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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SuzanneG

  1. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    I get my stitches out this Friday and will be able to put full weight on my foot. I'm hoping to be able to start running by the new year. I had to move my treadmill to make room for the Christmas tree so it should work out perfectly! :smile: Congrats of beating DH!
  2. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Hey guys!! Foot surgery went well. I'm very encouraged that I will run again.
  3. SuzanneG

    What does stuck feel like

    I've never had pain in my back, but it seems like I remember reading about others that have. I think you are right, you are probably having a bit of a stuck feeling. Just take it slower and take smaller bites and that should help.
  4. Thanks. I'm at my doctor's goal weight for me, but I would love to be 10-15 pounds lighter. I'm hoping next year, after I get my foot fixed and can run again, maybe I'll get there. I'm having surgery this Tuesday, the 17th. I have found that running is the ONLY exercise that reshapes my body, including my stomach. As soon as I stopped running my stomach poofed back out. I did the Couch to 5K twice now, I LOVE that program. It takes a 100% NON-runner and gets you running a 5k in 9 weeks. There are a couple of podcasts out there to help you through it. I'm going to start it again after the first.


    You should feel a little better after your fill. You're entering bandster hell. It's short lived, don't worry. If you have a good doctor who keeps up with your fills, you'll do great. It's all in the aftercare with the band.


    Keep up the good work and keep in touch. I love to hear about your progress!

  5. SuzanneG

    What does stuck feel like

    Stuck feels like pressure in your chest, kind of like you need to burp, but can't. It's intense and painful, but for me, typically doesn't burn. You may also notice if you are stuck your nose will run and you will "slime". Burnging sounds like indigestion. Have you tried antiacids?
  6. SuzanneG

    salt sensitive?

    Hmm, I haven't heard that one before. I can eat all those things, but these bands all have a mind of their own. ha ha I still think drinking more may help, since salt is the problem, I can't help but wonder if it is indeed a hydration issue.
  7. Your pics look great! You can already see a difference. This time next year, you won't even recognize yourself.


    I noticed you started at my same weight and are so far on track with me. How tall are you? I'm 5'4.5".

  8. SuzanneG

    Hight questions?

    Just eat chinese food the night before and drink drink drink on the way to the appt. I was denied the first time through and I did gain weight to help me with my appeal and it worked. All's well that ends well.
  9. SuzanneG

    December Banding!

    Sounds good! Good luck and keep us posted on your progress!
  10. SuzanneG

    New to the site

    A lot of people have had good luck using the 5-day pouch test. You can search for it on this forum. It should get you kick started in the right direction! Congrats on your weight loss so far!
  11. SuzanneG

    December Banding!

    I was banded Jan 4, 08, so I know what you are going through. I was on pre-op for Christmas and New Year's Eve. YIKES! ha ha Doc told me to go ahead and "cheat" for Christmas dinner, but only that ONE meal. I took him at his word and it was fine. I still lost 11 pounds in 10 days! There are many different pre-op diets out there. Mine was fairly easy. For 10 days, 2 Protein shakes a day and one lean and green meal (4 oz of lean meat and 1 cup of veggies). The first three days are tough. You go through carb withdraw, but after that, it's smooth sailing. Congrats and good luck!
  12. SuzanneG

    First mini goal ...... check!

    TCarroll, welcome to Onederland!! As for the dress, how close to wedding date could you pick one out? I don't know if you have your heart set on a certain one or not, but I went with a friend to dress shop, we went to David's Bridal and she picked her dress out and we took it home the same day. It just needed some tweaks for custom fit, but would be doable in a pinch. My advise would be to cancel that appt because you will be NOTHING like you are now by May. Just shop in April and buy a dress that is very snug, then if you have to make a last minute nip, you could get someone to do a rush job for you. Congratulations!
  13. SuzanneG

    Artificial Sweeteners?

    I have heard of it, but I think it's only for certain people. I drink artifical sweetners all the time. If he's a stickler, I wonder if he would approve Stevia (I think that's the name). It a new zero cal sweetner that is made from sugar. Wouldn't help you with Crystal Light, but you could do cool aid with it maybe.
  14. SuzanneG

    salt sensitive?

    What do you mean by salt sensitive? Is it possible that you are dehydrated? If you don't drink enough liquids it can cause the band to get tighter. If you are able to drink with no problem and you can eat, some stuff, then you will probably be OK. Drink warm decaf liquids and be sure the hydrate as often as you can and things may ease up for you.
  15. SuzanneG


    I hope your surgery went well. I didn't do any laxitive at all and I only did the injections while in the hospital (24 hours).
  16. Sub, did you appeal to your insurance company with the info you just shared with us? Maybe they would make an exception?
  17. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    GA, I read about it in another thread and they were saying on there that some people's fluid actually seeps out through the membrane/tube without an actual leak and that the thicker liquid permanently solves the problem. Maybe do a search on it and see if it could help you. I know you must be so frustrated! Hang in there.
  18. SuzanneG

    Potato Chips

    Potato chips and ice cream are my two biggest weaknesses. I kind of wished potato chips hurt me. tee hee Sounds like either you aren't chewing them enough or you just can't tollerate them. The band is a fickle thing. I have a problem with french fries and pretty much every kind of white potato, except chips.
  19. Sipping Water all day is the best way to drink it. I don't think you can stretch your pouch drinking water, but if you tried to chug it instead, I think you would have some pain associated with that. Good job. Sounds like you are on the right track!
  20. SuzanneG

    Why am I suddenly getting heartburn??

    My bariatric doctor did the endo, so he took the Fluid out, did the endo, then put the fluid right back in since there wasn't a problem with my band. So I have the same amount of fill that I had going in. It sounds like you are still swollen from your stuck maybe? Have you tried taking liquid ibuprophen? I keep the kids kind on hand for just that situation. Are you also taking something for the heartburn? The Nexium is for both the gastritis and the hh. Gastritis is where the lining of the stomach gets thin. It causes nasuea which I hate, and heartburn, etc. I think if I were you, I'd give myself another day or two on liquids and if you aren't feeling any better, call your doctor.
  21. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    GA - I read where some people get a thicker liquid put in their band if they problems with fluid leaking out. It might be worth asking about. How did your appointment go? kathy - way to go!! Doesn't that feel great? Thanks for the well wishes. Only one more week. We're thinking about taking a cruise in Feb. DH has started running to get his beach body and I'm stuck feeling like a marshmallow. Even if I start running in Jan, it won't show by then. Bummer I just hope this is my last surgery. This will be my 5th surgery on this foot. boo hoo
  22. SuzanneG

    Why am I suddenly getting heartburn??

    aimerus, sounds like you may be too tight. My endo showed a hiatal hernia and gastritis. I was shocked to hear if have a hh because I had one repaired during my lb in Jan 08. I had no idea I could/would get one again so soon. For the first time I'm disappointed with my lapband doctor. He hasn't even called me to follow up after the endo. He did it while I was WIDE awake (very very little versed), then told me the results right then and there, but nothing about follow-on care. I called my GP and he gave me another month of Nexium. Are you feeling any better? Have you tried a couple of days of liquids to see if that helps settle things down a bit?
  23. Congrats on the surgery and the excellent weight loss. Way to go!


    Do you sleep on your side? For me, my port is on my left side and for a couple of months or so I had pain/pulling if I laid on my right side.


    I pictured the port kind of hanging from my abdominal muscles toward my right side from gravity, and thought that must be why. I was OK on my right side though (maybe it was resting on my abs?). Even now, if I do anything to irritate my band, I'll feel slight pulling when laying on my right side.

  24. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    GA, sounds like they need to be more precise with your fills. I've been having the same .3cc put in and out over the past year. 1/10th of a cc makes a HUGE difference when you are close to your sweet spot. Less than 2 weeks to my surgery. I can't WAIT to start running again.

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