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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SuzanneG

  1. BBK - I can't imagine having to go through that, but you are a pro, you can handle it! That does suck though. I think the pre-op diet idea sounds like a good one. I have stalled for the first time and haven't lost in a month. I don't even know what to blame, but I'm getting a fill on the 10th and I'm hoping that will put me back on track. Hang in there! We all look up to you!
  2. SuzanneG

    Holy Shiat!

    Hollie, Congratulations! You're amazing!
  3. Don't let them discourage you. I had the same experience, only my sister was my biggest problem. She normally was always in my corner but she was dead set against me getting the band. I didn't offer up much in my defense other than what you already said, I did my research and I felt like it was the answer for me. Statistics show that 95% of all diets fail. Sure, any of them work short term. I liken it to holding your arms straight up. It's easy at first, then they start to feel heavy, and finally you just can't hold them up any longer. That's what dieting was like for me. The band liberated me from that. Take heart, now that I've lost almost 70 pounds, my sister has become a fan. She even recommends it to poeple who complain about their weight to her and tells them to call me if they have questions. Hopefully your friend will come around. You'll be surprised at the reactions you get as you loose too. Sometimes it makes people uncomfortable, some jealous, others tell you that you are getting too thin and try to talk you into not losing to your goal. What's wrong with people? Why can't they just want what's best for us? Good luck. I know you'll do great!
  4. SuzanneG

    could the band just not be working anymore?

    Some people it just takes them a while before they feel restriction. I have a friend who didn't feel it until she reached 8.5 or 9cc. Just keep your doctor posted and stay after them to give you a fill if you are eating too much or getting hungry between meals. Hang in there, you'll get it!
  5. SuzanneG

    How long.....

    My DH is like an alarm clock. I can ask for 2 minutes or 2 hours and he can deliver. He's 38 and in pretty good shape. I'm 43, so I've been kind of hoping he'd slow down a little. tee hee I also couldn't get there with penetration until I was in my late 20's. I was dating a guy who said he'd teach me. I never thought it possible. It's still not easy for me, but I can do it often enough to make DH feel like a stud. LOL
  6. Lots of people go through this. I don't think you've hurt your band, but I do think you are ready for another fill. My doc told me to come straight back as soon as I felt hungry too soon again and he'd give me another fill. It can be frustrating while getting your fills, but you'll get there!
  7. SuzanneG

    2 days post op

    I've tried a few and don't really like any of them. I can, however, tolerate the Slim Fast Carb Control. I pretty much only like the vanilla. It's also not great, but good enough. I love the convience of them too. It amazes me how different all these doctors are. Mine fussed at me for drinking them. He prefers we get all of our protien from solid food. I explained that since the surgery, I'm just not a Breakfast person any more so he said it was OK, but even if I could do a protien bar, it was better than the shake. I used to love breakfast, but I quickly found out that all the breakfast food I love is pure carbs, there aren't alot of high protien choices, especially if you can't eat eggs and I'm one of the unlucky people whose band doesn't get along with eggs.
  8. I was told that it is because with the liquid diet, your entire intestinal tract gets cleaned out. However, when we are on solid foods it is perfectly normal for our intestines to maintain a certain amount of solid matter at any given time. It's not normal to be totally empty, so when solids are reintroduced, a couple pounds usually come back on. That doesn't mean you are eating too many calories or that you actually gained weight.
  9. I had IBS even before my surgery, so as a preventive measure, I take a stool softner every day. Not a laxative, but just softner. My GP said it was fine to do and it seems to work perfect for me. I hope you're feeling better soon.
  10. I had it for a quite a while. I was told that it was an irritated diaphram (is that the right word?). Anyway, the pain gets referred to your left shoulder. Crazy. Take heart, it'll go away eventually.
  11. Yesterday: B - Weight Control Oatmeal L - Turkey sand, lettuce, tomato, cukes, cheese, no bread. :-) D - WW frozen entree, turkey, mashed pot, mixed veggies
  12. SuzanneG

    You've lost enough weight...

    I am so happy to see this thread. I am also getting these comments daily at work and I do find it irritiating. Why is it only OK for them to have healthy BMI. I work with several really thin ladies and I always ask why no one tells them that they are too small and they say "Oh, you don't want to be THAT thin do you? You need to learn when enough is enough." Ticks me off royal, but I just grin and bear it. Now I'm more determined than ever to show them the REAL me. I am glad to hear that it wears off once they get used to the new us.
  13. I had the same experience and also eat mostly chicken and fish. However, BEWARE, as I get closer to goal, I've gotten a little careless and recently had a Reese Blizzard and it was like waking a sleeping giant! I craved carbs so bad I nearly lost my mind. :rolleyes2: It took me two weeks to realize that I was slowly eating more and more carbs and I noticed my blood sugar was starting to act up. I posted a plea for help on this board and after listening to the advice of my LBT friends, I started to write down and track what I was eating and discovered that I was eating too many carbs. It took me a few days of lean and green meals to get back on track, but I am feeling better again. The moral of the story is you have to keep away from the carbs to keep the craving away.
  14. Yesterday B- Slim Fast Carb Control L - 3oz chicken breast from KFC, couple bites m.potatoes, cole slaw S - 1 - Fun sized Hershey :thumbup: D - Salad with 2oz rotisserie chicken and cheese cubes
  15. SuzanneG

    HELP - I'm getting complacent!

    Hi everyone. Well a few days of counting have confirmed what I suspected. I am eating too many carbs and have slipped away from really focusing on my protien. I'm trying to get back to my original band eating habits and will continue to record my food for the rest of the week. I'll see my doctor Monday for a follow-up, so that should help inspire me. I'll keep you posted on my progress this week! Thanks for the support everyone!
  16. Hi everyone, I was banded Jan 08 and I've lost 68 pounds. I have gone from a size 20 to a size 10 and of course everyone is telling me how amazing I look. Here's the thing, I'm still overweight and need to lose 22 more pounds to meet my goal. I have finally caught up with my sister, we work in the same office building, so people seem to assume that I'm done losing and constantly tell me I don't need to lose more weight. Although it is flattering, its dampening my motivation. How can I fix this? Before you come back with all your tips, I should warn you. I am NOT a dieter, I was done with that before I got the band. I don't weigh and measure and count and record my food. If I was capable of staying dedicated to that, I wouldn't have needed the band. My band works perfect, I don't think I need a fill, I even think I'm at my sweet spot and have done wonderfully with just eating my small meals. What's happening is that I'm getting careless, I'm saying yes to a small slice of cake at our office monthly birthday celebrations, I'm allowing myself to snack, I've had ice cream. OMG - What is going on!?! Also, I HATE exercise. I did buy Wii and it's so fun, but I don't play with it every day. I do the other tips, I take the stairs at work, every trip to the bathroom, I go all the way to the ground floor and back up to 10th floor, then one lap around the building and I park my car in the far away spot. That's about all I'm good for at the moment. I'm one of those people that exercise has NEVER helped me lose weight, no idea why, but it doesn't help me in the least. So, I just need to get back to my band basics and stop being complacent and careless. Maybe I need a slap on the wrist, or just someone to question me if I'm following the rules. I'm going to discuss this and my goal with my doctor on the 15th. So many people are picking on me for wanting to lose 22 more pounds, but that puts me squarely in the normal range and that's where I want to be! I think it's causing me a head trip to constantly hear that I shouldn't lose any more weight. How can I get serious again and work with my band? Pep talk anyone? :tongue2: Slap on the wrist?
  17. Mine was super quick and easy. Just a casual conversation with her about my weight history, my diet history, and what I thought was causing me to be overweight. My answer was simple as well, I eat too much! That was it in a nutshell for me, no issues from childhood, no real emotional eating, just president of the Clean Your Plate club -- Thanks Dad! LOL
  18. SuzanneG

    What has been your biggest food sacrifices

    Jodi, have you tried the whole wheat Pasta? I am hypoglycemic and I do very well with it. It has 17g of protien per serving! I only buy Barilla though and cook it 15 mins, not the 11 that the package suggests. To me, that makes it taste exactly like the other stuff. At Olive Garden, I get the Parm Crusted Talapia. YUM It does come with an angel hair pasta which is yummy, but if you wanted, you could request whole wheat pasta, they do have it there, but only linguini (sorry about my spelling). For me, pizza was the food I really thought I'd miss. I don't even think about it anymore. Sometimes when I see a commercial, I think, hmm, I never crave pizza anymore. LOL I do miss bread though, I really do, but only when I'm at a restaraunt that puts that hot, soft, aromatic delight right under my nose. LOL
  19. SuzanneG

    HELP - I'm getting complacent!

    Thank you so much for all the suggestions! I knew this was the place to get the support and the tough love that I needed. I do know that counting calories helps my head persuade my heart, so I will make a promise to do that for a few days at least. I'm aslo going to try the cheat day, it has worked really well for me in the past, I don't know why I didn't think of it this time. You guys are amazing and you're all such inspiration! I feel like I have a whole new family out there and I couldn't live without this board! I wish I was making this promise on a Monday. :tongue2: I don't get online at home (I live in the country and have dialup) but I will check in with you guys on Monday and let you know how I'm doing! Thanks again and keep those suggestions coming! PS - Spitfire, I have never regretted, even for a second, getting my band. It is the single best thing I've ever done for myself. I had the slowest metabolism imaginable and I'm in my 40's, but I don't think your age will be a problem. Have you peeked in to the 60's board?
  20. SuzanneG

    HELP - I'm getting complacent!

    Thanks Luluc, I read so many of your posts and I value your opinion. I know I need to do more with exercise, but that is a tough one for me. I know that the BLTs (bites, licks, and tastes) and hurting me right now and I have to get serious about cutting those back out. I'm hoping that posting this will give me fresh motivation as I want to report back to the group, that I have regained control. Bozzj - I hear ya! When I tell people that I want to lose 22 more pounds, they say hurtful stuff, that they think is a compliment, like "you'll look like a crack head!" or "what are you trying to do, look like an anerexic!". They are becoming less supportive and handing me the cake saying, "A little slice won't hurt!" Grrrrrrr I love the cheat day idea! I used to do that on WW and I think that would help! THANKS! Melody, Thanks for the pep talk. You guys are amazing. I don't know what I would do without LBT! Thanks for listening everyone!
  21. B - Slim Fast High Protien bar L - Chef Salad S - Cheese stick D - 2ozChicken with 1oz brown rice, 1oz broccoli with cheese.
  22. Yesterday: B - Slim Fast Carb Control S - 100 cal fudge stripe cookies L - 1/2 cup chicken penne alfredo S - 1/2 piece birthday cake at the office:eek: D - 1/3 of WW Santa Fae beans and rice with sour cream
  23. SuzanneG


    Sounds like you are in need of a fill. You shouldn't be able to eat most breads (except maybe toast). My doc says if you can eat bread, you are too lose. Call your doctor and schedule a fill.
  24. Yesterday: Bad food day B - Slim Fast Carb Control S - approx 20 grapes L - South Beach Walnut Craisin Chicken Salad S - A package of Starburst :crying: D - 1/2 cup Chicken Penne Alfredo and salad
  25. SuzanneG

    Richmond, VA area or nothern NC

    PM means to send me a Private Message.

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