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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SuzanneG

  1. SuzanneG

    Unanswered Posts

    Gloucester, you took the words right out of my mouth. Seems to me that the messy folks are obviously not doing enough or they'd put their stuff away. How do they even find anything? My cube neighbor has papers stacked EVERYWHERE you can barely see her chair and one tiny spekc of desk. How does she get anything done?:confused2:
  2. I'll be 5 weeks post op tomorrow and I get my first fill next Friday, 15th. Meanwhile, my stomach now growls 2 hours after eating and then I have to listen to it complain until time for my next meal. I don't know how long I can hold out like this before I cave and eat more than my three 4oz meals. :regular_smile: Any suggestions/tips on how to endure?
  3. SuzanneG

    Unanswered Posts

    I'd say I lean in that direction. As you can see, I found your unanswered post! :-D You should see my desk! Everyone at work teases me about my neat desk. Some folks think a neat desk means no work, but I believe the opposite is true. LOL
  4. SuzanneG

    Anyone TATTOO their scar?

    I thought about getting a tattoo as a reward for reaching goal also, but never thought about tattooing a scar. I did consider tatooing my mastectomy scars, but they're huge and really ugly, so I've abandond that idea. You guys have some great ideas. I especially like putting the date on the wrist. I saw where Lindsy Lohan had BREATH tattooed on the inside of her wrist in white. You can barely see, but I thought that was kind of neat and different. I just may put my date inside my wrist in white and then get a decorative tattoo later when I reach goal. Glad to see I'm not the only one. I already have two, but one was on my chest and is now screwed up looking (just a tiny heart) and so I really only have one normal looking tattoo.
  5. SuzanneG

    Question about fills...

    I've only had one, under fluro, but here's how it went. No solid food 2 hours before the fill, I chose to do liquid that entire day just in case. My doc brings you in and stands you in position so that the xray is pointing at your port. I had the entire thing done standing up (for some reason this freaked me out) and its very quick. He put the needle in (feels like a shot - not bad at all) and pushed the Fluid in (I couldn't even feel this part) and then tells me to take a gulp of barrium (didn't taste near as bad as hospital kind). Then the doc said, I'm done and out I go. They have apple juice in the waiting area and ask you drink the entire cup (slowly) before you leave to make sure you can swallow liquid without trouble. After the fill, it's 2 days liquid, 2 days soft food then back to normal. My first was a breeze, but I was so nervous I actually felt a little unsteady standing in there. I though for one quick second that my knees might buckle, but they didn't and all that anxiety was for nothing, it was a breeze. Going for my second fill on Friday. I'm looking forward to getting more restriction, although I still feel nervous. Silly me. Good luck to you.
  6. SuzanneG

    might as well be addicted to crack

    I did the exact same thing. As I said in another post, DH and I are doing some home remodeling and when he suggested pizza (my pre-band fav) I caved in and said yes. I had TWO slices. I couldn't believe it. The next day I had a hot dog WITH the bun and it was a Martin's potato roll (heavy bun). It was yummy and I ate just like before the band. Then I was kicking myself, just like you. The good news is, I have my second fill this Friday and I'm hoping for better restriction. Keep your chin up, we'll get through this phase of band life.
  7. SuzanneG

    To All Of Those In Bandster Hell

    I loved salad before the band, but now don't seem to enjoy/tolerate them. I have recently started eating carrots, cukes, and green peppers with salad dressing on them, but when I'm only supposed to have 4oz of food, how can I make room for salad. Having said that, I'm also in bandster hell and can easily eat more than 4oz of food, just not salad for some reason.
  8. SuzanneG


    I hear ya. I had the same reaction when others around me were getting sick. I managed to avoid it this time, but I'm terrified at the thought of a stomach bug with the band. I'm going to try to remember to ask my doc about anti nausea meds at my next visit. A lot of folks on here told me they keep them on hand for just such an occasion.
  9. SuzanneG

    First Fill !!!!

    I had my first fill about 5 weeks out and it was 4.5cc in a 10cc band. My doc said not to go hungry, but call right back if it wasn't enough. I quickly discovered I needed more, but due to my own schedule, couldn't get down there until this Friday. Can't wait to get more of a fill. I'm starving.
  10. SuzanneG

    first fill how many cc did you get

    My first fill was 4.5cc in a 10cc band. Scheduled for my second fill this Friday.
  11. SuzanneG

    I'm officially in bandster hell. Help!

    These girl scout Cookies everywhere are killing me. So far, I haven't had any for the same reason, fear that I couldn't stop. For me it's the samoas. I'm scheduled for my second fill this Friday and it can't come soon enough. It's so strange how you have restriction and then you don't, but at this point, with 4.5cc in a 10cc band, I have next to no restriction. While working on some remodeling projects at home this past weekend, I was kind of forced to eat convenience food. OK I wasn't forced, but I folded like a house of cards when my husband suggested pizza. I've only had it once since surgery, it used to be a Friday night staple that I thought for sure I couldn't give up, but I honestly rarely think about it now. That is unless DH suggests it for a quick meal. Anyway, to get back to the point, I was able to eat 2 slices! Gasp. The next day I had a hot dog on the bun. Not just any bun, but a Martin's potato bun. I'm still losing slowly, but I have no idea how.
  12. SuzanneG

    Excessive Burping after surgery?

    I burped all the time, those long rolling burps like so many on here. My husband thought it was hysterical, but it was very embarassing trying to hide them in my whisper quiet office. The funny thing is, after my first fill, they've all but vanished. Going in for my second fill on Friday. Can't wait to see what that brings.
  13. SuzanneG

    Has anyone had this experience?

    I was exactly like you. As a matter of fact toward the end, I would only last a week, sometimes a few days on a diet because I already knew before I started how far I would make it before I failed.....again. Even now I'm struggling. I get my second fill this Friday and it can't come soon enough for me. I just overate at lunch and am mentally berating myself for letting it happen. Having said that, the band is working, when its working. Meaning after surgery, after my first fill, and soon it will work again for me after my second fill. So I'm at the stage of finding my sweet spot, but since I enjoy success during restriction, I know that I will get there. I'm certain you will get there too. Hell, we've all had trouble with not being able to lose, or else we wouldn't be here. Before my band, it seemed like I could just walk past a donut and gain weight. It was awful, but that's all behind me now. I know you'll do well. You'll have a few bumps like bandster hell, but once you get good restriction, you'll be an old pro like so many others on here. Best of luck to you.
  14. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. My sister gave me many many of those same speaches. My daughter is also a nursing student, she will graduate an RN in May. She is naturally very thin and has always been a little hard on me about my weight, that is until she attended the WLS seminar with me. After hearing the presentation and the questions and answers with the doctors, she 100% got behind the idea. Everything she heard was medically sound and made sense to her. Sounds like your roommate is ignorant of WLS and shouldn't shoot her mouth off about things she doesn't know about. So many nurses like to give advice on things they knew nothing about. My daughter is really careful not to do that and I respect that about her. By the way, even my sister has gotten in my corner now that she sees how well its working for me. You don't owe anyone an explaination and since you already stated that you didn't want to defend yourself to her. Say nothing, as a matter of fact if you read many posts on here, you'll see most folks tell only a select few. The easiest thing to tell folks, if you have to say anything, is that you are getting a hiatal hernia fixed or any other simple adominal procedure you wish and then just let them wonder when you start losing weight and look and feel amazing! Best of luck to you.
  15. SuzanneG

    I've lost my band....

    So sorry to hear your story. I wish I had some great advice for you. I'm assuming either you don't have insurance or it doesn't cover WLS? Would a gastric bypass be possible? By the way, 94 pounds IS extravegant in my book!
  16. SuzanneG

    I Want My Band Removed Now!!!!!

    WestCoastFatGuy - You almost made me cry. That was beautiful. I love you man! :tongue: Congrats on your weight loss, you're doing great! Yaz, keep us posted. From everything I read on here, I think the idea to just not have your band filled is the best one. I have 4.5cc in my 10cc band and I can tell you that right now I can eat anything I want. Personally, that upsets me and I'm getting another fill this Friday, but just to give you an idea.... This past weekend my DH and I were working on remodeling projects around the house and ended up eating "quick food". With 4.5cc, I was able to eat pizza (the food I was most worried about missing, but don't crave it anymore) and a hotdog with the bun! So if you just want to be able to eat what you want, just wait a coulple of weeks (which you probably will have to anyway before getting additional surgery) and you will be just like you were before surgery. I've read SO many posts where people are upset saying that they can't even tell they have a band before they get a fill. At least that way, if you want it later on, it would only require a simple fill and not yet another surgery. I wish you well, whatever your decision.
  17. I've seen where some policies required medically supervised diet for x months. I would call and ask what your policy will require from you. Also, be prepared for an appeal if you don't get approved the first time through. I have federal BC/BS and I had to appeal mine. I agree with jencys on getting all the pre-reqs out of the way, however BC/BS will pay for you psych eval, so you may want to wait on that one and if you still have Kaiser coverage, that'll take care of your GP visit. Good luck to you!
  18. SuzanneG

    That lady at the top.

    I never liked her either. It would be cool if they took pics of folks on here and rotated them. That would be fair and interesting.
  19. SuzanneG

    Ready to give up..not much weight loss

    .5? My first fill was 4.5 and I'm going back for another next Friday. Sounds like you do need a new doctor!
  20. SuzanneG

    Please give me your opinions...

    I too felt like I just read my own story. I wished I had seen this when I had to write my own letter. Yours is much more poignant than mine. Best of luck to you in your journey.
  21. SuzanneG

    restaurant issues

    This is a bit of a pet peeve with me. We all know they don't want us to order off the kids/senior menu because the more they feed us the more we eat, the more money they make. I think if a person doesn't want a Shrek sized meal, they shouldn't be forced to buy one. That's the whole point of the senior menu, smaller portions. It's not like I'm asking for free food, just to buy smaller portions. I have a tough time leaving half or more of my meal on the plate. So far, no one has told me no, but if they did, you can be sure I wouldn't go there again.
  22. SuzanneG

    Breast Cancer and Lap-band

    I'm so sorry you have to deal with this. My sister had breast cancer two years ago and based on her experience, I would say the band probably won't affect anything. Not everyone loses weight on chemo, my sister actually gained 20 pounds. She was normal size, so this was a lot of weight for her. Most often, eating actually helped with the nausea so she ate more often than normal for her.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p><o:p></o:p><o:p></o:p> I know exactly how you feel about your health. I have two things that I am most afraid of for my own health. One is breast cancer as it runs rampant in my family and the other is a heart attack, same thing, everywhere in the family. So last Jan I had a preventive mastectomy, where they found pre-cancer, and this Jan I got my band. <o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p><o:p></o:p> I feel good about the choices I've made and hope to enjoy improved health in 2008.<o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p><o:p></o:p> One plus for the band is that being overweight can add to your risk for breast cancer. My sister is a gym nut now (exercise is supposed to lower her chances of recurrance), back to her normal size, and cancer free.<o:p></o:p> Best of luck to you.<o:p></o:p>
  23. SuzanneG

    Dream big..........

    Congratluations on both the part and the weight loss. Here's sending you good thoughts. What kind of show? Do you sing or act or both?
  24. SuzanneG

    Self induced vomiting

    I agree with citygirl, that does not sound normal. I'll do ANYTHING to avoid throwing up. I haven't PBd yet either, so I'm not sure what that's like, but I'm not looking to find out!
  25. SuzanneG

    I'm officially in bandster hell. Help!

    I'm scheduled for my second fill on the 14th. I have managed to lose since my first fill, but mostly through willpower and exercise. I'm still really hungry between meals. My doc says no Snacks, so most of the time I try to drown my growling with liquids. Sometimes, I cave in and have a snack. One thing I know I'm doing wrong is eating more than 4 oz. I probably never eat more than 8oz in a meal, but I'm worried why I can eat more than 4 so easily. I hope I haven't stretched my pouch. My first fill was done with fluro and they didn't say anything, so I guess it was OK then. I requested fluro for my second fill also because I work 3 hours from the doctor's office and am afraid of overfill. I sure hope it gives me more restriction. This part is tough, but still so much easier than diet alone!!!!!!!!!

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