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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Djmohr

  1. Djmohr

    Discharge weight

    You are right, it is from all the fluids, swelling etc. trust me, you will lose it and then some very quickly. The best thing to do honestly is try not to let that scale rule you. The scale is not the only way to measure progress. Remember it is only one barometer. Pay attention to how you feel, how your clothes are fitting and measure with a tape measure. Don't worry, the weight will come off and everyone loses it at a different rate but in the end over time everyone catches up with one another. Good luck!
  2. Djmohr

    On my way!

    Congratulations. I am so happy to hear you are feeling so good. You are through the worst of it. Everyday will get a little bit better. Keep us posted on your progress and welcome to the losers club!
  3. Djmohr

    Newbie-Surgery on 7/14/15

    Welcome and good luck on your surgery! I hope you feel better soon.
  4. Hi there. I am 52 years old. I had bypass 9 months ago and have lost 111lbs with 34 left to go to get to goal. As another poster stated, the rate of weight loss depends on how much you have to lose to begin with. In the end some lose faster in the beginning and some lose steady all along the way but they those that follow the plan will reach their goals.
  5. I am so sorry this is happening. It is Definitely not normal nor should it be reflux.. I would call your doctor immediately, I would guess like others you have something more serious going on. I hope they figure it out very soon and you are recovering.
  6. Djmohr


    I would bet money on the fact that you are actually dehydrated. It gives the same feeling as hunger at your stage and you should not being feeling any hunger at this stage. It should be close to 6 months before you ever feel actual hunger. Trying increasing your liquids even more. How many ounces of liquid are you getting in every day? If you are up to 64 ounces then I would guess it is head hunger that is bothering you. Head hunger can be frustrating and the only thing you can do about it is go do something to get your mind off of it. Take a walk, read a book, do some housework (if you are able). If you are not yet at 64ounces of liquid then dehydration gives you hunger symptoms. I am a pro at recognizing this now as it is always a struggle to get all my liquids in. I have to work very hard it.
  7. There are two questions/posts that come up over and over that actually raise my blood pressure. 1. Whining about only losing 30lbs so far and I am already a month out. When in your life have you ever lost that much weight so quickly? It took you longer than a year to gain all this weight but you think it should just melt off overnight. I seriously have to take deep breaths before responding so I do restrain what I really wNt to say. Oh and by the way, as soon as you start on soft foods and are released to eat a "normal" diet, weight loss will actually slow way down. But guess what, you will still lose. 2. I am stalled. I have not lost any weight over the last two days or 6 days. does this mean I have failed or am Done losing? "Insert panic here" Ok, really? Get a grip. I think I actually grind my teeth every time I read one of these. Deep breaths and reassure them that this will not be the last time days God by without loss. I recognize that there are a lot of people that are just beginning research but that panic just gets me every time. This is just me but I researched so much prior to surgery and read everything my clinic gave me. I knew exactly what to expect before proceeding so maybe that is why I did not panic when these types of things occurred.
  8. Djmohr


    Hi there! I use my fitness pal to track everything. It helps me stay accountable. I do not focus on calories and both my surgeon and nutritionist have told me not to. I have been told to focus my efforts on Protein grams each day. A minimum of 1 gram of protein for every inch you are tall. You should be shooting for a minimum of 72 grams per day. Not knowing how far out you are from surgery, you may not be getting enough protein right now which in turn is keeping your calories at a long term sustainable level. You may find a stall coming in your future. Back when I was around 12 weeks post op, I was getting between 60 and 70 grams of protein, 60 of course was not enough for my height. I was also getting between 700 and 800 calories (I only know the calorie count because of my fitness pal). I stalled for almost a month and I could not figure out why. I was exercising regularly and just plain stuck. My trainer and nut told me my protein count was too low. To simply add some additional protein and veggies to my diet. I boosted my protein level to an averag of 75 to 90 grams per day. My calories average between 1000 and 1100 now. I have consistently been losing weight ever since. It is slow but steady. Not sure how far out you are but if you can boost your protein a bit it will be much healthier for you Down the road. Just my two cents
  9. Djmohr

    Big box of samples. Now what?

    shakes. I am not a fan in my Cereal but everyone's tastes are different. I am a huge fan of the fuzzy naval made with Water, vanilla bean torte made with milk and Caribbean cooler made with water is pretty good too. Have fun but prepare yourself if you are not yet used to Protein shakes they do take some getting used to. For me the easiest one to get used to is Premier Protein ready made shakes. They can be purchased at Sam's and costco. They taste more like thick chocolate milk. They also have strawberries and cream as well as vanilla. For me chocolate tastes the best, it is not overly sweet. I do like the nectars in water as a really nice change though.
  10. Oh, and I am not offended at all! LOL! If you met me you might think I was in the military! LOL.
  11. Welcome and good luck today! I hope all goes well with your consultation and you get through the hoops as efficiently as possible. My insurance required the same 6 months. By the time I got through everything it was actually 9 months for me. I originally chose the sleeve and had my heart set on it until I met with the surgeon and he reviewed my health history. I suffered from reflux/Gerd and he recommended that I really consider bypass. Apparently the sleeve and lap and could make this worse or give it you you if you did not have it already. After tons of research and a second opinion, I went with the bypass. I am so very glad I had this surgery and so far have not had any complications. I am 9 months post op and down 111lbs with 34 to go. Good luck with whatever you decide to do! It sounds like you are so ready to move forward. Keep us posted on your progress!
  12. Djmohr

    4th of July recipe ideas?

    I make this chicken recipe for the grill and the chicken is absolutely delicious, moist and succulent. The Marinade actually makes this chicken what it is, marinade for a minimum of 1 hour but several hours or overnight is even better. Greek grilled chicken: Chicken breasts or things or whatever you like - I use skinless, boneless breasts 2 cloves of garlic - crushed or minced 1 cup olive oil 2 fresh squeezed lemons 2 tablespoons fresh chopped oregano 1/2 teaspoon Kosher salt 1/4 teaspoon fresh ground pepper Mix all ingredients with whisk and poor into a large ziploc bag. Place chicken inside and squish bag until all chicken is coated with marinade. Place bag inside a bowl and refrigerate for minimum of 1 hour or as long as overnight. Grill until done. Don't overlook chicken breasts. I usually use this much marinade for 4 skinless boneless chicken breast. You can obviously double or triple for more chicken. I serve this with grilled zucchini, mushrooms and onions. I will also make a garden salad with a vinegarette. Yum, my mouth is watering. It does not take a lot of work to make the marinade. I just had spine surgery in my neck and am restricted. I was able to pull this dish together in 10 minutes (the chicken). Maybe have others bring some salads to go with to keep it nice and healthy.
  13. Djmohr

    Surgery Eve

    Hoping for a safe and speedy surgery and recovery today!
  14. Djmohr

    Let me tell you about my journey.

    I am so glad you got through everything and have a surgery date. Hooray!! As hard as the wait is I do think that time for me was well worth it. It helped me get so ready and more importantly in the right frame of mind. I like you was so ready and excited by the time my surgery date came. I was not scared at all. My wait was 9 months long. Building good habits is so important to the success of this surgery. As time goes by and you try new foods it is really easy to get caught up in old behaviors. Trust me, I get caught up every once in a while. Good luck in the coming weeks.
  15. Djmohr

    This weekend ...

    I suggest saving one or two items that you wore all the time that are your largest sizes for sure. The fun of trying those on six months from now is well worth it! I have a pair (my largest size pants) of 24. I am currently in a 14 and those /4 literally fall off my body. It's always fun to do a fashion show for my family. They see me everyday and sometimes forget how sick I was. It's a good reminder to never get to that point again. Also keep a shirt or two for the same reason. I have always bought my shirts one size larger because my upper arms were really big and almost everything I bought the sleeves were too tight. Good luck with your pre op diet, you are lucky it is only 3 days. I was 2 weeks. I hope you have a safe surgery and very speedy recovery. Good luck on Monday! P.S. Try reading a good book this weekend, taking a nice hot bath and listening to music. It makes time go by and really relaxes you as you head into Monday.
  16. The other thing to remember about the hair loss is that for some people it comes with rapid massive weight loss. It will not stop until you have stopped losing weight. Biotin will help with regrowth. It certainly can be worse if your Iron or Protein levels are deficient. A 95 lb loss in that short of time is extremely well! Not knowing your beginning weight makes that harder to know. If you start out heavier you lose more faster but the thing is down the road everyone catches up because as you get closer to your goal, you lose more slowly. You are doing terrific! Congratulations!
  17. To James point, I believe I was able to start eating raw fruit at 8 weeks but with peels removed.
  18. Djmohr

    Little Acheivements are the best

    - sit cross legged on the floor! - fit in an airplane seat without an extender! Even have 6-10 inches of belt left over - walk for miles and miles - literally chase my husband when he is being sassy and catch him! He doesn't like this one much because I can and do catch him! - keep up with my family on vacations - run up and down the stairs without keeling over huffing and puffing - do an hour of cardio and feel fantastic afterwards I could go on and on!
  19. I am so sorry to hear you went through this once and gained your weight back. It is my worst fear. I cannot answer your question because I just had my bypass in Sept. I am down 111lbs with 34 to go to get to goal. If I were in your shoes I would definitely meet with a bariatric center of excellence team to discuss options. They are extremely supportive and have the right team of specialists to answer your questions and support you during the next phase of your journey. I would call your insurance company and ask for the bariatric centers of excellence that they support. That would be my very first step. I wish you all the best and if you ever need anything or have questions please feel free to reach out.
  20. @@asauce413 Definitely do your research on this. I have seen way too many people go the sleeve route and have to revise to bypass because of the Gerd/reflux issue. I wanted sleeve surgery so badly that I was devastated when I was told that RNY was recommended vs. sleeve. I got a second opinion from my gastroenterologist who definitely supported the RNY. I read tons, got on sites like this one and began to understand the pros and cons of each surgery. For me, I wanted to go through this once and only once. RNY has been a huge blessing for me. No complications, down 111lbs in 8.5 months with 34 to go. RNY cured my Gerd, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and stage 3 kidney disease. Many surgeons will move forward with your sleeve surgery and certainly you can take medications to help you with it. You have to think about if that is what you really want knowing that the sleeve can make that condition much worse. Even people who have never had Gerd have gotten it with the sleeve. There is a reason that RNY is the gold standard for WLS and is recommended for people who suffer from Gerd. You have to make the decision for yourself, I am just suggesting you continue to research like crazy. Do a search on revisions from sleeve to bypass. I bet you find lots of info to help you on your research journey. Good luck to you!
  21. I am right there with you. 34lbs to go and fighting every single pound! I just think these last 50 are the hardest and require even more hard work On our part to get there. I believe we can do it if we want it bad enough.
  22. This is one of the issues my nut has focused on from the very beginning. I have been taught 2 bites of Protein for every 1 bite of good carbs like fruit and vegetables. It helps maintain a more balanced and realistic diet for the long term. I would really try focusing on adding vegetables and fruit to your diet using that approach. It will help you to be less bored, stay on track and ensure good balance and good protein intake. I always hit my protein goals. I do drink one Protein shake for Breakfast to get me kick started but the remainder of my day is the 2/1 approach for every meal. If I need a snack I choose cheese, jersey, nuts, cottage cheese, milk or pudding. Good luck!
  23. I met with a cardiologist yesterday. I definitely feel better after seeing him. He believes having two major surgeries in 8 months has played a huge role. My passing out, dizziness and low heart rate is being caused by 3 things: surgeons using steroids during and after spine surgery has caused my adrenal system to be out of whack which is causing my body to take longer to acclimate to positional changes, dehydration from the ability to swallow much for the last 4 weeks and the nerve in my cervical spine that was impacted and controls heart rate is irritate. He said it is like a perfect storm. An endocrinologist can help me with the adrenal gland issue. Of course Imy throat is getting better making hydration a bit easier and I just have to give that nerve some time to heal. My heart looks very health! Thanks for all the well wishes!

    1. jane13


      so glad to hear you got good news.

    2. Rebecca Jo Ragon

      Rebecca Jo Ragon

      Good news! So glad to hear it.

    3. Karlnjax


      @Djmohr I'm glad you found out whats going on! I pray now you will feel better knowing whats going on with your body. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers... Feel better soon :)

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  24. Djmohr


    I am still in the losing phase of WLS but my biggest fear is maintenance and being one of the folks that let myself get out of control. I have imagined that if that were to happen, I would go back to basics. I know I have the willpower to never get back to where I was. I figure if I can go back to the beginning it should in fact help me get back on track. Maybe start by tracking everything you put in your mouth using something like my fitness pal, it will hold you more accountable. Or try the 5 day pouch test (google it) to reset your system. And of course, if you are not already doing this start walking. You can get this back on track. Anyone who has done so well as you have can do this. You had the willpower to lose a massive amount of weight. You have already started by reaching out. You can do this, have faith in yourself! We do!
  25. The most pain I had was right when I woke up. My chest hurt right in the middle which is actually where your stomach is. They quickly got my pain under control (within 15 minutes). The biggest pain is actually from the gas in your belly, the best way to control that is by walking, gas x strips and heat packs which they will give you in the hospital. Stay on top of the pain meds and ask them for heat packs. That first night is a little rough but only because of the gas in your belly. I was literally up and walking within the first 30 minutes of getting to my room. I had no catheter so I had to get up to go. As soon as I did I realized it felt better both standing and sitting up. The second day when I wasn't walking I was sitting in the chair in my room with hot packs on my belly. I had surgery on Monday, went home on Wednesday and took my last pain pill on Thursday. Really it was not bad once that gas left my body and you have to work to get rid of it. Good luck with your syrgery and don't be scared. Your fear is probably much worse than reality.

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