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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Djmohr

  1. For me I was and am very focused on good quality Proteins and veggies. My favorite is chicken. It needs to be cooked to just done, do not over cook it or it will be dry. Dry anything does not go down well. I made chicken cacciatore, chicken souvlaki, chicken with cream of mushroom soup, BBQ chicken, chicken vegetable soup, chicken salad on a cracker. I also was able to eat ground beef almost right away and there is so much you can do with it. I always have one or two veggies with my meals and skip the starches. I treat myself to starches maybe once or twice a week. The rule I was taught by my nut was 2 bites of Protein to 1 bite of vegetables or fruit. In the very beginning you need to start with canned fruits which are soft, wet and mushy. I am 7 months post op now and finally able to eat more raw vegetables. I love salad these days with protein added on top. This is my new best meal.
  2. I had the most fabulous salad tonight from Redstone Grill. It was the Thai grilled chicken salad with honey lime vinegarrete dressing. It had romaine, carrots sticks, jicama, grilled chicken. Tortilla strips 200 calories 23 Grams Protein 4 grams fat 12 grams of sugar (this could have been better) We are staying in a hotel and I really wanted a good salad. This fit the bill. I could only eat about 1/4 of it. It was huge! If I had been home I would have pulled out what I knew I would eat and saved the rest.
  3. This is completely normal. For me it was about 10 days. If you are drinking a lot of Protein currently that can actually make you constipated. You are more likely not eating much at this point which is causing this. If it doesn't resolve, give your doctors office a call and they will recommend something. I would not take anything until they tell you it is ok. Good luck!
  4. I am motivated by the way I feel everyday now, especially after a good work out. It still amazes me how crappy I used to feel and never realized I could get my health back. Never feeling like that again motivates me. I am motivated by my husband. We share laundry responsibilities and he tells me that it is so weird and quite funny to fold my jeans. He says they are so tiny! I went from a size 26 to a size 14/16. I am looking forward to smaller sizes in the future because I love his reaction. I am motivated by my Father N Law who tells me how pretty I look. He swears I lose more weight every time I see him. Not really the case as I see him about every two days now. I am mostly motivated by my children and grandchildren. I know that every lifestyle change I made, I have done it to remain here for them much longer than my Mom did. She passed away at 66 from complications of type 2 diabetes and sleep apnea. These were results of letting her Rheumatoid Arthritis get the best of her. When she gave up, the pounds came on fast. She developed type 2 diabetes, lost her toe, then a toe on her other foot, then her foot and then a leg. this disease really takes a toll on folks that cannot get around as easy. She saw no path to better health and paid the ultimate price. I am completely motivated by what happened to her and how it makes me feel as her daughter. She should still be here today. I never want my children to feel the way that I do! That is my motivation!
  5. Djmohr

    Annoyed with my PCP's office!

    How absolutely frustrating! I would make sure your PCP is aware that this has happened in their office. If your insurance denies you because of it, they are going to have a lot more work to do to appeal. Unbelievable!
  6. Djmohr

    Protein shakes vs. food

    I am seven months post op and doing great. I still have one Protein shake which has 30 grams of protein every morning. I get the rest of my protein from my meals and Snacks. My nut is perfectly satisfied with the fact that I still get some protein from a shake.
  7. Djmohr

    How long...

    I am 7 months post op and I can tell you it is still trial and error. Some days eating is a pleasure and others it is a struggle. If you choose slider foods which is easy to do, you find yourself hungry more often. If you stick to good Proteins and good carbs you feel fuller longer. I do great on my meals but I still have one premier Protein drink that has 30 grams every morning religiously. It helps me get kick started on my protein intake for the day and I never and I mean never miss my protein goal.
  8. Yup, you are dehydrated. You need to make sure you are getting tons of fluids or your head will hurt and you will become more lethargic. Now, I will say that by day 8 my brain was just not working as well as it should be. By then I was tired of Protein shakes and living on chicken broth. I found that I was so tired of the taste of the Protein Shakes that instead of drinking 4 to 5 a day, I was only drinking 2 and then lots of chicken broth. I think that was why my brain was not as sharp.
  9. Djmohr


    I would not assume that your 6 month supervised diet will be waived. You need to check with your insurance company what their requirements are. They will be the ones that hold you accountable to their requirements. For example my insurance required a 6 month supervised diet, that I use a bariatric center of excellence, that I have a BMI above 40 or 35 with comorbitities. I actually had a life threatening illness and was told it did not matter, I had to go through the process. Now, some insurance companies don't have any supervised diet so it all depends on yours. My insurance covered 100 percent because I had met my deductible for the year. I just paid all the co-pays for all the Drs. Appointments until I met my yearly deductible. Good luck!
  10. Just keep that Water bottle in your hand at all times and keep sipping like crazy. Also watered down apple juice and good chicken broth. These things will help on the energy front as well. You do have to be a little realistic, you really have no idea if you are going to have issues with drinking and eating or not, you won't know until post surgery and then you will have to make the call. You definitely do not want to cause yourself a trip to the ER. Are you flying?ni was not allowed to fly in the first 30 days. They were worried about blood clots.
  11. Djmohr

    How do you do your meals?

    I promise the loss will come. Just keep focused on liquids and Protein and follow the plan your doctor gave you. It was probably 2 weeks before I started dropping and then it came very fast. Now seven months later I fight for every single pound.
  12. You definitely need to get on line and do your research then work with the surgeon to determine the best solution for your specific health issues. For example, do you suffer from reflux or Gerd? If you do, the sleeve and lap band can make this worse requiring a revision to bypass down the road. Even if you never had reflux these surgeries can cause it. It does not happen to everyone but so many people on this site and others have had this issue and then have to get a revision to bypass anyway. If you are looking to only go down this road one time, then research and work with your specific surgeon to understand the best solution for you.
  13. Djmohr

    Low Calorie Sweeteners

    I steer completely clear of artificial sweeteners as they cause migraines in people prone to migraines. That would be me! So much improved now since my surgery.
  14. Djmohr

    First NSV

    Woot woot! That is great news! Congratulations
  15. Djmohr


    Honestly a stall is not even a stall unti it goes beyond that first 10 days to 2 weeks. You have to remember that your body weight fluctuates all day long every day. If you are a daily weigher like I am you will see your weight go back and forth between the same pound over and over as you get further down the road. I choose to weigh daily but I can handle the news that comes from the scale. Sometimes I lose 2lbs in one week and sometimes I lose none. I use it as one barometer to measure my progress and keep me on track. I mostly use my clothing. I know my body is transforming every time I put on my clothes. If you keep following the food plan and staying very active, the weight will come off at its own pace. There will be breaks and stalls along the way. I would change my habits if a complete stall lasts more than a month. Then I would change things up because your body gets used to routines and likes to hang onto the fat.
  16. Congratulations! I wish you a safe and speedy recovery!
  17. Djmohr

    I need to VENT!

    For the first 6 to 8 weeks your insides are swollen making it harder to eat. The reality is, you don't really need to push the food, just make sure you are staying hydrated and drinking as much Protein as possible. You need the protein to heal and you will get sick if you don't stay hydrated. Your body does not actually need food right now but it will when the swelling goes down. I promise, this will get better and you will return to a new normal. Keep your eye on the prize! Sometimes I wish I could have my first 8 to 12 weeks back so I could refresh.
  18. Making Ree Drummonds hamburger soup for lunch today. Yum! It smells so good in my house!

    1. Sharpie


      I really love Ree, her recipe's turnout so good.

    2. ProudGrammy


      wow - i can smell it over here! LOL next time give me an invite LOL keep up your good job kathy

    3. Djmohr


      It was outstanding and 23grams protein in 1 cup! Fortified with lots of veggies and I used ground sirloin for the beef.

  19. Absolutely! I have psoriatic arthritis and at 310lbs I was lucky if I could get up a single flight of stairs or walk for 15 min. I am down 96lbs and have been working out a minimum of five days per week for an hour at a time. This is my cardio workout specifically. I can run up and down the stairs, outpace any of my family on a five mile walk and I feel fantastic! Losing the weight has made all of this possible. I am 51 by the way.
  20. Djmohr


    Hi Susan! Welcome. I too have degenerative disc disease and will be looking at a 3 level fusion in my cervical spine in the coming months. I have already had my lumbar fused in 2001. My spine issues are a result of psoriatic arthritis. Ugh! Before my RNY surgery I could barely get around on my own two feet and I was miserable with pain and sick with many other health issues. All of my health issues have been resolved with the exception of my back and neck. After surgery 7 months ago I started walking like crazy because it was the only thing I could do for a very short amount of time without severe pain. Now, I work out at minimum 5 days per week for an hour each time doing cardio, some times 7 days a week.. I can walk mostly without pain for miles and miles. If I have pain, it is in my neck. I used to have such a hard time even walking up the stairs, now I can actually run up and down them! I have lost 96lbs and am 50 from my goal. I feel fantastic, my health issues began resolving immediately after surgery. And I do mean immediately, no more type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, reflux! My stage 3 kidney disease is in remission as well. Having this surgery was the best thing I have ever done for myself! I will say, your tastes and diet will change drastically! I am Italian and my mother lovingly used to call me a spaghetti bender because it was my favorite thing to eat. In fact it was my last meal before I started the liquid diet. Now, my tastes have change and I crave good Protein and good carbs like vegetables and fruit. This is because you crave what you eat the most of. I do eat carbs everyday consistently but they are mostly good carbs. A couple times a week I might add a starch like rice or potato to my meal but is just a bite or two because I fill up on protein and vegetables. I used to love bread, now bread takes up too much room in my tummy and then I get hungry too fast. So, I just do not even bother with it. Yes, once in a while I will even have a little something sweet just to get a taste, then realize it doesn't even taste that great. I mostly snack on nuts, jerkey, and cheese and I love it! Good luck on your journey! I wish you all the best and if you have any questions feel free to reach out! P.S. Baby food tastes like absolutely nothing. You will find you much prefer your own meals puréed because at least they taste like something.
  21. Burned 536 calories this morning on my elliptical and treadmill. Woot woot!

    1. Zoey716


      great job!!!!

    2. Djmohr


      Thank you! I feel great!

  22. You have made significant progress in five weeks! Congratulations!
  23. Djmohr

    One heck of a year

    Wow! You look absolutely fantastic! Congratulations on your great progress. Very inspiring!
  24. What a neat idea! Thanks for sharing!

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