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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SuzanneG

  1. SuzanneG

    Peptic ulcer before banding

    Have you seen a surgeon yet? I would think you could still go through your prelimary steps. If you haven't done so, you'll need to attend a seminar, see a surgeon, get a phsych eval, etc. No reason why you can't do that stuff while healing your ulcer. Keep me posted on how you are doing. I'm going in for an endoscopy this Friday. Not sure if I have an ulcer or what. I'm nervous since they'll have to take the Fluid out of my band to do it. She said if he doesn't like what he sees, he may not put the fluid back in. :cursing: Fingers crossed.
  2. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Hey Kathy, what a great idea for the Wii. I might suggest that for my nephew as well. Miss you guys. Only 3 more weeks until my surgery. I'll be back on C25K before you know it. I have to have an endoscopy this Friday. I'm so nervous about that. I'm having heartburn and nausea. Never a good sign. Wish me luck.
  3. Have you already been to a seminar and have you had a consult appt with a surgeon yet? If not, got ahead and attend a seminar. As for the appt with a surgeon, if you have one in mind, make your appt around your TOM if possible, also eat chinese the night before and drink as much water as you can hold on your way to the appt. Once they weigh you that first time, that is the official weight that is submitted to your insurnace. There are tons of little tricks to get your BMI higher, you can put some quarters in your pocket, he he. Submit with as thorough a health history as possible.


    If you have sleep apnea, that's pretty much a sure thing. My insurance wanted that or heart or lung disease. Meanwhile, you might want to enjoy all your favorite places. I must have had a thousand last suppers. Ha ha


    Please keep me posted on your progress. You can email me at suzanne.gracik@uscg.mil any time.

    Best of luck!!



  4. SuzanneG

    No Ride Home

    When's your surgery? Can you have the party before your surgery? If not, the others are probably right, you likely won't want food if it's soon after your surgery.
  5. SuzanneG

    Feeling sick eeww

    I haven't tried it, but I hear that Dramamine helps.
  6. SuzanneG

    Peptic ulcer before banding

    Isn't the fix for that a round of antibiotics? I would think they could get you cleared up before Christmas. I'm on carafate right now and it says it takes 4-8 weeks to heal an ulcer.
  7. SuzanneG

    Anyone have an endoscopy after lapband?

    Well, my endo is scheduled for this Friday, the 30th. Wish me luck. I'd still love to hear from anyone else who had one after banding.
  8. SuzanneG


    Way to go Bill! :cursing:
  9. I'm almost at 2 years with no problems!
  10. Don't give up, if they don't reverse their decision, APPEAL. I had a BMI of 35.1 at first and was denied. I ate like there was no tomorrow, gathered letters of support for each of my doctors, wrote two letters from myself and my surgeon submitted the appeal package for me. By then my BMI was 38.1 and with my letters, I was approved the second time through. Don't give up!
  11. A day of liquids would probably be even better. Yeah, I'm always sore after a stuck.
  12. SuzanneG

    Alcohol choices

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I don't like sweet drinks so that limits my choices somewhat. I used to LOVE beer. Since banding I discovered I love Patron'. Yummy! So my drink of choice is either Patron' straight, or in a margaritta. I also like Mikearitas. These are made by the people who make Mike's Hard Lemonade. It is the only one that isn't carbonated and it packs quite a punch! They can be hard to find though. Just ask any store that carries Mike's to get hte Mikearitas and they will. YUMMY!!! And easily portable, great for cookouts and BYOB parties.
  13. SuzanneG

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    Tina, have you talked to your lawyer about this. I agree with Heartfire, I think if you can prove infidelity then he gets nadda! Let us know!
  14. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Hey Guys, I'm just checking in. My foot has decided there will be no more running for me until after my surgery, which will be Nov. 17th. I'm hoping to be back on the treadmill by the first of the year. Keep up the good work guys. I'll keep checking this thread to see how you are all doing while I wait for my turn to start the C25K again. DH started it yesterday, I'm jealous. :'(
  15. Hi, I don't usually start my own thread but I'm so frustrated. I haven't been able to move the scales since January so I thought I would do my pre-op diet again. 10 days of protien shake for Breakfast and dinner and a 4ounce lean protien lunch. I followed it, nearly to the letter and this morning I was so excited to weigh. I even had a fill last Friday so I was on liquids for 3 days during this time. I felt like I was going to see a new low and couldn't wait to see how much I had lost. I GAINED 1/2 a pound!!! WTF? :wink2: Grrrrrrrrrrr! Two weeks before I was eating birthday cake (2 birhtdays in July) drinking margaritas, eating chips and WEIGHED THE SAME AS I DO NOW! Before you tell me to exercise, I'll say that exercise has never helped me lose weight. I did do the Couch to 5K program and lost a size and felt AMAZING, but then I had to have surgery on my foot and well, that's a whole other story, the damn thing won't heal right and doc thinks he's going to have to go back in and operate again in Nov. I'm so amazingly frustrated. For the first time in a very long time, I fought back tears while standing on the scales.....:nanahump: I know, and have tried, all the tricks about varying your calories, measuring, we all know, don't we? Most of us were professional dieters before the band, so I honestly feel like I'm at the end of my rope on how to get this last 15 pounds off. The doc says I'm "Normal" weight and said he'd like to lose 15 pounds too, but that I was normal and he's happy with my weight, but I'm at the TOP of the normal range (actually now I'm just above it again), I just wanted to get closer to the middle. Thanks for letting me vent. I knew that only you wonderful bandsters would understand the full impact of how I'm feeling.
  16. SuzanneG

    Ask Dr. Schulman...

    Thanks Dr. Schulman!
  17. SuzanneG

    Ring Sizes

    It won't hurt to give it a try. I think it can be reversed too if you didn't like it, but I can't imagine you wanting to go back to yellow gold if you wear platinum and white gold mostly. Now you have my curiosity up. Any pics of the rings? I love antiques, especially jewlery.
  18. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Geeze, was I confused. ha ha Sorry about the mix up guys. The foots about the same. Only 5 more weeks until my surgery, and crutches....again :frown: Kathy, I hear ya on not having enough time. At least you are staying with it though and keeping yourself active.
  19. SuzanneG

    Ring Sizes

    Jacqui, the rhodium plating works great. That's actually how white gold is made anyway, so it's really no different. My daugther had an antique yellow gold ring dipped and it turned out really beautiful.
  20. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Welcome Canoie! This thread has a great group of people on it. You've come to the right place! GA - I don't know how, but I missed your purse story when I last posted. I am sooo sorry. I can't imagine how you must have felt, especially with your son in the car. I'm glad everyone is safe. Kathy - thanks for the encouragement, I'm trying to stay with it. Only 5 more weeks til surgery....again. Mary - What kind of foot surgery are you having?
  21. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    I re-ran W5D1 last night. It went really well. Thanks for the new podcast Brandy! It was MUCH easier with the better music. That Robert Ulrich one was awful. ha ha The foot gets very angry if I run more than 2 miles, so I'm kinda stuck with Week 5 and Week 6 right now. Can't get past six. When I do the Friday runs, my foot just kills me. Oh well, at least I'm still able to run and I'm breaking a sweat so it still feels like exercise. I have increased my speed some, so that's a good thing.
  22. Hi, I have only remotely considered PS since I assumed I couldn't get approved by ins and I don't have major overlapping skin. I've lost 78 pounds and although I have lots of saggy skin and some bulges I'd love to live without, I haven't had any problems with rashes, etc. until now. I'm getting the rash that we all know well. It's only in my bellybutton. I know how to get rid of it and I have the proper cream, but I'm asking myself if I should see a doctor to start documenting for possible PS in the future. Two questions, could this small rash qualify me for a TT? If so, can I see my GP for it? We have a derm shortage where I live and it takes MONTHS to get an appt. I'd hate to have to walk around with this painful itchy rash for that long just to show it to him! Any suggestions? Words of wisdom? Life lessons?
  23. Yeah, I'm worried though, that with the endo I may have some swelling which would of course effect my restriction and my perfect sweet spot (where I am now). Oh well, only time will tell.
  24. SuzanneG

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    Tina, sounds like you and BF are fine, I just hope she doesn't pull any crazy stunts. My daughter's boyfriend's ex has pulled some doozies too. What gets into people? Stay vigilant.

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