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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SuzanneG

  1. SuzanneG

    I gained 1.5 pounds on MUSHIES!

    I get my first fill on Feb. 15th, but from what I've read, it's not going to change much. At any rate, I'm happy to be where I am and looking forward to future success.
  2. SuzanneG


    For me the burps are much bigger and loud and come from deep in my stomach. It's kind of embarassing, I can't make them quiet, but oooh, they feel good.
  3. Thanks everybody for the encouragement and it was really cool running into Leeanghaden at the Dr. office today! Turns out that during my first full week on mushies, I gained 2.5, lost 2.5 for a net loss of ZERO. This week, I'm down .5 so far. :-
  4. FaithMD, I posted this in January board and here, thinking that I wanted to hear from folks who are currently where I am and also those who went through it in the past. Was that a no-no? Sorry guys.
  5. My doc said the 4oz diet is what I will stay at. I understand the bandster hell stuff and I also understand daily flucuations, like most of you, I've dieted most of my adult life and lived by these scales. I read where someone else said they can tell when they wake up how they are going to weigh, me too, and I'm usually right within 1/2 pound. I have read tons of threads about this, but the reason it upsets is because it isnt' a result of bandster hell or poor restriction, I am keeping with the diet. VERY low calories. What ever happened to calories in vs. calories out? I'm barely eating here!
  6. SuzanneG

    Hello from VA!

    I was banded by Dr. Brengman at St. Mary's also. I live in Spotsylvania. Great to meet you all!
  7. SuzanneG

    I gained 1.5 pounds on MUSHIES!

    Well, I'm still pretty sore, but I have been walking. That's the only excersie I'm cleared for at this stage I'm pretty sure. Thanks, I sure hope it does. I'm really down about this, even though I'm sure it'll work out in the long run, it's dissapointing.
  8. SuzanneG

    Question For The Ladies.....adult Content

    I think the norm is about 3 pounds.
  9. SuzanneG

    My surgery got bumped again

    I know that can be emotionally devastating. Hope you don't have to postpone again! What's causing the delays?
  10. Same here with long and deep burps and I can't make them quiet. I work in a super quiet office (library quiet) and I'm wondering if I'm grossing out my office mates. I told my sister that I've turned into one of those people that I used to complain about that burp in the office like they are at home. LOL
  11. Thanks guys. I felt like this was all dajavu' from my past diets. Try and try and still fail. I get discouraged easily. It's one thing if I'm cheating and not losing, but to really try, following the diet, walking every day and not see results is hard to deal with. I'm so glad to hear that I'm not the only one. I have my post-op appointment on Tuesday. I'm wondering what he's going to think.
  12. SuzanneG

    Ladies and Guys I NEED some advice!

    Good job! Now when are you going out with the adorable guy in the pic?
  13. I made them measure me twice, then I told them that I weighed a pound heavier the previous day at my GPs office. They took my word for it on that one and took 1/2" off my height on the recalc. Federal BCBS only considers 3 co-morbidities for BMI under 40 and they are 1. Heart Disease 2. Lung Disease 3. sleep Apnea That's not the way my handbook read, but my rejection letter specifically called out those three. My appeal letter listed about 10, none of the above included. I got letters of support from each of my doctors and was finally approved, but not before gaining 19 pounds! Eeeek! I just lost that back off so now I'm hoping for a loss this week. It's my first week on mushies and I eat three 4oz meals a day (started Friday) and haven't lost an ounce yet on mushies. :-(
  14. SuzanneG

    I made a couple more icons

    I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I see all these long signatures and I can only fit 2 lines plus my ticker or it says my signature is too long. What's the secret?
  15. SuzanneG

    before pictures

    OK here goes. This is me with my son at his swearing in for the Navy. He graduates boot camp next Friday the 25th!
  16. SuzanneG


    I take Tums for my calcuim and have seen several others on here say the same. Doesn't seem to be a problem for me. I think I may have even read that as a suggestion in my literature.
  17. SuzanneG

    Oatmeal Question

    Teresajo, When do you add the unjury, before you cook it or after? I thought about doing the same, but wondered what it would do to the texture.
  18. SuzanneG


    I have the same problem. I'm currently rotating between cottage cheese and peaches or oatmeal. I was thinking of having yogurt sometimes with Cereal, but I'm still on mushies right now and I prefer to have grapenuts in my yogurt, so I haven't tried it. Breakfast is always a challenge for me. Personally, I think I'd like to drink a protien shake but my doc says no more shakes after the first week. I just can't find many high protien, easy to carry to work, breakfast foods.
  19. My thirst pretty much stayed the same, but I find it harder to get my water in because of having to sip it. I used to guzzle my water and be done with it several times a day, so constatly sipping is taking some getting used to.
  20. I'm 5'4.5" and weighed 209 when I went in for my consult. That put my BMI at 35.1. My insurance company said they would pay for min BMI of 40 or 35 with comorbidities. I got denied the first time through and had to file an appeal. Meanwhile, I was eating everything I could think of that I love and basically just enjoying myself, no rules, no diets, no holds barred. I gained to 225 (with clothes on) in a matter of months and when my appeal letter went in my BMI had risen to 36.7. This apparently was just enough, along with my letter to approve me. I was starting to panic once I got stuck in the delay, it seemed like once I got started with gaining, I couldn't stop it. I was terrified what would happen to me if they denied me again, but alas all's well that ends well. Good luck to you.
  21. I'm curious, what did you eat? My aftercare diet is very similar to yours and I started mushies on Friday. I may be cheating as well, but not sure what qualifies as a mushy sometimes. It's like you said, if you chew it well enough and it's not on the DO NOT EAT YET list, then is it OK? I was surprised that some of the foods on the sample menu they gave me were considered mushy. I have eaten, rotiserie chicken salad, stewed chicken, tilapia, spaghetti (not on the sample menu, but its whole wheat and I thought it would be OK), scrambled egg, even a little piece of toast (couldn't help myself), baked potato, mashed potato, green Beans, apples (no skin), and oatmal. Oh and one I'm pretty sure I shouldn't have, a small piece of cornbread. Heaven. That's pretty much everything that has entered my mouth since Friday. Ummmmm, me like mushies! :-)
  22. I'm 5'4.5" and I weighed 209 when I went in for my consult appointment (my BMI was 35.1). The doc said I was a perfect candidate. My insurance begged to differ. I had to file an appeal which took months to assemble and during that time I gained up to 225 (with clothes). Once I filed the appeal, I included the new BMI and I was approved. If you don't have an insurance company to fight with, then it's your decision. I too was thin when I was young, but then after my first child I struggled ever since. I got tired of starting new diets and failing. It got so bad, I wouldn't even start a diet because I already knew how it would end. I'm happy with my decision to get banded and feel like it's jut the tool I needed to go all the way! Good luck to you.
  23. Hi, I'm Suzanne from VA. I was banded on the 4th. Please consider me a buddy as well. I have to confess I rarely go more than a few hours without checking in here. At least on weekdays that is. Good luck to you, I'm sure you'll do fine!
  24. Sounds like you are probably building muscle and burning fat. Try taking measurements and see if they are changing. I've had this happen to me countless times in the past while dieting. It is so frustrating, I know.
  25. SuzanneG

    Feeling Bad

    I didn't feel better until day 8. Much to my dismay, I missed a week of work, but I'm on day 10 now and I feel like I've turned the corner. I do, however, get that same urge to burp and it feels stuck. I figured it'll find its way out eventually, all the others did.

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