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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SuzanneG

  1. SuzanneG

    Hoping To Band in Fredericksburg

    niterun, did they ever call? What's new?
  2. SuzanneG

    Thinking about lap band but.....

    pjop, Brengman did mine and I LOVE him. I have to fight off the urge to grab him and hug the stuffing out of him every time I see him! Shroeder is also good, you really can't go wrong with either. I've had Elliott for a fill only, but he seemed nice enough. Kiz, too funny. I love the convo with DH. Mine probably would have gone about the same if I was self-pay.
  3. SuzanneG

    Helllooooo Onederland!!!!

    Woot! Way to go. Congrats!
  4. SuzanneG


    RedTulips, OMG you're almost there! How's it going for you so close to goal? Mine slowed a lot, but still moving. I finally had to cave in and start exercising. LOL
  5. Try some Airborne. That stuff really helps. Also call your PCP and ask him if they can give you anything to speed up your recover. I think they won't put you under if you have anything upper respitory.
  6. SuzanneG


    vballmom - I love the sanding the chair idea.
  7. KelinTX - OMG how amazing. Congratulations! I wish I had kept my outfit from that day. I totally forgot to keep my largest. Great job everyone. Pat yourselves on the back, you totally deserve it!
  8. There are cubicle exercises you can do. Here are some great tips. Exercise at Your Desk The first page would only work if you have a private office, or a relaxed enough work environment for it not to be an issue, but the following pages have some quiet, low-key exercises you can do while sitting at your desk.
  9. SuzanneG

    Question about life after surgery

    The biggest change is that you get drunk, really easy! I can drink two glasses of wine and be HAMMERED. No lie. I find it funny now, I'm such a cheap date. LOL Of course you can't drink anything with carbination, so for me, I like margaritas and wine mostly. Jello shots go down pretty easy. On a more serious side. My doc said no alchohol in the first 6 months. I didn't exactly stick to that. But the thing you have to be careful of, beside the obvious empty calories is to be mindful of how incredibly easy it is to get sloppy drunk. You do NOT want to throw up with a new band. Actually, you don't want to throw up with an old band if you can help it. I haven't drank enough for that to happen, but then again, I'm 43. I have a 21 year old daughter, so I know that you are likely in a position to be around drinking a lot. Just be very cautious of how much you are drinking and pay close attention to your body. Also have a friend promise to cut you off if you seem overly tipsy on just one or two drinks.
  10. SuzanneG

    Banded 10-16-2008

    For me, Weight Watchers was the best of the diets out there and I was able to lose on it, but never more than 25 pounds and never more than 6 months before I reached a point where I couldn't do it anymore.
  11. I have a very similar issue as you. I get up at 4am and drive 82 miles each way to work. I get home at almost 7pm, so there is very little time to cook, eat, wind down, and get to bed. Working out during the day isn't an option either as I don't have enough break time to workout, cool down, shower, put back on my professional clothes and redo hair and makeup. You didn't say what kind of building you work in. I work on the 10th floor of my building. I figured that every step was a step closer to my health so initially I decided that every time I walked to the ladies room, I would walk a lap around my floor. Then as I started losing more weight, I added the steps. I walk all the way down and back up 10 flights of steps anywhere from 2 to 6 times a day. Now I've added 10 pushups when I get to the bottom, I turn around and lean on the 3rd step up and do 10 pushups, then head back up. When I get back to the top, I still take my lap around the floor so I can catch my breath and then back to my desk. It takes surprisingly little extra time to do this and I find it's not hard to fit it into my day at all. I'm seeing the rewards for sure. My butt had flattened out and now it's round again and my legs feel strong and have visible muscles in them. For me the key is to try to put extra steps into my day wherever I can.
  12. SuzanneG


    Congratulations. It's so amazing isn't it? I couldn't wait to step on the scales to see what they would read next. Seeing the weight loss should help you resist eating things you shouldn't! Congrats on your weight loss!!!!! Keep up the good work!
  13. How did your appointment go? Was the new doc what you were hoping for?
  14. SuzanneG

    Banded 10-16-2008

    Oh yeah. Sausage? I couldn't eat that now. That stuck feeling is the food not wanting to go through the band. If it gets bad enough, it'll come back up and that is something you definitely don't want to do while you are still healing. Once, when I was on liquids, I chewed up chips and spit them back out, I was so desperate to crunch something and taste something salty. LOL You just have to grit through the liquid stage and then it gets so much easier.
  15. SuzanneG

    Denied -- how should I proceed

    The letters are on their way to you now. Best of luck to you!
  16. Thanks Luluc! You are one of my favorite LBTers for inspiration!
  17. My sister was dead set against me getting the band. She lost weight with diet and exercise and manages to keep it off for the most part, although she could stand to lose 10-20 pounds. Anyway, once she saw that I was really loosing good she became an advocate. She even went so far as to recommend it to her overweight friends when they would confide in her about their weight problems. Do what's right for you. For me the advantage that the band gave me was that I was not always fighting that insatiable hunger. What a difference a day makes.... Best of luck to you.
  18. SuzanneG

    Banded 10-16-2008

    cprocotor, I'm so happy that they found your heart condition in time to treat it. Now with the band, you will improve the health of your heart even more. Hang in there, the best is yet to come.
  19. At 5'4.5" and 225 I was in a size 20 pant and 2x shirts. I've lost 71.5 pounds and at 154 pounds, I'm in a loose size 10 and size MEDIUM shirts. (I am still trying to wrap my mind around this! I bought some new ones recently and bought larges and had to take them all back for Med!) I'm going this weekend to try on 8's! I have been putting that off because I was sure they wouldn't fit, but a coworker finally said "Get some new clothes, those are too big!" I agree with the others, try them on, you'll likely be pleasantly surprised. Congrats on your weight loss everyone!
  20. SuzanneG

    Denied -- how should I proceed

    If you don't get good news by tomorrow, plan your appeal. Call your insurance company find out exactly what the problem is and appeal. I filed an appeal that included 2 letters from me, 1 medical and 1 emotional impact of my weight, plus I asked each of my doctors for letters of support, my GYN, GP, gastrointerologist, podiatrist, and of course the bariatric surgeon. The appeal was approved. If you would like sample letters, I'd be happy to send you mine, just PM me your email address. Good luck to you!
  21. I would def find a new PCP. She sounds like an ass. I find I don't care for women doctors as a rule. I used to have a female PCP and after trying every diet there was, as well as pills, she wanted me to try the pills again. I told her that they were making me so mean that I was going to end up in divorce court if I took them again and besides they didn't work for me. She said "would you rather be FAT?". That did it for me, I switched doctors that day. I love my new PCP and he's very pleased with my progress. By the way, my bariatric team has a woman NP and I love her!
  22. Insurance companies aren't in business to help us, they are in business to make money. You are right that they sound like they just don't want to pay. Most insurance companies require a BMI of 40+ which you have, plus you have co-morbidities. Keep pushing them, if they deny you -- appeal! You'll get there.
  23. SuzanneG

    Lasttimetime from VA

    Oh yeah, I have federal BC/BS. My BMI was 35.1 when I first attempted to get approved. I was denied, then appealed. By the time I sent that in, I had gained up to 36.7. Appeal was approved. I'll tell you more about that if you need to appeal, but I'm sure you'll do fine.
  24. SuzanneG

    Lasttimetime from VA

    I'm with Dr. Brengman. Shroeder has done one of my fills and was in the room during my surgery. They are a great group! You'll do fine. If you want to chat offline, just PM your email address and I'll email you seperate. You are going to LOVE Shroeder and Brengman.
  25. SuzanneG


    Onederland is when someone gets their weight into the 100's. Congrats Banded08! Pat yourself on the back and get out there and buy yourself something new! You deserve it! :sad_smile:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
