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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SuzanneG

  1. SuzanneG

    Drinking after eating

    Are you waiting 30 mins between your last drink and your meal? I don't have a hard time with drinking while eating, but I too like to drink before and after I eat. If the problem is only when you eat out, tell them you don't want a drink and insist they don't leave one in front of you. It is OK to have a sip of Water after you eat, just not to drink any measurable amount. For me, I chew gum to moisten my mouth after I eat. I have seen on here where many folks say their doctor's don't allow gum. I can't imagine doing this without it. I use it when my mouth is bored, when I'm thirsty and can't drink, when I'm sleepy and need to stay awake. I love gum and have no less than 4 different varieties on my desk at any given time. LOL
  2. SuzanneG


    My Dear LBT Friends, I'm sorry to report that you are in Bandster Hell. This too shall pass. The addition of solid food will help, but you won't truely be rid of the hunger until you have restriction. Hang in there! Help is on the way..... And pat yourselves on the back for taking this step for your health!
  3. SuzanneG

    someone please help

    My doc told me that if you can eat bread, you are too lose. Get a fill. You can't fight feeling hungry all the time, that's why we couldn't diet on our own, isn't? If you could do that, you wouldn't have needed the band. Get a fill.
  4. SuzanneG

    Lasttimetime from VA

    There are lots of self pays, but I'm not one of them. If you don't get approved, appeal, I did and it worked. Don't give up without a fight. So you're in Richmond? Who's your doctor?
  5. SuzanneG

    After The Seminar

    So sorry you had to go through that. I was worried about something like that myself, but everything went perfect. I can't say enough nice things about Dr. Brengman. The man is my hero, that's all there is to it!
  6. SuzanneG

    wanna vent

    I hear ya. I could never get more than 25 pounds off at a time and that usually took me forever. I hope your doc takes your progress into consideration. You are losing after all. If not, is there another doctor in your area? Mine didn't require pre-op weight loss, but he did require a liver shrinking diet for 2 weeks. I lost 11 pounds on that one. Keep plugging away at it, it's so worth it! I'll be cheering for you!!!
  7. SuzanneG

    ounces on full liquids???

    My doc prescribed 3 Protein shakes a day and any other calorie free liquid in between. However, in the early stages, they said whatever you can get down in 30 minutes is all you get, after that, put it away until the next meal. Sounds like you are not getting enough protien with your current setup. You need protien to heal.
  8. SuzanneG


    I am 5'4 1/2" and I weighed 225 going into my pre-op diet. Right now I'm at 155 and I'm in a size 10. I've lost 70.5 pounds. I want to lose 20 more pounds to get into my healthy BMI range, so that puts me at 90 pounds if I reach goal. The surgery is actually safer for those with less than 100 pounds to lose. It was the single greatest thing I've ever done for myself. I too had a terrible time losing, made my doc check my thyroid I don't know how many times, and tried every excuse in the book, including that I had 2 c-sections and a hysterectomy, family history, etc. The bottom line is calories in vs. calories out. I had to change that to lose weight. There are so many health benefits to losing weight. Go for it! You won't regret it.
  9. I have federal BC/BS Basic. I was turned down based on my BMI (35.1) the first pass through, but appealed and was approved. I paid $100 co-pay for my surgery and that's it. For fills, if I have them done under fluro I pay $100 co-pay (considered surgery if a foriegn object enters your body) and $40 for the x-ray. Good luck to you.
  10. Any time you are under general anesthesia, you are catheterized. I would think that could certainly cause an infection.
  11. SuzanneG

    After The Seminar

    I hear you about the drive to Richmond. I work on DC, so I was doubly worried about being so far away. However, MWH wasn't doing bariatric surgery when I had mine. They just brought in a new team this year. They had been doing them in the past and got into trouble because there were so many problems. This new team is supposed to be good. I just love Dr. Brengman though. I think the real problem is that there are so many people clamoring for this surgery that not only are they overwhelmed, but I think the idea of customer service is a non-issue since they have more business than they can shake a stick at. Stay after them. You know what they say, the squeaky wheel gets the oil.
  12. SuzanneG

    Banded, New & Need Support

    So sorry to hear that you are struggling. A few tips you may try are: 1. Measure your food. My doc says 1/2 cup B,L,D and one 100 cal snack. 2. Use a salad plate instead of a larger one 3. Focus on protien first, veggies second and carbs only if you have room. 4. Use a salad or baby fork 5. Cut your food up in small bites (One person said their doc told them that your bites should be the size of your pinky fingernail) 6. You know this one, chew chew chew. Try to chew each bite 30 times. 7. Avoid slider foods (foods that are soft and go down too easily) Hope this helps!
  13. SuzanneG

    After The Seminar

    Hey! I see you are from King George, I live in Spotsy. Who's your doctor? I used Richmond Surgical and I have to admit, although I LOVE Dr. Brengman, it was a nightmare getting scheduled. Once I got my surgery date it was smooth sailing, but until then, I worried them to death. LOL
  14. Welcome Nicole! I think it's amazing that even after 3 years, you can get a fill and pick right back up where you left off. Good for you for coming back for a fill and letting the band work for you!
  15. SuzanneG

    Knockouts October Updates

    Acutally, I've lost the least. You have me beat by 3 pounds. I'm with you though, it doesn't matter to me as long as I'm losing.
  16. jmonash, sounds like you need a fill my friend. Call your doctor.
  17. SuzanneG

    Knockouts October Updates

    Hey Guys! I'm doing great. My weight loss slowed drastically lately too and my doc said if I'm hungry between meals, then I need a fill. He bumped me up another .6 and has done the trick! Now if I can just behave, maybe I can get these last 20 pounds off. I know I'm going to have to work for the last 20, the first 70 came off with little to no effort from me, so I can't complain really.
  18. SuzanneG

    I was meant for this...

    How exciting. Congratulations! You deserve it! Now go out there and represent for the rest of us!
  19. SuzanneG


    I have been at the same weight for 6 weeks. My last fill was July and I have one scheduled for this Friday. For me, I think that will be the fix. I waited too long between fills. I think I had it in my mind that once I reached my sweet spot, which I feel like I was there at one point, I thought that would be it, but it's always changing and I realized I need another fill. I can eat about 2 cups of food right now and I'm supposed to be eating 1/2 cup. Could you be needing a fill as well? I also agree about mixing up your eating and exercise. I am trying to do that very thing also. Don't give up!
  20. SuzanneG

    PIZZA!! I need help....

    Way to go on moving the pizza's. OMG, pizza was my very best friend before surgery. I even debated with my doctor trying to find a way to make pizza OK to eat post band. He kept telling me I wouldn't want it, I didn't believe him. Well, I've had pizza a total of 2 times since my surgery in Jan. I rarely think about it anymore. Very pleasant surprise. Best of luck to you.
  21. SuzanneG

    Do you attend support meetings?

    My doctor's office is an hour drive (south) from my house and I work 2 hours north from my house, so going down there on a weeknight is not going to happen. For me, this is my support group. I get so much out of coming here and reading threads. It has been a huge help. I can Celebrate, complain, ask for help, all from my LBT friends. Who could ask for more?
  22. SuzanneG

    Need Advice, Please help

    Based on what you are saying here, I think I would wait until June when you can have your family there. If you are already planning a trip there, it makes perfect sense to do it then. Why can't you have it done closer to home? Isn't there a doctor/hospital near you that takes medicare?
  23. SuzanneG

    Weight Loss Makeover

    I'm thinking about getting a tattoo and plan to go on a cruise which I would never do because of my weight.
  24. I have read where others hiccup when they reach that point. I'm with Stephanie, I sure wish I had one.
  25. SuzanneG

    Need advice/support

    Thanks Heather. I've been stalled for about a month myself and I need to make some changes. I tried exercising more and it hasn't helped me. I'm going to try making the low carb changes like you did and see if I can get things moving again. I'm also scheduled for another fill on Oct. 10th.

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