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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Djmohr

  1. Djmohr

    Massage Table Weight Limit

    Who knew! I have not had a massage in more than 10 years for this very reason! I was afraid the table would crash with me on it and I would be mortified!
  2. Djmohr


    By the way you could serve them with yogurt/cucumber sauce but it honestly is not necessary, they are very moist.
  3. Djmohr


    I was able to eat chicken breast at 4 weeks. I was told by my bariatrician to make sure to cook it to just done so it doesn't dry out. Then use sauces or gravies to help make sure it slides down easier. My favorite recipe is Greek chicken breasts. The marinade actually changes the texture of the chicken in a great way. It is low fat and delicious! marinade: 1/2 cup olive oil juice of 1 1/2 to 2 lemons 2 cloves of garlic pressed or minced 1 to 2 tablespoons of fresh oregano chopped Salt Pepper Mix it well, put it in a ziplock bag with the chicken breasts for minimum of one hour. The longer you let it marinade the better. You can even do it the night before. Then grill the breasts using either your outdoor, indoor grill or grill pan. Cook them to done, don't dry them out. They are awesome and the rest of my family loves them. I serve them with grilled zucchini or tiny Greek salad.
  4. Djmohr

    Newbie Here

    @@tonname, it is great that you are starting out by doing research. It is very important for you and your doctor to discuss what approach you will need based on your personal health issues. All 3 weight loss surgeries have different pros and cons and the best one needs to be chosen to help you so you don't have to revise down the road. I would only want to do this one time. I chose bypass in the end because I had reflux/Gerd. Some surgeries can make this situation much worse, bypass is supposed to cure it. Thank goodness it did for me. I should warn you about that sugar thing, some people do not have adverse reactions to sugar even after bypass. I am one of them. I can eat anything I want without getting sick with the exception of eggs. That means that the habits you build and stick to are critical. At first you won't want sugar at all but you will likely try it down the road. You have to be strong enough to refrain from too much of it. For me, if I eat too many carbs in a day, my weight loss stalls so there is incentive to stay away. I have learned the more I exercise, the more weight I lose in this surgery. Good luck on your journey! It is very exciting to go through this because you feel so much better after. I have psoriatic arthritis, my spine and knees hurt me so bad. Today I was actually jogging on my treadmill! No pain anymore in my knees at all!
  5. Just had a great cardio workout! What a way to start the day.

    1. Miss Mac

      Miss Mac

      Good for you! I got busted Sweating to the Oldies the other day when a neighbor came to the door.

    2. Djmohr


      Too funny!

  6. Thanks for sharing your story with us. I am so very glad to hear that you and your husband have worked things out. I have been married for 28 years and everyone kept telling me that having this surgery was a risk to my marriage. My husband is very supportive and I feel lucky to have him.
  7. Djmohr

    A Target score and a NSV...

    @@blashlee, first of all you are a great story teller! And my that looks adorable on you! Keep up the great work. You look fantastic!
  8. It took about 5/6 days for that gas to completely disappear. The only thing that worked for me was walking, gas x, Water and a heating pad was my best friend. They gave me liquid Vicodin but it did not even touch the gas pain so I quit taking it 48 hours later. The only real pain I had was from the gas. Heating pad really helped me a lot. Good luck!
  9. Have you followed up with your doctors office. Sometimes they can and will put pressure on the insurance company to get moving. I had a similar situation but it turned out the doctors office screwed up and did not submit my info. They sat on it for 3 weeks. When I finally got smart enough to call and check on it they were mortified that someone dropped the ball. They submitted my paperwork to insurance in the am. and called my by 2 pm with the approval from insurance. Don't be afraid to bug the heck out of them, they have some pull. Good luck! I hope this gets taken care of soon!
  10. I had a drain but no catheter. In fact I got up immediately when I got to my room to use the bathroom. I was up and walking immediately. I did not even feel the drain when they took it out.
  11. Djmohr

    Looking to vent and gain insight

    You have lost 35lbs in one month. When is the last time you have been able to do that? You are actually doing fantastic! You have to remember that every time you lose a lb. it's a lb. you will never see again if you follow the plan. You also have to remember you did not put on all that weight overnight and you won't lose it that way either. Also, as soon as you start eating regular foods the weight loss will slow down some too. Rest assured you are doing fantastic!
  12. Djmohr

    My story

    What type of surgery did you have? Are you tracking your food and exercise? Are you eating a high Protein, low carb diet? Are you getting the required protein daily? it is hard to offer advice without knowing more about your situation. If you had bypass or the sleeve, you might try the pouch test. You can google it but essentially it is going back to the beginning. liquid diet, puréed, and then finally soft foods. That is where I would start. how much weight do you still need to lose?
  13. I try to eat only healthy carbs but I definitely eat more than 40grams per day.
  14. Djmohr


    Yes, throwing up works the best for me too. You won't make that mistake again. So sorry to hear it!
  15. Djmohr

    Average cals

    This is an interesting topic. I currently get in between 900 and 1000 calories a day. I am seven months post op. I have been told not to focus on calories but focus on a minimum of 70grams of Protein. 1 gram for every inch I am tall. I know my calorie intake only because I use myfitnesspal to track daily. On occasion I will hit 1100 calories but it is rare. I am wondering if the comment that loseitsoon made is true about hair loss. My hair is coming out worse than ever and pretty soon I won't have any left. All of my labs which I had done 3 weeks ago were perfect. Will using my protein or calories even higher help with that? Also, I still have 50lbs to go so I don't want to sabotage my plan. Thoughts?
  16. LOL! If they did, you would have some very saggy cheeks now! This is just my opinion but I think people are not sure how to respond when they see someone who looks very different. Most people simply want to be encouraging and so the first thing out of their mouth usually relates to how different our faces look. I know when I look in the mirror, it shocks me. On 2 occasions now, I have had people not recognize me at all. The only reason they knew it was me was because I was with my husband. Then of course, they are scared to ask how for fear it might be some horrible disease like cancer causing my extreme weight loss. In these two cases, they actually asked my husband about my weight loss. I am very open about how and why I had WLS so he will simply tell them how proud of my weight loss he is and that it is intended. Then they will usually compliment me and ask questions. I have a fantastic relationship with my dermatologist, he actually saved my life a few years ago in the hospital. Of course I was at my heaviest at the time. I see him every 8 weeks for an injection. Every time I see him he stares at me and then tells me how pretty I look. All because I don't have 3 chins anymore and my face looks younger. Of course this is always a positive compliment. Anyway, sometimes people just don't know how to even bring it up without offending you.
  17. Djmohr

    Beginning Cardio

    I am amazed that your doctor told you to do that without working up to it. You do what your body allows you to. Also, I am shocked at how fast you were told to start cardio. I was cleared at 6 weeks.
  18. Congratulations! I am sure you will be home soon.
  19. I am seven minutes months post op as well. I just had all my labs done and other than a high reading on b12, everything is excellent. My hair started falling out at 8 weeks but compared to now, that was nothing! I went from a very thick head of hair to such thin hair I am afraid to brush it, wash it or use anything in it. I can run my hand through it and hundreds will fall out all at once. My surgeon told me it likely won't stop until my body reaches its goal. I have been taking Biotin and do see some short hairs but it is not growing in nearly as fast as it is coming out. This is the only negative for me in the whole process. I do wish it would slow down. I am losing about 1 to 2 lbs weekly.
  20. Great article Alex! Some day maybe will get access to their long term maintenance as well. I suspect like most that many of these folks are unable to keep the weight off. Thanks for sharing!
  21. Djmohr

    2.5 plateau broken

    Good for you! Congratulations, I am 7 months post op today and I have been battling back and forth with the same darn 2lbs for about two weeks now. Very frustrating but I know if I follow the plan things will start to move again.
  22. Making homemade chicken tortilla soup today for the first time. Yum!

    1. Swampdoggie


      Can I come over?

    2. Packerfan61964


      what time is dinner?!?

    3. Djmohr


      I had it for lunch and it was amazing! Now I have leftovers Frozen for next time.

  23. Djmohr

    I got my surgery date!

    Congratulations on getting to this point. I remember how excited I was at that point. It was weird but I really was not nervous much just ready to move forward. Good luck to you both!
  24. Hi there! As soon as I got to my room from recovery I was able to have ice chips. I was actually kind of afraid at the time not knowing if I would get sick but everything went great. A few hours later I was given a 2 tablespoon medicine cup of Water. That was interesting because again I was fearful of drinking anything right away. It all worked exactly as it was supposed to without problems. The next day I was given diluted apple juice, chicken broth, Popsicles and sf Jello. I did not feel much like eating because I simply was not hungry but staying hydrated is critical. I remained on that diet for a week before I was able to introduce Protein shakes and creamed Soups.
  25. Djmohr

    Calcium options

    My nut has me buying calcium citrate. I get it over the counter at Walgreens.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
