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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Djmohr

  1. Djmohr

    Rant about Commercial Posts

    How do you report them from an iPad? Does anyone know?
  2. Djmohr

    Pureed Acorn Squash

    I think it is absolutely amazing that vegetables I really did not care for before surgery, I love now. Carrots, zucchini, acorn squash. The list goes on and on!
  3. Djmohr

    Who is that?

    Va Va Va Voom! Your legs look fantastic! Congratulations!
  4. Most people are shocked to see you if they have not seen you for a while. Some have not even recognized me and only did so because I happened to be with my husband. Your good friends are simply so happy for you that you get great big hugs, the people you thought were friends but really are not will usually ask inappropriate questions. Or if they know you have WLS because you told them, they will always have some story of someone they knew that either had horrific complications or gained all their weight back. For me, I simply ignore these people and simply show up with my positive attitude. When they see the transformation they usually shut right up. Most of the time they are jealous that you are doing so great and don't know how to handle it. Many do not understand that obesity is actually a disease and needs to be treated for long term success. I do my best to educate them and sometimes that works and other times it doesn't. In the end I really don't care what people think, say or do. I did this for my health and I have accomplished that! I win!
  5. Djmohr

    Gas x works!

    Gas x worked like a charm for me too!
  6. I suffered with constipation the first 6 months post op. What I found was that even though I was getting in 50oz. Of Water a day, my body actually needed more. I started regularly getting in 64 or more and suddenly my constipation resolved. Also making sure you get in enough vegetables with your Protein should help to. I do not take any softener so any longer and the only time I have a problem is when I travel and don't get my water in.
  7. Welcome! I am so very glad to hear you have made a decision that will lead you to better health. I was 310lbs when I had my surgery in September. I am down 96lbs so far. Another 50 to go. I no longer have diabetes my high blood pressure, high cholesterol, reflux/Gerd and my stage 3 kidney disease has resolved. All of this in just 7 short months! I can walk long distances, jog, race up and down the stairs, fit into an airplane seat with no extender and keep up with my grandchildren. Having gastric bypass was one of the best decisions of my life! Congratulations and I wish you a safe and speedy recovery!
  8. Good luck! You are well on your way to a whole new life!
  9. Djmohr

    Nervous Grandma

    Hi there! Is it possible for you to change RNPs? If you are not connecting well with her, you might consider a change. You need someone that is supportive, informational and someone that can challenge you. It sounds like yours simply wants to challenge you and stress you out. It looks like you are able to power through it anyway but there will come a time when you need the support. Good luck!
  10. I have been having trouble as well. I have lost my behind, literally! I bought two new pairs in two different sizes from lucky brand that fit well. I am close to fitting in the smaller size now comfortably. I might have to try the buckle but would wait until I get a little closer to my goal. Lucky brand jeans are $100.00 per pair the way it is. The buckle is much more expensive. I used to have lots of curves even when I was young and skinny. Now I have no butt and my boobs are shrinking too. I just look like a boy. Very straight. I am definately not complaining, just learning how to dress all over again.
  11. I just turned 7 months post op. On average I lose about 2 lbs per week however I have to really work a lot harder at it now otherwise I will remain the same for a week or two. I am pushing to get these last 50lbs off. I am down 96 as of this morning, I have noticed that if I miss a day of exercise, I don't lose for that day or will go back up a half pound or so. I am so thankful I am losing though.
  12. I am always cold now and am 7 months post op. It usually starts with my hand and feet. Once they are cold, the rest of me is freezing.
  13. Hi there. I am nervous about the same thing. I just moved out of state and need to find someone in the Waukesha Wisconsin area. I loved my bariatric center of excellence in Minneapolis. I just hope I can find a group that is as great as mine was. Yes, you should absolutely look for a new one if yours is not responding. Good luck!
  14. Djmohr

    Blood drawn for labs

    They definately will drawn blood the morning of surgery. They watch to make sure you don't have a potential infection before doing surgery. Also they check your blood count as well as some other things. Good luck on your surgery. I wish you a safe and speedy recovery!
  15. Djmohr

    Newbie here

    Congratulations on your current weight loss and decision to get healthy. Sometimes it takes that one thing that will push you over the edge to make it happen. For me it was a diagnosis of stage 3 kidney disease. Unfortunately I waited too long and my health suffered but now I am down 96lbs and much healthier because I made this choice. I have never regretted it for one second. WLS gave me my life back! Good luck on your journey and if there is anything you need please feel free to reach out.
  16. Djmohr

    New Guy

    congratulations to both of you! I promise the pain will be gone soon and you will be well on your way to significant weight loss and much better health! Don't forget use a heating pad when you are not walking. It helps with the gas pain and it just plain feels good! Good luck and keep us posted on your progress!
  17. Thank you so much for sharing your story! It is truly inspiring. I am glad to hear you are doing so well. I have 50lbs left to lose and as you know, at 7 months post op it is up to me to make it happen. I have been doing well so far! Good luck to you!
  18. Here is the thing, if you had the sleeve previously or the lap band previously you should know exactly what you should be eating and doing to lose the weight. Icing is definitely not on the food plan and you already know that because you are scolding yourself. You have to get comfortable cooking meals for yourself and staying away from any pre-packaged foods. There are a lot of lovely Protein rich meals you can whip up in short order. I am not sure what phase of the plan you are supposed to be on but I am guessing if you are eating frosting, you are on regular foods by now. Lean chicken, Turkey, Beef, and pork provide excellent protein. Along with eggs, Beans and protein supplements. If you focus your meals around those foods and fill in with good carbs like vegetables and fruit, you will be well on your way. Also, I am sure you know this but the more sugar & Carbs (empty calories) you eat, the more your body will crave them. The other thing is exercise. Not sure what your current activity level is but if you are not exercising start by walking a lot everyday. I wish you the best of luck and I know if you put your mind to it you can make it happen. You just need to have a talk with yourself and decide if you are going to be successful. It is 100% up to you.
  19. Djmohr

    Not noticing weight loss?

    It depends on how heavy you are to begin with. For me, I started noticing big changes after the first 40lbs. I was 310 to begin with. I started first noticing that my rings were too big and my shoes started to get really lose. Following that my clothes became very lose and I had to buy new pants. it will come fast, you are only a month in, give it a few more weeks. This is always the time when you lose the most weight. Once you get onto to soft foods and your tummy heals, the weight loss will become consistent but likely your weight loss will range from 1 to 5lbs in a week. Some weeks you may just stay the same as your body adjusts. Good job and good luck! You are doing fantastic!
  20. Djmohr

    New on this im jen

    What surgery are you having done? There are many folks on this site that are both pre op and post op. It is a good source of information and support. Everyone has the anxiety that comes with have Weight Loss Surgery. It would be strange if you didn't. If you have specific questions about the different types of surgeries you can do a search on this site and it will pull up all of the posts related to your question. Or, you can simply ask and someone will respond.
  21. Your tastes definitely change for a while after surgery but honestly a lot of it comes back within a few months. The important thing right now is that you focus on your Protein, liquids and Vitamins. set a timer if you have to. Honestly, down the road you will wish you had that always full feeling so enjoy dropping weight rapidly now. That slows down as your tastes change and your ability to get hungry comes back. I started actually feeling real hunger around month 3 post op.
  22. Djmohr

    Texas Newbie

    @@LousPeachy Welcome to the group! I am so glad you are taking steps to become healthy. If you need any help or have questions please feel free to reach out. In the meantime the best thing you can do is research like crazy to help determine the best solution for you.
  23. Djmohr

    What is in YOUR "SnackBag"?

    My favorite snack is actually pistachios, beef jerkey and cheese. I will also snack on a great piece of fruit but I watch how much fruit I eat because of the sugar.
  24. Djmohr

    Finished a 5k this morning!

    Outstanding! What a great accomplishment!
  25. Djmohr

    What are your daily totals?

    I have never been told to focus on calories. The focus from the very minute I had surgery has been: Protein - 1 gram for every one inch of height, fluids - between 50 to 64 oz. daily at the minimum, Vitamin supplements - b12, Calcium, multi vitamin, Vitamin D If you focus on that all the other stuff will fall into place. Now of course the diet to get to your protein goal almost forces the rest. If you eat your protein first, there isn't room for all the stuff you are supposed to stay away from. I don't worry about fat and I focus on good vegetables and fruit. I eat full fat cheese, beef jersey and nuts for Snacks when I need one. I also drink lactose free milk as a snack or if I am hungry between meals.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
