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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SuzanneG

  1. SuzanneG

    Constant Nausea - 2 years post-op

    I'm having the same problem and I was banded over 2 years ago. Doc is about to order an endo to make sure it's not then band, then he says he'll check my gallbladder and pancreas. All I know is that I feel like this all day every day for about 5 weeks now. I really need to feel better. Did your nausea go away? What did you find out?
  2. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Georgia, so sorry to hear about the insurance troubles. I agree with you, it should be covered as a complication not elective. WTH? Good for you for losing the 7lb and also for starting C25K. I didn't start yet. As soon as I decided to start, my ankle decided to start hurting. I feel like I'm a 100 years old lately. Seems like if it's not one thing its another. I'm going to give the ankle a week or so and take another stab at it. I broke that ankle when I was young and I'm hoping it's just a little arthritis bothering me because of the weather. Keep in touch and I hope you can get something worked out.
  3. SuzanneG

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    Hey Tina, Well, I got the job, but it hasn't announced yet, so I just have to make the cert and the job is mine. GS-14! Woot! I should be there in about 2 months. We can definitely do lunch. I used to work at 1750 Penn. Where are you? Def give me a call if you ever want to get together. You can find me on FB, if you still have my last name from our previous emails. If not, let me know and I'll PM it to you. Good luck with your divorce stuff. I think it's total BS that he gets part of your TSP. Does he have a 401k that you get part of? Maybe you could agree to each keep your own $?
  4. "I guess you would be okay with latino students wearing mexican flag tee shirts on Columbus Day or Independence Day. " Honestly, no one would care or say anything if this were the situation. America has become a country of compromise and we cater to everyone except our own citizens.
  5. Liquid ibuprophen will help with the swelling. I agree with the others, give it a few more days, take it very slowly and if it doesn't improve, have some fill taken out. BTW, everyone is different Beans are one of the foods that give me trouble. Beans and white potatoes seem like they go down like sawdust and glue. ha ha Sad thing is, I love them both. I can eat them now, but I have to VERY careful and take extra tiny bites. Keep us posted and good luck to you.
  6. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Hey Guys, Glad to see some of the old timers are still on here. Kathy, contrats on the size 12!! Georgia, how's it going? Are you still fighting with your fills? Carol, good for you for satying with it! I think I'm going to try and start the program again. I know it will cause my right foot to get worse, but how long can I wait and not work out? As luck would have it, running seems to be the only thing I can consistently make myself do and that I enjoy. I'm thinking of bringing the treadmill back in the house this weekend. Thanks for the inspiration everyone!
  7. SuzanneG

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    Hey Tina, I haven't been on here in a while. Good to see a recent post from you. Your cruise pics are great. I'm just trying to figure out how in the world you managed not to gain weight. How many days was your cruise? Where did you go? I'm hooked, we're already booked for our next one in April 2011. As a matter of fact, one of my LBT buddies is taking the same cruise. We'll finally get to meet face to face! Where did you say you worked again? I have a job intereview at 1201 New York Ave tomorrow. If I get that job (which I have a pretty good shot at), would I be close enough for us to meet up for lunch one day? Happy belated Mother's Day!
  8. Molly,


    I'm doing OK. Struggling to lose off some extra weight that I put on after foot surgery and during a cruise, but it's not too bad.

  9. SuzanneG

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    Tina, Is this your first cruise? We went on a cruise last month and it my first. I gained 6 pounds! DH and DS both gained 9! It's food and drink all day every day, especially the drinks....egads! I loved every minute of it, but I think I would try to starve myself next time before going. Because I had recently gained weight, I had gone from 6's to 8's and the 8's were super tight. I knew if I gained a single pound on the cruise, I wouldn't be able to wear my own clothes, so I bought 10's to take with me. It kind of hurt to buy them, but I was so glad I did. So far I've lost 3.5 of that weight back off, but like you, I'm really struggling with my bad eating habits. I knew maintenance would be a challenge, but I really need to get back to following my band rules. What cruise line are you sailing with?
  10. SuzanneG

    Getting ravenous

    For me exercise definitely increases appetite. Also, some days, I just have "hungry" days. No idea why, but when it happens to me, I eat more but try to keep it low carb.
  11. I went straight to a bariatric surgeon and didn't involve my Primary Care doctor until I needed a letter from him for my appeal. If you don't have to involve him, then don't, it's easier that way. Otherwise, ask for the referral and be prepared to stand your ground and defend your decision. Best of luck to you!
  12. My heartburn was gone for a year and then suddenly came back after a fill. For the entire next year, I had endoscopy, and fluro fills/unfills and the heartburn persisted. For some reason my band kept feeling tighter and tighter, so recently, before going on a cruise, I had .5 taken out (a lot for me) and the heartburn is GONE. So based on my own experience, I'm thinking maybe you are too tight. Keep in mind that my doctor did not feel that I was too tight when looking under fluro, they just took the extra out to give my stomach a rest because I kept getting stuck. Now I'm comfortable and don't plan to have the extra back in anytime soon.
  13. Misty, the letters are on their way!

  14. I ordered a greek yogurt at Starbucks a few weeks ago because I read so much about it here. It sounded yummy, came with coconut-almond macaroon granola., pumpkin seeds and dried cranberries. It sounded amazing, but when I got it I was very shocked to find out that it tasted exactly like SOUR CREAM. WTH? Is it supposed to taste like that? I couldn't eat it.
  15. SuzanneG

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    Hey Tina, Glad to hear that everything is going so well for you. I've put on a few pounds myself. I was doing so well and running and then had to have foot surgery. Long story short, I have a recurring problem in my feet and can't run. Between the holidays, lack of exericse, and a band that has become increasingly fickle. I'm currently up 6 pounds. I'm going this Friday to have some Fluid taken out of my band. I'm too tight and I think I've developed a sweriously bad habit of eating slider foods. Here's to a fresh start for both of us!
  16. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Kathy, I'm so sorry to hear that. I know how much you wanted to go. I decided not to try running. My son pointed out that it would simply speed up how soon I need the surgery and then I'd simply have to quit again anyway. Some I'm now in search of an exercise that I can do at home, that gives me great cardio, but doesn't hurt my feet. Wish me luck. :-(
  17. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Carol, great to hear from you. Good job on keeping up with the running. I'm so blue about running, but I'm not going to stop trying. Doc told me to come see him when I want the next one taken out (more surgery). I asked if I could make it a year without the surgery and he said "sure, if you wrap your feet in bubble wrap". :-( At any rate I'm going to try to do W1D1 tonight and see what the feet feel like. It's hard trying to start again, knowing I'll need more surgery again soon. Maybe I can hold out until November again and have my thrid Thanksgiving in a row on crutches. I think people think Im a surgery adict. Nothing could be further from the truth. Kathy, definitely take lots of pics!
  18. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Kathy that's fantastic! Wow, what a thrill. You deserve it and I hope you enjoy every second of it. I'm afraid I have bad news for my feet. My left foot is healing nicely after having my second Morton's Neuroma taken out in one year. I was hoping to begin running again by now, but....I can't believe I'm going to say this...I have a THIRD Morton's Neuroma in my RIGHT foot! WTH? I'm so upset about it. I'm starting to think I may never run again. I see my podiatrist this Friday. I'm going to ask him should I run on my new flegling MN or what. I'm just disgusted. You know what they say, no good deed goes unpunshied. I finally find an exercise that I love and I can't keep my feet healthy. Not to mention, I'm up 9 pounds! boo hoo.....waaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh
  19. Thanks! Hope you had a merry one as well. Best wishes for the New Year as well.


    How's the band treating you?

  20. SuzanneG

    What are the symptoms of band erosion?

    I hope your surgery went well. I've read on here where folks have said insurance will pay, even if you are AT goal, if you have complications with your band. It might be worth looking into. Search this site and see if you can find any info on it.
  21. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Hey Guys, My appt with foot doc went well. He said he thinks I'll be running by January! I"m very excited about that. I've gained 5 pounds between holidays and not running.
  22. SuzanneG

    coat of many colours

    Way to go TFTF! Good for you! There is no way to describe how the journey effects you to someone who has never went down this path. It is profound indeed. Happy Holidays!!
  23. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Kathy, I feel the same way about the treadmill. It's much harder to find a reason not to run when it's right in front of you and weather doesn't count. ha ha I think it's great that you and DH can have these friendly competitions. Maybe I'll try to get mine motivated once I can run again. We're going on a cruise in Feb, so we'll both be motivated to get in shape. They aren't kidding when they say time goes by faster the older you get. This is by far the quickest year of my life, but you know what else they say "Time flies when you're having fun!!" I love this time of year, until after New Year. By far, Oct/Nov/Dec is my favorite time of year!!
  24. SuzanneG

    To fill or not to fill_

    Mimi, you are doing amazing! Are you still losing?
  25. SuzanneG

    What are the symptoms of band erosion?

    bodybutter64, I'm so sorry to hear about your band. Have they talked to you about putting another back in or about other possible solutions, like the sleeve?

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