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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SuzanneG

  1. SuzanneG

    Medication Getting Stuck

    My doc said nothing bigger than an M&M. I too keep liquid cold medicine and liquid ibuprophen on hand.
  2. Cruzlady, I had to switch to sweet potatoes because I have trouble with white potatoes in any form. I finally figured out, if it's something that I really LOVE, I eat too fast, even when I'm trying not to. I finally learned how to eat white potatoes, but I have to take tiny bites and puase between each bite.
  3. SuzanneG

    Medication Getting Stuck

    Where do you work? I live in southeastern Spotsy, near Partlow. I work in DC, 82 miles door to door. Ouch!
  4. SuzanneG

    Medication Getting Stuck

    I've have trouble with that sometimes. Just be sure to space them apart if you can. I also always drink something warm before I start to help relax my band.
  5. Sam, well said. I like your attitude. My experience has been that folks pretty much like to see you the way you are when they meet you. Meaning if your hair was long when you met DH or whoever, and you cut it short, he'll probably prefer it long. If it was short and you grow it out, he will likely prefer it short.
  6. Bradley18, I agree with Kiz. Also the longer you wait, the tighter you'll feel because dehydration causes the band to get tighter. Call your doctor now and go get a slight unfill.
  7. They don't seem to impact my weight, but my doctor raked me over the coals for not taking them. He said by the time you have symptoms from not taking them, you'd be a mess. I take gummy adult viatmins. Yum.
  8. That's what I thought too. I bought them but haven't tried them yet.
  9. Moxi, I have my fingers crossed. Good for you for very tactfully standing up for yourself against an unprovoked attack!
  10. You've certainly come to the right place. Check in the following sections: "At or near goal" "Before and after" "200+" There are myriad sucess stories on this board and so much support! Good luck with your decision.
  11. Diana, too funny. You just painted a perfect picture of my boss! ha ha I'm also not a fan of long hair, I agree that it can and often does, look unpolished. I too did a mini makeover and am still working on it! Everyone says I look younger now, but I think that has more to do with my wardrobe than my hair. I say GO FOR IT!
  12. SuzanneG

    Old bandster needs help!!

    You might want to try the 5 day pouch test. You can search it on this forum. It's sort of what isa said and should help you get pointed back in the right direction. Also a lot of people like to post on the "What I had to eat today" thread. That helps give accountabtility. Best of luck to you.
  13. SuzanneG

    Help Writing an Appeal Letter

    Delta, I've sent you copies of my letters. untflutter, if you would like a copy too, just send me your email address.
  14. Not sure if anyone has informed you, but there is someone spamming the board with fake posts. Username is Pro Nutrition.





  15. I'm glad your doctor was flexible. But am concerned about one thing. What is your post-op diet? It will probably be liquids for a while, have you found any shake ou there that you can tollerate? You might want to experient with some more of them now. unjury (unjury.com) has a chicken Soup one that isn't bad. Also, I buy the unflavored unjury and mix it with sugar free Carnation Instant Breakfast and that's pretty good and has 33 grams of protien! Good luck to you!
  16. SuzanneG

    Why am I suddenly getting heartburn??

    I'm glad the reduction in fill took care of it. My doc has to take all my fluid out for the is endoscopy and said he won't put it back in if he doesn't like what he sees. That scares me to death! I'm hoping he won't hav eto do that.
  17. Hey SBroughton, Broughton is my maiden name! I don't see too many of them.
  18. That's great! Hopefully it's a sign of how good your aftercare will be too. I believe that good aftercare is the key to success with the band. Keep up with your appointments and fills and you'll do great! Good luck!!
  19. SuzanneG

    Anyone have an endoscopy after lapband?

    Thanks. I'll let you know how it turns out.
  20. My doctor fixed my hiatal hernia during my band surgery in Jan 08. It was amazing zero hearburn for over a year. Then in Oct of last year, after a fill, I started getting heartburn. No reflux, just a dry burn. Well, after umpteen adjustments, my restriction is perfect, but the heartburn continues. My bariatric doc said the band looks perfect with fluro, but my GP said he wants to see the inside. This will require taking Fluid out of my band, putting camera down my throat, then putting fluid back in. I'm certain this will totally mess with my restriction and cause me many more adjustments....I'm dreading this. More importantly, what could it be if my band isn't too tight and hasn't slipped (we have this confirmed)? GP thinks maybe an ulcer...... Would that affect my band? I would die if I lost my band. Anyone else have this happen to them?
  21. SuzanneG

    Peptic ulcer before banding

    Thanks. Wow, interesting plan. I guess if you can't be honest with him, you could always tell him that you need to have a hiatal hernia fixed. They almost always have to do that anyway, so if comes down to it, just have it done when he's around. Obviously it would be better if you could be open with him, but you know that situation better than I do. I'm impressed that you could save up the money. I'm not in that good of shape financially, but I'm working on it! Good luck and let me know how it turns out.
  22. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    There is also a really nice app for iPhone that will track calories eaten and calories burned. I love it!
  23. Hey Congrats! Good luck next week. I'm glad they were able to reschedule you so soon!
  24. Hey Angela,


    So you go to Dr. Brengman? I LOVE that man! I also really like Erin.


    So how is your band experience going so far? Feel free to email me anytime. You can email me at suzanne.gracik@uscg.mil and I'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. I have a home email too, but I have dialup at home, so I rarely check it. ha ha


    Nice to meet you!

  25. SuzanneG

    Why am I suddenly getting heartburn??

    Wow, no response? WTH? Heartburn is usually the first sign that you are too tight. I started having it a year ago and have been monkeying with my restriction ever since. Still got the heartburn. I'm going in for an EGD this Friday. How are you feeling now? Were you able to get to the bottom of it?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
