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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Djmohr

  1. Mine will be having some plastics done after a stabilization period.
  2. Nervous today. I meet with a cardiologist to see why my heart rate is so low and I keep feeling dizzy/lightheade. I passed out a week ago. All of this following major spine surgery. Off all medications and it is still happening. I hope they don't find anything too scary but need answers. Wish me luck!

    1. lisaanewme67


      Sending prayers your way... It must be scary! You have been through so much, please take care of yourself.

    2. jane13


      positive thoughts your way!

    3. freelee


      Praying all went well.

    4. Show next comments  342 more
  3. I am really surprised insurance covers those procedures. I am going to have Brachioplasty, an abdominalplasty, breast lift and lower body lift. From everything I have read, rarely does any of this get covered by insurance.usually you have to have infections to get even just a panini covered. I am still 35lbs from my goal and therefore a little ways away from being ready. How were you able to get insurance coverage at all? Any advice?
  4. @@LousPeachy I am so sorry that you are not feeling well and suffering! I am even more sorry your kidney stone situation is back and you may have to postpone. I hope everything works out for you and you feel better soon. Sending up prayers and warm wishes for a speedy recovery!
  5. Djmohr

    Potassium deficiency

    I was originally shocked at how long they waited before doing labs post surgery to check for deficiencies but my surgeons office kept reassuring me that it would take some time before your body actually depleted the sources you already had prior to surgery. I thought they were a little crazy but went with the plan. When they checked am. My labs at 6 months post op, everything was perfect! I was shocked and so happy and of course it helped me to provide even more trust to my team. I will say that my nut requires a very balanced diet where some push Protein and veggies only with no fruits. Mine has had me eating fruit since week 4 as a part of my diet. Some nuts will say eat all your protein first and then if there is room have veggies and fruit. Mine has drilled it into my head that I should have 2 bites of protein then 1 bite of fruit or vegetables. I have had some recent spine surgery with complications and of course being a bariatric patient the first thing they check is your Vitamin levels, potassium and electylights. All my labs at nine months post op are perfect still. My diet was impacted by my spine surgery (I have a hard time swallowing). My bariatric team will monitor my labs a little more closely and has asked to see me more often. Stick to your plan and follow up with your bariatric team if you are worried. But it sounds like you are doing terrific on your protein intake already. It just takes a while to get your energy back WLS. For me I was feeling pretty much myself by week 8. Prior to that, I was still taking naps and had low energy. Good luck!
  6. Djmohr

    Impatiencently waiting

    The best of luck to you! I hope all works out and you have your date soon. Things start to get really excited once you have that date in hand!
  7. Djmohr

    Not sure why

    @@nervous nana I too have both psoriatic arthritis and osteo arthritis of the spine. I just went through another spinal fusion 3 weeks ago. I have not taken NSAIDs since before my surgery and I am not so sure they did anything before my surgery for me. Since hanging my surgery the inflammation in my body and joints has all but disappeared. My ankles, knees and even thumb joint used to swell so badly that I was going in for steroid injections regularly. The only thing that has not improved has been my spine and that is because I did so very much damage to it being so heavy. I have had 5 spinal surgeries now and I am really hoping this is my last because having your spine operated on has to be one of the most painful and long recoveries. I still get steroid injections if needed and recently even had to take a medrol dose Pam (prednisone) while recuperating from this recent cervical operations. There are plenty of pain medications that work for me now that did not work for me when I was 310lbs and on so many other medicines. I now take 1 daily prescription for hypothyroid. If I have pain I usually take Tylenol and it dies the trick. However if I have severe pain, I can take a narcotic pain reliever as well. I did that for the first 2 weeks following spine surgery. Talk to your surgeon about your concerns they can reassure you about how arthritis is I,packed by the results of your surgery. My joints have never felt better. I can literally walk for 5 miles when before I was lucky if I could make it down the block. I can literally run up and down the stairs where before I would have to take them one at a time and would huff and puff like I was going to Keel over. This decision will make your condition better. It has been the best thing I have ever done for myself. Good luck to you!
  8. Djmohr

    July surgery....excited but nervous

    Welcome and congratulations on getting healthy! There are a lot of post op adjustments that have to be made to be successful but hopefully you have been preparing yourself along the way. - drinking lots and lots of water! Minimum of 64oz. This is the most important thing you will do the moment leave the operating room. Sip sip sip every minute you can to get as much as you can. Many patients end up getting sick because they are dehydrated. They assume it is their new stomach when in fact they are dehydrated. You won't be able to get up to that 64oz or better in the first couple weeks but you really have to focus and remain focused forever on getting tons of Water in. By the way, no drinking water 30 minutes before or after you eat. This is also a critical life change. - Protein is the most critical thing outside of water that you will need to lose weight and stay healthy for life. So many people underestimate this. You need it to heal, you need it to not be hungry. Dense protein is critical. I am not sure how or what you need to do as a vegetarian but I would work closely with a nutritionist on a plan. - get moving. Begin walking immediately after surgery. I was up and walking within 1 hour of getting out of recovery and back to my room. Most of us walk about every two hours as it got rid of the gas in your belly which is what causes the worst of the pain. Once out of the hospital walking is the best thing you can do for your weight loss goals until you are released to do more. I was released at 8 weeks. - paying attention when you eat to your body. That one extra forkful will do me in every time. Eat slowly, very slowly but take no more than 30 minutes or your pouch begins to empty and you will end up over eating. Track everything you eat. Use a program like my fitness pal and log everything. It holds you accountable. - stay off the scale unless you can handle the crazy fluctuations that happen day to day and week to week. I do weigh daily but don't let that news effect me. Stay the course and the weight will come off. Use your clothing and your tape measure and your health or change in comorbitities to truly measure your progress. I hope these suggestions help you and I wish you the best of luck!
  9. I did go through this as well! I remember how frustrating it was but it did pass. I was probably 5 months along before it stopped completely for me and it started almost as soon as I was on soft foods. Hopefully it will pass soon.
  10. Hi there! I had my bypass on Sept. 26,2014 HW - 315 SW - 310 CW - 199 I hit Onederland last Monday and have been bouncing back and forth between 199 and 200 all week. I am looking forward to getting another 5 lbs down so I never have to look at that 200 number again. I am recuperating from a serious spine surgery so I am on restriction from anything but walking and am up to a little over a mile a day until I can't take it anymore. Hopefully I will be able to extend to more this week. It's kind of a bummer because I was doing an hour of cardio every day prior to this little set back. Makes me feel like I am back to 310lbs, I get so tired and sore. However, I will not let it get the best of me. I have 34 lbs to go to get to goal and I can see that light coming closer all the time! Having this bypass gave me my life back! And other than my spine I am the healthiest I have been since my mid 20's! No more comorbitities! Woot, woot!
  11. Djmohr

    Hey guys

    It's nice to hear from you again! What an amazing accomplishment. Congratulations and keep us posted on your progress.
  12. Djmohr

    Too much weight loss

    It would be great to have a little more info about why you are still on liquids. We might be able to offer some suggestions.
  13. @@twinmomC Hi there! I too have big issues with almost all artificial sweeteners. I avoid them as much as possible before my surgery and now after I cannot even tolerate that overly sickly sweet taste of the. I will use real sugar, honey or agave in small amounts and I have no problem. In terms of the pre op diet and the liquid diet post surgery. I chose not to use sf Jello or sf Popsicles ever. I simply stuck to Protein shakes, good homemade chicken stock, watered down apple juice and lots of Water. Your bariatric team will help you with an appropriate plan. Good luck to you!
  14. Djmohr

    Water weight and fluctuations

    I weigh daily and have for the last 9 months. I do not let the scale get to me, it is only 1 measure of how we are doing and certainly not the most important one. I mostly listen to my clothing, if it is loose, I know I am losing. It is absolutely normal for your weight to fluctuate back and forth and if you choose to weigh daily and even weekly you will begin to see patterns. There will be weeks where you lose nothing and weeks where you lose several pounds. That first month to 6 weeks post op you usually lose more than any other period. I think I was down right around 30lbs that first month. After that you should expect 10 to 15lbs per month on average. And of course there will be stalls along the way. The big thing is, don't let that scale rule you, stay the course and your weight will come off and more importantly you will begin feeling fantastic! I am down 111lbs in 8.5 months and have 34 to go to get to my healthy goal. I am no longer in an obese category but in the overweight category of the bmi charts. You will get to your goals soon! Good luck!
  15. Djmohr

    Last Meal Depression

    You are not a wacko! Everyone goes through mourning their favorite foods before having weight loss surgery assuming they will never again get to eat that food. In fact, most of us had food funerals. For me spaghetti was my favorite all time food since I was a child. I ate as much Pasta as I could. The night before I started my liquid diet, I had the best spaghetti dinner ever thinking I would never again get to eat it. Well, the reality is that is simply not true. You can eat anything you want or your new stomach tolerates, just in much smaller quantity and not as frequently. The weird thing is, your tastes will change and those things you once craved won't be nearly as appealing. For example I have gas spaghetti twice since I had my surgery. I really don't care for it any longer. I have pizza every few weeks. I love pizza! I can eat it with no problem. When I have it I always eat thin crust pizza and can only eat a small piece and I am full. Even when I have a craving for ice cream, I have a few spoonfuls and I am full and satisfied. My nutritionist has taught me that if you learn good habits, indulging once in a while won't hurt you. You will learn and love to eat good Protein and good carbs. Your body will feel best when you do that. 2 bites of protein for every one bite of good carbs is what I have been taught. I actually crave good meats like chicken, steak, pork and vegetables. I can no longer stand fried, greasy fast food. It tastes horrible! If you stick to the food plan there is nothing you can't indulge in once in a while but you will find that most of it, you don't even care for any longer. Even that pizza, it's ok but I would much rather have some good protein, veggies and fruit. You just wait and see! Follow the plan and you sill be successful and not worry so much about the foods you used to love. For now, have that food funeral! By the way, I had bypass and have lost 111lbs in 8.5 months. I have 34 left to go. I eat for fuel only. Food no longer rules my life. Good luck on your upcoming surgery! I wish you a safe and speedy recovery!
  16. I wondered what had happened to you! Well at least things are moving now. Try to stay positive and don't give up what you have already lost. You did well so far and I really hope that everything works out and you can have your surgery. I am thinking about you and will say a prayer for you! Keep us posted please.
  17. Djmohr

    Jittery /feeling like anxiety

    I have never had that feeling. I wonder if it is your medication. Have you called the doctor?
  18. Djmohr

    Acid Reflux?

    That is what happens to me when I eat too much now. Or like you said drink liquid with my food which has only happened once or twice. Your food doesn't have a chance to process and it has no where to go so it backs up in your esophagus. Try eating a smaller portion and obviously follow the 30/30 rule. I suffered from severe reflux prior to bypass surgery. It is a burning sensation and then your stomach acid actually backs up in your esophagus and ultimately your throat. It can keep you walking the floors for hours on end. From my understanding when they do the bypass if that is the surgery you had, there is no stomach acid. The reason they have you take something like Prilosec is to avoid a stomach ulcer which can give you that pain in your gut/chest. I also get that feeling if I have eaten a heavy food. It can be very painful. I try to stick to 1 percent cottage cheese. I tried the heavier stuff and I get that pain in my gut.
  19. Djmohr

    11 months

    @@NewLife4Me7, Wow! You look fantastic and I am guessing you feel pretty darn great as well! Congratulations on your fabulous progress!
  20. I have definitely lost over 1/3 of my body weight in just 8.5 months. I was 310 when I started, I am 198 now and have 35lbs to go to get to the healthy classification on the bmi charts. I am no longer obese, just overweight at this point. Here is the thing, it is 100 percent up to you how far you go with this. Your doctor is telling you about the averages. You can leverage this tool as far as you want to. It is not the surgery that will get you there, it will help you get there by controlling hunger and malabsorbing your food for a period of time. It is up to you to push yourself as hard as you prefer. Some people are happy getting to a weight that makes them healthier but still overweight. Others want to get to their healthiest possible weight and they leverage that first two years to build excellent habits. That is what will get you there. I cannot speak to maintenance yet but I believe that has to be the hardest part and if you have not learned good eating habits maintenance will be the hardest part. Just my two cents.... Good luck on your surgery! I love my new life, every pound lost and size I drop only motivates me. I started out just trying to get rid of comorbitities and as the weight came off and I started to feel fantastic it motivated me to change my goals to get to the healthiest possible weight for me. All my comorbitities are in remission.
  21. For me it was gas or a burp that caused that problem. It was from drinking too fast. They did keep me on nexium for the first 30 days post op and then we stopped that. Bypass is supposed to cure acid reflux. I had very severe reflux and Gerd prior to RNY. I have never had another episode. My chest pain always comes from drinking or eating too fast. I have learned to avoid that and then I don't get the burps stuck. Sometimes when I have to take a pill I find myself gulping instead of sipping and that creates gas in my tummy. I am 9 months post op and even now if I get a burp stuck it is uncomfortable until it comes up. Drinking through a straw can cause that as well. Adds more air into your pouch.
  22. Djmohr

    Sweet taste in my mouth?!

    Yes! I hated it and had a hard time drinking my Protein shakes. I was supposed to drink 5 a day and was lucky near the end to get 2 a day in. I ended up living on really good quality chicken broth. After surgery I could not tolerate sweet at all because of that taste in my mouth. It took almost 6 months before I could tolerate sweet things and especially artificially sweet things. Even now I have to find puddings and shakes that are less sweet tasting. But at least I can tolerate some now. I kind of thought it was a product of detoxing from sugar. Prior to my preop liquid diet I was a sugarholic. That diet cleared me of that issue for sure. I no longer get that taste in my mouth but I also never crave sweets thank goodness. Yet I can have a bite or two and they taste good again as long as they are not artificially sweetened. Now if I have a craving it is usually for something crunchy. Hopefully it will pass after surgery. Good luck!
  23. Djmohr

    Still working

    You look absolutely fantastic! You should be so proud of yourself! Congratulations!
  24. Djmohr


    I am so sorry this is happening to you! I know this might be a frustrating question but if you take a day without regular food, are you able to get full liquids down. I mean 64 oz. of Water or broth or crystal light type drinks. I ask this only because sometimes it helps literally to give your stomach more time to heal. Some people take longer. And of course when you do eat something and it ruins your day, getting liquids down after that is a no go. This could and probably is making your dehydration, nausea much worse. Resetting to liquids only for a few days may give your stomach a break. You are quite a ways out already to be back on liquids but I have read about others who have had this happen. Also, I know for the first 3 months I would have to sip on room temp or warm fluids before I could even try to eat anything. I really did have to wake my pouch up slowly. If you cannot get liquids only down for a whole day without getting sick I would go back to my doctor and push to see if there is a structure going on or something else. I hope you feel better soon!
  25. Hi Everyone! I has RNY in September and I have been doing very very well. I am down 105lbs at this point and right now losing every day. Part of the reason I am losing so much now is because I just had spine surgery that was performed through my throat. I had that surgery completed on 6/3. I am in a decent amount of pain but am coping very well. The issue is I am having a very difficult time eating and drinking much of anything worth while. Apparently this is normal for this type of surgery but I have not found cases where the patient had both RNY and spine surgery so close together. I am not even coming close to my Water requirement and have been getting cramps. I cannot seem to find much to eat that does not get stuck in my throat and require liquid to go down. I am of course drinking icy cold Protein shakes because I am worried about not getting enough protein. I have also started eating full fat pudding because it is icy cold and does not seem to get stuck.nright now I need both the dairy and the sugar sure isn't hurting. I am lucky if I manage 40gr of protein and a total of 300 calories. This of course has been going on since last week Tuesday. Does anyone have any ideas for very soft savory foods that might help me? I choke on Beans and cheese. I have been doing ok with very very mushy chicken noodle Soup. I am looking for things that will slide down my throat without chewing. I am pretty tired of pudding, chicken soup and cottage cheese. Cottage cheese has worked well for me. I heard there is a recipe for some type of baked ricotta? Anyone have a recipe like that? Thanks in advance for you help! I really was not expecting this throat issue to be so bad and they tell me it could be many more weeks of this!

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