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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Djmohr

  1. Djmohr

    A funny story

    LOL! I am rolling on the floor laughing. The funny part about that is I can actually roll on the floor now! Thanks for the chuckle so early in the am!
  2. You clearly know what you need to do to get things moving in the right direction. You are the only one who can make it happen so get on it. not to be mean but you knew what you were signing up for. Why would you self sabotage so early in the process? You know exactly why you are not losing more rapidly or maybe not at all in the last couple of weeks. You may not be suffering any complications right now but give it a few weeks more of not enough Protein and too much sugar. You have to have enough protein for the rest of your life or you will actually become malnourished. You will not heal, your hair will fall out and you will get sick. By the way, you crave what you eat. If you were eating good Proteins and good carbs your body would want that type of food. Because you are eating too many carbs, your body will crave it and it becomes a vicious circle. The first thing I would do is get the crap food out of my house. Then I would go back to the liquid Protein for a few days, then start the soft proteins and good carbs like vegetables and some fruit. Only you can make this happen. The reason the rest of us are doing better is because for the most part we followed the rules. You can do this but you have to take the right steps. If you do that, the weight will come off faster and you will get healthy. Sorry if my words seem harsh but your post seemed as if you needed a kick in the behind to get going. It's time for you to make some serious changes to your habits if you really want to be successful. Good luck!
  3. Djmohr

    Can't sleep...

    I will say a prayer for a safe and speedy recovery. Today is the first day of your new life! It is normal to be excited and nervous all at the same time! Good luck today!
  4. Djmohr

    Too easy?

    Stop worrying so much. You always hear more about complications that you do about positive stories. I am 7.5 months post op from RNY. I have not had any complications and I am down 99lbs so far. Thank your lucky stars that you are coming along nicely. The other thing to remember is you are still on liquids and won't really know how you do until you start on soft foods and regular foods. It is too soon to tell and complications could happen further down the road. Be thankful and enjoy!
  5. hi there and welcome! I will do my best to answer your questions. What procedure did you chose and why did you chose it over the other options? I chose Gastric Bypass RNY. I went this route because I suffered from reflux/Gerd and I was told RNY was my best chance of resolving this issues where the lap band and the sleeve could make it worse. I am 7.5 months post op and down 99lbs and have not had a single episode of reflux. My type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, sleep apnea and stage 3 kidney disease are all in remission as well. What was the general reaction from family and friends? My family and friends have all been very supportive. I have told everyone that asks that I have had WLS but I make sure to explain the hard work it takes to lose the weight. What was the biggest surprise during the process? This was easy. I was surprised that I have not had a single complication. I am one of those people that if there is a risk no matter how small I always fit into that group of people. I have had NO complications. No dumping syndrome and I can eat whatever I want just in very tiny portions. How long was your recovery? I had surgery on Monday evening, came home from the hospital Wednesday morning and was done taking any pain medication by Thursday night. I felt pretty weak for that first month post surgery but nothing I could not handle. I learned very quickly that the most important thing was to stay very hydrated, it made that weak feeling disappear. At 6 weeks I went to Vegas for 10 days and felt fantastic! How fast did you lose the weight? In the beginning the weight comes off very rapidly, as you start reintroducing regular foods into your diet the loss will slow down. I average about 2.5 lbs per week. Of course there are stalls to contend with. I define a stall as NO weight loss for more than 10 days. It happened for me around week 4 the first time. It lasted 3 weeks. I have had several stalls since but if you stick to the plan, they will resolve. How has your life changed since having the procedure? My life has changed so drastically that sometimes I cannot believe it. First I actually enjoy eating good quality Protein and vegetables. I don't like junk any more, it does nothing for me. That is a massive change. I can literally run up the stairs, walk for miles, sit cross legged on the floor, keep up with my family and most important my grand children. I exercise every other day for an hour a day. I fit in an airplane seat with no extender. I can shop in regular stores. All my comorbitities are gone which U.S. The reason I did this in the first place. Would you do it again? There is no question that I would absolutely do it again in a heartbeat. Any regrets? The only regret I have is not doing it 15 years ago before I did so much damage to my spine. I have severe arthritis and dusk degeneration that has caused spinal stenosis in my cervical spine. I am awaiting approval from my insurance to undergo a 3 level cervical spinal fusion. I have already had my lumbar fused in 2001. I am not looking forward to it but there is too much pressure on my spinal cord so I need to get it fixed. What should I be aware of? Be very aware of your part. I believe I had no complications because I follow the rules for the most part. Especially in the early months allowing your tummy time to heal. I gave seen a lot of people jump into some foods too fast and they cause themselves problems. What, if any, foods do you miss that you can no longer have? For me there is no such thing as foods I cannot have. There are a couple foods that make me uncomfortable and no longer satisfy me. eggs are too heavy for me. That would be the only good that I have given up that I wish I could eat more of. I keep trying though. Bread has been one food that makes me uncomfortable and if I eat it, I don't stay full for long. I choose not to eat it because of the way it makes me feel. Hopefully I answered your questions. Feel free to reach out if you have others. Good luck to you!
  6. Djmohr

    Pins & Needles - - HELP!

    Definately go to the doctor and let them check your nutrients out just to be sure. I have this happen every day but mine is coming from severe spinal stenosis. I am having a 3 level cervical spinal fusion to correct the problem hopefully. Good luck!
  7. For the first couple of weeks you will cut them or crush them. After that it will be ok to swallow. For me they stopped my metformin the day before surgery and we never started it up again. I take blood pressure meds once at night and have been able to swallow that one whole right after the first week. Everything will work out, try not to worry too much about it.
  8. I am so sorry you are experiencing this! Glad to hear you sought out help immediately. I hope you feel better soon. Please keep us posted on your progress.
  9. Djmohr

    Drainage catheter

    My drain was removed the morning of discharge as well.
  10. Djmohr


    For me it has been my very first Victoria Secret Bras & Lucky Brand Jeans
  11. Djmohr

    Need To Hear From The Veterans

    I am 7.5 months post op. I have had zero complications and no regrets. I am 1 lb shy of losing 100 and 46 more to go. The absolute only regret I have is not having this surgery 10 years earlier! I had gastric bypass and am very satisfied with my choice.
  12. Djmohr

    So it begins....

    @@mmrennau, congratulations! I am sure everything will happen pretty fast now. I wish I had been turned on to premier Protein for my preop liver cleanse. I had horrible over sweet protein for my preop, after surgery it turned out I was allergic to lactose and my tummy does not tolerate whey protein. so they switched me to Premier Protein. Even 7.5 months post op, I have one every morning. Just a hint for the preop, make yourself some really good chicken broth now and freeze it. That broth is really the only savory thing during that diet if you are on a total liquid diet with no actual food. That good quality chicken broth will save you. It is warm, salty and satisfying. You will also use it the week after surgery assuming you will be on Clear liquids for a week. Some surgeons allow other things but many only allow clear liquids. Good luck to you! I hope you have a safe and speedy recovery!
  13. The first few days sleep can be difficult because of the gas still in your stomach. After a few days, that improves a lot. I had surgery on Monday evening and took my last pain meds by Thursday night. I was not in a lot of pain but I have an extraordinary high tolerance for pain. I have had 5 back surgeries and it has helped me build that tolerance. Now, in a month I will be having a 3 level cervical spinal fusion. Ugh! That will be painful. You should be just fine, just walk lots to get rid of that gas. By the way, pain meds don't make the gas pain better anyway. Use Gas x chewables, a heating pad, lots of sipping Water and walking. This will make you nice and sleepy. I will tell you the combination of lack of food and low Fluid intake will actually drain your energy. The quicker you can get and stay hydrated will really help. For me, as soon as I could start drinking Protein shakes I started feeling better. I was allowed to do that starting after one week. The whole first week was Clear liquids only. Good luck with your surgery!
  14. Every once in a great while I will have fresh frozen custard. I cannot eat much of it and always regret it afterward because it weighs heavy in my tummy but it is my absolute favorite treat.
  15. Djmohr

    Hypnotize those pounds away!

    I used a hypnotist! I swear I would start clucking every time I heard the refrigerator door open. At least that is what my husband told me. LOL!
  16. I am a daily weigher as well. I have been doing so for almost 8 months now and it works for me. I use it as one tool to help me gauge my progress. I have had to learn how to deal with weight fluctuations and I handle it extremely well. I have been able to see trends from week to week and month to month and it keeps me on track. You have to do whatever works for you personally. If you cannot handle the fluctuation, then choose to weigh in at your doctors office or weekly at home or whatever works for you. This happens to work for me.
  17. Djmohr

    Good things are happening!

    @@dhrguru Woot woot! You are well on your way and doing fantastic!
  18. Once you have the approval it should not matter but I would ask your nut or surgeon about this for sure. The liver cleanse is pretty effective at dropping some additional weight leading up to your surgery date but it should not matter at that point. No one will be reporting your weight during that time. You are usually weighed the morning of surgery and the reality is, they pump you full of fluids for two days and you end up gaining back what you lost in the liver cleanse. Most people don't know that and get upset but the good news is, that is all fluids and within a week or so all that weight will drop right back off again. Good luck and feel free to reach out if you have questions.
  19. Djmohr


    I was told 1 year and have not touched a drop. I am 7.5 months post op so I figure I can certainly wait another 4 months to try.
  20. Djmohr

    Feel Sick all the time....

    I am not sure if this helps or not but when I sneeze or cough it is usually the first sign that I am full. Given you are not eating much I am not sure this is the case with you.
  21. Djmohr


    The only way to know is to give it a try. I have found that my tummy prefers honey, agave or regular sugar over substitutes. Just try a very small amount until you know. Turns out, I have no problem with sweets. Kind of wish I did.
  22. Djmohr

    Lying to feel better?!?

    @@Mary Jane T, Welcome, I really hope you do stick around. This is normally a great site to get and give support. Don't let one person ruin it for you. Hopefully as they go through WLS their attitude will change to a more supportive one. Good luck and feel free to reach out with questions.
  23. Djmohr

    1 night hospital stay?

    The difference is a c-section is an open surgery where bypass is laparoscopic. If for some reason they had to switch to an open surgery then they would probably keep you longer. I know the feeling though, I am having a 3 level spinal fusion done in my cervical spine which is a very big surgery. They will for sure keep me one night and possibly two. When I had one level fused in my lumbar spine I was in the hospital 5 days, went home for 2 and ended up back in for another 5 because the pain was excruciating. Sometimes I wonder what the heck these insurance companies are thinking. But I do know this, the chance of getting rest in the hospital are nil, the chance of getting an infection is very high. The best thing is to go home as soon as possible. You will do great!
  24. Djmohr

    Gastric Bypass Sucess Story

    I am now able to sleep without using bi pap! Woot woot! I have lost 97 lbs in 7 short months and my stick thin sister n law offered me some of her clothing yesterday. She really believes they would fit me! I said what? You must be crazy, you tiny little clothes will never fit me. I am looking forward to seeing if they will but the most important thing is that others are seeing the significant change to my body. I can workout for an hour a day and I feel so fantastic afterwards. That is a very cool feeling! The most important wins are, my diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, reflux and stage 3 kidney disease are all in remission.
  25. Djmohr

    Lying to feel better?!?

    I think most people posting pictures are looking good for affirmation that they are making progress and also some positive reinforcement. Given how most obese folks have hidden behind dark oversized clothing because their confidence is shot, I would never pick apart their progress by doing so Maybe if you go through WLS and start to feel the confidence that begins to take over as your body gets smaller you will get it because clearly you have no clue at the moment.

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