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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SuzanneG

  1. SuzanneG

    How to deal

    I stated this in another thread, but for some reason, the idea of us losing weight seems to intimidate those around us, even the skinny. Seems to me that no one really wants me to succeed. Some are afraid you wont want to hang out with them if you're thin, some don't want you thinner than them, some like having their fat jolly friend. It's a sad thing, but oftentimes people aren't truly happy when someone else has good news. What part of VA are you from? I live in Spotsylvania and work in DC.
  2. SuzanneG

    Any "Last meals?"

    I had more last meals than I can count. I tried to have everything that I love one last time. I gained a few pounds, but I don't think it hurt anything. Much to my surprise, I don't pine after the foods I thought I'd never eat again. I used to eat pizza religiously every Friday night. I've been forced to have it twice since surgery and it just didn't do a thing for me.
  3. SuzanneG

    NSV for me!!!!

    Congrats. I know that had to feel amazing.
  4. SuzanneG

    Donuts in the kitchen

    I have the same problem here. Every time I turn around there is cake for something. My boss and her boss are both pencil thin and eat like line backers, it's so unfair. Anyway, they used to get upset with me if I skipped it and they would make me come in there and watch them all eat cake. Yesterday for the first time, nobody asked me if I wanted cake!! Either they just forgot about me or they are finally getting the message.
  5. SuzanneG

    No longer "plus size"!

    LBT talk has been so important to me in this journey. Thanks everybody for your support and the pats on the back. I needed that.
  6. SuzanneG

    Port Site hurts

    Mine bothered me quite a bit that first week so I'd say it's pretty normal. Sounds like you're doing great. Congrats on your band.
  7. SuzanneG

    2nd thoughts

    For me, the band has made 100% difference. I was so at the end of my rope with dieting, I couldn't even make myself try one more time. Now, I don't feel like I'm on a diet and although others on here still go to WW or weigh and measure their food (all great things to do), I still can't make myself do it. I just can't do that for the rest of my life, I just wanted to learn to eat less for the rest of my life and so far that's working for me. Good luck to you and congrats on your upcoming band.
  8. SuzanneG

    Somebody Stop Me!

    I went to my first consult in August 07 and had my surgery in Jan 08 due to the fact that I had to appeal my insurance company. I started out with a BMI of 35.1 and by the time I started my preop diet, I had gained up to 36.7. I had more last suppers than you can shake a stick at and I can honestly say I don't regret it. Yeah, it sucked actually going up a size while waiting, but I was so out of control by that point, I just rode the wave. Having said that, I was 100% good on my 2 week pre-op diet and I was so ready to jump in and get into the lapband zone by surgery time. I wouldn't sweat it too much one way or the other. The band will do it's job as long as you do yours and you'll be ready.
  9. SuzanneG

    Second Thoughts

    I was 209 the day of my consult. I had plenty of folks try to discourage me too, my sister being the worst one. Well, after 2 1/2 months, she's now telling her overweight friends that they should do what I did and get the band! Those same people, by the way, are now telling me I should stop losing weight because I look great now. Well, I just graduated from Plus size dept to Misses, I'm not stopping now. My conclusion is that people are people and for the most part, the sad truth is that they don't want you to lose. Some won't want you to look better than them, some will be afraid that you won't want them around anymore if you are thin, some just love to comiserate. Even those who love you may not always want what's best for you. Personally, I think it's the single greatest thing I've ever done for myself. DH has been supportive from the start, like yours, so I say go for it! You'll be so glad you did.
  10. First of all, congratulations on the pregnancy. I wasn't banded way back when I had my kids so I have no first hand experience. How do you think you would do if you added protien drinks in between meals?
  11. SuzanneG

    No longer "plus size"!

    Thanks HarleyGirl and congrats on your band. I had a love/hate relationship with mine that first week, but boy do I love the little guy now!
  12. SuzanneG

    Full feeling

    For me, the full feeling is totally different than it was before. Now that I have restriction, I feel full when I get a little pressure in my chest. I have just recently experienced the "stuck" feeling so I am more than happy to stop at the first sign that I've had enough. Do I feel that warm and fuzzy I'm so full feeling? Not really.
  13. SuzanneG

    No longer "plus size"!

    It really does. I almost felt like someone was going to come up and tell me I am in the wrong department. Every time I walked by someone, I thought they were probably wondering what I was doing in their section. It feels great and a couple of people at work have noticed - finally. Thanks guys!
  14. SuzanneG


    :biggrin: Congratulations! I see you also recently celebrated your bandiversary. Way to go!!!!!!
  15. You might laugh at me, but Richard Simmons has some good low impact videos. He's a little annoying, but I do love his sweatin' to the oldies. They are done by people of all degrees of weight, so you don't have to be skinny to do them.
  16. SuzanneG


    Unjury also has a chicken soup flavor. I found it to taste OK. A nice change from all the sweet stuff and 20g of protien per scoop.
  17. SuzanneG

    Aspects of Blindness

    Hi Serenity, I find your post very interesting. Thank you for all the information. Your comment about your hearing is particularly interesting to me. And your example of closing your eyes and listening is a good one. I often get teased by my family because I can hear TV better in a dark room, the darker the room, the better I can hear. I have trouble hearing where there is background noise, but have no idea why I hear better in the dark but I swear that I do. I can turn my TV volume much lower if the room is dark. My doctor said he's never heard of such a thing. I know, I'm strange. I was wondering what JAWS tells you about the tickers in the signatures on this site. When I mouse over them, I don't see any alternative text, so was wondering what you hear when there is a ticker (like in my signature). Thanks for being so forthcoming. It's enlightening and will likely help us sighted folks learn better manners when meeting a blind person. I always hate it when people shout at my mom because she is older. She has excellent hearing and when she's in the hospital, I sometimes remind her nurse not to shout at her. LOL
  18. SuzanneG

    After Surgery

    It sounds like that may be where you port is. Mine lasted about a week, but the waist band on my pants bothered it for about a month. Sometimes now, it still gets tender from time to time, not sure why.
  19. Yeah! I'm so glad to hear that things are looking up for you. The liquid faze of this diet is murder. I get so grumpy when I'm on it that now, when I get a fill, I warn my family that they won't want to be around me for the 2 days of liquids that follow. LOL Hang in there Yaz, I think you'll grow to love your little friend.
  20. SuzanneG

    Discouraged........what gives

    Are you measuring your food? My doc is a stickler about it and he said if you don't measure you'll slowly start to eat more and more without realizing it. Another important thing is to drink lots of Water. I have to be honest and say that I don't track my food, but many on here do and swear by it. Maybe that will help you give you a fresh persepective on what your eating. Meanwhile, call your nutritionist. They should have some really good suggestions for you. Don't get discouraged. This is a long journey with many ups and downs, but you'll get there.
  21. SuzanneG

    Help, I don't understand what I'm doing wrong!

    My doctor is very strict about measuring. He says if you don't continue to measure your food, you will increase the amount you are eating without realizing it. You may try to measure and track. I've seen where many on here go to Weight Watchers, maybe trying that would give you a fresh start and kick start your weight loss again.
  22. That's a tough pre-op diet to follow. Mine was similar, but I had a shake for Breakfast and lunch and 4oz meat and 1 cup veggies for dinner. The dinner was the highlight of my day and it was a saving grace for the diet. Maybe if you're really going crazy ask the doc if you can have something like that. For me, the liquid diet is the hardest part. I've had to do it post-op for 1 week and 2 days after each fill. It makes me so cranky I have to warn the family when I'm on liquids to steer clear of me! But the minute I get food again, I'm fine. :shades_smile: Hang in there, it does get better.
  23. SuzanneG

    Buying clothes throughout weightloss?

    I go to Ross. Dress code at my work is business and I can get suits there for $20 - $40. I also saw a thread a while back on this forum about doing a clothes swap. You might try looking it up.
  24. SuzanneG

    FINALLY Got a Good Fill

    Alexsmom34, Congrats on the fill. I just got my second fill and it's WORKING! It does feel good.
  25. SuzanneG

    heart rate of 10? gulp!

    Wow, glad you came out of it OK. My heart rate was also in the 40's during my hospital stay and it kind of freaked me out. My daughter is a nurse and I asked her to keep an eye on me when I got home. I watched my mom go through a major heart attack and open heart surgery, so I'm sensitive to any danger signs of heart trouble. That's the main reason I got the band. I'm hoping to NOT walk in her footsteps. She had gastric bypass after her first heart attack, but I think by then the damage was done.

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