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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SuzanneG

  1. Will do, still waiting for the doc to call with results of my HIDA scan.
  2. I've always dealt with constipation and since my banding 2 1/2 years ago, I take a stool softener every day. The doc said it won't hurt me and it really helps. Also make extra sure you're getting your Water in. Lack of hydration makes a huge difference. I hope you feel better soon! Hang in there.
  3. Leigh, when I was doing the C25K, I had to eat extra before running. I'm hypoglycemic, so there's no getting away from it for me. And yes, I think I ate the same amount of calories that I burned. But in that 9 week program, I went from a size 8 to a size 6 and was about to push into a size 4 when I ended up needing foot surgery. I never lost an ounce during the entire time, but WOW did my body change. For me, that's what matters most. Especially when you are already so close to your goal weight. You're doing great! Better to focus on heart health and lean muscle than the number on the scale. I can't wait to get started again. I'll find out today if I need gb surgery, if not, then I plan to start C25K again and see if I can make it through without another foot surgery. Keep up the good work. You're inspiring. Jachut and mimi, great to see you on here and I always enjoy your posts! :-D
  4. SuzanneG

    New to forum, not to banding.

    Welcome, Alexandra. You've done amazing with your journey. I was curious, how did you know something was wrong with our port? What were your symptoms? I have a friend that I met online here who has never lost with the band and we are constantly trying to come up with ideas that may help her.
  5. SuzanneG

    In Bandster Hell, Need ideas

    Congratulations on your success! Are you counting your protien in addition to your calories? Try to get at least 60g a day and that will go a long way toward curbing your hunger. When can you get a fill? Does your doc make you wait a certain amount of time? Call them up and see if they will give you a fill.
  6. SuzanneG

    Mad as H-E-!-!-

    Well said ELCEE! Finetnredbone, You should be thrilled right now that you don't want to eat. That was so amazing to me and the very reason that the band WORKS. Enjoy this carefree time because the hardest part is the long haul. Take advantage of your lack of desire to eat and try to get yourself in the right frame of mine to succeed. Worry about the numbers, being mad that you DON'T want to eat, are much more risky than the level of your fill. Your doctor is an expert in his field and I'm sure he considered the fact that you will need long term restriction. Once you get close to the sweet spot, .1ml will make a HUGE difference in your restriction. You have plenty of room. Try to get at least 60g of protien a day and you will begin to have more energy very soon. Good luck on your journey. It sounds like your doc has gotten you off to an amazing start!
  7. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Way to go Leigh. :-D
  8. SuzanneG

    They think I'm malnourished

    Sounds a little bit like jealousy to me. Even those who like/love you and want to be happy for you, tend to get a little envious when you start losing weight. Normal weight people do it as bad as overweight and deep down, they prefer to keep you the way you were. I don't think they mean to feel that way, but it almost always happens. People around me blame my band every time anything goes wrong with my health. I don't let it get to me. Sometimes it is my band, other times its not. Even my GP blames my band when I have stomach trouble, which I've had since I was a teen. Take it as a sort of compliment and don't listen to them. Keep up the good work!
  9. SuzanneG

    bad breathe

    I agree with Tinksmom, it's probably because you are in ketosis. You need to eat more healthy carbs and the problem will go away.
  10. SuzanneG

    Soon to be banded in Richmond

    Will do. Lauren was supposed to call me yesterday to schedule a HIDA scan, but they didn't call me. I'm going to call at 8:30 and see if I can get it done before they get too busy. June 30 will be here before you know it. Summer days seem to go by faster than winter ones.
  11. Ha ha, Jen, you sound like me. I thought my knees were going to buckle when I got my first fill. My doc does them standing up, he doesn't numb it first, but it doesn't hurt much. To me, it's about the same amount of pain as getting blood drawn. I never look down though, I hate to see that thing. They leave it in you while they adjust and check your fill level, but, just like blood draws, you only feel the initial stick. Good luck.
  12. SuzanneG

    Soon to be banded in Richmond

    Thanks. I hope you can have it removed. You've been through enough an deserve a break. When is your sugery again? Let me l know how you are doing after.
  13. Trishia, I haven't been on here in a while and haven't seen previous posts. Why are they doing revision if they don't know if your band is OK or not? I'm curious, because it sounds like you are having trouble with stuff getting stuck? I'm having that problem, one day I can eat like a lumberjack and the next I can't get cottage cheese down. I've had an endo, pressure fill, fluro, the band checks out pefect, and actually is too LOOSE. WTH? I'm PBing nearly every day now. It's very frustrating.
  14. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    Leigh, Congrats! Once you do that first 20 min run, it's really not hard to keep adding on the time. You're over the hump now. Just keep on keeping on! I can relate to feet problems. You are on the right track with fitted running shoes. Also, a podiatrist could provide you with custom inserts that would probably work well for you. I have had 2 moroton's neuroma's in my left foot and now I have another in my right foot, plus the bone fragments and arthritis in my ankle. When did I turn into an old woman! Geeze..... ha ha
  15. SuzanneG


    Brad, Damn! I'm a happily married woman, but you look AMAZING! Congrats on your success!
  16. It varies by doctor on how much they put in. Some do many fills of tiny amounts and others are more aggressive. I think my first fill was 4cc, but I've seen some that only got .5. Eating shouldn't be too scary. You'll wanna be careful for sure, but for me, I didn't get stuck/PB until I'd had the band long enough to get careless. ha ha Best of luck to you!
  17. SuzanneG

    I need help...LOL

    Here's the thread I was telling you about. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f9/share-ideas-what-did-you-eat-today-36828/
  18. SuzanneG

    Questions about my fill issues

    I am having the same problem. Last week my doc did a "pressure fill". He said that is most accurate as it actually tests the pressure in your band. Not only was my band not too tight (which it feels like since I'm getting stuck and PB nearly every day now), but it's too loose! He thought maybe I was having esophageal spasms, but the meds he gave me for that didn't help. To add insult to injury, I'm having gallbladder symptoms too. He told me yesterday, let's get the gb taken care of and then we will see what's going on with your swallowing. He has done and endo, pressure fill under fluro, and everything band related looks perfect. So how is this even possible? MiMi, Hi! So we are having the same troubles? WTH?
  19. SuzanneG

    I need help...LOL

    You can also check out the thread on this site, I forget exactly what it's called, but it's something like "what I had to eat today". It gets a lot of activity, so I'm sure you will have no trouble finding it.
  20. SuzanneG

    Soon to be banded in Richmond

    nyllrap, I am so sorry to hear about your cancer and the colon trouble. My goodness, you really have been through the ringer. I'm glad that Dr. Brengman is taking good care of you. He is a wonderful doctor. How did your appointment go on Wed? He thinks I may be having gallbladder trouble. I'm waiting for his office to call me back to schedule a HIDA scan. Keep me posted on how you are doing.
  21. SuzanneG

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    GA, do you have to pay each time you get a fill? I sure hope not. Glad you are doing well on C25K. I'm in a holding pattern...again. Might have to have my gallbladder out. Waiting for a call from the doc to schedule a HIDA scan. :- Leigh, How did the run go on Friday? I'm sure you did great. I LOVED C25K when I did it before. Then I was sidelined by back to back foot surgeries. The feet are still keeping me down as well as an ankle that has decided to hurt, but I'm hoping when things settle down, to give the running a try again.
  22. SuzanneG

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    Congrats Tina. Love the license plate idea! ha ha Hope your party was a blast! Suzanne
  23. SuzanneG

    Soon to be banded in Richmond

    nyllrap, Dr. Brengman is my doc too. I LOVE him! He's looking into possible gallstones for me now. I have to call him tomorrow for test results. Sorry to hear about all your trouble. Has he discussed verticle sleeve with you or are you just going to keep the weight off on your own?
  24. SuzanneG

    Is this a joke? WTH is going on?!

    Is it possible that you do have gallbladder issues? If so, you should get it checked out right away. I'm probably going to have my gb removed in the coming weeks. I'm waiting for the test results now. Doc said to call him tomorrow to confirm if I'm having gb trouble. I agree with all the others on your band adjustments though. Good luck to you.
  25. SuzanneG

    Constant Nausea - 2 years post-op

    My primary doctor blew me off, but when I went to my bariatric doctor, he thinks I need my gallbladder out. He ordered an ultra sound, I'm waiting for results. I am also having trouble eating, it's like my band is too tight, but it's not. The doc said he thinks I'm having esophegeal spasms. All I know is that I'm anxious to get this stuff taken care of so I can tighten my band back up and get the rest of this weight off.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
