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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Djmohr

  1. Too funny! I am just a few pounds short of leaving obese class 1 for overweight! I plan to Celebrate as I started in the obese class 3 category. I love to celebrate all the victories too and I plan to party hard! Maybe I will have some extra carrot sticks that day! LOL
  2. Here is the thing. The way a stall has been defined to me by medical personal is: NO weight loss for a minimum of 10 to 14 days and can last for a significant period of time. It is your body taking a break or regrouping. If you continue to follow the plan the weight will start to drop off again. If the scale is going to make you worry or panic it might be a good idea not to weigh daily or even weekly. I happen to be a daily weigher and have learned to not pay any attention when I get a stall. If I happen to stall for a long period of time,(my longest was 3 weeks long) I will choose whether or not I can handle getting on the scale every day. So far, I have coped with it. In future months as you get closer to your goal, you will find that the loss slows down considerably. For example, in the last 4 weeks I have only lost 5lbs and I have worked my butt off. The good news is, I am still losing and not gaining. Also, the slower you lose the less likely to deal with as much excess skin. The best advice anyone can give you is to take a deep breath and continue to follow the plan. You are really doing fantastic! Look how much you have lost in such a short amount of time.
  3. Djmohr


    Well, then the post op diet will help because sugar will not be on it and it will be sometime before you can add sugar back into your diet. You can do this! It is kind over matter and the surgery will help you get there! Good luck!
  4. Djmohr

    Had my surgery today!

    Congratulations! I can actually feel your excitement through your post. It sounds like you are doing fantastic. It only gets better from here! Good luck and keep us posted on your progress.
  5. Djmohr

    Post-op swelling?

    Hi there! Congratulations on having your surgery. Yes, it is absolutely normal. The reason you are heavier is because of all the fluids they put in your veins the last few days. You will lose that very fast and then some. Your tummy is protruding from the gas they pumped into you to expand your stomach for the surgery itself. The more you walk, the faster this all just disappears. They should warn you about the weight gain post surgery and they don't. I remember being really angry about that because I worked so hard to lose 13lbs before surgery and gained it all back in 2 days in the hospital. Just know that it is all fluids and it will go away quickly. Right now you need that because it gets hard to get all your liquids in. I hope you have a safe and speedy recovery!
  6. I had the same problem with whey powders. I switched to premier protein ready made shakes and have not had any problem since.
  7. @@sparksrn Why not say both? They are both 100 percent true and if you are comfortable talking about it, it could help others too scared to take the next step. I have no problem talking about it with people who make me feel comfortable. I also help them understand what hard work it really is. I literally have to fight for every single pound I lose at this point. It is damn hard work and you have to change your life to accomplish your goals. The surgery is simply a tool that helps me meet those goals without feeling starved all the time.
  8. Djmohr


    Hi there! I am one of those folks that does not have any dumping issues with sugar at all. I can eat whatever I want and I don't get sick from it. It does mean that I have to be more diligent in what I eat. I do have days when I eat things I am not supposed to but I try very hard to simply try a bite or two and then go right back to eating the way I should. The good news is, the pre op diet and post op diet pretty much strips you of your sugar addiction because you really don't touch it for a long time. If you can get your head around the fact that you cannot have it, you can break that habit. You crave what you eat the most. Once you have something sweet for the first time, it tastes terrible anyway. Use that to refrain from eating sugar in the future. You can do it!
  9. Djmohr

    My Journey

    Thanks so much for sharing your inspirational story! I am so sorry that your road was so rough. How scary to have gone through what you have. You have an incredibly positive attitude and your story clearly shows how you used that to survive! Congratulations on reaching your goals. I wish you a very long and healthy life!
  10. Honestly the one thing that got me through my 10 day liquid diet was really good chicken broth. It was very satisfying. It must be decent chicken broth and not the carp from a can. It was my bariatric nurse who suggested I make a pot of fresh homemade broth using carrots, onions, celery, garlic and chicken. Once this is all simmered for a while strain it. Put the chicken in the freezer and sip on that broth. It is warm, savory and satisfying. If you don't think you can make that without eating the chicken. Then buy a box of mrs. Grass chicken noodle Soup. The one with the golden egg. Make the soup and strain the noodles out. That broth is very decent as well. Good luck everyone! After day 3 it does get better!
  11. The only advice I would give you is not to rule out anything without taking your personal health issues in consideration. If you have Gerd or reflux at all you should be at least researching bypass as an option. Do NOT be afraid of the malabsorption. It is intended to help you lose that weight. As long as you take your Vitamins which by the way you will have to do with the sleeve and lap band as well, malabsorption will not be a problem. Please make sure you look at all of your options, understand the pros and cons and then decide the best route for you. I wish you the best of luck on your journey!
  12. Djmohr


    Thanks so much for posting. I will definately be having a brachioplasty as well. I had huge arms and of course it is the last place I am losing weight. I swear I have been wearing long sleeves for the past 10/15 years because I was always hiding my arms. My arms were so big that I would actually have to buy clothes one size bigger so my arms would fit. Now I have giant bat wings and I am still hiding my arms even though they are smaller. I cannot wait until I can have that surgery. Can I ask when you started looking for a good plastics doctor? I am still about 48lbs from my goal but I have no idea when I should start exploring doctors to have plastics. I know I want to do my arms, tummy, and boobs for sure but I am probably looking at a lower body lift as well.
  13. Djmohr

    BigDaddy look to be NotSoBigDaddy

    Welcome James! Congratulations on making the decision to get healthy. It has been the best decision of my life. I am thankful every day for my new found health. What's even more crazy is seven months ago I could barely get up a flight of stairs without feeling like I was going to Kiel over. Now I literally run up the stairs, jog, walk for miles and use my elliptical. I would liken it to learning to walk all over again. It is very exciting to experience life in a whole new way. I wish you all the best!
  14. @@cpower100, I am sorry to hear you are in so much pain. Please call your nurse for help with that. Do they know why your blood pressure is so low? For me heat packs helped with the pain in my tummy. I used them the entire time I was in bed or sitting in a chair. They really do help and they gave them to me at the hospital. I wish you a safe and speedy recovery! You will start to feel a little better every day. Good luck to you!
  15. Djmohr

    Dumping syndrome ?

    Honestly I don't think I ever had it either. I may have been close once or twice because I would get nauseous, hot and I would begin dry heaving. As you said that was in the first couple months. Now I am 7 months post op and I have definitely tested it. I have had sugar, and enough to make me sick but I simply have not gotten sick. I have been told that it could come on later but I don't know if that is true.
  16. Djmohr

    Extreme depression

    @@sonandonubes, I am so sorry to hear you are feeling so bad. Please call for help immediately. Liquor actually makes depression worse and probably is not helping your weight loss either. Please go talk to someone at your local hospital right away. Call 911. I really hope you start to feel better soon. God bless you....
  17. Djmohr

    Puree Foods

    @@kaseyw0od, that time will go fast! Be good to your tummy in the meantime so you are ready in 2 weeks. You are going to be soooo happy. Good luck to you!
  18. Djmohr

    Puree Foods

    Yeah! I remember the phase and the feeling that I would never get to chew anything just wait until you hit the soft food stage! It is like heaven!
  19. Djmohr

    Protein an hair loss

    I had the bypass in September. I hAve been taking Biotin since the beginning and I get more than my daily goal of Protein. In fact my 6 months labs came back and everything was in normal range. Biotin helps with regrowth it does NOT stop your hair from falling out. I have lost 3/4 of my hair volume so far and am still losing everyday. Both my surgeon and dermatologist have told me that the only thing that stops this is reaching my body's goal. When the weight loss slows so will the hair loss. Then it will start to come back in. Good products and a shorter haircut have helped. Also it just thins, it does not come out in Patches. I look at it this way, when I get to my goal, I will get some of it back. I would rather be thin and alive vs. thick and dead. Besides I can wear a wig if it gets too bad. Wig shopping would be a lot of fun!
  20. Djmohr


    This is truly the toughest to deal with because you know that a surgical intervention would definitely help and prolong her life. For me it took another crappy health diagnosis of stage 3 kidney disease but it was in fact that specialist who told me I was looking at dialysis and an early death. He asked me one simple question: have you ever considered weight loss surgery? That was what it took for me to immediately begin working down this path. I would say I felt absolutely miserable at this stage and probably could have died from a heart attack at any time.bthank goodness my heart was actually still in good shape. I was absolutely ready and it worked for me. I know as everyone else that if a family member had brought up this idea I would have done the exact opposite. All you can do is be supportive and hope she gets ready before it is too late. God bless you and your family.
  21. Djmohr


    I was so sick with gallstones after having a 75lb weight loss many years ago. In fact it was so long ago that I had an open surgery to remove it vs. a laporascopic surgery. Anyway, I immediately felt better and I do mean immediately. I have never regretted it. Now of course this was before my bypass surgery so I cannot speak for that nor have I heard that it is more risky. Honestly because mine was removed I have not paid much attention to the risks. Maybe someone else can answer that for you. Good luck and don't be afraid. You will feel better!
  22. Djmohr

    Need an uplifting

    Here is the thing, you just had a very major surgery. On to Of that it is very difficult to get all your fluids and Protein in the first couple of weeks. You are going to be drained of energy those first couple of weeks. Just take it one day at a time and do your best to stay hydrated. I promise this will get better. For now, you need to listen to your body. It is going through enormous changes. Be good to yourself and good luck! It will get better!
  23. Djmohr

    Lots of pills

    In the beginning I simply would crush then or cut the in half. You only take one at a time in the beginning. At about 8 weeks post op I was told I was healed and could swallow them whole, so I started doing that and no proble. There is only one pill that ever gave me trouble and it is my Calcium citrate. That pill is pretty bid in even though it is the smaller version. I have to make sure I take it with quite a bit of Water. Once I swallowed it and it seemed to go down sideways and dry and that did make me vomit.
  24. Djmohr

    Hey everyone

    Hi Lena & welcome! I had my surgery at the end of September and I am down 96lbs. I have about 50 more to go. I had gastric bypass and my only regret is that I didn't do it 15 years ago!
  25. Djmohr

    Got the referral

    Welcome! Congratulations on making a decision to get healthier. It will be a long road ahead but it sounds like you are already making changes to improve your love fey to get ready for surgery. Every change you make is well worth it! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
