whether or not they actually performed the bypass however I would call your surgeon to find out what is going on with the reflux. I had one of the most severe cases my enterologist has seen and I am now post op almost 6 months. I have not had one incident where I have reflux. It cured for me and I take no medication to prevent it either. I would definately ask what the heck is going on with that situation. I am guessing you had the revision because of the reflux.
  16. Yes. I definately have periods where my body rests in between losing. The longest was 3 weeks. If you stay the course and follow the plan your body will start releasing weight again. Also I think the closer we get to a good weight the more things simply slow down. At least that is what I hear others saying. The key is to stay on the plan and follow the rules, if we do that I am certain the scale will start to move. I just finished a 10 day stall and in the last couple days the scale has started to move. Good luck!
  17. Djmohr

    Food Tastes

    Yes, my tastes for a lot of foods have changed. For me this is good news as I eat to live now instead of live to eat. I have noticed as time has gone on that some of the foods I had in the first couple of months now taste good to me but it is a small list. It seems all the things that are bad for me, taste bad. I believe it has a lot to do with what you eat most of. When I am hungry or need to eat, I look forward to fish, chicken, turkey, beef and vegetables and some fruits. I used to hate yogurt now I love it and eat it for Breakfast almost every day. I love cheese and lunch meat. I don't eat bread, Pasta or sweets. I just don't like how they taste. I will eat a forkful of rice or potatoes once or twice a week but mostly I cooks a Protein and vegetables for my meals and that is always what I look forward to. When I am with others and they want to go out to eat, I cringe. I hate fast food now. It feels like wasted calories that I don't need. For some reason my tummy does not tolerate too much lettuce so salads are not something I can eat. Anyway, tastes keep changing and I do think it gets better over time.
  18. Djmohr

    Yay! Gastric bypass?

    I went through the six month monitored program before I had my RNY in sept. My six months actually went 9 total months due to the calendar of the surgeon, phsycologist and the time needed to get the clinic to file paperwork. I could hardly wait to get through it and move on with my life. RNY has been one of the best things I have ever done in my life, I now eat to live instead of live to eat. I had diabetes type 2, severe acid reflux/Gerd, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, sleep apnea and stage 3 kidney disease when I started. All of these issues have been resolved. Many of them in the first 3 months post op. I can eat what I want, I have not had any dumping syndrome. I eat healthy because healthy food is what my body is asking for.you crave what you eat. I used to be a sugaholic. Now, I don't like the taste of things that are too sweet. I had the bypass because of the severe reflux. I was told the band and sleeve could make that problem much worse and then I would be looking at a revision to RNY anyway. I have never regretted having this surgery. Not for one second. I only wish I had it done 15 years ago. Good luck to you!
  19. Honestly I use premier protein chocolate before a work out. It has 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar. I drink it 30 minutes before I work out and that allows me to drink water while working out. Then after my workout I will usually have a yogurt for breakfast with high protein granola on it. This system has given me energy for my workout and then replenishes my protein following my workout. It seems like it works pretty good.
  20. Here is the thing, your tastes change so much after surgery. I do not enjoy anything that has a sweet flavor at all. Unless it is natural like in fruit or vegetables. I like that a sweet potato needs nothing but a little bit of salt for me. I only eat a small spoonful or two about once a week but man are they good! Fruit tastes good to me too. Artificial sweetners, sugar, honey, agave, etc. I just don't like how they taste which I guess is great news.
  21. Djmohr

    Diet soda

    Glad to hear you are feeling a little better today. The most important thing you can do for yourself at this stage is get your fluids in. If you don't, you will be back in the hospital. Fluid, Protein, Vitamins and exercise(walking) are the most important things in your new life.
  22. I never use the app. I always use the website instead. Although I still have the problem of the page reloading while I am writing a post. That can be very frustrating.
  23. Djmohr

    Show me some GREEN!

    Good for you! Congratulations!,
  24. I have found that the same thing happens to me. I like to work out in the mornings for an hour everyday. I started having a Protein shake 30 minutes before my work out which then allowed me to drink Water during my workout. After my workout. Usually will have a yogurt with protein rich granola. Ever since I started doing that, I feel more energy following my workout. Good luck!
  25. It also depends on what other health issues you have. If you suffer from reflux or Gerd the best solution is RNY as it cures that problem. If you don't, then the sleeve may be a better option. I cannot speak for the lapband other that I see a lot of lapband patients who end up getting revised to RNY or sleeve down the road for various reasons. You should definately spend some time doing research and understanding how your health issues may steer you toward one solution over another. If your clinic has a seminar you can take I would take it. They will go over how each surgery is performed and the pros and cons of each. For me personally I had my heart set on the sleeve only to find out my Gerd/ are flux qcould become worse with both the sleeve and lapband. I went for 2 more opinions before deciding what to do. Once I made that decision I knew it was the right one, felt comfortable and never looked back. I had RNY. All my co morbitiies (diabetes type 2, high blood pressure, reflux/Gerd, high cholesterol, and most recently stage 3 kidney disease) have been resolved. Also I can eat what I want with no dumping syndrome. I choose to eat very healthy because that is the food that actually tastes best to me now. I wish you the best of luck. Please make sure you take the time to understand what might work best for you given your current health issues

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