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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Djmohr

  1. @@andreaharper Your Dad is very lucky to have such support! Honestly I would be surprised in the first couple of weeks if anything appeals to him at all. I did not have the sleeve but had bypass and I will say that strong smelling foods did make me nauseous but not to the point where I vomited. Those smells simply made me not want to eat anything. My husband who is also super supportive would go eat by himself and it actually frustrated me more than the smells. I just felt like I chose to go down this route and my family should not have to behave differently because of it. So, after a week of this I finally got him to stop hiding when he eats because it really doesn't bother me. I hope your Dad's surgery goes very well and he is recovering and on his road to better health!
  2. @@IcanMakeit Loved your post and especially your approach! You have done very well. I am currently 31lbs from goal and have been very worried about the maintenance phase. My nut is in the frame of mind that you follow the plan 95 percent of the time. She believes that abstaining from the foods that you crave will actually result in bigger issues down the road. For me, I work on leveraging the plan every single day and indulging in a treat when I need to. The good thing is, I don't need to as a rule. Birthdays, holidays or special events I might try a few bites of something sweet. Usually realizing that it doesn't even taste good to me. Keep up the great work!
  3. Djmohr


    @@choosehope I have the exact same problem and was very worried about what to do when I started this process. I was able to eat yo plait light yogurt as it does not contain aspartame. I was told by my nut that I should not worry and avoid any foods, drinks with aspartame. For example I was told to eat yogurt with sugar in it or pudding with real sugar in it. Leverage honey or agave nectar instead. this because you eat so little of it if you follow the food plan. Yogurts and puddings for me is where I eat sugar. I do use sugar free syrup but it is very very rare that I even eat anything where I need syrup. It does become more difficult for you when you think about what to drink. I don't use any sugar free products at all with the exception of yo plait light. I drink water only. I sometimes will infuse it with real fruit if I get sick of plain water but for me that is not a problem. This can be done without artificial sweeteners of any kind. Prior to having bariatric surgery I suffered from migraines 5 out of 7 days per week. I use Dihydroergotamine rescue shots to relieve them when I get them which makes them go away within the first hour. Now I probably get them 2 or 3 times a month if that! The high protein low carb diet has really helped me with headaches. I used to get them so bad that I developed arthritis in my jaw from clenching due to the pain. My neurologist told me this is common for people who suffer long term. I am 52. My son and 11 year old granddaughter get them as well. It is probably the worst pain and is intolerable and trust me, I have had 5 spinal surgeries. I know pain! I hope that WLS helps you with your migraines as well. I was not expecting it to and was quite surprised! Good luck!
  4. Djmohr

    What Are Your Must-Have Foods?

    Good quality cheeses Cottage cheese Pistachios Pudding Apples Cherries Strawberries Protein granola Yogurt Premier protein shakes - chocolate
  5. Djmohr

    Stress incontinence

    I had this problem as well and it is completely gone.
  6. Djmohr


    Oh my! I hope you have contacted your doctor. Please keep us posted. Take care!
  7. Djmohr

    Red Deer or TO?

    Hi and welcome! i had a similiar experience when I found out I had to go through a six month supervised duet before I would be considered for bypass surgery. The reality is it took 9 months to the day. When I first heard this, I was devastated. I had just been diagnosed with stage 3 kidney disease on top of type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, sleep apnea and severe Gerd. I felt like had one foot on a banana peel and one foot in the grave. After going through the process I am so very glad that I did. First it allowed me the time to change. I worked on resolving some bad eating habits. I would choose 1 or two to work on each month. I focused on paying attention to my eating behaviors. If you are a soda drinker, caffeine drinker, smoker, these are things that need to stop before surgery. It takes time to make that happen. I learned to eat much slower, not get distracted while eating, eating slowly, chewing my food, drinking 64 oz. of Water, etc. In terms of weight gain after bypass. The reality is your new stomach does not stretch. There are many articles about this topic that you can research. What happens is people choose to not follow the rules and when your hunger comes back and it will, they eat the wrong foods, drink with their meals, eat and drink sugary foods. You can eat around your surgery by grazing. Your new stomach is designed to move the small amount of food through your system. If you drink it will wash the food out if your pouch and you will be hungry again in a very short amount of time. Grazing means you are eating through the day. Most people who have weight loss surgery and succeed eat a high Protein low carb diet. They focus on good carbs like vegetables and fruit. They eat 3 meals a day and may have a protein focused snack here and there or they eat 5 small meals a day. The most important thing is that you don't revert back to drinking sugary drinks and load up on carbs. These items make you more hungry and it becomes a vicious cycle. You end up eating more often and eating the wrong foods. Your new tummy is a tool that will assist you in weight loss and remaining healthy. If you abuse it, you will not be successful. Having weight loss surgery and being successful at it requires a lot of hard work. Hopefully this gives you a bit more information. I would NOT spend that money, I would go through the process that will set you up for success and ensure you are ready for all the changes required. Good luck to you!
  8. Djmohr

    Time Between Liquids and Yogurt

    Most of the time I wait however every once in a while when I have to be somewhere early I will wait 10 to 15 minutes before eating my yogurt. I never eat and drink at the same time.
  9. Djmohr

    Surgery Now or Later?

    Everyone always asks me if I regret having WLS. The only thing I regret is wasting more time being unhealthy. I wish I would have done it 10 years ago. For me, I would do it sooner but only if I were mentally ready to move forward. I am glad you are working with a therapist. If you are not ready to have this surgery, you should wait. The hardest thing about it is realizing the changes you must make to your lifestyle. I believe that is why most insurance companies require a 6 month supervised diet with either a nutritionist or a physician. You have to be in the right frame of mind to be successful. Good luck and keep us posted! You will have support from this group in whatever decision you make for yourself!
  10. Djmohr

    What's for Breakfast?!

    95 percent of the time I have just a Protein shake for breakfast. Otherwise I will have a yogurt with protein granola, cottage cheese or maybe high protein oatmeal. I try to save my carbs for lunch and dinner. I am 10 months post op and on regular food.
  11. Djmohr

    Weight Loss

    I lost 13 pounds in the pre op diet that lasted 10 days. Other than that, I remained at the same weight for my whole 6 months prior. I did not gain and did not lose.
  12. Djmohr

    Sandwich Wraps

    I am 10 months out and yes I can certainly eat bread, wraps and that sort of thing but it actually feels like it clogs my pouch so I don't. I remember when I was post op about 8 weeks, I wanted a sandwich so badly. I missed bread. Until I ate it the first time, then I lost interest. I have since tried it a few more times and honestly i just don't feel right after.every once in a while I will have a half a piece of toast and that doesn't bothe me as much but if the bread is not toasted....... The other thing is, it is very difficult to get your Protein and veggies in when eating bread so you end up missing your protein goal for the day.
  13. Djmohr

    What is your daily food intake?

    The most important thing for you to focus on is the Protein and liquids goals at this stage. I too was never given a calories goal and thought it was simply crazy so I do track it using my fitness pal. My nut has taught me that good carbs are important in your diet as well so I use the strategy that she shared with me. 2 bites of protein for every one bit of good carbs. I see a lot of folks that stay completely away from carbs and you need those in your diet as well. I simply stay away from non value added foods as much as possible. Here is how things looked for me through the stages First 3 months - 70 - 85 grams of protein, 400-500 calories daily 4 months to current - 70 to 85 grams of protein, 800 - 1000 calories daily I am 10 months post op. I see a lot of folks have higher protein counts but my nut wants to keep me around 70, 1 gram for every inch I am tall. I push it a bit higher because I lose more however I have a history of kidney disease so I have to be very careful about going beyond what I am currently getting. My BUN (kidney function) is elevated with what I am currently getting and I try not to stress my kidneys.
  14. Djmohr

    How did you know?

    I had a great experience. The first 3 days are uncomfortable because of the gas they use during all of these surgeries. I was literally up and out of my bed within 30 minutes of getting into my room. I got up and started walking in short increments. I used heat packs, gas x and walking to deal with the gas pains. I learned very quickly that the pain meds did not work so good on that gas pain. I really did not have a lot of surgical pain. I had surgery on Monday. Was released on wed. morning. I took the pain meds through Thursday night and by Friday was feeling pretty good. The tougher part was getting all of the fluids they wanted me to drink in. At first you can drink 2 tablespoons at a time, which meant you would have to sip constantly. I ended up not being able to keep up with it and I would get nauseous. I found out that was actually dehydration setting in and got better about sipping all day long. I had no complications from bypass. I don't get dumping syndrome and honestly it was the best thing I have ever done for myself. Immediately following surgery my comorbitities went into remission starting with diabetes including stage 3 kidney disease. I did send you a personal message a short time ago about some of the things I had learned about bypass prior to having it. Check your messages.
  15. Djmohr

    How did you know?

    @@Soon2beslimSamantha I was 51 and waited way too long. I was 315lbs at my heaviest. I had type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, severe Gerd, sleep apnea for comorbitities. I also have psoriatic arthritis and osteo arthritis of my spine. I was in pain every single day. Then I developed stage 3 kidney disease and that was the straw that broke the camels back. My nephrologist told me if I did not do something I was looking at dialysis. I literally left his office and went on line to a website he gave me. I started the process immediately. From start to surgery day it took 9 months. I chose bypass because of the severe Gerd.
  16. Djmohr

    Ability to Exercise

    It took several months before I got up to 2 miles a day walking. Before hand I was lucky to walk around the block. My knees were terrible, ankles as well but a ton of pain in my neck , back and shoulders. I have psoriatic arthritis as well as osteoarthritis in my spine. As the weight came off I knew I just had to try to do a little more each day and that is how I started. As you move your joints it does get easier and pretty soon I noticed that ankles and knees did not hurt as badly. I purchased a treadmill and recumbent elliptical and started using them every other day. I started at 15 minutes each in fat burn mode and then was able to finally increase it to 30 minutes each over the next month. Then I had spine surgery and now I am back to walking as much as possible. I used a lot of ice packs right after walking on my neck and back but learned that this exercise makes me feel fantastic afterwards. Just take it one day at a time and do the best you can. I never set expectations of walking 5 miles in a day because my physical skeleton just don't tolerate it. I set my goal to simply do the best I can and challenge myself to be more active. By the way, before surgery I was doing no on purpose exercise. I had told myself it simply was not possible. I actually think I could have been doing more than I was. Good luck!
  17. Djmohr

    Wait 30 minutes or do without?

    I definately would have eaten.
  18. LOL! Love your caption! I can honestly say I avoid commercials like the plague especially if they have good advertisements on them. Food, not good. LOL
  19. Djmohr


    I am glad I am not the only one! I never had acne even as a teenager. Now my chin and jawline are the worst. I spend a lot money on my cleanzers, moisturizers and foundation and nothing is helping. I even use a sonic brush with special cleanser and it is not helping.
  20. Djmohr


    @@suedot55 I took my last dose the night before surgery. I would bet at your next appointment they will pull it. If they don't mention it, I would. Nice job by the way!
  21. It will get better every single day. It was about 6 weeks before I could finally get close to 48 oz. of liquid in. It was about 7 weeks before I could get all my Protein in. Everything is swollen inside and it makes it very difficult at first but you should start feeling better soon. The thing that finally worked for me was literally holding my Water cup in my hand and sipping a little every few minutes. If I put that thing down I would forget. I remember being very worried and stressed because I could not even come remotely close to my food/drink goals in that first 6 weeks post surgery. Keep pushing yourself a little everyday and do the best that you can.
  22. Djmohr

    Progress so far! (Pics)

    @@Martene81, Congratulations! You look absolutely fabulous! The difference is very significant. I would not call you a slow loser at all. Prepare yourself for the next several months because it really does slow down and there will be stalls along the way but in the DNS if you follow the plan, the weight will drop off. I just broke a 28 day stall at 10 months post op. I promise I was following the plan, getting as much exercise as possible in given I am recuperating from spine surgery. It was my second stall that lasted more than 10 days. As someone else said don't let the scale rule your success. Start with how much better you are feeling and how your clothes are feeling. You should be very proud of yourself, you look phenomenal already and it is only 7 weeks post op!
  23. Djmohr


    I have to give myself shots for migrane headaches with a pretty large needle. I too was not looking forward to this at all and in the beginning I was having to do it almost everyday for 6 months. I promise after the first time or two I got used to it. I did not have to do this for my bypass, they did in the hospital but once I went home I was good.
  24. You are most likely dehydrated. Nausea is one of the symptoms of dehydration and can make eating and drinking anything very difficult. Have you talked to your doctor or nurse about this? They may be able to give you something like zofran for the nausea and they will have more insight as to what may be causing your symptoms. If I was a betting woman, I would guess that you are not getting enough fluids which can make you very very sick very quickly. Also because you are not feeling well, you are not getting your Protein in which can also make you very sick. Not sure which protein you are using but I might suggest trying some others. I know I had to switch until I found one that didn't gag me. For me that was Premier Protein ready made shakes. They are 30 grams of protein in each one with only 1 gram of sugar. You can get them at Sam's or costco. I hope you feel better soon!

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