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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Djmohr

  1. Djmohr

    9 days post op

    You are going to have to make yourself get up and going. Also if you are not getting enough water it can make you feel very lethargic.
  2. Djmohr

    Hair Loss

    I am 6 months post op and I have been losing hair since the very beginning. At first it was thyroid related. ( too much Synthroid given my weight loss). I have been told that it should stop at 6 months. I am there and it continues to fall out at a fast rate every single day. I have lost 2/3 of my hair volume. The good news is I am Italian and had very very thick hair. I have been taking biotin for my months, it does help with regrowth as I see short hairs coming in, I am just losing at a much faster rate it seems. I am ready for it to stop falling out now that I am at six months. Hope it happens soon or I start to freak out a little. I expected it up to this point so I have dealt with it.
  3. I totally agree with your approach. If he is anything like me, I would have been offended if someone that I don't know came up to me and started discussing weight loss options. If you don't know their state of mind at the current time it can make things worse. I had to be absolutely ready for that discussion to go well. For me it was my nephrologist who asked me what my thoughts were right after I was diagnosed with stage 3 kidney disease. I was completely ready and had wished some of my others doctors had recommended it. Now, I will say that I was peeved that my other doctors did not mention it because I had been sick with comorbities for years and I was in fact ready for a long long time. I like the suggestion of talking to him about other things and if he mentions that you look great, share your story. If he is interested, he will ask more. Good luck!
  4. The pureed stage for me was not a good one because of the texture issue. I ended up ruining eggs for me probably forever. I used to love them but I pureed them to make a little egg salad during that phase. I ended up getting sick from the texture and smell. I am now 6 months post op and have tried eggs many different ways and I cannot get past it. Ugh! For me, I ended up living on cottage cheese, yogurt and Protein shakes during that phase. I wish I could share better news. I did try pureeing all kinds of things like chicken, turkey, beef and using different sauces but could not get past the texture. Good luck to you!
  5. Djmohr

    Help liquid diet

    Seriously, good chicken broth was the thing that helped me through this phase and I drank a lot of it. It gets rid of that crappy sweet taste from the protein shakes and fills your tummy. You also have to find things to take your mind off it. Take one day at a time and keep your eye on the prize. Everything you are going through is totally worth it in the end. Best of luck to all of you on the pre op diet!
  6. Djmohr

    Mother F***** ONEderland!

    Congratulations! I am green with envy. I have 23 lbs to go to get to Onederland.
  7. Djmohr

    Stuck at 250

    Absolutely log your food. It keeps you accountable to yourself. It is amazing how fast one can get off track even after a week of not logging. Also have you tried the 5 day pouch test? Google it, lots of folks that have been stuck that long are able to get kick started using this test. It basically puts you through the food stages and your body starts kicking into to weight loss mode again. If I ever get a stall that lasts as long as yours I plan to use that to pouch test to get me started again. Good luck to you!
  8. Djmohr

    Venting About Poor Forum Etiquette

    I read the whole darn thing! LOL I just had to add a quick note about the pink cursive font. UGH! I just don't bother reading those any longer. My eyes must be older than the rest of me because no matter how big I make that post, I can barely read them. As for the rest of this rant/debate, it is funny that people get so hung up on things that are not important.. The important thing is that we have a place to both give and get support when needed. Enough said....LOL!
  9. Sorry about the type errors, I was afraid the page was going to reload and erase my work. Ugh!
  10. I told my closest circle of friends and family in the beginning that I was going to do it before I had it done. Now, 88lbs down many people ask me and I openly disclose that I had WLS. I do this because I had so many comorbidities that are completely resolved and I want people to know that this surgery can literally save your life. I am proud of what I have accomplished. And I am more proud of our medical community that made it possible. I don't worry about those that talk behind my back, mostly because they are not worth it and I have a think skin. Everyone. Have told is super supportive!
  11. Djmohr


    Yeah! And so the real journey begins. It sounds like you are doing great so far. Good luck and keep us posted on your progress. Now the fun part begins!
  12. Djmohr

    Sleep flat? Post op

    I was in my bed on day 1 as well but could not sleep on my side for about 2 weeks. I would use pillows to make a ramp to keep my head elevated.
  13. Djmohr

    I hit my stall

    Here is the thing. Everyone hits the stall and it won't be the first one. The best thing you can do for yourself is not get so frustrated that you cry because it is going to happen more than once. If you follow the plan, you will begin losing again. If the scale upsets you so much you might want to stick to weighing in once a month. You will not notice the stalls when they happen. Your body simply needs a break and so it takes one. There are many many posts on this site about the 3 week stall, it might help to search and read through them or even do. Google search so you understand why it is happening. I promise you that if you follow the plan, you will start losing again. Do not let your stall derail you. You can do this!
  14. Djmohr


    That all depends on whether or not sweet things cause you to dump. I have yet to truly dump from too much sweet or fat. You just need to be prepared for what could happen. I would just try the tiniest bit if you really need it. If I have tea I drink it with a splash of skim milk. That's me...... Good luck!
  15. Djmohr

    Freaking out!

    Don't be terrified of the pain. sometimes you let your imagination get the best of you and that can derail you. I had gastric bypass surgery and when I first woke up in recovery I was uncomfortable with pain in my chest right below my ribs. Within moments a nurse gave me medication and I felt so much better. The worst pain is actually from the gas they use to do the surgery and that goes away the more you walk and drink Water. I was completely off all pain medication the day after I went home from the hospital. You will get through this. Stop freaking out about the pain and think about all the things you will be able to do after surgery. Things you probably cannot even imagine right now. Crossing your legs Fitting in airplane seats without an extender Dropping many sizes so fast that you actually enjoy trying on new clothes Getting good reports on your health when you go to the doctor Wanting to eat healthy foods vs. crap The list goes on and on...... Think about how great your life will become and focus on that instead. The best of luck to you for a speedy recovery!
  16. Djmohr

    Surgery date

    I know that feeling exactly! Congratulations and good luck on your upcoming surgery! It is such a good feeling when you get through the process and begin losing weight. I went into surgery as excited as you sound and every time I lose a pound I get just as excited. Best wishes for a speedy recovery and a whole new beginning!
  17. I do not think there is a single person who has gone through this surgery that does not end up with loose skin around their tummy. It all depends on your age, whether you have had children, how heavy you are to begin with and how much you choose to exercise during the weight loss phase whether or not you will be able to tighten this up some. I will tell you honestly that this was the least of my worries as I went into this surgery. I knew that would be the case but the trade off of good health was way more important. Now that I have lost quite a bit of weight, I have that issue as well as lots of loose skin in my arms, butt and legs. I exercise, am 52 and realize that I will probably have to have some plastics to improve those areas when my weight stabilizes. I am 100 percent ok with it and was going in to surgery. Good luck to you, I am guessing you too will find this is not the most important thing to be concerned about. I am guessing your weight has caused more serious issues and if not, it certainly will in the future.
  18. Djmohr

    Pre-op diet

    For me good quality chicken broth really helped me get through the liquid phase. The reality is you do get crabby, tired and I even got a little stupid(LOL). I swear my brain even got a little lethargic toward the end of my liquid diet. I was not allowed anything to eat besides the allowable liquids. Sf Jello was the only thing I was able to chew during that time and as you know it is not the most satisfying. You will get through it, take it one day at a time and before you know it your surgery day will be here.
  19. @@Hertsukfem31, I think many people answered this but I would just reaffirm that you are right, if you stuck to eating per the plan 3 meals a day with no Snacks the restriction from your surgery would probably help you to lose weight and maintain that weight. The reality is you can eat around your tool by grazing all day long and putting the wrong things in your new stomach. Logging your food helps you remain accountable to what you are eating and helps you to recognize when you have gone off plan. It is very easy to go off plan once you are healed, some of those habits creep back in. I don't measure everything, I have the most success when I eat 2 bites of Protein for every one bite of good carbs (fruits/vegetables). If I choose to have something in between I usually choose healthy protein heavy snacks. When I have gone off plan (usually vacation), I find myself either losing slower or even gain a pound for that week. It is very easy to get out of control if u let yourself. WLS is very hard work and clearly a lifelong commitment. Anyone that says it is easy and the weight falls off and remains off is full of it. Let them live a month in our shoes and they will get a taste of reality. Good luck to you on your journey, I am sure you will do great as you are still doing your homework!
  20. Djmohr

    Getting sick of this liquid only phase

    I have to say that it is all well worth in and before you know it it will be over. Then you get to enter the phase of trying foods one at a time and realizing your tastes have changed dramatically. I promise it will be over soon!
  21. Djmohr

    Hot Flashes and Nausea

    The hot flashes have been happening to me several times a day ever since surgery. I don't feel nauseous though. I thought maybe I was going through menopause.
  22. Djmohr

    Soreness help

    I would just give them a call just to be on the safe side. Have you been walking a lot or spending more time in bed? And getting enough fluids in? I do know your muscles can get very cramps if you are dehydrated. Not sure if this is the feeling you are getting. I did not experience that at all, it does not sound normal. I would definately give them a call and see what they tell you. Would you keep us posted? Please take care!
  23. Hi! Here is the other thing I will add to this thread. food choices definately matter. If you eat good Proteins and some good carbs which your brain needs, you will remain fuller for longer periods of time and will likely avoid too much snacking in between. My nut suggested 2 bites of Protein to 1 bite of good carbs. ( good carbs are vegetables and some fruit). The funny thing is, once you get used to this it is what you crave when you are hungry. For snacking I focus on cheese, nuts, beef jerkey and lunch meat. After speaking with my nut, she tells me excellent choices for snacking. I have tried whole grain breads, I no longer like bread of any kind. It just doesn't stay with you very long and then you are hungry again in no time. Every once in an hike I will eat one or two bites of rice with my protein. Because I eat my protein first, I really can only take a bite of two. It satisfys my need for that starch without going overboard, same thing with potatoes. I steer clear of Pasta, I just do not like it anymore and I am Italian. My last meal was spaghetti and meatballs! It is very strange but I am ecstatic about it. I do believe it is about changing your mindset. I eat 3 meals per day and 2 Snacks if I feel like it. Total calories average between 1000 and 1100. I don't feel comfortable going above that and I make sure those calories are heavy protein and good carbs. Good luck to you guys!
  24. Djmohr

    "picky eaters" - my pet peeve

    I have become a picky eater as well. I crave good Proteins and good carbs. I don't eat fast food crap of any kind. My Snacks are rich in Protein. I am no longer a Slave to food and I got this way by 1. Having weight loss surgery and purging my old behaviors before hand. 2. Sticking to the plan provided to me until I was released to eat regular food. And then stick sticking to the basic rules. Of getting my liquids in, protein Vitamins and staying active 3. I don't eat anything I don't like, I find healty options I do like 4. I have told my brain and stomach that sugar and crappy food tastes horrible and it has worked for me. By the way, I don't dump so I could eat absolutely anything I want This is all about getting right in the head. If you can do this it will be successful. If you are not ready for life to change for you, you will not succeed. WLS really is only a tool to help you get to your goal. The other 90 percent is totally up to you. Now, I am about to go get on a cruise to Puerto Rico and Haiti for 9 days. My last cruise I lost 2.5lbs that week. I plan to do similarly on this one by living my new lifestyle. Lots of exercise and making sure I get good proteins, lots of Water and take my vitamins. Bon voyage!!
  25. Djmohr

    Frozen Foods Month – The WLS Way!

    I appreciate the frozen ideas. I usually steer clear of all processed foods but in a pinch a few of these might do. I totally agree with prepackaging left overs and freezing the. I invested in a food storage vacumn system and I do this all the time. Unfortunately I am moving in mid April to another state so I have depleted my stash. Many days I just grab some cottage cheese and fruit for lunch. It's quick, healthy and keeps me full for hours. I will get sick of it very soon though.LOL

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
