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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SuzanneG

  1. SuzanneG

    Realize band vs. Lap band

    I have the Realize band. My doctor told me the difference was really in the extra support resources availble with the Realize band than anything. He said they are medically the same, but Realize offers lots of online stuff.
  2. SuzanneG

    Anthem BC/BS in VA - any experience or advice?

    Congrats! I'm 8 days out and doing OK. It was a hard week, but I think I'm over the hump.
  3. SuzanneG

    Rejected by BCBS of Ill.

    My BCBS (federal) said that the only co-morbidities they would accept were: 1. Heart disease 2. Lung disease 3. sleep apnea I didn't have any of those and my BMI was initially 35.1, then during the stressful appeal process it climbed to 37.5 and when I wrote my appeal letter, I included that along with lots of arguments about my health and my life quality that finally convinced them to approve me. Good luck. If you need to appeal, I'll be happy to share my letters.
  4. My BCBS (federal) said that the only co-morbidities they would accept were: 1. Heart disease 2. Lung disease 3. sleep apnea I didn't have any of those and my BMI was initially 35.1, then during the stressful appeal process it climbed to 37.5 and when I wrote my appeal letter, I included that along with lots of arguments about my health and my life quality that finally convinced them to approve me. Good luck. If you need to appeal, I'll be happy to share my letters.
  5. SuzanneG

    Ladies and Guys I NEED some advice!

    You have to honestly ask yourself if you are putting up with him because deep down you think you can't do better. Well, YOU CAN. Not only can you do better right now, but once you lose the weight, he'll really be sorry he didn't treat you, the person, better. There are plenty of good guys out there, don't let this asshole give you less than you deserve. You need to cut all ties.
  6. SuzanneG

    The band and exercise

    Sweethot143, What's a bodybugg?
  7. I brought toiletries, pajamas (I always like to have my own on as soon as they let me), robe, slippers and lip balm. I never used the robe as my PJs were warm and comfy. Oh, and a good book - really helped to pass the time. I found that my sweat pants really dug into my incision, so I actually found jeans (which had gotten loose due to the preop diet) were better, although I do unbutton them and fold down that part. Why on earth did 4 of my 5 incisions have to be directly across my natural waist where all of my pants come to? For the first time in my life, I wished for low rise. LOL
  8. SuzanneG


    I'm on day 8 and I'm just now able to get off the couch without having to push off with my arms. I'm still pretty tender, but noticing definite improvement today. Still exausted though. When do I get this energy everyone keeps talking about?
  9. I had surgery on Friday 1/4/08 and told my boss I was going to try to be back on Monday since I have a friend who is close to my age and size. We have the same doctor, same hospital, she went back the following Monday and I missed an entire week! I was so dissappointed, but you just have to follow your body. Tell your boss you need at least a week and just go back sooner if you feel up to it and you have that flexibility.
  10. SuzanneG

    rumbly tummy ??

    I'm 8 days out and my stomach is pretty rumbly too. Like you, I sometimes can't decide if it's a growl or something else. I started mushies yesterday and it is going pretty well so far, no cramps. I'm mostly confused about hunger and fullness, I can't seem to tell what I feel.
  11. SuzanneG

    Will pills get stuck?

    I worried about this also. I have a couple of small prescription pills that go down fine, but the percocet seemed to stick a little. I was also afraid to take Tylenol so I bought the liquid but is so gross I can't take it. I got a liquid multivitamin at WalMart (Centrum) and use Tums for calcium. I just let them dissolve in my mouth. The berry one's are pretty good and they make my stomach feel good anyway.
  12. SuzanneG

    Pre-Op Clear Liquid question

    Every docotor is different, but I was still on my protien drinks the day before my surgery. Good luck to you!
  13. Waaaaaa, I was hoping this will help mine as well. Now I'm not so sure. I've been telling DH for a while now that feeling sexy is saying "look what I have that you want". Not exactly possible when feeling bad about myself because I'm fat and can feel my stomach between us (major buzz kill), not to mention the fact that I can't breath during because he's on crushing my fat into my lungs. Not a good scene. I've also heard that fatigue is a major labido killer. Perhaps you are running too low on energy to think about it. Here's hoping that things will improve for all of us over time.
  14. SuzanneG

    Strange Question - Please Respond

    My band diet, once on full diet will include three 4oz meals a day. Eat mostly protien, then a little veggie and some carb. Each meal can only be 4oz (personally I would STARVE on this pre-band) and no snacking. Water is what you would expect, 64 oz, and NO liquid CALORIES. I can only drink calorie free drinks. All doctor's are different so you will likely get a vast array of band diets. By the way, my pre-op diet was 2 high protien (20grams min) drinks per day and one small meal, 4oz protien. I did it for 2 weeks and was almost thinking I could do without the band. I'm not 6 days past the band and I'm so sick of the drinks I can hardly stand it. Having said that, if I hadn't gotten banded, I would have tired of this diet same as I did all the others and I would have lapsed. Best of luck to you.
  15. SuzanneG

    Losing weight.......and friends

    I saw that show too. The worst I've seen was at my lap-band seminar. They brought in this couple who had both been banded. When people from the audience asked how they handled this or that situation, their answer was always that they never ate fast food, steak, sugar, etc before the band so it was no big deal. Well, we all know they didn't get fat eating carrots! Anyway, then someone asked if they had a problem with loose skin and the woman actually said "Well, if you cared so much about how you look, you wouldn't be fat in the first place". I was enraged! I screamed, "THAT'S A LIE!" I thought I was going to make a scene for a minute, but they kept the meeting going before she had a chance to p!ss me off again. Then there's my mom. She had gastric bypass in 1997. She went from 5' 265 pounds to 105. She never lets me forget it. One day when I was pouring my heart out about trying to get approved for lap-band and how I can't stop gaining weight and it was depressing me, she just blurted out "I'm a size 6!" I wanted to cry. Now, I was banded 6 DAYS ago and she never calls. I have talked to her every day for most of my life and now she suddenly doesn't want to "bother" me with a phone call. My brother and sister both say she asks about me, but she never calls. When I call her, she keeps it peppy and SHORT and makes an excuse to hang up. When I told her I was approved, she said, "If you get skinnier than me I'll kill you. Giggle" I don't think she's in a healthy place about her weight. It's sad really but nothing seems to help. I'm sad that she may let this come between us.
  16. SuzanneG

    How long did you wait for your approval?

    I started in August 07, got denied within a month, I think. I spent the following few months gathering letters of support from all my docs. Then I wrote 2 letters to BCBS, talked about health in one, then talked about emotional aspect in another as an enclosure to the first. Had surgeon send the entire package, along with his own letter of support to BCBS. I was approved within 2 weeks of the appeal being filed. Anyone need sample letters, PM me and I'll be happy to share!
  17. I got mine a week ago tomorrow and I'm like Amy, I think I'm happy not knowing exactly where mine is. I can't bring myself to feel for it. I do have a lot of soreness in the are where I believe it is though. I sure hope that lets up soon.
  18. I'm only 6 days post-op, but my nutritionist suggested if we have trouble eating too quickly, to immediately divide our 4 oz portion into 4 sections. Then eat on section as slowly as possible, putting the fork down, etc. Then wait 5 min before starting the next section. This is supposed to help your brain get the full message before you overfill.
  19. SuzanneG

    I was banded on the 4th - still hungry!

    I was also banded on the 4th and although I have felt my stomach actually growl, I can't decide if I can actually feel hungry or what. However, I am craving regular food. I'm sick to death of the protien drinks. A couple of days ago and again right now, I'm having tomato soup. It really made me feel human again. I also cheated and crushed 3 crackers, 1 at a time in it. I waited until the cracker crumbs turned to mush and then ate it. Wow, what heaven to taste a morsel of salt! Good luck to you.
  20. SuzanneG

    Please HELP!

    I saw this thread and thought you might find it helpful. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f17/easy-way-out-49084/
  21. Is the COSTCO one a pre-mixed drink then? I'm so sick of mine that I could puke. I really need something different. I've liked most everything I've ever tried from COSTCO. Guess I'll make a trip out there.
  22. SuzanneG

    OWW The Gas!!

    I was banded Friday the 4th and the gas pain is terrible. Also I'm getting sharp pain near the port (I assume) whenever I get up. I was hoping to bounce back much quicker, but it does at least seem to get marginally better each day. I'm going to try to tips above for getting it out. Yesterday I went out, twice and getting in and out of my car seemed to net me a couple of very deep, much needed burps. I feel like I have one rouge bubble in my left shoulder now, if only I could get it out. Sometimes I feel like I have to burp and then I just get hard pain in my sternum and nothing comes out. :-(
  23. Try a stool softener, they are not laxatives and will help a great deal. I've been dealing with IBS for years, and they help me quite a bit. Also, Miralax is not habit forming and is over-the-counter now. I'm only 6 days post-op, but I've read that every 3 days is normal for the reduced consumption post-band. But, if you're feeling bad, that's a sign you need some help.
  24. Mine didn't know until I started this process. I wanted him to go to my pre-op appointment so he'd know what to expect and my weight got blurted out there. Oh well, it's out there now and he's supportive. I'm 5'4 1/2" and just this morning he said, you should be out of the 200's by next week huh? So, he's keeping track...eek. He also decided to "diet". He's 5'8 1/2" and weighs around 195, so he has a tummy. His idea of diet is to give up sodas, but last night he stood in the kitchen and ate a pint of ice cream. :-( I guess I can discuss it freely now that he, and all of you know. :-)
  25. SuzanneG

    "Breakfast" this morning--Yum???

    Hi everyone, Speaking of age and not bouncing back, I was really dissappointed with my recovery. I think I'm actually on schedule, I was banded Friday, the 4th, but I have a friend who went to work the following Monday. She's only 2 years younger than me and I thought for sure I could do the same. Well, here I am on day 6 and I'm still at home. I can't say I'm doing poorly, but am still in enough pain that I don't think I can handle work even though it's a desk job, its 72 miles each way and a 13 hour day (including travel time). It has actually caused me to feel a little depressed and I'm gagging on these drinks. This is my last day on liquid, but I'm miserable. I'm still glad I did it, but I thought I would feel happier. I ate a bowl of tomato soup the other day and felt 100 times better, but it was short lived, the next protien shake brought me back to reality. Anyone else have these feelings?

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