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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Djmohr

  1. Djmohr

    Drinking too much?

    As long as you are sipping and not gulping you cannot overdo you Water. The best thing your body needs right now is fluids to stay hydrated. They DO NOT stretch your pouch, water runs right through. In the beginning the only way I could get 64 ounces in was to contastly hold my water bottle in my hand and sip like crazy. If you drink to fast, you will feel pain from it, I still feel that at 7.5 months post op. Don't worry it is fantastic that you are able to drink so much. It may be that you are healing quickly and the swelling has gone down for you. Congratulations!
  2. Djmohr

    Do not compare me..!

    Normally I would just chalk this up to total stupidity on her part and move on however, the gall of her has me seething as well. If it were me I might actually have to say something nasty to shut down her behavior forever. Especially if she is doing this to others. I might suggest something along the lines of: "do you know the first thing about weight loss or do you just think you do? The reason I ask is, it is a very private issue for some people and your butting in with your uneducated opinion can really cause damage to people who are battling this disease of obesity. I know you clearly don't get it but I would appreciate it if you kept your opinions and non advice to yourself. I have a professional team I am working with who understand exactly what I should be doing. Have you thought about all the people you have hurt by providing your insight? You might want to consider someone besides your self for a change because this is clearly about making you feel better." Then just walk away. Good luck! You are doing absolutely fantastic and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
  3. Djmohr


    I have actually invested in a good foodsaver. I don't care how small your pans are, in the beginning you will always have leftovers. I make a normal sized meal and eat my 1/2 cup. Then I place the leftovers in "me" size vacuum bags, seal them and freeze them I can get numerous meals out of one recipe. I freeze the vacuum bags and pull them out one at a time for lunch or dinner.mpop then into a little boiling Water. Water I cook stays nice and moist. I do this with leftover restaurant food as well because I can make 3 to 4 meals out of one restaurant meal. It is very convenient
  4. Really? It will not be covered by insurance. Since you would benefit from that correction and it is clearly bothering you, it might make sense that you help her out.
  5. Djmohr

    Pre-Op Tests

    I did have the same comorbitities as you. I did not have to have an endoscopy but I had to have a full heart stress test, labs, and had to bring in my last sleep study and current readings.
  6. Djmohr


    I would try after 30 minutes. You should be fine. Good luck & sip......the hardest lessons to learn are not drinking or eating too fast. I am 7.5 months post op and was not paying attention last night while eating. Low and behold I started eating and ate too fast. Immediately it felt like I had food stuck in my chest and them wham I am vomiting. Very painful and not like me at all. I was so mad at myself because it ruined my meal.
  7. Djmohr

    To tell or not?

    I would suggest waiting at least until you are positive it is going to happen. Once you have a surgery date you might talk with just a few of your family members and make sure you pass on your education about this surgery and the obesity disease. Once they understand and see that you are making this change to prolong your life, hopefully they will become very supportive. Also, you will not fail. To be successful you have to have a positive attitude going in. The reality is if you follow the plan your doctors give you, you won't fail. The weight will come off forever. That is the difference with WLS. Every pound you lose is forever if you make the changes in your life. Your new tummy is the tool that will get you to your goals and help you stay a thinner healthier person. I wish you the best of luck!
  8. I made it to my first big goal! I am down 100lbs as of this morning. Just 10 more to go to get to onederland. And 45 more to get to my ultimate weight goal. Woot. Woot

    1. Packerfan61964


      GREAT job!!!!! Keep up the good work!!!!!


    2. Swampdoggie


      Wow! How great is that!

    3. agalindo17


      congrats!! that is amazing

    4. Show next comments  372 more
  9. I have found a lot on Pinterest and use that site the most
  10. Djmohr

    The Waiting Game

    I started on December 26th and finally had surgery September 29th. I used that time to begin to build good habits and stop all my bad habits. I believe I have had no complications because I was well prepared and followed instructions. It is a long time and near the end, those last 2 months of waiting were the hardest. But in the end it was all well worth it. Good luck to you!
  11. Djmohr

    8 Weeks Post Op

    Congratulations on such great progress! In terms of raw vegetables, don't be too disappointed if it is rough going in the beginning. I personally had a really hard time with salad, Dukes, tomatoes until about 8 weeks ago. I am 7.5 months post op right now. I kept trying it about once a week and now salad and raw vegetables are some of my favorite things to eat.
  12. Ugh! I just got scheduled for a 3 level cervical spine fusion surgery for June 3rd. Having had spinal fusion before I am very nervous. That kind of surgery can be very painful. Hopefully it will solve my neck and shoulder issues.

    1. borg/assimilated


      I hope your recovery goes well and is less painful than you anticipate.

    2. Djmohr


      Thank you both!

    3. Rebecca Jo Ragon

      Rebecca Jo Ragon

      Hate to hear that for you....however, hoping it will solve your issues. We need you to be back at full potential for all of your helpful and uplifting comments:)

    4. Show next comments  372 more
  13. Djmohr

    Soft food phase

    You will do great because you are prepared! Good luck and keep us posted.
  14. Djmohr

    How long 'til you ditched your CPAP?

    This is an interesting topic. I have been on cpap for almost 10 years. About 2 years ago a really dump pulmonologist decided that it might be a good idea to up the pressure a little just to get rid of a couple of small blips that happened once in a while. Not even every night. He upped the pressure just one level. My pressures were fairly low to begin with at 7. Anyway, when he did that I started coughing everyday all day to the point that it was embarrassing at work and I would have to leave the room. This went on for 6 months when finally I decided to go to the doctor to figure out what was causing that. I was tested by an allergist, a pulmonologist for asthma, an ears nose and throat doctor all trying to figure out why I was coughing uncontrollably. I was put on inhalers, medications to stop post nasal drip, little yellow cough pills to help suppress it. Nothing worked. It was a year after it started and my husband who was frustrated with all these docs that could not figure it out decided to do some research on line. We had finally traced back when the cough started to when that doctor changed my setting and increased my pressure. My husband found a couple of studies where the cpap pressure if too high could cause Aeroflatia which would cause this uncontrollable coughing. It weakens the opening to the diaphragm which causes coughing. We started lowering the pressure, when it finally was corrected I was at the lowest possible setting for cpap. It was almost 18 months of uncontrollable coughing before we figured it out. In the last couple of months (I am 7.5 months post op and down 99lbs), my mouth is so dry regardless of how high my moisture is set. I use a chin strap and regardless the pressure is too high again and it can no longer be adjusted. About 1 week ago I tried sleeping with out it for the first time. I have not used it since. It has taken some getting used to but I think I am good to go at this point. Regardless, I am no longer using it.
  15. Djmohr

    Soft food phase

    I started really good Proteins at this stage. My favorite was chicken breasts that were cooked to just done so they were still juicy. I would sear them in a little olive oil and then use fat free gravy, cream of mushroom Soup, marinara sauce, low sugar BBQ sauce. Another way to get very tasty chicken was to marinate it in lemon juice, olive oil, crushed garlic, fresh chopped oregano, salt and pepper. The marinade kept it moist and delicious. I would also make homemade chili, meatballs, fish. The key is not over cooking your proteins and letting them rest before you slice them so the juices stay in. As far as toast goes I remember being excited about it and then trying it for the first time. Bread takes up too much room in my yummy, makes me feel uncomfortable and does not keep me full very long. I simply refrain now unless it is made into a good soaked French toast. Then I might be able to enjoy and tolerate it. I also loved vegetables cooked pretty soft during this stage. Carrots was my absolute favorite with a little butter, salt and pepper. I used to hate carrots, now we eat them all the time because they are my favorite vegetable.
  16. Djmohr

    Vitamins and calcium

    Ugh! That is a doctor that should have his license revoked for many reasons. Hopefully you don't take any of his advice and find a new one. After finally getting a couple of different specialists who have outstanding bedside manners I will never tolerate an arrogant SOB doctor again and I have dealt with many over the years of being so sick. Good luck, please look for a new one!
  17. Djmohr

    Today's the day!

    Good luck today you guys! Hoping for safe and speedy recoveries!
  18. Djmohr

    Hunger pangs

    Yes, your hunger will be gone after surgery and you will actually have to remember to eat. The liquid diet is rough but so worth it in the end. I found that if I sipped on homemade warm chicken broth, my hunger pains got much better. The canned stuff would not do it for me but delicious homemade broth that was savory and salty really helped a ton. Good luck! You are almost there an d you can do it!
  19. Djmohr

    Goodbye to beer and pizza?

    I have pizza every once in a while. For me it has to be a thin cruse pizza with lots of delicious toppings. I can only eat 1 or 2 very small squares and I am full. I don't make a habit out of it but it is possible. I cannot speak to the beer thing as I have a 12 month alcohol free commitment and I am ok with that. Also I have not had a sip of a carbonated beverage for all the reasons others listed. When you work this hard you certainly don't want to self sabotage! In terms of food funerals, I had several the week before I started my liquid diet. Spaghetti was my absolute favorite dish. It was the last thing I ate the day before my liquid diet. I have had a bite of spaghetti just to see how my new tummy would react. Honestly, I did not like it. It was hard to chew chew chew and I have purposely avoided it because it would be a trigger for me. Good luck to you!
  20. Djmohr

    With Trepidation

    By the way, with your BMI you will qualify. Most insurance companies require either a BMI over 40 or a BMI over 35 with comorbitities. I don't think you will have any problem qualifying.
  21. Djmohr

    With Trepidation

    Hi there and welcome! You have taken the first step to better health. I was very much like you when I began my weight loss journey. My health was deteriorating very rapidly. I had type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, reflux/Gerd, hypothyroidism, psoriatic arthritis, sleep apnea, degenerative disc disease and I had just been diagnosed with stage 3 kidney disease. I was very sick and very miserable. I could walk for maybe 5 minutes on a good day. I thought I was going to die everytime I went up a flight of stairs. I also suffer from terrible Migraine headaches. The day I was told my kidney disease was going to probably kill me was one of the worse days of my life. I am 51 years old and way to young for all these health issues. It was my nephrologist who asked me if I had ever considered weight loss surgery. He gently suggested that this could put and end to many of my illnesses. I immediately went home and started researching WLS. I got online and took an online seminar that evening which taught you all about the different surgery options and the benefits. I then had what felt like a million questions and I was very stressed about taking this step. I have been on every diet you can think of since I had my second child when I was 19. I would lose 50, 75, 100 lbs and then gain it right back and then some. I attended an in person weight loss seminar offered by my clinic. A nurse who was very thin showed up and low and behold she had gastric bypass some 15 years ago. I could hardly believe she had weighed over 400lbs. I had the opportunity to ask all of my questions and learn about my options. From that moment on I got very excited about the possibility of losing this weight forever. Over the next 9 months of testing, nutritionist visits and surgeon visits we built a plan for me to have RNY. This particular surgery was the gold standard for someone like me who had severe reflux. The other options could make that problem worse. I had my surgery 7.5 months ago and it was the best thing I have ever done for myself! I am down 99lbs and have 45 to go. No more diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, sleep apnea and most importantly no more stage 3 kidney disease! I can walk for miles, run up and down the stairs. I can keep up and in most cases out pace my family members. Please don't be afraid! Focus on the possibilities of a healthy future. I recovered do quickly from my surgery and have had no complications. It is worth it! My advice would be to take a deep breath and go to that seminar. Research your options and make a decision that will prolong your life and give you a better quality life. Please keep us posted on your progress. I am excited for you!
  22. I have done it once in a situation where there were no other options that would work for me. What I learned is that I could barely eat it because it was actually gross. I am very sensitive to anything fried in oil. I do however eat chick fil a grilled nuggets with a side of fruit. That is probably one of the better fast food solutions. Mostly I stay away or now I can actually tolerate salad if I end up at a fast food place with other people.
  23. Djmohr

    Sad and lost my insurance :(

    @@Tierra T Tij, Please don't give up. I would follow up on Obamacare program and see what happens. It might take you a little bit longer but your dream of better health could still happen. Good luck to you. I will say a prayer that everything works out for you.
  24. I have definately saved a lot, mostly because I prefer to eat at home vs. fast food restaurants. You are right, eating good Protein and vegetables does cost a bit more but your junk food costs go way down to make up for it. I would also recommend that you invest in a good quality vacuum sealer because you end up with way more leftovers. You can pop them into a vacuum bag in "me" sized portions and toss it in the freezer. When you want to warm it up, simply simmer in a bit of boiling Water and you have a very fresh moist meal. Now, when you do go out to eat, it is really great if you can share a meal with your significant other if that works for you. My problem is my hubby prefers crappy cheeseburgers to fabulous fish, chicken, turkey, shrimp or filet mignon. The good news is, I can always make at least 3 meals out of one using my vacuum sealer. Lots of tips and tricks to saving money.
  25. Good luck to you! Hopefully they get to the bottom of this. I am guessing they are looking at your gallbladder?

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