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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Djmohr

  1. I would absolutely yo back to the basics. Start with the pouch test. Track everything you eat and drink, ensure the rules are in place: Nothing to eat or drink 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after Measure your food 64 oz. of Water 1 gram of Protein for every inch you are tall Exercise - 30 minutes a day minimum I would venture to guess if you go back and look you have let some of the basics fall off and that is why you are gaining, This is what I would
  2. Djmohr

    Pain while drinking?

    @@stayce5, Have u tried drinking those fluids at different temperatures? I know I still have a hard time drinking ice cold water but room temperature water is fine. Yet, my protein drinks have to be icy cold.
  3. You are definately not missing anything! You are doing fantastic. Celebrate your success!
  4. @@leag78, Ukcathy is exactly right. Everyone loses weight at a different rate. It has a lot to do with how much weight they need to lose (starting point). You will notice over time that weight loss slows down to a crawl and you have to fight for every single pound. I lost a lot in my first 8 weeks but since then, if I lose between 5 and 10lbs a month if I am lucky. Also, in the end everyone that loses a bit slower catches up to those who lost quickly in the beginning. You have lost 32lbs in the first six weeks! That is significant. When was the last time you lost so much so quickly? Remember slow and steady wins the race. Also you certainly did not put this weight on in 6 weeks, you cannot expect it to come off in six weeks either. Stay positive and keep doing what you are doing. You are making great progress already! Congratulations!
  5. Djmohr

    Small (but amazing) accomplishments

    Yeah! These things seem so small in the scheme of things but people just do not understand until they have suffered with obesity. Congratulations on a significant accomplishment! There will be so many more positives in the future. The other day I was sitting in my recliner after dinner. I had the seat reclined back and I noticed that I had my whole left leg crossed over the opposite leg completely putting my left foot up by my hip. It was almost as if I was 10 years old again! I have lost so much weight that I can sit cross legged on the floor too. I have not been able to do that since after the birth of my second child. He is now 32! Good luck on all of the upcoming victories you will have. It starts really getting exciting now!
  6. Acid reflux is usually the culprit that changes people from the sleeve to bypass. I know I was one of those and thank goodness I went that route. First, I have never had a single bout of reflux or Gerd since surgery. Second, I have seen so many people that end up taking the chance of going with band or sleeve and end up having to have a revision. The sleeve can cause people who have never had reflux to get it. I am glad my bariatric team educated my fully on this. I wanted to do this only once.
  7. I might suggest sharing your feelings about your weight and how it makes you feel so that he has a clear understanding. Then invite him to your appointment with you so he is a partner in your decision. This is very hard on your significant other especially when they themselves are overweight or obese. Good luck.
  8. Djmohr


    @@tracynicole5181, welcome and congratulations on your upcoming surgery and more importantly your healthy new life! I used a really horrible Protein recommended by my bariatric team for my pre op diet. I think they were way too darn sweet which turned out good because now I cannot tolerate much sweet. I personally would recommend Premier Protein ready made shakes because each carries 30grams of protein and only 1 gram of sugar. They are the only protein supplement that I use now. The other advice I would give you is to make yourself a really good homemade chicken broth. You will need that rich savory warm flavor during your pre op and the crap in the can simply will not cut it. I was on a two week all liquid diet and that broth kept me sane! Good luck with your surgery! I hope you have a safe and speedy recovery!
  9. What an exciting milestone for me! I am no longer obese on the BMI chart. As of this morning, I have hit the overweight section of the chart. I cannot wait until I get into the healthy portion. The last time I was not considered obese or morbidly obese was when I was 24 years old. That is over half my life! Woot woot!

    1. ShrinkingPeach


      That is an amazing milestone! Can't wait to be where you are! Congrats!!!

    2. Rebecca Jo Ragon

      Rebecca Jo Ragon

      Awesome. You are doing super. Keep up the good work!


    3. recordsmom


      Great job!! Congratulations!

    4. Show next comments  363 more
  10. To @ point, you could have developed a staff infection just from scratching it. I would make an appointment and get in to be seen as a. They can get that cleared up before it becomes a real problem for you. Trust me, I have had a staff infection if that is what it is and ended up in the hospital for 3 days to be treated with IV antibiotics. Mine got out of control and crept up my leg and arm very rapidly. I learned then that everyone carries a bit of staff around with them and it can become serious if not treated. Best to get it checked out. Good luck!
  11. I am one of those people that have never been a huge meat eater but I do eat some. I drink a premier Protein shake every morning, it has 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar. I also eat cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, protein enriched granola, salads with different Proteins on them, beef jerkey, nuts, vegetables and fruits. If I ate Beans that would be another valuable protein resource. I stick to healthy meats and quality vegetables and I don't get hungry. It is when you eat too many empty calorie carbs when you get hungry. The pouch test is absolutely the way to go to get back on track. I would suggest giving it another try. Good luck to you!
  12. Djmohr

    "You will fail"....question

    Don't let one person drag you down, there will be many more non believers or people thinking you will fail. What matters most is that you believe and do everything possible to succeed. I should tell you not to bank on the bypass causing you to dump. I can eat anything I want just in smaller amount and there are many others who can on this site as well. There are ways to eat around your bypass so you do need to be aware of what draws you to those foods. It's ok to have something once in a while but getting rid of your sugar addiction is necessary to be successful. The good news is, the pre op diet and several weeks of liquids post surgery will help you break that sugar habit. Also, almost everyone has their favorite food funerals before they go through this surgery. For me, that was Pasta and sweets. Keep your head up and just remember you are the one that can control your success. ☺️
  13. Djmohr

    Which vitamins are you taking?

    I take a multi Vitamin daily, 2 calcium citrates with D3 per day, Vitamin D daily, B12 - once weekly, 10,000 mg Biotin I have been told I do not need to take Iron. I have had labs done twice and everything has been excellent
  14. Djmohr

    Change of Plans

    Congratulations! I wish you a safe and speedy recovery.
  15. Djmohr

    Slim fast

    Premier Protein has 30 grams of protein and only 1 gram of sugar. It is a recommended protein supplement by bariatric centers of excellence. The beautiful thing is you only have to drink one shake instead of 3 to get 30grams. Also they taste very good. They are not gritty and don't have that protein taste.
  16. Djmohr

    Day two

  17. I went to recovery for 2 hours and then to a regular room. I was out of bed within 1 hour of getting to my room walking and using the bathroom. No ICU for me
  18. Djmohr


    @@ishmaellisa You are welcome. Good luck, I hope things improve for you!
  19. Djmohr


    Oatmeal was on my list of approved foods at the puréed stage. I added Protein to it. I don't eat it regularly only because I get tired of the same things. I do like a light yogurt with protein granola in it. You can find some good granolas out there that taste great and have low sugar and over 10 grams of protein. Unfortunately I cannot do eggs so I find other things.
  20. Djmohr

    My naked kitty! Pics inside!

    @@LipstickLady, LOL! This post was like a train wreck, I simply had to look. Cute kitty!
  21. At 8 weeks I was told that I should be completely healed and I felt like it as well. I did follow the eating plan though 100 percent leading up to it. Even after 8 weeks I was able to eat soft foods but had to chew really really well and take it slow. I remember this because I went to Las Vegas for 10 days and had to eat out the whole time. The only two Proteins I could tolerate was chicken and fish. I hope you feel better soon.
  22. I would have had no problem on a long car ride even one week later. Assuming there are no complications you should be just fine. The most important thing will be to stay hydrated. At that stage Water is the most important thing and if you don't drink enough of it you can get sick really fast. And of course get out and stretch every once in a while. Enjoy your vacation....
  23. Is your family supportive of your surgery? I know this is really hard but you can do it and will certainly have to to be successful. My husband is very supportive and in the beginning would not eat around me at all. Now of course 7 months later he eats so much crap and then asks for me help to stop him. I then become the nag and that is not fair to me. Instead I simply say, you will stop when you have another episode that takes you to the ER. That usually gets him to quit. I have had to learn how to say no for myself and insist we go somewhere to eat where I can eat as well. And have Protein Snacks in the house for me like cheese, jerkey, nuts and of course fruit. That means no fast food garbage. I know that it bothers him sometimes but he realizes it is the best thing for him too. If we end up at a fast food place, about the only thing I will touch is a salad with protein on it. Sorry but there is no magical solution, you have to help them understand this is about your life. Just say no!
  24. Are you drinking a cup of milk between meals? It really helps me. Or have a little cheese or nuts. For some reason those little Snacks carry me over to the next meal and then I am not starving and don't overeat. Milk is the best solution, it fills your tummy, provides good Protein and Calcium. Sometimes I just need something.
  25. Djmohr


    The more you lose and run into people who haven't seen you in a while the more those really crazy compliments come. I actually have had people stare at me for Avery long extended time and say I cannot believe you great you look. I actually think for some, they are shocked by the transformation. My stepdad has a new girlfriend and she hasn't seen me for 4 months. I have lost a total of 101lbs now. When she saw me,her mouth literally hung open and she told me how great I looked for over 5 minutes. For some reason I will always say, I am getting there. She then asked "you are not going to continue to lose are you" Of course my big mouth responds yes, I am still short of a healthy weight. I would like to lose another 40 to 50lbs. Her response: "Oh my god, I better start losing weight, I must look like a real cow next to you." I think she meant it as a compliment but I was offended by it. Mostly because I can only imagine what she thought when I weighed 310. By the way, she is a little overweight but certainly not obese by any means. I am still not very good at responding. I think because I am not yet at my personal goal and I there is still part of my brain wondering if I can get there. How weird is that! I will say I try to take every comment as a compliment and I usually try not to care about what people think.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
